I find this very ironic since I remember back during 2011-2014 (before OR/AS), I felt that the Gen 3 fans were among the most obnoxious and annoying Pokémon fans. Heck, annoying isn't enough to describe them. From where I spent my time with the fandom back then, I remember getting very annoyed at all Hoenn fans who were constantly asking for Hoenn remakes and hating on all the other regions/generations. The best (worst?) example I can remember is when I was browsing a forum and there was a pre-release thread for B2/W2, but nobody in the thread was discussion Unova or Gen 5, all they talked about was the possibility of Hoenn being in the games. Not all Gen 3 fans were this extreme though. And despite being a Hoenn fan myself (not my favorite region/generation post the release D/P/P, but I still like it), I found it extremely annoying how the Hoenn fans in general would never shut up about about their demand for R/S remakes. At that point, I was personally convinced that Hoenn remakes would never happen because of how hated Gen 3 had been when it was new, and I was considering saying that on the forums as well just so that the Hoenn fans could shut up about it and move on with their lives. But in retrospect, it is a good thing I didn't say that because of how wrong it turned out to be.This is probably a bit more meta compared to what this thread is usually for but can I just give a shoutout to the Gen 3 fanbase real quick? Honest to god, they're what every other generational fanbase should hope to and strive to be.
In comparison, I think fans the of Gen 4 and Sinnoh have been a lot less obnoxious and annoying, I feel that they have been a lot more level-headed about their approach to Sinnoh and D/P remakes. I don't think they were perfect, but way better than I remember that the Hoenn fans were in the past.
As for your post on the whole, I can sort of agree that the Hoenn fans have gotten better in more recent days. It feels like they have gotten a lot more calm after OR/AS, but still, I don't think they are perfect or even the best part of the fandom. If you ask me, I'd say no part of the fandom is the best, fans of all generations have room for improvment. But we are all facing opposition (if this is the right word?) in some way from other parts of the fandom, or from the series and the franchise on the whole, so it is hard for any of us to be perfect. There is a lot more I want to say on this subject, but I feel that it is too negative for this thread, so I'll stop here.
I also feel that this discussion got very negative on the whole. I apologize for turning your post into something so negative, but if you'll excuse me saying this, I think your post could have been a bit more positive on the whole. You could have focused more on why you think the Hoenn fans are great and less on why fans of other regions are not as great as them. And yes, I feel like I can sometimes get too negative in this thread as well so if you think I'm a hypocrite for saying this, that's okay.
To get back on track, let's say something positive. I have come up with two new things I like. The first thing I like is this: How transferring Pokémon from one generation to the next has generally become easier and more convenient with every new generation. I thought about this recently because I used Pal Park to transfer some Pokémon between Gen 3 and 4 a few days ago. Let's take a look at this and how it has been in all generations so far:
- Between Gen 1 and 2, you could trade. But it was impossible to even enter the trading room with any Pokémon/move from Gen 2 when you were trading with a Gen 1 game, which I always found very annyoing.
- It was not possible to transfer Pokémon from Gen 2 to Gen 3.
- From Gen 3 to Gen 4, we had Pal Park, which was functional but pretty slow and inefficient compared to later methods.
- From Gen 4 to Gen 5, there was Poké Transfer which I personally find a lot more convenient and easier to use than Pal Park. It requires a bit of skill for sure, but I find it very easy to master. Still not as great a future generations though.
- From Gen 5 to Gen 6 and Gen 6 to Gen 7, there was Bank and Transporter, which doesn't require you to play a mini-game at all! A very welcome improvement.
- Regarding Gen 8, I have personally never transferred anything from Bank to Home, but I imagine that it must be just as efficient as with Bank (unless you need both the mobile app and the Switch app or something like that).
Overall, I think it has improved a lot over the generations. That said, all transferring features have some issues, neither of them is perfect and there's still room for further improvement. But even so, I am very happy about the fact that it has improved over the years.
Speaking of transferring Pokémon between generations, here's another thing I like regarding that. I like how, from Gen 4 to Gen 7, it was always possible to transfer any Pokémon from the previous generation. There were no limitations (except for some very specific event-Pokémon), you could always transfer anything you had. It was not something I ever thought about much back during those generations, but now that it is no longer possible to do this for Gen 8, I have come to appreciate it a lot more. And I really miss it nowadays. Sometimes, you don't know how important something is until you no longer have it. The same can be said for a lot of other things in Pokémon, I guess...
Yes, that was a positive way to say that I don't like dexit.
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