NOC Low Power Mafia -- Mafia Win


the bear becomes the ringleader
is a Forum Moderatoris a Top Community Contributor
Cohost sunny004

OK I made a setup it's cool enough.

The roles are below:

Vanilla Town
You are Vanilla Town.

You don’t have a special ability.

You are Town. You win when there are no Mafia members remaining.
Town Bell Ringer

You are Town Bell Ringer.

If you are eliminated during the day, the following night phase will be skipped and the next day will immediately start. However, if you are eliminated at night, the following day phase will be skipped and the next night will immediately start.

You are Town. You win when there are no Mafia members remaining.
Town Bunyip
You are Town Bunyip.

You can target another player at night. If your target is a vanilla role, and would be killed by the factional nightkill, they will instead stay alive. Regardless of whethore or not you block a kill, you will learn if your target is vanilla or not, or at least whether you believe they are.

You are Town. You win when there are no Mafia members remaining.
Town Aboriginal Innocent Child
You are Town Aboriginal Innocent Child.

You have no special ability. However, if the Town Bunyip dies, your identity will be revealed in the game thread. You will no longer count as a vanilla role should this happen, and be unable to be protected by the Town Bunyip.

You are Town. You win when there are no Mafia members remaining.
Careful Town
You are Careful Town.

You learn what ability targets you at night, if any.

You are Town. You win when there are no Mafia members remaining.
Town Cryptologist
You are Town Cryptologist.

If the Bunyip blocks a kill, you will receive the ability to target someone during the following day phase. Your target will die.

You are Town. You win when there are no Mafia members remaining.
Town Backup Bunyip
You are Town Backup Bunyip.

If the Bunyip dies, you will become a Bunyip. Despite having no ability while the Bunyip is alive, the Bunyip will not believe you are vanilla if it targets you.

You are Town. You win when there are no Mafia members remaining.
Mafia Rolecop
You are Mafia Rolecop.

You can target another player at night. You will receive your target's Role PM.

You are Mafia. You win if Mafia reaches parity with Town, or nothing can prevent this.
Mafia Vanilliser
You are Mafia Vanilliser.

You can target another player at night. If your target is not already Vanilla Town, their Role PM will become Vanilla Town. Furthermore, they will be deleted from the vigilante list, and be unable to receive the gun. Finally, if targeted by the Bunyip, they will believe you are vanilla.

You are Mafia. You win if Mafia reaches parity with Town, or nothing can prevent this.
Mafia Cryptologist Student
You are Mafia Cryptologist Student.

If the Town Cryptologist is dead or vanillised, and the Bunyip blocks a kill, you will receive the ability to target someone during the following day phase. Your target will die. Furthermore, if you are targeted by the Bunyip while the Town Cryptologist is alive, the Bunyip will believe you are vanilla.

You are Mafia. You win if Mafia reaches parity with Town, or nothing can prevent this.
Mafia Goon
You are Mafia Goon.

You don’t have a special ability.

You are Mafia. You win if Mafia reaches parity with Town, or nothing can prevent this.

The Gun:

This game has a gun. The player list will be randomised at the beginning of the game, and the order of this randomisation will determine the priority order for the gun. The gun may only be fired once for every 4 players that die. The player with the gun only learns that they have the gun during a night phase where it can be fired, and must fire the gun at another player, killing them. If they do not select a target, they will target themself. If the mafia nightkills the player who currently holds the gun, whether that player knows they have it or not, the kill carrier will take the gun instead of it passing on to the next member of the town as per usual. Once a player fires the gun, they cannot receive the gun again. If there are no eligible holders of the gun, the gun is removed from the game.


Similar to the gun, the playerlist will be randomised at the beginning of the game a second time. The alive player highest on the list functions as the tiebreak mayor for the day. If the votes tie, whoever that player is voting for dies. If the tiebreak mayor is not voting for a player involved in the tie, the mayoralty automatically passes on down the priority list until it is given to a player who is voting within the tied wagons. Unlike with the gun, the mafia can receive the mayoralty through the random list. Players do not know they are the mayor. Even if the mayoralty is not used during a day phase, it will be passed on to the next player in the priority list once a day phase ends. Players can be mayors multiple times, and simply move to the bottom of the priority list once they have held the mayoralty.


Role PMs being sent out now. I'll unlock the thread once they're sent out. Please post in this thread confirming you have read your Role PM. Once everyone has done this, or once a sufficient number have by the next deadline (so 10PM GMT+-0), then the game will begin.

Cycles will be 48 hour days and 24 hour nights. I'm going away this weekend so this may be thrown off immediately, we'll see!

1. a fairy Voted out D6 — Vanilla Town
2. Nuxl
3. ImaginaryNeon Voted out D1 -- Town Cryptologist
4. JALMONT Killed N6 -- Vanilla Town
5. SherlockADH Alice Kazumi
6. CrreamyKitty Killed N5 -- Town Aboriginal Innocent Child
7. StupidFlandrs48 apricity
8. pulsar512b Ehmcee
9. Aura Guardian Voted out D5 -- Vanilla Town
10. realiti Voted out D3 -- Mafia Goon
11. bluedoom Killed N6 (Gun) -- Mafia Vanilliser
12. M2H Killed N3 -- Vanilla Town
13. des121
14. skippergamez Killed N4 -- Town Bunyip
15. Dead by Daylight Voted out D4 -- Vanilla Town
16. Lechen
17. AngryPidgeon Killed N1 -- Town Backup Bunyip
18. NightEmerald
19. Duskfall98 Killed N3 (Gun) -- Vanilla Town
20. HydrogenHydreigon Voted out D2 -- Town Bell Ringer
21. thechickening Killed N5 (Gun) -- Mafia Cryptozoologist Student


1. meamPearl
2. Alice Kazumi
3. apricity
4. Ehmcee

5. ElectricityCat
6. AligningStar
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Ok so I forgot how mafia works and both of the win conditions are “reach parity with the other faction” which makes the game always a tie.

As with every other mafia game, town’s win condition is:

You are Town. You win when there are no Mafia members remaining.

I’ll edit it into the role PMs in the OP tomorrow and I’ll reiterate this at D1 start lol.

You know this game is gonna be good because, just like so many good games of our time, it was rushed out in an unfinished state and requires a day 1 patch.

The most important thing to note is that the roles are all in the OP, in the spoiler / hide tag. This is an open setup game, read the roles, thank you folks.

Anyway, Patch Notes:
  • Changed Town win condition to "You are Town. You win when there are no Mafia members remaining.". This is a balance change, making it possible for the town to win, unlike the original version.
  • Removed the phrase "You have no special ability." from the Careful Town Role PM. On reflection, the devs felt that this implied it would be considered vanilla by the Bunyip, and thus be able to be protected at night, but this was never the intention. The devs were tired when making this game.
  • Clarified Town Bunyip ability wording to "Regardless of whether or not you block a kill, you will learn if your target is vanilla or not..." The devs found the original wording unclear, as it could imply the Bunyip only learns if the target is vanilla if they successfully block a kill on them.
  • Capitalised the lower case r in "Role PM" in Mafia Vanilliser's Role PM. It annoyed me.
Besides that, I want a cigarette and I don't want to go all the way outside just to come back in 20 minutes to start Day 1, so we're starting it early.

Not tagging the people who confirmed because hopefully they've watched the thread already, but will tag those who haven't: JALMONT SherlockADH StupidFlandrs48 Lechen thechickening

DAY ENDS IN 48 hours 20 minutes, or when this clock runs out
welcome back to smogon mafia nuxl *audience cheers*

won’t be giga top posting #worklife but it is of utmost importance that any PRs show up to end of day
Quite fond of old days where I’d cyberstalk people and seeing whether or not they dipped into their role pm message