SM OU Manaphy Bulky Offense ~1300

Image result for manaphy sprite gif

Manaphy @ Leftovers
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tail Glow
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Psychic​
Manaphy is the main focus of my team. Swapping in on pokes that Tyranitar and Tapu Bulu cant switch on. Forcing opponents to switch and getting a free +3 attack boost. I ran leftovers on this mon because I took the EV's that would normally go into health and put them into SpAtk for some crazy sweeps. Running ice beam as an answer to flying types and dragons, i've found manaphy to have really good coverage.

Tapu Bulu  sprite from Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

Tapu Bulu @ Choice Band
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Wood Hammer
- Horn Leech
- Superpower
- Zen Headbutt​
Tapu Bulu makes the main core with Manaphy. With Banded wood hammer doing insane damage, it can stab through many bulky water types Manaphy cant. Grassy terrain is also helpful for some of the other mons on this team with the much needed recovery. Superpower and Zend Headbutt are there for coverage, and an unboosted super power or wood hammer 2 Hit KO's most OU walls after Rocks, making it a great and much needed Wall Breaker on this team.

Tyranitar icon

Tyranitar @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 48 SpD / 168 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Earthquake​

Tyranitar Punishes many hazard setters just for switching in, and can pursuit trap pokes if you catch your opponent with a read. Stone edge is here for Celesteela and Zard primarily, but it'll catch other mons off guard such as zapdos. Earth quake just does earthquake things and completely nullifies Koko. The SpD and HP EV's help it life some stab moves from pokes like greninja and kartana. while the speed helps it move up above hazard setters in the speed tier (still gets annihilated by Lando-T)


Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 244 Atk / 68 Def / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Defog​
Lando-T is an all around amazing poke. U-Turn provides safe and great momentum, defog support removes hazards for Tyranitar. Earthquake beats Gren after rocks, destroys Heatran, and can OHKO Magearna after rocks. Covering 3 of the most common mons in one move. Hence why Lando is so good. Running scarf it can lead at low ladder and catch hazard setter leads, snuffing opponents only hazard setter. overall an amazing poke and a great pivot for the team.


Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 228 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power
- Toxic​
This Heatran is a beast. Magma storm OHKO's so many pokes, as well as he sets up rocks. Being a crazy special tank, he can toxic stall out many pokes. Earth power comes in for the fire and electric types you don't want to deal with as heatran, as well as take down some threats to your team, notably Garchomp. Surviving most hits, its not often a Non-Z Attack can wipe out a full health heatran. This set is very standard, and its easy to see why, with great coverage and survivability its hard to go wrong with it.

Image result for mega medicham sprite

Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- High Jump Kick
- Ice Punch
- Zen Headbutt​
PTSD anyone? Mega medicham. A classic. A sweeper. Pure Power! LIterally. With a naturally doubled attack stat where can you go wrong?? ok jokes aside. this pokemon is incredibly good. Ice coverage and high jump kick take care of most mons that threaten this team, and fake out is even there for some extra chip off of lando's U-Turn. This mon is max attack max speed because who needs bulk when you can OHKO the opponent before they can even attack. Amazing control and offensive pressure against many pokes in the tier, just watch out for Zard Y

Zard Y

Please feel free to use my team, and comment your suggestions on how to make it better. I know its not great but itll get you started on the ladder

Manaphy @ Leftovers
Ability: Hydration
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tail Glow
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Psychic

Tapu Bulu @ Choice Band
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Wood Hammer
- Horn Leech
- Superpower
- Zen Headbutt

Tyranitar @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 48 SpD / 168 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Earthquake

Landorus-Therian @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 244 Atk / 68 Def / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Stone Edge
- Defog

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 228 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
- Magma Storm
- Stealth Rock
- Earth Power
- Toxic

Medicham @ Medichamite
Ability: Pure Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fake Out
- High Jump Kick
- Ice Punch
- Zen Headbutt



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Hi, this build looks pretty interesting. Manaphy outside rain is pretty unexplored so I’d like to make some suggestions to improve this team.

Major Changes:

Celesteela over Heatran provides a much more sturdy measure for Mega Alakazam, Tapu Lele, and Kartana while bringing another Ground immunity so Landorus isn’t the only one and is thus less pressured to come in. Celesteela also wears down the opposing team with Leech Seed which can help heal Manaphy and even Pokemon into range of its attacks.


Toxapex over Mega Medicham grants your team another more Water resist so Manaphy and Tapu Bulu don’t need to be worn down every time Ash Greninja comes in while allowing Tapu Bulu to run a more offensive spread which I’ll get into later. Manaphy not having to be worn down is particularly nice since it’s your win con. Toxapex also forms a devestatingly tough to break core with Celesteela and even spreads Toxic and Knock Off to cripple most of Manaphy’s measures.

Minor Changes:
Making Tyranitar mega over Band gives a more sturdy Dark resist that now brings Stealth Rock and makes Pursuit trapping things like Mega Latios, Latias, and Reuniclus much easier. Mega Tyranitar also pressures Zapdos and most Defoggers in general better thanks to the increased bulk. It even checks weakened Mega Mawile thanks to the Sucker Punch resistance and the fact it outspeeds naturally.

Manaphy should be Waterium Z over Leftovers as this team currently lacks a Z Move user and Waterium Z lets Manaphy dent even some bulky resists like Tapu Fini and Rotom-W at +3 while destroying almost any non resist at +3. This is the most flexible change as Icium Z for Tapu Bulu and Ferrothorn or Psychium Z can be used as well but Waterium Z is what works best here.

Tapu Bulu should use a spread of 84 HP / 248 Atk / 176 Spe with an Adamant nature since you now have Toxapex as a better Water resist and Tyranitar as a backup Dark resist. This spread avoids a 2HKO from non transformed Greninja Hydro Pump after Stealth Rock while outspeeding Tyranitar and Crawdaunt. This also lets Tapu Bulu pressure a lot of Manaphy’s switch-ins better while also pressuring Tapu Bulu’s own switch-ins in a way it really couldn’t before. Stone Edge should also be used over Zen Headbutt since Manaphy can handle Mega Venusaur with Psychic at +3 and Tornadus-T is a really annoying presence so killing it without need of Wood Hammer recoil is very nice.

Kartana: Although you have a mixed defense Celesteela, Banded are super dangerous for you to face as they Knock Off Celesteela's Leftovers, making it no longer a good measure and can wear it down easily with Sacred Sword in general. Even Scarf variants need to be handled with care so you don't take a Knock Off and get Leaf Blade powered up thanks to terrain from Tapu Bulu. The best way to handle it is to first scout its set, then you need to wear it down with hits, try to Knock Off with Toxapex if possible, keep Celesteela healthy and with Leftovers as to take it on, and try to get it with Superpower with Tapu Bulu if possible. If you don't handle this thing carefully, you will for sure lose.

Mega Mawile: This is a super scary threat for you to face as nothing on the team can kill it in one shot except a boosted Manaphy and Landorus-T while every time it comes in safely, it takes a Pokemon. Generally, the best way to pressure this to give it as little leverage as possible is to wear it down and get it into range of Tyranitar's Fire Punch or even an attack from Tapu Bulu as they resist Sucker Punch so they can't be revenge killed under normal circumstances. Doubling and pressuring it that way works as well.

Tapu Koko: This thing outspeeds everything on your team except Landorus, can spam Volt Switch and Thunderbolt freely due to the threat of Hidden Power Ice hitting Landorus or Tapu Bulu and removing the former and wearing the latter down badly it and even uses Roost to prevent chip damage from Stealth Rock. It also pressures your defensive core of Toxapex+Celesteela super hard. The best way to handle this thing is to scout if its Choice Specs, Z move, or Shuca and if Choice Specs, predict the locked-in move. However, against any variant, you should try to get up hazards to punish Volt Switch/U-Turn spam as much as possible to wear this down as much as possible. Try to also get Landorus in safely to pressure and force it out and Tyranitar can take a hit and retaliate in the worst case scenario.

Garchomp: Can outspeed a lot of your team if its max speed z, and outspeeds all but 2 members if its a slower helmet variant. If it’s z rock, it can set Stealth Rock relatively easily while getting up Swords Dance and killing something, even your Tapu Bulu. If helmet, it can get up Stealth Rock while not being easy to kill unless you can pull of an Ice beam on it with Manaphy. Try to pressure this with double switches to Landorus and try to Toxic it with Toxapex on the switch. Also try to bait Rockium Z if that's what your facing before sending in Tapu Bulu as it can take a +2 regular Stone Edge from Garchomp and kill back.

Magearna: If it's Shift Gear, this thing can clean through you insanely quickly thanks to how strong it is and the fact many of them run Thunderbolt. If it sets up, try to pull off a Haze with Toxapex before it claims a kill to prevent a sweep and pressure it with doubles to Landorus to force it out. CM Split sets are also very annoying as they're very bulky and often run Thunderbolt along with Pain Split to recover. However, it's much easier to pressure due to its lower potential to clean through the whole game.


Hope you consider these suggestions and hope I helped!
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Hi, this build looks pretty interesting. Manaphy outside rain is pretty unexplored so I’d like to make some suggestions to improve this team.

Major Changes:

Celesteela over Heatran provides a much more sturdy measure for Mega Alakazam, Tapu Lele, and Kartana while bringing another Ground immunity so Landorus isn’t the only one and is thus less pressured to come in. Celesteela also wears down the opposing team with Leech Seed which can help heal Manaphy and even Pokemon into range of its attacks.


Toxapex over Mega Medicham grants your team another more Water resist so Manaphy and Tapu Bulu don’t need to be worn down every time Ash Greninja comes in while allowing Tapu Bulu to run a more offensive spread which I’ll get into later. Manaphy not having to be worn down is particularly nice since it’s your win con. Toxapex also forms a devestatingly tough to break core with Celesteela and even spreads Toxic and Knock Off to cripple most of Manaphy’s measures.

Minor Changes:
Making Tyranitar mega over Band gives a more sturdy Dark resist that now brings Stealth Rock and makes Pursuit trapping things like Mega Latios, Latias, and Reuniclus much easier. Mega Tyranitar also pressures Zapdos and most Defoggers in general better thanks to the increased bulk. It even checks weakened Mega Mawile thanks to the Sucker Punch resistance and the fact it outspeeds naturally.

Manaphy should be Waterium Z over Leftovers as this team currently lacks a Z Move user and Waterium Z lets Manaphy dent even some bulky resists like Tapu Fini and Rotom-W at +3 while destroying almost any non resist at +3. This is the most flexible change as Icium Z for Tapu Bulu and Ferrothorn or Psychium Z can be used as well but Waterium Z is what works best here.

Tapu Bulu should use a spread of 84 HP / 248 Atk / 176 Spe with an Adamant nature since you now have Toxapex as a better Water resist and Tyranitar as a backup Dark resist. This spread avoids a 2HKO from non transformed Greninja Hydro Pump after Stealth Rock while outspeeding Tyranitar and Crawdaunt. This also lets Tapu Bulu pressure a lot of Manaphy’s switch-ins better while also pressuring Tapu Bulu’s own switch-ins in a way it really couldn’t before. Stone Edge should also be used over Zen Headbutt since Manaphy can handle Mega Venusaur with Psychic at +3 and Tornadus-T is a really annoying presence so killing it without need of Wood Hammer recoil is very nice.

Kartana: Although you have a mixed defense Celesteela, Banded are super dangerous for you to face as they Knock Off Celesteela's Leftovers, making it no longer a good measure and can wear it down easily with Sacred Sword in general. Even Scarf variants need to be handled with care so you don't take a Knock Off and get Leaf Blade powered up thanks to terrain from Tapu Bulu. The best way to handle it is to first scout its set, then you need to wear it down with hits, try to Knock Off with Toxapex if possible, keep Celesteela healthy and with Leftovers as to take it on, and try to get it with Superpower with Tapu Bulu if possible. If you don't handle this thing carefully, you will for sure lose.

Mega Mawile: This is a super scary threat for you to face as nothing on the team can kill it in one shot except a boosted Manaphy and Landorus-T while every time it comes in safely, it takes a Pokemon. Generally, the best way to pressure this to give it as little leverage as possible is to wear it down and get it into range of Tyranitar's Fire Punch or even an attack from Tapu Bulu as they resist Sucker Punch so they can't be revenge killed under normal circumstances. Doubling and pressuring it that way works as well.

Tapu Koko: This thing outspeeds everything on your team except Landorus, can spam Volt Switch and Thunderbolt freely due to the threat of Hidden Power Ice hitting Landorus or Tapu Bulu and removing the former and wearing the latter down badly it and even uses Roost to prevent chip damage from Stealth Rock. It also pressures your defensive core of Toxapex+Celesteela super hard. The best way to handle this thing is to scout if its Choice Specs, Z move, or Shuca and if Choice Specs, predict the locked-in move. However, against any variant, you should try to get up hazards to punish Volt Switch/U-Turn spam as much as possible to wear this down as much as possible. Try to also get Landorus in safely to pressure and force it out and Tyranitar can take a hit and retaliate in the worst case scenario.

Garchomp: Can outspeed a lot of your team if its max speed z, and outspeeds all but 2 members if its a slower helmet variant. If it’s z rock, it can set Stealth Rock relatively easily while getting up Swords Dance and killing something, even your Tapu Bulu. If helmet, it can get up Stealth Rock while not being easy to kill unless you can pull of an Ice beam on it with Manaphy. Try to pressure this with double switches to Landorus and try to Toxic it with Toxapex on the switch. Also try to bait Rockium Z if that's what your facing before sending in Tapu Bulu as it can take a +2 regular Stone Edge from Garchomp and kill back.

Magearna: If it's Shift Gear, this thing can clean through you insanely quickly thanks to how strong it is and the fact many of them run Thunderbolt. If it sets up, try to pull off a Haze with Toxapex before it claims a kill to prevent a sweep and pressure it with doubles to Landorus to force it out. CM Split sets are also very annoying as they're very bulky and often run Thunderbolt along with Pain Split to recover. However, it's much easier to pressure due to its lower potential to clean through the whole game.


Hope you consider these suggestions and hope I helped!
Thank you very much for the support :)