AAA Loid Forger from Spy x Family (Inteleon) [Done]

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Primordial Sea (Inteleon) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- U-turn
- Mud Shot
- Ice Beam / Surf

Inteleon is a strong wallbreaker that fits well on balance and bulky offense teams. U-turn allows it to pivot out on switch-ins like Hisuian Goodra and Blissey while also forming strong VoltTurn cores with other pivots like Galarian Zapdos and Slither Wing that can wear down each other's checks with entry hazards up. Mud Shot allows it to threaten Desolate Land Fire-types like Iron Moth and Cinderace that would otherwise switch into Inteleon freely. Ice Beam allows it to chip specially bulky Dragon-types like RegenVest Roaring Moon and Goodra, while Surf acts as a more reliable option late-game when the opposing team has been heavily chipped or to snipe frailer or slower targets like Azelf and both Zapdos formes. Physical wallbreakers like Chien-Pao and Roaring Moon appreciate Inteleon pivoting into them on its switch-ins like the aforementioned Hisuian Goodra and Blissey as well as Inteleon's ability to threaten physical walls like Corviknight and defensive Quaquaval. Inteleon brings close to no defensive utility bar a Fire-type move immunity, which means that walls like Corviknight and Goodra are a must-have to make up for the lack of defensive utility; these Pokemon also switch into revenge killing attempts from Slither Wing and Regieleki. Inteleon appreciates Spikes support from Pokemon like Garchomp and Ting-Lu that helps it to wear down RegenVest Pokemon like Meloetta and Alolan Muk.

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QC 1/2
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Inteleon is a strong wallbreaker that fits well on balance and bulky offense teams with its ability to dent holes into opposing teams and mention its pivoting abilities, since it usually pivots in breakers rather than breaking itself. U-turn allows it to pivot out on switchins <- add hyphen like Hisuian Goodra and Blissey while also forming strong VoltTurn cores with other pivots like Galarian Zapdos and Slither Wing that can wear down each other's checks with entry hazards up. Mud Shot may seem strange on the surface, however, Mud Shot allows it to threaten Desolate Land Fire-types like Iron Moth and Cinderace that would otherwise switch into Inteleon freely, Ice Beam allows it to chip specially bulky Dragon-types like RegenVest Roaring Moon and Goodra and Surf acts as a more reliable option late-game when the opposing team has been heavily chipped. <- Surf is a good cleanup option but you should also mention its reliability vs frailer targets in general Physical wallbreakers like Chien-Pao and Ceruledge I don't like Ceru as the example here since it hard switches into Blissey a lot of the times, maybe try a breaker like Roaring Moon or Cinderace who actually care about taking a Seismic Toss or Twave. appreciate Inteleon pivoting into them on its switchins <- add hyphen like the aforementioned Hisuian Goodra and Blissey as well as Inteleon's ability to threaten physical walls like Corviknight and defensive Quaquaval. Inteleon brings close to no defensive utility bar a Fire-type move immunity which means that walls like Corviknight and Hisuian Goodra personal preference but I think Kalos Goodra pairs better with Inteleon since it's resistant to Dlanders. are a must-have to make up for the lack of defensive utility; these Pokemon also switch into revenge-killing <- remove hyphen attempts from Slither Wing and Regieleki. Mention how Inteleon really likes Spikes support helping it wear down its RegenVest checks.
seal of approval.gif
still stampless but this is cute
[Primordial Sea] Inteleon Primordial Sea (Inteleon) @ Choice Specs wrong format
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- U-turn
- Mud Shot
- Ice Beam / Surf

Inteleon is a strong wallbreaker that fits well on balance and bulky offense teams with its ability to dent holes into opposing teams (already said it's a strong wallbreaker). U-turn allows it to pivot out on switch-ins like Hisuian Goodra and Blissey while also forming strong VoltTurn cores with other pivots like Galarian Zapdos and Slither Wing that can wear down each other's checks with entry hazards up. Mud Shot allows it to threaten Desolate Land Fire-types like Iron Moth and Cinderace that would otherwise switch into Inteleon freely, Ice Beam allows it to chip specially bulky Dragon-types like RegenVest Roaring Moon and Goodra and Surf acts as a more reliable option late-game when the opposing team has been heavily chipped, or to snipe frailer or slower targets like Azelf and both Zapdos. Physical wallbreakers like Chien-Pao and Roaring Moon appreciate Inteleon pivoting into them on its switch-ins like the aforementioned Hisuian Goodra and Blissey as well as Inteleon's ability to threaten physical walls like Corviknight and defensive Quaquaval. Inteleon brings close to no defensive utility bar a Fire-type move immunity which means that walls like Corviknight and Goodra are a must-have to make up for the lack of defensive utility; these Pokemon also switch into revenge killing attempts from Slither Wing and Regieleki. Inteleon appreciates spikes support from Pokemon like Garchomp and Ting-Lu that helps it to wear down RegenVest Pokemon like Meloetta and Alolan Muk.

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Looks good, qc 2/2

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Primordial Sea (Inteleon) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- U-turn
- Mud Shot
- Ice Beam / Surf

Inteleon is a strong wallbreaker that fits well on balance and bulky offense teams. U-turn allows it to pivot out on switch-ins like Hisuian Goodra and Blissey while also forming strong VoltTurn cores with other pivots like Galarian Zapdos and Slither Wing that can wear down each other's checks with entry hazards up. Mud Shot allows it to threaten Desolate Land Fire-types like Iron Moth and Cinderace that would otherwise switch into Inteleon freely. (Made this into two separate sentences to designate one being for what Mud Shot does and one for the 4th move slot, rather than having it all in one sentence) Ice Beam allows it to chip specially bulky Dragon-types like RegenVest Roaring Moon and Goodra, (add comma) and while Surf acts as a more reliable option late-game when the opposing team has been heavily chipped, or to snipe frailer or slower targets like Azelf and both Zapdos. Physical wallbreakers like Chien-Pao and Roaring Moon appreciate Inteleon pivoting into them on its switch-ins like the aforementioned Hisuian Goodra and Blissey as well as Inteleon's ability to threaten physical walls like Corviknight and defensive Quaquaval. Inteleon brings close to no defensive utility bar a Fire-type move immunity which means that walls like Corviknight and Goodra are a must-have to make up for the lack of defensive utility; these Pokemon also switch into revenge killing attempts from Slither Wing and Regieleki. Inteleon appreciates Spikes spikes support from Pokemon like Garchomp and Ting-Lu that helps it to wear down RegenVest Pokemon like Meloetta and Alolan Muk.

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UT (GP Tutor Program)
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Primordial Sea (Inteleon) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Primordial Sea
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- U-turn
- Mud Shot
- Ice Beam / Surf

Inteleon is a strong wallbreaker that fits well on balance and bulky offense teams. U-turn allows it to pivot out on switch-ins like Hisuian Goodra and Blissey while also forming strong VoltTurn cores with other pivots like Galarian Zapdos and Slither Wing that can wear down each other's checks with entry hazards up. Mud Shot allows it to threaten Desolate Land Fire-types like Iron Moth and Cinderace that would otherwise switch into Inteleon freely. Ice Beam allows it to chip specially bulky Dragon-types like RegenVest Roaring Moon and Goodra, while Surf acts as a more reliable option late-game when the opposing team has been heavily chipped, comma or to snipe frailer or slower targets like Azelf and both Zapdos formes. Physical wallbreakers like Chien-Pao and Roaring Moon appreciate Inteleon pivoting into them on its switch-ins like the aforementioned Hisuian Goodra and Blissey as well as Inteleon's ability to threaten physical walls like Corviknight and defensive Quaquaval. Inteleon brings close to no defensive utility bar a Fire-type move immunity, comma which means that walls like Corviknight and Goodra are a must-have to make up for the lack of defensive utility; these Pokemon also switch into revenge killing attempts from Slither Wing and Regieleki. Inteleon appreciates Spikes support from Pokemon like Garchomp and Ting-Lu that helps it to wear down RegenVest Pokemon like Meloetta and Alolan Muk.

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GP 1/1! Please credit both me and Tranquility!

the removed comma would have been right if it was two independent clauses; since the second clause was dependent, the comma needed to be removed.
the added comma is because clauses that begin with "as, which, etc" that explain the main clause should be joined with a comma

Otherwise, great check!


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