- Powerful Mixed Wallbreaker that can break a lot of walls in the tier.
- Great ability in Vital Spirit allows it to switch into Sleep moves.
- Rather slow for an offensive mon.
- Susceptible to entry hazards as it is forced to switch a lot.
- Very diverse move pool allows it to hit many common Fire type switch ins.
Mixed Attacker
name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Fire Blast
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Hidden Power Grass / Focus Blast
ability: Vital Spirit
item: Life Orb / Expert Belt
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
nature: Mild
- Fire Blast is Magmortars main form of STAB and hits most common walls for a great deal of damage.
- Thunderbolt is to hit Water types for super effective damage and the occasional Flying type
- Earthquake is to mainly hit Dragalge and and deal more damage to Probpass/Bastiodon if you choose to not run Focus Blast and it is more reliable anyways.
- Hidden Power Grass hits common rock and ground type pokemon that could take Magmortars other moves like Relicanth, Rhydon, Golem and can also deal
- Focus Blast hits Audino and Lickilicky for Super Effective and easily 2HITKOing them. It also hit's rock types harder if you choose to not run Hidden Power Grass
Set Details
- Max special attack is to hit walls as hard as possible
- Max speed is to speed 80 base speed pokemon or below
- Life Orb is used to give Magmortar the guaranteed 1.2 boost in power and also gives it the freedom to switch up moves and ease predictions
- Expert belt can be used to bluff a choice set and doesn't make Magmortar take recoil damage but sometimes lacks the extra power.
- Mild nature is used to max Magmortars special attack while not taking away damage from Earthquake plus magmortar also has a pretty solid spdef stat
Usage Tips
- Proper double switches and safe switches mean that Magmortar is about to get smashed.
- It can be used as a great Wallbreaker for teams that might struggle against Stall.
- Predicting correctly will lower the damage Magmortar takes from Life Orb.
- Even though Magmortar has decent bulk it's best to not let it take hits because of the Life Orb recoil it will be taking.
Team Options
- Magmortar loves to have Stealth Rocks and Spikes to help it insure 2hitKOs and OHKOs. Good hazard setters that get both Rocks and Spikes are Omastar and Crustle.
- Spinners and Defoggers are a great help to Magmortar as they get rid of hazards so Magmortar does not get futher weakend. Cryogonal, SandSlash and Pelipper are good Choices.
- Fast and Scafed Pokemon that enjoy bulky walls late game gone can get a major help from Magmortars Wallbreaking ability. Scarfed Sawk, Mesprit, Haunter, Jynx and Electivire. Fast Pokemon Swellow, Accelgor, Tauros and Mismagius. All are good examples.
- Due to Magmortars sub par speed it also gets a huge help from Pokemon that can Spam Thunder Wave. Liepard, Probopass, Uxie and Qwilfish are good T-Wave support Pokemon and minus Liepard can also run Rocks or Spikes respectably.
- Choice Scarf Can be used to catch faster Pokemon off guard but the power lose is very notable
- Choice Specs can be used but being locked into 1 move can really hinder Magmortar and put in many bad situations if you miss predict
- Belly Drum + Mach Punch can be used but is very gimmicky and very situational
- Focus Energy + OverHeat is also gimmicky but can be used successfully to an extent
Checks & Counters
**Faster Pokemon** Matmortar can be stopped by some NU's faster Pokemon such as Archeops, Sawk, Electivire and Kangkaskhan due to it's sub par Speed
**Thick Fat Pokemon ** Most notably Hariyama(No one uses Grumpig) Hariyama can take any move Magmortar goes for and OHKO it with Close Combat after 1 Life Orb Recoil
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