One of my favorite intricacies of Pokemon is seeing combinations that deal with the metagame in unconventional yet effective ways. They don't have the renown of SkarmBliss, but they are the real deal. One of the more well-known examples is the pairing of Heracross or Celebi with Dugtrio in ADV; Hera/Cele will force the opposing Dugtrio to lock into Aerial Ace or HP Bug, which allows one's own Dug to remove it from the game - this makes for a great pairing with powerful Pokemon that commonly struggle with getting trapped, such as DD Tyranitar and CM Jirachi. Here are some of my lesser-seen favorites.
Pursuit FB Tyranitar + CurseQuake DE Snorlax
Pursuit Tar and Fire/LK/ST CurseLax is nothing new - trap ghosts and go wild with Lax, especially FireLax, who now mows Skarm down. Trouble is that you'll still struggle against opposing rocks. Curse EQ Lax beats ghosts and rocks, but Skarm remains troublesome, especially because it's immune to Spikes. However, if you want to play a longer game, you can run Curse EQ and use Tyranitar to slowly whittle Skarm into a nasty position. Get Tar in as Skarm Rests and you are in business. Skarm never wants to stay in on Tar because if it eats Fire Blast then it's just lights out, so you can Pursuit it, and this is easily done repeatedly given the glacial pace Skarm teams move at and how Lax forces Skarm in every time. You can even Roar around with Tar and potentially drag Skarm in just to scare it out and Pursuit it again (this trick is also very nice against Forretress). DE is necessary on Lax to actually do enough damage to pressure sleeping Skarm.
Tyranitar Crunch vs. Skarmory: 53-63 (15.9 - 18.9%)
+1 Snorlax Double-Edge vs. Skarmory: 81-96 (24.3 - 28.8%)
One note is that against the newly popular Sleep Talk Skarm, this isn't nearly as reliable. However, there are two silver linings: one, it won't have Whirlwind, meaning you don't have to worry about it phazing your other guys around and then getting picked off by Raikou later. Two, while the support factor of weakening Skarm with Pursuit is most universally applicable to the "no counters besides Skarm" EQ CurseLax, it absolutely can be useful in conjunction with something else - most notably Machamp or Marowak.
This could also be pulled off with Houndoom.
(Sub) Leech Seed Celebi + Sub Magneton
Celebi + Magneton is generally a great combination given how annoying Cele is when Skarmory isn't in the picture, but the aim of this combination and the specificity of Substitute on Mag has another purpose. Mag can pick off another crucial Steel-type - weakened Metagross - pretty easily, but weakening Meta in the first place can be a tough task, and before that can happen it might boom on a crucial defensive member. This combination reliably lets you, at worst, sacrifice your Magneton to bring down Metagross - definitely a trade favorable for the Mag user - or, at best, KO Meta for free, which is the more common outcome. Meta won't want to Earthquake against Celebi, so once you've Leech Seeded it - most effective alongside Sub, making Meta wary of just booming Cele that it thinks will try to stall it - you can freely switch to Magneton and spam Sub until Meta is in Thunderbolt range, staying healthy with the Leech recovery.
Two things to keep in mind: first, though it's not required, ideally you have Baton Pass on Celebi to make sure Meta doesn't switch out as you try to Mag it. If you're using Sub Cele you'll have it anyway, but non-Sub sets can also make great use of it as well and should consider it, especially since BP is also useful for safely nailing the trap on Skarm and generally nice because Leech Seeding slow stuff tends to force switches which you can then safely scout. Second, make sure Meta is in Thunderbolt range, but you don't want to let a non-Lefties set get too low in case it's Salac.
This combination is also great for other slow setup Pokes like CurseLax and bulky CM Jirachi.
Mach Punch Breloom + Pursuit Tyranitar
Pursuit Tar is an obvious Breloom partner since it removes Gengar, but the duo are also excellent against their mutual enemy Dugtrio. If Dug comes in against Loom, it it will eat a Mach Punch as it locks itself into Aerial Ace. Tar will then come in and Pursuit the Dug to death. It can also work the other way around: Tar can live Dug EQ at high health, and while it won't KO back without Ice Beam, it will leave Dug low enough to where it can no longer revenge Loom because it will always be in range of Mach Punch.
Lead SR Empoleon + second Stealth Rocker
Emp is a terrifying sight at the beginning of the game because it slams most offensive leads and gets up rocks easily against bulkier teams. Its problem is that against offense it has to make a decision: either KO the opposing lead while being brought to low health, all but ensuring that it won't get rocks up, or get rocks up at the cost of its life. Four attack Emp is pretty good, but being able to get early, easy SR against defensive teams can be crucial. So, simply slap Stealth Rock on a second team member, and enjoy the benefits of Emp being able to get a beneficial trade against offensive leads without worrying about not having rocks; there are plenty of great Pokemon who don't at all mind making room for it and don't have their offensive effectiveness compromised by doing so. Plus, having two Stealth Rockers exerts an enormous amount of pressure against defensive teams that rely heavily on keeping them off, such as those that rely on Zapdos.
Disclaimer: these aren't really unconventional or uncommon as I mentioned in the opening paragraph, but I think they deserve to be highlighted anyway.
Latios + abuser of weakened Tyranitar
Rather than trying to avoid the Tyranitar trap, this forces the opponent into it and punishes them for doing so. (Not that you can do much better. Latios is absolutely insane.) Tar takes heavy damage while dealing with it, and as such won't be able to stay at the high health it needs to be at to check other dangerous Pokemon. It's even more dangerous with Spikes, as Tar definitely won't be able to switch in - it has a tough time doing so with just rocks up - and something will have to get sacrificed first, making it even easier for Latios' teammates to clean up. This works well on sand, with Alakazam as the cleaner, or rain, with Agility Thundurus-Therian. Rain generally appreciates the advantage in the weather war.
Keldeo + Agility Thundurus-Therian
Devastating on rain. Many times, all that's keeping the opponent from immediately getting swept by Thund is their healthy Latios, which they are hard-pressed to keep at high health when they are forced to weather brutally powerful hits from Keld. They're also good at dealing with each others' harder counters: Thund preys on Jellicent, and Specs Keld messes with Gastrodon. Scarf Keld is also a solid choice; it can still force in and weaken the opposing Lati, but it also has the option of being the cleaner itself if Thund is sacrificed to land that all-important HP Ice. Requires caution against Scarf Latios (though it doesn't KO Thund from full health) and Trick + Recover shenanigans, although the latter is more of an issue for rain in general.
Just to be clear: this thread is not about claiming invention or stuff like that - it's just to show cool combos that people appreciate in their respective tiers. I hope to see many contributions :)

Pursuit FB Tyranitar + CurseQuake DE Snorlax
Pursuit Tar and Fire/LK/ST CurseLax is nothing new - trap ghosts and go wild with Lax, especially FireLax, who now mows Skarm down. Trouble is that you'll still struggle against opposing rocks. Curse EQ Lax beats ghosts and rocks, but Skarm remains troublesome, especially because it's immune to Spikes. However, if you want to play a longer game, you can run Curse EQ and use Tyranitar to slowly whittle Skarm into a nasty position. Get Tar in as Skarm Rests and you are in business. Skarm never wants to stay in on Tar because if it eats Fire Blast then it's just lights out, so you can Pursuit it, and this is easily done repeatedly given the glacial pace Skarm teams move at and how Lax forces Skarm in every time. You can even Roar around with Tar and potentially drag Skarm in just to scare it out and Pursuit it again (this trick is also very nice against Forretress). DE is necessary on Lax to actually do enough damage to pressure sleeping Skarm.
Tyranitar Crunch vs. Skarmory: 53-63 (15.9 - 18.9%)
+1 Snorlax Double-Edge vs. Skarmory: 81-96 (24.3 - 28.8%)
One note is that against the newly popular Sleep Talk Skarm, this isn't nearly as reliable. However, there are two silver linings: one, it won't have Whirlwind, meaning you don't have to worry about it phazing your other guys around and then getting picked off by Raikou later. Two, while the support factor of weakening Skarm with Pursuit is most universally applicable to the "no counters besides Skarm" EQ CurseLax, it absolutely can be useful in conjunction with something else - most notably Machamp or Marowak.
This could also be pulled off with Houndoom.

(Sub) Leech Seed Celebi + Sub Magneton
Celebi + Magneton is generally a great combination given how annoying Cele is when Skarmory isn't in the picture, but the aim of this combination and the specificity of Substitute on Mag has another purpose. Mag can pick off another crucial Steel-type - weakened Metagross - pretty easily, but weakening Meta in the first place can be a tough task, and before that can happen it might boom on a crucial defensive member. This combination reliably lets you, at worst, sacrifice your Magneton to bring down Metagross - definitely a trade favorable for the Mag user - or, at best, KO Meta for free, which is the more common outcome. Meta won't want to Earthquake against Celebi, so once you've Leech Seeded it - most effective alongside Sub, making Meta wary of just booming Cele that it thinks will try to stall it - you can freely switch to Magneton and spam Sub until Meta is in Thunderbolt range, staying healthy with the Leech recovery.
Two things to keep in mind: first, though it's not required, ideally you have Baton Pass on Celebi to make sure Meta doesn't switch out as you try to Mag it. If you're using Sub Cele you'll have it anyway, but non-Sub sets can also make great use of it as well and should consider it, especially since BP is also useful for safely nailing the trap on Skarm and generally nice because Leech Seeding slow stuff tends to force switches which you can then safely scout. Second, make sure Meta is in Thunderbolt range, but you don't want to let a non-Lefties set get too low in case it's Salac.
This combination is also great for other slow setup Pokes like CurseLax and bulky CM Jirachi.

Mach Punch Breloom + Pursuit Tyranitar
Pursuit Tar is an obvious Breloom partner since it removes Gengar, but the duo are also excellent against their mutual enemy Dugtrio. If Dug comes in against Loom, it it will eat a Mach Punch as it locks itself into Aerial Ace. Tar will then come in and Pursuit the Dug to death. It can also work the other way around: Tar can live Dug EQ at high health, and while it won't KO back without Ice Beam, it will leave Dug low enough to where it can no longer revenge Loom because it will always be in range of Mach Punch.

Lead SR Empoleon + second Stealth Rocker
Emp is a terrifying sight at the beginning of the game because it slams most offensive leads and gets up rocks easily against bulkier teams. Its problem is that against offense it has to make a decision: either KO the opposing lead while being brought to low health, all but ensuring that it won't get rocks up, or get rocks up at the cost of its life. Four attack Emp is pretty good, but being able to get early, easy SR against defensive teams can be crucial. So, simply slap Stealth Rock on a second team member, and enjoy the benefits of Emp being able to get a beneficial trade against offensive leads without worrying about not having rocks; there are plenty of great Pokemon who don't at all mind making room for it and don't have their offensive effectiveness compromised by doing so. Plus, having two Stealth Rockers exerts an enormous amount of pressure against defensive teams that rely heavily on keeping them off, such as those that rely on Zapdos.
Disclaimer: these aren't really unconventional or uncommon as I mentioned in the opening paragraph, but I think they deserve to be highlighted anyway.

Latios + abuser of weakened Tyranitar
Rather than trying to avoid the Tyranitar trap, this forces the opponent into it and punishes them for doing so. (Not that you can do much better. Latios is absolutely insane.) Tar takes heavy damage while dealing with it, and as such won't be able to stay at the high health it needs to be at to check other dangerous Pokemon. It's even more dangerous with Spikes, as Tar definitely won't be able to switch in - it has a tough time doing so with just rocks up - and something will have to get sacrificed first, making it even easier for Latios' teammates to clean up. This works well on sand, with Alakazam as the cleaner, or rain, with Agility Thundurus-Therian. Rain generally appreciates the advantage in the weather war.

Keldeo + Agility Thundurus-Therian
Devastating on rain. Many times, all that's keeping the opponent from immediately getting swept by Thund is their healthy Latios, which they are hard-pressed to keep at high health when they are forced to weather brutally powerful hits from Keld. They're also good at dealing with each others' harder counters: Thund preys on Jellicent, and Specs Keld messes with Gastrodon. Scarf Keld is also a solid choice; it can still force in and weaken the opposing Lati, but it also has the option of being the cleaner itself if Thund is sacrificed to land that all-important HP Ice. Requires caution against Scarf Latios (though it doesn't KO Thund from full health) and Trick + Recover shenanigans, although the latter is more of an issue for rain in general.
Just to be clear: this thread is not about claiming invention or stuff like that - it's just to show cool combos that people appreciate in their respective tiers. I hope to see many contributions :)
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