name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Meteor Mash
move 3: Dark Pulse
move 4: Extreme Speed / Ice Punch
item: Life Orb
ability: Inner Focus / Justified
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Lucario is among UU's most threatening wallbreakers thanks to its excellent mixed offenses, solid Speed and typing, and expansive coverage movepool. In addition to its powerful STAB attacks, Dark Pulse provides strong coverage against various Ghost-types, 2HKOing Doublade and Chandelure. Extreme Speed provides Lucario with strong priority that can pick off weakened faster threats, like Noivern, Heliolisk, and Choice Scarf Gardevoir. Alternatively, Ice Punch allows Lucario to net a KO on Noivern and Flygon, two of its more common blanket checks, while reliably powering through Roserade. Flash Cannon is an option over Meteor Mash for its better accuracy and ability to cleanly KO Galarian Weezing, though Meteor Mash more reliably pressures the likes of Sylveon, Gardevoir, and Reuniclus. Thunder Punch offers coverage against Mantine and Golisopod, which are strong checks to this set, but otherwise isn't very applicable. Inner Focus is the best ability for providing an immunity to Intimidate from Pokemon like Incineroar and Arcanine, though Justified can allow Lucario to take advantage of Umbreon. A Naive nature is preferred so as not to decrease Lucario's special damage output.
This set's combination of Speed and wallbreaking prowess makes it a solid fit on most offenses. The likes of Rhyperior and Gigalith can chip foes for Lucario to more easily break past with Stealth Rock while also checking various Pokemon capable of revenge killing it, like Darmanitan and Noivern. Pivots also make useful teammates for their ability to safely bring Lucario into play. Incineroar can ease the matchup against Doublade while luring in Gigalith and opposing Incineroar, while Heliolisk can pressure Mantine and Golisopod for Lucario while potentially revenge killing Cobalion. Other Electric-types, like Toxtricity and Rotom-W, can overwhelm the aforementioned Water-types for Lucario. Late-game sweepers value this set for its ability to weaken opposing teams. Dragon Dance Haxorus appreciates Lucario's ability to weaken Doublade and Fairy-types, while Doublade can clean up while providing the defensive utility of a Steel-type that Lucario struggles to offer. Psychic- and Ghost-types like Reuniclus, Espeon, and Chandelure enjoy Lucario's ability to ease their matchups against opposing Dark- and Ghost-types.
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Meteor Mash / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
This set allows Lucario to tap into its potential as a dangerous late-game sweeper or mid-game wallbreaker. Extreme Speed provides vital priority that can overwhelm several faster Pokemon when boosted, including Darmanitan, Inteleon, Espeon, and Noivern after minor chip damage. Meteor Mash smacks Fairy-types like Galarian Weezing and Sylveon, though Earthquake is a decent alternative for its ability to power through Doublade after some chip damage and a boost. The lack of coverage for Fairy-types should be noted, however. An Adamant nature is an option for allowing Lucario to KO Darmanitan with a boosted Extreme Speed while requiring little chip damage to cleanly KO Noivern, though the drop in Speed is often unfavorable. Justified allows Lucario to be less reliant on setup if it can pivot in on a Dark-type attack. However, Inner Focus still allows Lucario to ignore Intimidate from Arcanine and cleanly OHKO it with +2 Close Combat.
Swords Dance Lucario's nature as a late-game cleaner makes it a solid fit on offensive builds. Entry hazard support is paramount in allowing Lucario to break past opposing teams as easily as possible, making the likes of Spikes Roserade, Rhyperior, and Necrozma solid teammates. Araquanid and Ribombee can also be useful for their ability to provide Stick Web support, patching up Lucario's slightly average Speed. Cobalion can almost always reliably revenge kill Lucario, making Pokemon that check it like Chandelure, Noivern, and Toxtricity good partners. Doublade can check Cobalion while also taking on Fairy- and Psychic-types, something Lucario can struggle to do as a Steel-type. Pivots like Rotom-W and Tsareena can safely bring Lucario into play to ease setup, luring in Pokemon it can match up well against like Roserade. Incineroar and the aforementioned Tsareena can pivot Lucario into play while utilizing Knock Off to burden some of its checks, such as Noivern and Doublade. Electric-types like Heliolisk and the aforementioned Rotom-W pressure Water-types like Mantine and Golisopod for Lucario to more easily overwhelm in the late-game. Answers to Chandelure and Doublade, such as Incineroar and Milotic, can allow Lucario to more safely run Meteor Mash in its fourth slot. Fast Pokemon like Noivern and Choice Scarf Flygon can be useful in relieving Lucario's issues with its Speed, taking on faster threats like Haxorus and Heliolisk or weakening them into range of Extreme Speed. Strong wallbreakers like Roserade and Darmanitan can punch holes in teams for Lucario to more easily break past late-game. Roserade can also help overwhelm the checks it shares with Lucario, like Cobalion and Doublade.
- Written by: [[Hilomilo, 313384]]
- Quality checked by: [[Twilight, 344575], [Estarossa, 461329]]
- Grammar checked by: [[The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
name: Mixed Attacker
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Meteor Mash
move 3: Dark Pulse
move 4: Extreme Speed / Ice Punch
item: Life Orb
ability: Inner Focus / Justified
nature: Naive
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Lucario is among UU's most threatening wallbreakers thanks to its excellent mixed offenses, solid Speed and typing, and expansive coverage movepool. In addition to its powerful STAB attacks, Dark Pulse provides strong coverage against various Ghost-types, 2HKOing Doublade and Chandelure. Extreme Speed provides Lucario with strong priority that can pick off weakened faster threats, like Noivern, Heliolisk, and Choice Scarf Gardevoir. Alternatively, Ice Punch allows Lucario to net a KO on Noivern and Flygon, two of its more common blanket checks, while reliably powering through Roserade. Flash Cannon is an option over Meteor Mash for its better accuracy and ability to cleanly KO Galarian Weezing, though Meteor Mash more reliably pressures the likes of Sylveon, Gardevoir, and Reuniclus. Thunder Punch offers coverage against Mantine and Golisopod, which are strong checks to this set, but otherwise isn't very applicable. Inner Focus is the best ability for providing an immunity to Intimidate from Pokemon like Incineroar and Arcanine, though Justified can allow Lucario to take advantage of Umbreon. A Naive nature is preferred so as not to decrease Lucario's special damage output.
This set's combination of Speed and wallbreaking prowess makes it a solid fit on most offenses. The likes of Rhyperior and Gigalith can chip foes for Lucario to more easily break past with Stealth Rock while also checking various Pokemon capable of revenge killing it, like Darmanitan and Noivern. Pivots also make useful teammates for their ability to safely bring Lucario into play. Incineroar can ease the matchup against Doublade while luring in Gigalith and opposing Incineroar, while Heliolisk can pressure Mantine and Golisopod for Lucario while potentially revenge killing Cobalion. Other Electric-types, like Toxtricity and Rotom-W, can overwhelm the aforementioned Water-types for Lucario. Late-game sweepers value this set for its ability to weaken opposing teams. Dragon Dance Haxorus appreciates Lucario's ability to weaken Doublade and Fairy-types, while Doublade can clean up while providing the defensive utility of a Steel-type that Lucario struggles to offer. Psychic- and Ghost-types like Reuniclus, Espeon, and Chandelure enjoy Lucario's ability to ease their matchups against opposing Dark- and Ghost-types.
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Extreme Speed
move 4: Meteor Mash / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
This set allows Lucario to tap into its potential as a dangerous late-game sweeper or mid-game wallbreaker. Extreme Speed provides vital priority that can overwhelm several faster Pokemon when boosted, including Darmanitan, Inteleon, Espeon, and Noivern after minor chip damage. Meteor Mash smacks Fairy-types like Galarian Weezing and Sylveon, though Earthquake is a decent alternative for its ability to power through Doublade after some chip damage and a boost. The lack of coverage for Fairy-types should be noted, however. An Adamant nature is an option for allowing Lucario to KO Darmanitan with a boosted Extreme Speed while requiring little chip damage to cleanly KO Noivern, though the drop in Speed is often unfavorable. Justified allows Lucario to be less reliant on setup if it can pivot in on a Dark-type attack. However, Inner Focus still allows Lucario to ignore Intimidate from Arcanine and cleanly OHKO it with +2 Close Combat.
Swords Dance Lucario's nature as a late-game cleaner makes it a solid fit on offensive builds. Entry hazard support is paramount in allowing Lucario to break past opposing teams as easily as possible, making the likes of Spikes Roserade, Rhyperior, and Necrozma solid teammates. Araquanid and Ribombee can also be useful for their ability to provide Stick Web support, patching up Lucario's slightly average Speed. Cobalion can almost always reliably revenge kill Lucario, making Pokemon that check it like Chandelure, Noivern, and Toxtricity good partners. Doublade can check Cobalion while also taking on Fairy- and Psychic-types, something Lucario can struggle to do as a Steel-type. Pivots like Rotom-W and Tsareena can safely bring Lucario into play to ease setup, luring in Pokemon it can match up well against like Roserade. Incineroar and the aforementioned Tsareena can pivot Lucario into play while utilizing Knock Off to burden some of its checks, such as Noivern and Doublade. Electric-types like Heliolisk and the aforementioned Rotom-W pressure Water-types like Mantine and Golisopod for Lucario to more easily overwhelm in the late-game. Answers to Chandelure and Doublade, such as Incineroar and Milotic, can allow Lucario to more safely run Meteor Mash in its fourth slot. Fast Pokemon like Noivern and Choice Scarf Flygon can be useful in relieving Lucario's issues with its Speed, taking on faster threats like Haxorus and Heliolisk or weakening them into range of Extreme Speed. Strong wallbreakers like Roserade and Darmanitan can punch holes in teams for Lucario to more easily break past late-game. Roserade can also help overwhelm the checks it shares with Lucario, like Cobalion and Doublade.
- Written by: [[Hilomilo, 313384]]
- Quality checked by: [[Twilight, 344575], [Estarossa, 461329]]
- Grammar checked by: [[The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
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