
Ability: Swarm / Tinted Lens (HA)
Base Stats : 71 / 102 / 78 / 52 / 55 / 92 ( Total : 450)
. First Impression . Leech Life
. U-turn . Sucker punch
. Throat Chop . Axe Kick
. Swords Dance
. U-turn . Sucker punch
. Throat Chop . Axe Kick
. Swords Dance
- Agility
- Axe Kick
- Brick Break
- Bug Buzz
- Counter
- Dark Pulse
- Detect
- Facade
- First Impression
- Leech Life
- Low Kick
- Lunge
- Protect
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Substitute
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance
- Taunt
- Tera Blast
- Throat Chop
- U-turn
- X-Scissor
- Aerial Ace
- Assurance
- Astonish
- Bounce
- Bug Bite
- Double Kick
- Endure
- Feint
- Fling
- Giga Impact
- Leer
- Low Sweep
- Pounce
- Rain Dance
- Reversal
- Scary Face
- Screech
- Skitter Smack
- Struggle Bug
- Sunny Day
- Tackle
- Take Down
- Thief
- Trailblaze
- Base 102 attack boosted with tinted lens is really strong.
- Decent speed of base 92 along with strong priority moves like sucker punch and first -impression
- Got access to boosting moves like swords dance and trailblaze which can further increase its offensive capabilities.
- Excellent ability in Tinted Lens - which is a really nice ability for a bug-dark type pokemon.
- Bug - dark is not the best defensive typing and the weak defensive stat of 71/78/55 can create problems for setting up
- Not the fastest or the bulkiest mon out there with only base 92 speed.
- Not a lot of coverage option except for aerial ace and axe kick .
Terastallize Potential :
Lokix is a really strong physical attacker and one of those mons , which would very much want the tera boost of its own typing rather than any other typing for coverage . It already has an amazing ability in Tinted Lens , so coverage is not always a problem.Therefore , bug and dark are the tera types which would hugely benefit Lokix.
Potential Sets :
Lokix @ Choice Band
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Bug/Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant/Jolly Nature
- First Impression
- Sucker Punch
- Leech Life / u-turn
- Axe Kick/Throat Chop
The main idea behind this set is to hit as hard has possible with choice band and STAB boosted first impression/sucker punch/leech life . Both sucker punch and first impression provide priority , whose power can be boosted by the respective tera type. Adamant nature can be used over jolly nature for stronger hits since you will mostly have priority by your side. Tinted lens provides enough power to even ko frail mons with resisted first impression and sucker punches.
Lokix @ Life Orb
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Bug / Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- First Impression
- Sucker Punch
- Leech Life / u-turn /Throat chop
- Swords Dance
This set uses swords dance as its main boosting move , tinted lens as always to boost the power of resisted hits . Life orb for stronger hits , first impression is always a great bug-type attack with +2 priority , throat chop can be used over sucker punch , leech life for STAB. Just like the previous set , even this set appreciates the extra boost from tera bug or tera dark . With proper team support like screens and shed tail to get lokix in position. This mon can turn into a powerful sweeper.
Lokix is a really strong and potent physical attacker in this generation . Though its outspeed by a lot of the new mons , access to tinted lens and moves like first impression and sucker punch , cover up its lack of speed . Stat boosting moves like swords dance and trailblaze further ease its task of wallbreaking . Maybe it is time for another bug type mon to dominate the OU meta with its presence after buzzwole and volcarona . Personally I have been using lokix a bit , and I was really amazed the first time I used it . Be sure to let me know about your thoughts on the now strongest physical bug type pokemon.

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