name: Special Wall
move 1: Scald
move 2: Haze
move 3: Defog
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-duty Boots
ability: Water Absorb
nature: Calm
evs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Mantine is a good Water immunity and special wall thanks to its bulk. Scald can help with Torkoal, Tyranitar, and Hippowdon while also having a chance to burn physical attackers such as Scizor, Excadrill, and Dracovish. Haze is useful against setup sweepers like Volcorona, Hydreigon, Primarina, and Hatterene. Defog is useful to get rid of Stealth Rock for its teammates while Roost allows Mantine to keep itself healthy thoughout the match. Running 252 HP With 252 Special Defense EVs and a Calm nature allows Mantine to take Indeedee-M's Expanding Force and effectively sponge Volcorona's and Hatterene's attacks and Haze their boosted stats away. Water Absorb allows Mantine to come in on Water-type attacks from Kingdra, Dracovish, and Seismetoad while Heavy-duty boots prevents Mantine from taking Stealth Rock damage.
All teammates appreciate Mantine for being able to come in on Water-type attacks and being able to Haze away boosts from Hatterene, Hydreigon, Primarina, and Volcorona. Mandibuzz is a much needed teammate to help with physical attackers that Mantine cannot take well like Azumarill, Scizor, and Dragapult with Foul Play. Choice Scarf Charizard greatly helps Mantine with taking on Steel- and Bug-types like Ferrothorn, Excadrill, Jirachi, and Galvanta. Noviran greatly helps in the Dragon-type matchup with being able to take on Kyurem and Duraludon. Corviknight is a good partner that greatly helps out in the Fairy matchup with being able to take on Mimikyu, Grimmsnarl, and Azumarill. Choice Scarf Togekiss is also a great partner that can help revenge kill Hydregion and take on Urshifu-S thanks to its Fairy-typing. Hawlucha is another teammate that can greatly help in the Steel-, Bug-, Dark-type matchup with Excadrill, Araquaid, and Urshifu-S thanks to Unburden and its Fighting typing.
- Written by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]
- <Type> analysis by: [[<username1>, <userid1>]]
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