Pokémon Lycanroc-Dusk

Base Stats: 75/117/65/55/65/110
Abilities: Tough Claws
Notable Moves: Accelerock, Psychic Fangs, Close Combat, Iron Head, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Sucker Punch
New Moves: Tera Blast, Trailblaze, Tail Slap, Charm, Mud Slap
Lost Moves: Attract, Confide

— Amazing revenge killer with Accelerock. Most of the fast attackers we know are frail on the physical side.
— 110 Speed might not seem like much in the metagame, but it's still speedy and can greatly deal damage whether with Choice Band or SD LO
— Just enough coverage to deal with its would be checks (Ex: Clodsire which would normally check Lycanroc-Dusk dies to Psychic Fangs or Psychic Tera Blast)

— Frail as hell in both sides, so if it doesn't get the kill then it's probably going to die by the opponent's attack. Or at the very least, take a huge hit. Don't even think about switching it in on said attack
— Has to rely on an SD boost or Choice Band
— Ironically weak to priority and revenge killers
— A little bit of 4MMS along with choosing Tera Types
— And like any good physical attacker, it absolutely despises Status moves

Terastalize Potential:
Rock boosts up Accelerock and Stone Edge's power thanks to the STAB boost, being able to deal more damage. Though the latter is known as Stone Miss too
Fire gives its Tera Blast a way to deal with Steel and Grass types, two of the types that constantly wall Lycanroc-Dusk. It also reduces damage from Mach Punch, Ice Shard and First Impression (if its defenses don't fail it). Water does the same for Steel and Ground types, though no resist against First Impression
Psychic deals with Poison and Fighting types that otherwise wall it, especially Clodsire or Annilihape. The latter needs to have chip damage though
— It's not recommended to Tera it defensively. You could go for Steel or Ground, but perhaps try to use those types offensively while you're at it

All-Out Attacker
Lycanroc-Dusk @ Choice Band/Life Orb
Ability: Tough Claws
Tera Type: Fire/Rock/Water/Psychic
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Tera Blast
- Accelerock
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge/Psychic Fangs/Iron Head

Lycanroc-Dusk can customize its Tera Type to fit its team so that it becomes a strong attacker. Your opponent would have to scout what type ir has before making any judgement. It works great on pivot teams and appreciates hazard support a lot.

A Swords Dance set can be used by replacing one of the moves and using Life Orb as its item. However, you'd have to choose what coverage would you really want with it.

Lycanroc-Dusk is a powerful priority revenge killer, and can definitely destroy teams that have been worn down by it's teammates. There's definitely a niche for it here in OU. Even if it's stuck with 4MMS.
Lycanroc-Dusk needs a lot of team support to be successful. It has a lot of issues with most of the pokemon in OU and is incredibly hard pressed to be able to set up. From my experience Choice Band is the most viable set being to hit hard from the very start
i know this is an OU thread but since theres nowhere to talk about this thing in ru im just gonna do it here.
i think its worth dropping stone miss. close combat hits harder cuz tough claws and actually hits the opponent. wondering what i should replace it with tho. psychic fangs, play rough, and crunch come to mind