Magmortar [QC 0/3]


  • Powerful Mixed Wallbreaker that can break a lot of walls in the tier.
  • Great ability in Vital Spirit allows it to switch into Sleep moves.
  • Rather slow for an offensive mon.
  • Susceptible to entry hazards as it is forced to switch a lot.
  • Very diverse move pool allows it to hit many common Fire type switch ins.

Mixed Attacker
name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Fire Blast
move 2: Thunderbolt
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Hidden Power Grass / Focus Blast
ability: Vital Spirit
item: Life Orb / Expert Belt
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
nature: Mild


  • Fire Blast is Magmortars main form of STAB and hits most common walls for a great deal of damage.
  • Thunderbolt is to hit Water types for super effective damage and the occasional Flying type
  • Earthquake is to mainly hit Dragalge and and deal more damage to Probpass/Bastiodon if you choose to not run Focus Blast and it is more reliable anyways.
  • Hidden Power Grass hits common rock and ground type pokemon that could take Magmortars other moves like Relicanth, Rhydon, Golem and can also deal
  • Focus Blast hits Audino and Lickilicky for Super Effective and easily 2HITKOing them. It also hit's rock types harder if you choose to not run Hidden Power Grass

Set Details

  • Max special attack is to hit walls as hard as possible
  • Max speed is to speed 80 base speed pokemon or below
  • Life Orb is used to give Magmortar the guaranteed 1.2 boost in power and also gives it the freedom to switch up moves and ease predictions
  • Expert belt can be used to bluff a choice set and doesn't make Magmortar take recoil damage but sometimes lacks the extra power.
  • Mild nature is used to max Magmortars special attack while not taking away damage from Earthquake plus magmortar also has a pretty solid spdef stat

Usage Tips

  • Proper double switches and safe switches mean that Magmortar is about to get smashed.
  • It can be used as a great Wallbreaker for teams that might struggle against Stall.
  • Predicting correctly will lower the damage Magmortar takes from Life Orb.
  • Even though Magmortar has decent bulk it's best to not let it take hits because of the Life Orb recoil it will be taking.

Team Options

  • Magmortar loves to have Stealth Rocks and Spikes to help it insure 2hitKOs and OHKOs. Good hazard setters that get both Rocks and Spikes are Omastar and Crustle.
  • Spinners and Defoggers are a great help to Magmortar as they get rid of hazards so Magmortar does not get futher weakend. Cryogonal, SandSlash and Pelipper are good Choices.
  • Fast and Scafed Pokemon that enjoy bulky walls late game gone can get a major help from Magmortars Wallbreaking ability. Scarfed Sawk, Mesprit, Haunter, Jynx and Electivire. Fast Pokemon Swellow, Accelgor, Tauros and Mismagius. All are good examples.
  • Due to Magmortars sub par speed it also gets a huge help from Pokemon that can Spam Thunder Wave. Liepard, Probopass, Uxie and Qwilfish are good T-Wave support Pokemon and minus Liepard can also run Rocks or Spikes respectably.
Other Options
  • Choice Scarf Can be used to catch faster Pokemon off guard but the power lose is very notable
  • Choice Specs can be used but being locked into 1 move can really hinder Magmortar and put in many bad situations if you miss predict
  • Belly Drum + Mach Punch can be used but is very gimmicky and very situational
  • Focus Energy + OverHeat is also gimmicky but can be used successfully to an extent

Checks & Counters

**Faster Pokemon** Matmortar can be stopped by some NU's faster Pokemon such as Archeops, Sawk, Electivire and Kangkaskhan due to it's sub par Speed
**Thick Fat Pokemon ** Most notably Hariyama(No one uses Grumpig) Hariyama can take any move Magmortar goes for and OHKO it with Close Combat after 1 Life Orb Recoil
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why is modest specs? isn't one-hundred-twenty-something special attack enough for specs w/o modest?
Generally Magmortar is used as a wallbreaker, and the power that Modest gives you is very noticeable. Of course timid is an option if you want it to have an easier time vs offensive teams, but that's not its role on a team - it's there to break through defensive cores with its raw power.

Edit at above: I think specs is worthy of it's own set, as it can break stuff that the lifeorb set can't.
SpDef Lickilicky, Audino, 2hkoing Def Toad with its STAB. there's merits to running it, and I'd personally say its worthy of a set; feel free to disagree with me though :]
Generally Magmortar is used as a wallbreaker, and the power that Modest gives you is very noticeable. Of course timid is an option if you want it to have an easier time vs offensive teams, but that's not its role on a team - it's there to break through defensive cores with its raw power.

Edit at above: I think specs is worthy of it's own set, as it can break stuff that the lifeorb set can't.
SpDef Lickilicky, Audino, 2hkoing Def Toad with its STAB. there's merits to running it, and I'd personally say its worthy of a set; feel free to disagree with me though :]
ahh, ok, thank you for clearing that up
252 SpA Life Orb Magmortar Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Lickilicky: 247-291 (58.2 - 68.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
No need for specs there so I still don't think it deserves its own set, it doesn't differ enough from the LO set.
EQ is also for Lanturn and Flareon and HP Grass is primarily for Seismitoad as well

Hasty nature (+Spe -Def) in Set Details for Adamant Sawk, Timid Mesprit, and opposing Mags

Don't really get the wording of the first point in UT, it's "about" to get smashed with proper doubles and safe switches? Clarify that point please

Remove Omastar from TO

Psychic in OO, 2HKOes Hariyama after some prior damage while retaining coverage on Dragalge. Add Sub as well

Add Water-types like Gatr as checks since they can come in on Fire Blast and scare it out. Entry hazards also wear it down a ton so make note of those too

Dolph The Showoff
the original user deleted this thread and said they no longer had time to work on it. can someone take it over, then have a mod move this to l&o?