(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

Don't want to take this too much farther--it's a Pokémon complaint thread, after all--but Ridley's alts are references to some of his color palettes throughout the years (as well as various Space Pirate palettes). Yeah, a lot of them are jarring, but for the most part they work and get some use by somebody.

Here's my take on the lack of Shiny palettes for Smash's Pokémon reps:

Pikachu/Pichu/Jigglypuff: possibly too subtle for Smash (though the inclusion of Spiky-eared Pichu makes this a fairly weak argument).

Mewtwo: actually don't understand this one, unless the Smash devs just didn't like the bright green its actual shiny has. They included Ness (a Pokémon Trainer stand-in) sneaking up on "green" Mewtwo with a Master Ball in Mewtwo's Smash 4 DLC trailer so they're very aware that that color is the closest they have to its shiny variant.

Lucario: Aside from maybe just wanting to keep all his palettes primarily cool colors, I don't have a good reason why they wouldn't add this. Maybe they think it would clash with its Aura effects?

Charizard/Squirtle/Ivysaur: aside from losing their iconic appearances (which doesn't really make sense with all the other palettes), these should probably be in.

Greninja: its black alt is fairly close, but doesn't go all the way. I could see this being an actually weighted choice; by keeping its underbelly tan it helps make Greninja's actions clearer.

Incineroar: I personally think it actually has its shiny and saying it doesn't is splitting hairs, but w/e.
This is the annoyance thread, not the hot take thread. Though your mention of a "special week" and missing rewards reminded me of an annoyance of my own that was the catalyst for me quitting Pokemon Go.

It was Beldum community day. For a super limited time, shiny Beldum were everywhere, and if you evolved a Metang into a Metagross during that time, it would know Meteor Mash. I had previously slept through all the community days prior, but a shiny Metagross with Meteor Mash? I was NOT going to let that slip by. The problem was, this happened during a college break, so instead of being on a campus full of Pokemon and wifi, I was confined to three streets in forest with maybe a single Pokemon between them, and I would have to use mobile data. So I convinced my mom to drive me to a nearby town (I don't have a license), and we drove around for a bit catching Beldum. By the time I have enough candy, it's already getting close to the end of the event, so I spend all my candy to evolve my strongest Beldum into a Metagross, and we turned back for home. The Beldum I evolved had shit IVs and wasn't shiny, but I didn't mind because Beldum candy is a bitch to get, so I wasn't going to be powering up my low-level high-IV Beldums anyway.

As we're leaving town, another Beldum pops up.

It's shiny.

It has a higher CP than my new Metagross did when it was a Beldum.

It has amazing IVs.

Within the next few days, I uninstalled the game and never touched it again.
To be fair though, you could have waited until the holiday season because during those seasons, all the previous moves that were on community day were available then. Lot of Go players have repeats of their Pokemon for trophy reasons.

Anyway, I wonder if GF or TPC have more power. I know if GF loses Pokemon the company is dead, but TPC can just issue the rights to another studio to make it. This brings me back to the question previously: Who has greater power? Like can GF openly say no to the TPC?
Those games and a few others are a result of a program that GameFreak has in their office called the "Gear Program" where staff developers can pitch a game idea of theirs and, if liked GF, will grant them some resources to make the game. The Gear Program essentially started as a way for GF to focus on non-Pokemon game and are done after a long term Pokemon game project has been completed. Due to this these games are essentially one-offs, though I suppose the director of those games could try pitching a sequel idea if they're interested.

Me neither. As I've said in the past, I think this is entirely GF's doing either out of worry the Pokemon games may not be relevant if they aren't releasing something related to the core series each year or they overestimate their ability. The Pokemon Company's and slightly Nintendo's part is that GF tells them "oh yeah, we can make a new game/expansion with a year" and so all of them set up a timeline that GF adheres to. GF can probably call TPC and Nintendo and ask them if they can extend/delay the timeline if an issue arises, but once again I can believe GF execs thinking that would look bad on them.

My hope now is that, with them doing the Expansions instead of an entirely new game, GF is maybe finally back on a slowdown where they can give the next gen of games more time in the oven. Because if Expansions are Pokemon's future, the "vanilla initial paired games" should no longer be a thing as they'll only have the initial paired games for that generation and just be adding onto that. Only reason to make an entirely new game would be if there was a major new story to tell such as a sequel or remake of a past gen (which itself could get Expansions).
I think the thing that, hypothetically, gets in the way of Gamefreak calling for a delay or, possibly, even Nintendo, is that Pokemon' such a huge franchise that there's too many interlocking gears that would also have to be delayed. That's a lot to do that something like animal crossing, for example, doesn't need to deal with. New Horizon's stuff is a lot more reigned in than anything Pokemon constantly pumps out like a well oiled machine. It's not Spaceworld 97 anymore, if you catch my drift.

I do think even the yrealized this though. The anime's shift has already raised my eyebrow, for example, as has the existence of expansions. And it seems telling that even people on gamefreak's side take mention of their expected game release schedule as being against them as the reason for SWSH's shortcomings. At the very least I would hope that they're jsut going to be given more time to work on the gen 9 titles.

Also in SWSH's case Nintendo probably wanted a high sales item for their holiday in 2019 which was fairly thin otherwise but that's a different discussion
I think the thing that, hypothetically, gets in the way of Gamefreak calling for a delay or, possibly, even Nintendo, is that Pokemon' such a huge franchise that there's too many interlocking gears that would also have to be delayed. That's a lot to do that something like animal crossing, for example, doesn't need to deal with. New Horizon's stuff is a lot more reigned in than anything Pokemon constantly pumps out like a well oiled machine. It's not Spaceworld 97 anymore, if you catch my drift.

I do think even the yrealized this though. The anime's shift has already raised my eyebrow, for example, as has the existence of expansions. And it seems telling that even people on gamefreak's side take mention of their expected game release schedule as being against them as the reason for SWSH's shortcomings. At the very least I would hope that they're jsut going to be given more time to work on the gen 9 titles.

Also in SWSH's case Nintendo probably wanted a high sales item for their holiday in 2019 which was fairly thin otherwise but that's a different discussion
What do you mean the "Anime" shifted?
To be fair though, you could have waited until the holiday season because during those seasons, all the previous moves that were on community day were available then.
I did not know that was a thing. And in any case, I don't regret quitting. It felt liberating to not feel pressured to open Pokemon Go whenever I went anywhere on campus.
What do you mean the "Anime" shifted?
Ash is in Galar now, I think, but it's definitely set so that the anime's current season isnt identified by it. It's literally just called "Pokemon" in japan and "Pokemon: Journeys" in the west. A crux of the anime now is they can travel all over different regions. Ash doesnt even have a gen 8 pokemon his current team (I suspect it will be a gen 5 style rotation) is Pikachu, Dragonite, Gengar & Riolu. (Also Mimey, I guess).

It's just a very poitned shift in how the anime's done things, being almost 100% focused on the current generation above all. And also, more relevant to my thoughts on all this mess, seems like an easy way to drop in & out of different regions without having to be completely tied to it in the even tof, for example, having to delay the games (though presumably there'll still need to be some lead time, it IS an anime production obviously).
interestingly, incidentally, Bowser kind of regressed back in terms of his colors. If you look at his artwork, as shown above, he's about in line with his official colors and Smash 4. But the actual in-game coloring is closer to his Brawl & Melee appearences.

So Nintendo was clearly fine with it going back, but it's fascinating to me that they reverted back in the first place (why do so? The other mario characters didnt) & that the render itself was never updated.
Ultimate it's more the in game models have pale textures, but for whatever reason they try to force it to not be with shaders

Smash 4 had an issue of being incredibly pale/desaturated for textures too. Just look at his skin

Also, Brawl Bowser isn't brown or desaturated. His scales' lighting just has heavier contrast

Wasn't a fan of Ultimate's lighting since it made characters not match with the environment well. I guess you can excuse that for fighter visibility, but at that point just do a highlight outline like other fighters
The weird velvet fresnel effect didn't help either
Ultimate it's more the in game models have pale textures, but for whatever reason they try to force it to not be with shaders

Smash 4 had an issue of being incredibly pale/desaturated for textures too. Just look at his skin

Also, Brawl Bowser isn't brown or desaturated. His scales' lighting just has heavier contrast

Wasn't a fan of Ultimate's lighting since it made characters not match with the environment well. I guess you can excuse that for fighter visibility, but at that point just do a highlight outline like other fighters
The weird velvet fresnel effect didn't help either

Honestly I generally like Ultimate's lighting but there's some definitely misfires depending on the stage & character. Crafted Yoshi can be dire at times and Pikachu is just way too pale in most scenarios, for example. And everyone looks like a completely different model on Boxing Ring
Here's a stupid thing from one of my favorite things in Pokemon- B2W2 Challenge Mode!

(I know, it's hard to obtain. I getcha!)

(From Marshal's E4 Rematch)
View attachment 242442
View attachment 242443

And note, for the initial challenge they had it right, Conkeldurr had Guts. Easy/Normal Mode though used a Conkeldurr with Sheer Force so a few wires seems to have gotten crossed.

EDIT: Shedinja'd

I guess Marshal thinks he's so strong he needs to give his best Pokemon a handicap? :mehowth:
Less so Pokemon, moreso the fanbase
Why does everyone act like Red never spoke pre Mobile? Copycat outright copies what he says
Actually that might be why he spoke less after GSC, but he still spoke darn it. And that logic honestly can be applied to all protags
Alright, my new gripes: weird moves

What the fuck is a Trop Kick? What does it mean to kick something tropically? Why does it lower attack??

What the fuck is a Fishious Rend (I mean okay, it’s actually Gill Bite but edgier) and why does it double in power if going first???

Like most attacks and secondary effects make sense - Brine is a blast of salt water, doubles in power on weak targets because salt water hurts extra bad on wounds.

So then what is First Impression? Struggle Bug? Psychic FangS??? Fire/Ice/Thunder Fang is easy to picture but how does one bite psychically
Alright, my new gripes: weird moves

What the fuck is a Trop Kick? What does it mean to kick something tropically? Why does it lower attack??

What the fuck is a Fishious Rend (I mean okay, it’s actually Gill Bite but edgier) and why does it double in power if going first???

Like most attacks and secondary effects make sense - Brine is a blast of salt water, doubles in power on weak targets because salt water hurts extra bad on wounds.

So then what is First Impression? Struggle Bug? Psychic FangS??? Fire/Ice/Thunder Fang is easy to picture but how does one bite psychically
Allow me to introduce you to the marvelous world of localization and weird japanese names.... :)
Allow me to introduce you to the marvelous world of localization and weird japanese names.... :)

Well he's not really commenting on the names but the context of the moves. Why do these moves do the thing they do?

Now the answer is most of the time "just because", but we'll go through them anyway:

Alright, my new gripes: weird moves

What the fuck is a Trop Kick? What does it mean to kick something tropically? Why does it lower attack??

What the fuck is a Fishious Rend (I mean okay, it’s actually Gill Bite but edgier) and why does it double in power if going first???

So then what is First Impression? Struggle Bug? Psychic FangS??? Fire/Ice/Thunder Fang is easy to picture but how does one bite psychically

Trop Kick: It's a kick of tropical origins, so probably an ancient Alolan kicking martial arts. That's my best guess. As for why it decreases Attack, WELL it's the Signature Move of Tsareena who one of many inspirations seems to be that of a dominatrix. You do not fight back against your dominatrix, you bow down to her like the pitiful dog that you are. Safe word is Mangosteen.

Fishious Rend: So it sounds like this is more about maybe the unique anatomy of Dracovish/Arctovish. The fish/Dunkleosteus part of it doesn't seem to have traditional gills so probably uses its mouth to diffuse oxygen from water. That's the only way I can think why its called Gill Bite and justify its description saying it uses it gill to bite (that's not how gills work). As for why doubles in Power when it goes first, this is I'm going to have to say "just does". Bolt Beak has the same effect so just seems like something unique to these Fossil Pokemon. Maybe it has to do with them being a combination of two creatures?

I gotta go now but, if no one answers the other three later, I'll do so those I think those have simpler explanations.
Well he's not really commenting on the names but the context of the moves. Why do these moves do the thing they do?
Oh I know, what I was meaning is that often moves that have weird effects are because their Japanese name is completely different, but the translators couldn't come up with a translation that actually makes sense.

It'd probably be easier to explain by someone who actually speaks japanese, I don't remind on top of my head, but I know it's the case for several moves (es: lot of the moves affected by bulletproof that don't make sense are because in japanese they reference cannons or shooting)

As for why doubles in Power when it goes first, this is I'm going to have to say "just does". Bolt Beak has the same effect so just seems like something unique to these Fossil Pokemon. Maybe it has to do with them being a combination of two creatures?

My personal guess is that since those fossil are a combination of two anatomical halfs that have issues coexisting, the only way to perform full attack powers would be if they attack before the enemy can respond.
Though, it'd have made more sense in the reverse (aka have 170 BP and power halved if you act last)
And side to that, I think sometimes a move is just going to have a weird effect because they wanted a weird effect. That even goes back to the first generation. Why does Vine Whip have a high crit ratio? Really most of the moves that have high crit. Why does Swift never miss? Why does Psywave funciton the way it does?

And the answer is probably just they thought it'd be a fun side effect to have on a move for gameplay flavor.
And side to that, I think sometimes a move is just going to have a weird effect because they wanted a weird effect. That even goes back to the first generation. Why does Vine Whip have a high crit ratio? Really most of the moves that have high crit. Why does Swift never miss? Why does Psywave funciton the way it does?

And the answer is probably just they thought it'd be a fun side effect to have on a move for gameplay flavor.
Vine Whip doesn't have high crit, that's just Razor Leaf
Tsareena who one of many inspirations seems to be that of a dominatrix
That seriously has got to be one of the weirdest inspirations for a Pokemon. Has any other Pokemon been this overtly sexual and kinky? The closest ones I can think of are Lopunny, who seems to be a Playboy Bunny but doesn't really go anywhere with that beyond general appearance, and the Machamp family, who apparently have a canon fetish community "fan club" according to the researchers at Death Battle, but started out as regular body builders with the horny women added later. Tsareena, on the other hand...
Its long, striking legs aren't just for show but to be used to kick with skill. In victory, it shows off by kicking the defeated, laughing boisterously.
A Pokémon known for the beauty of its well-shaped legs, it sometimes appears as a mascot in advertisements for beauty salons.
A master of grand and beautiful kicks, it can knock out even kickboxing champions with a single blow.
A Pokémon with an aggressive personality and a mastery of kicking, it cackles every time it kicks an opponent.
This feared Pokémon has long, slender legs and a cruel heart. It shows no mercy as it stomps on its opponents.
A kick from the hardened tips of this Pokémon's legs leaves a wound in the opponent's body and soul that will never heal.
Seriously, what the fuck happened to "it protects the Bounsweet in its herd flock? orchard? from getting eaten"
That seriously has got to be one of the weirdest inspirations for a Pokemon. Has any other Pokemon been this overtly sexual and kinky? The closest ones I can think of are Lopunny, who seems to be a Playboy Bunny but doesn't really go anywhere with that beyond general appearance, and the Machamp family, who apparently have a canon fetish community "fan club" according to the researchers at Death Battle, but started out as regular body builders with the horny women added later. Tsareena, on the other hand...

Seriously, what the fuck happened to "it protects the Bounsweet in its herd flock? orchard? from getting eaten"
Mega Lopunny gets ripped legging patterns but it still pales in comparison to Tsareena. A royal straight flush of fetishy from personality, basis and design (it has absolute territory why did they give a pokemon absolute territory)

Its honestly amazing