All Gens Masters League - Commencement Thread


RoAPL Champion

Announcements | Spreadsheet | Player Signups
Welcome to the first edition of Masters League. Masters League is a tournament for up and coming players of Generations 6, 7 and 8. The aim of this tournament is to give players who are working their way into the tournament scene experience playing in a team tour environment with experienced managers who can help them reach their potential.

Feel Free to commence discussions here!

There will be eight teams of ten slots, and the format will be as follows:
  • SM OU
  • SM OU
  • SM OU
  • SS OU
  • SS OU
  • SS OU
  • Masters Bo3
Important notice: to focus on the development of newer players, one cannot sign up to play in Masters League if they meet one or more of the following conditions:
  • You are not eligible to sign up as a player in Masters League if you played a game of ORAS, SM or SS in the following tournaments:
    • Smogon Premier League
    • World Cup of Pokémon (Main Stage)
  • You are not eligible to sign up as a player in Masters League if you played more than three OU games of in any single tier of ORAS, SM or SS in any of the following tournaments:
    • ORASPL
    • SMPL
    • SSPL
    • RoAPL
    • RCoP
    • OUPL
  • Players would for example still be eligible if they played 2 games of SM in SMPL and 1 game of ORAS in RoAPL, but not if they played 3 games of SMPL spread over different tournaments.
Teams will be allocated 130k credits for the auction.
The minimum roster size is 13

Teams and Managers:

:slugma: Scorching Slugmas - Baddy + Quinn
:slowpoke: Baltimore Slowpokes - Slowpoke Fan + dex
:absol: Absols Army - Miyoko + Yovan
:Cresselia: BC WishKillers - Abele01 + zinnias
:Heracross: Hardening Heracrosss - Metallica126 + Unowndragon
:Gholdengo: Gholdenrod Gholdengos - MANNAT + Gingy
:Reshiram: Raging Reshirams - Alpha1013 + Ithi
:kingambit: Bloodline Gambits - feen + Toxinalpaca
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Providing clarification to the following rule regarding eligibility:
Important notice: to focus on the development of newer players, one cannot sign up to play in Masters League if they meet one or more of the following conditions:
  • You are not eligible to sign up as a player in Masters League if you played more than three combined OU games of ORAS, SM or SS in any of the following tournaments:
    • ORASPL
    • SMPL
    • SSPL
    • RoAPL
    • RCoP
    • OUPL
This rule was meant to bar players who have played more than three ORAS, SM or SS OU games combined in any single one of the aforementioned tournaments, not more than three in all of them combined - this league obviously wants to help players who can't make it to any PLs, but there are players who don't get much gametime in side PLs who can also benefit from this platform as well.
Hello prospective gholdengos! If you’d like to play for us and are interested in being mentored by managers that know what it takes to win in team tournaments, then feel free to shoot me a dm on discord at the same username I have here!

I do not have the time nor bandwidth to do tryouts for everyone that messages me, but I would love to have a brief conversation and watch over some replays.
Hi! Those who want to tryout for our team can dm me (my disc: miyokogaming) or yovan (his disc: .yovan) and send us your replays ladder achievements and stuff such as records. We aren't accepting much tryout games except rare cases. Thank you!
Alpha and I are looking for players for all gens! We will be prioritizing swsh/sm/bo3 however oras is still more than welcome! If you'd like to play with us and get to be in a competitive environment, dm either Alpha or I on discord (alpha1013 and ithi respectively) with your replays and a resume of what you've got! If either of us have the time, we can arrange tryouts

Credit to Pat Jamieson for the fire Poke-Lamar art
Interested in joining the Baltimore Slowpokes? Message either Slowpoke Fan or me on Discord! We're glad to talk game and replays. We are aiming to create a learning environment that will foster some true winners.
I wanted to not speak up...
but this is just insane, these managers have proven to be completly incapable of building a roster.
Jeremey 'Longestbanana' Banana going for over 14k while never have even touched SS SM or ORAS shows the experience these managers all have!!!! During this tournament i expect to see his complaints in my teamcord that his steel types cant tera out of their fire weakness.
I wanted to not speak up...
but this is just insane, these managers have proven to be completly incapable of building a roster.
Violet "Chuddy" River going for over 18k while never have even touched SS SM or ORAS shows the experience these managers all have!!!! During this tournament i expect to see her complaints in my teamcord that her slaking isn't "good in this gen".
I wanted to not speak up...
but this is just insane, these managers have proven to be completly incapable of building a roster.
Mielke "mayonaise loving edater" 3 Blades going for under 18k while being fantastic at SS SM at ORAS shows the experience these managers all have!!!! During this tournament i expect to see his complaints in my teamcord that his teams keep winning and he finds it too easily to double on his opps.