Invalid Make Family of Four the base form of Maushold

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Currently, the Family of Three form is treated as the base form of Maushold despite being considerably rarer than Family of Four with a 1/100 chance after evolving. This is inconsistent with how Dudunsparce and Phony vs Antique Sinistea / Polteagiest are handled. There's also competitive merit to this, as Family of Four Maushold is heavier and thus takes less from Heavy Slam / Heat Crash (though most users are heavy enough to where the difference doesn't matter in most cases) but not heavy enough to take more from Low Kick or Grass knot. I just find it odd that the form depicted in its official artwork (Family of Three doesn't even have one) isn't the default one on PS!

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this but I saw a similar thread for the Paldean Tauros forms.
I have bad news for you:


base forms | alt forms
form names.png

Blame Game Freak!
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