List with the most used Pokemon in the new metagame, based in the RTM Subforums


Hi guys. I was bored and then, I decided to enter in the subforum of RMT, and make a list of all the Pokemon that were in the team of the trainers. This can help us to make an idea of the format of the battles and how´ll be the future tiers. Maybe I´ve committed mistakes, but I´ve tried to do this list the most accurate possible. Here is the list:

Blissey 291
Gyarados 212
Dusknoir 175
Salamence 167
Garchomp 160
Gliscor 153
Rhyperior 150
Skarmory 150
Electivire 148
Starmie 145
Swampert 144
Cresselia 142
Weavile 138
Infernape 133
Gengar 121
Tyranitar 121
Heracross 120
Metagross 119
Bronzorg 112
Togekiss 110
Lucario 91
Porygon Z 82
Donphan 71
Jirachi 67
Milotic 64
Tangrowth 63
Weezing 62
Vaporeon 60
Gallade 55
Dragonite 51
Magnezone 49
Snorlax 45
Azelf 44
Breelom 39
Heatran 37
Ludicolo 35
Slowbro 34
Alakazam 33
Ninjask 31
Hippowdon 29
Umbreon 29
Aerodactyl 25
Yanmega 24
Empoleon 23
Scizor 23
Flygon 22
Manaphy 22
Suicune 22
Gardevoir 21
Kingdra 20
Medicham 20
Mismagius 20
Sceptile 20
Forretress 19
Jolteon 19
Steelix 19
Zapdos 18
Claydol 17
Dugtrio 16
Staraptor 16
Arcanine 15
Crobat 15
Spiritomb 15
Drpion 14
Venusaur 14
Mamoswine 13
Roserade 13
Celebi 12
Charizard 12
Machamp 12
Houndoom 11
Leafeon 11
Raikou 11
Rampardos 11
Torterra 11
Toxicroak 11
Absol 10
Cradily 10
Blastoise 9
Porygon2 9
Regice 9
Blaziken 8
Lanturn 8
Magmortar 8
Mesprit 8
Tauros 8
Slaking 7
Clefable 7
Ambipom 6
Feraligatr 6
Frosslass 6
Hariyama 6
Lapras 6
Raichu 6
Miltank 5
Ninetales 5
Regirock 5
Ursaring 5
Exxegcutor 4
Hitmontop 4
Kabutops 4
Lickilicky 4
Marowak 4
Uxie 4
Ampharos 3
Cloyster 3
Hitmonlee 3
Kangaskhan 3
Lopunny 3
Mantine 3
Mr.Mime 3
Pinsir 3
Probopass 3
Slowking 3
Typhlosion 3
Zangoose 3
Aggron 2
Camerupt 2
Drifblim 2
Espeon 2
Floatzel 2
Moltres 2
Omastar 2
Poliwrath 2
Regigigas 2
Registeel 2
Tentacruel 2
Abomasnow 1
Altaria 1
Armaldo 1
Articuno 1
Bastiodon 1
Butterfree 1
Cacturne 1
Entei 1
Flareon 1
Glaceon 1
Grumpig 1
Hitmonchan 1
Honchcrow 1
Hypno 1
Jumpluff 1
Jynx 1
Lunatone 1
Luxray 1
Manectric 1
Meganium 1
Octillery 1
Quagsire 1
Relicanth 1
Rotom 1
Shedinja 1
Shuckle 1
Smeargle 1
Solrock 1
Sudowoodo 1
Swellow 1
Wailord 1

My impressions of some Pokemon:
-Blissey is the most popular Pokemon.
-Dusknoir is surprisingly very popular, being the most popular Pokemon without counting Blissey and Gyarados.
-Everybody thought that Skarmory wouldn´t be very popular, but is having a lot of use.
-Azelf isn´t being very popular, while Dragonite is enjoying a lot of use. Milotic is having some use too.
Apparently Dragonite is "cool" or something but I wouldn't say 42 is a lot, especially with Salamence at 137. Dusknoir being popular isn't surprising at all to me considering how afraid people are of Gyarados and Electrivire, and it can counter both. Or even Heracross. Or Staraptor.
The low number of Mesprits interests me, especially due to the fact that it can reliably counter Garchomp and Gyarados, 2 of the largest threats in the game. I think the low number of legendaries in general reflects people's laziness at soft-resetting for such, especially with this being Wifi at the moment. Even legendaries like Heatran, which counters Specsmence like a man, are overlooked. I anticipate far more of these come Competitor.
I'm surprised to see Heracross below most of the others, especially while Gliscor is higher by a small margin.

Gyarados and Electivire are popular combinations and I'm surprised to see Tangrowth so low considering it can counter both and potentially hurt Heatran on the switch with EQ provided it has some form of recovery other than Leech Seed, rest/sleep talk comes to mind. Taunt can mess up Rest though.
The low number of Mesprits interests me, especially due to the fact that it can reliably counter Garchomp and Gyarados, 2 of the largest threats in the game. I think the low number of legendaries in general reflects people's laziness at soft-resetting for such, especially with this being Wifi at the moment. Even legendaries like Heatran, which counters Specsmence like a man, are overlooked. I anticipate far more of these come Competitor.

Soft-resetting is quite a pain, especially when the Pokemon have low catch rates like Heatran. It killed itself with Struggle the first time I've tried, but I got a relatively decent one on the next attempt. It's a lot quicker (or at least it seems so) to find a bunch of Dittos with good IVs for utility purpose.

Hi guys. I was bored and then, I decided to enter in the subforum of RMT, and make a list of all the Pokemon that were in the team of the trainers. This can help us to make an idea of the format of the battles and how´ll be the future tiers. Maybe I´ve committed mistakes, but I´ve tried to do this list the most accurate possible. Here is the list:

Blissey 248
Gyarados 183
Dusknoir 152
Rhyperior 138
Salamence 137
Garchomp 135
Gliscor 134
Cresselia 132
Weavile 127
Infernape 121
Starmie 121
Swampert 121
Skarmory 120
Electivire 118
Tyranitar 103
Gengar 102
Heracross 101
Togekiss 100
Bronzorg 95
Metagross 92
Lucario 88
Porygon Z 64
Donphan 56
Milotic 56
Jirachi 55
Weezing 52
Gallade 44
Magnezone 43
Tangrowth 43
Dragonite 42
Vaporeon 41
Azelf 39
Snorlax 37
Breelom 34
Hetran 34
Ludicolo 33
Slowbro 28
Alakazam 27
Hippowdon 27
Umbreon 24
Aerodactyl 20
Ninjask 20
Suicune 20
Sceptile 19
Scizor 19
Flygon 18
Mismagius 18
Manaphy 17
Zapdos 17
Gardevoir 16
Jolteon 16
Steelix 16
Yanmega 16
Empoleon 15
Staraptor 15
Dugtrio 14
Medicham 14
Spiritomb 14
Drpion 13
Forretress 13
Kingdra 12
Claydol 11
Mamoswine 11
Absol 10
Arcanine 10
Celebi 10
Machamp 10
Roserade 10
Torterra 10
Venusaur 10
Crobat 9
Leafeon 9
Raikou 9
Porygon2 8
Toxicroak 8
Blaziken 7
Mesprit 7
Regice 7
Ambipom 6
Blastoise 6
Charizard 6
Rampardos 6
Slaking 6
Clefable 5
Cradily 5
Feraligatr 5
Hariyama 5
Houndoom 5
Lanturn 5
Regirock 5
Tauros 5
Frosslass 4
Kabutops 4
Miltank 4
Ninetales 4
Ursaring 4
Uxie 4
Cloyster 3
Hitmonlee 3
Hitmontop 3
Kangaskhan 3
Lapras 3
Magmortar 3
Mr.Mime 3
Probopass 3
Slowking 3
Typhlosion 3
Zangoose 3
Camerupt 2
Floatzel 2
Lopunny 2
Moltres 2
Pinsir 2
Poliwrath 2
Raichu 2
Regigigas 2
Abomasnow 1
Altaria 1
Ampharos 1
Bastiodon 1
Drifblim 1
Exxegcutor 1
Hitmonchan 1
Honchcrow 1
Hypno 1
Jumpluff 1
Jynx 1
Lickilicky 1
Lunatone 1
Luxray 1
Mantine 1
Marowak 1
Registeel 1
Relicanth 1
Shuckle 1
Sudowoodo 1
Swellow 1
Tentacruel 1

My impressions of some Pokemon:
-Blissey is the most popular Pokemon.
-Dusknoir is surprisingly very popular, being the most popular Pokemon without counting Blissey and Gyarados.
-Everybody thought that Skarmory wouldn´t be very popular, but is having a lot of use.
-Azelf isn´t being very popular, while Dragonite is enjoying a lot of use. Milotic is having some use too.

EDIT: I also find it strange that I've seen a lot of Gyarados, but no Electivires.

I have limited experience (about 10 battles), but I've highlighted the ones I've fought. The most popular of those seem to be:

Gyarados (probably the most popular that I've seen, other than Salamence)
Salamence (I probably fought at least three at this point)

Oddly enough, I haven't encountered more than one Weavile, and I haven't seen as many Garchomps as I would have expected.
The low number of Mesprits interests me, especially due to the fact that it can reliably counter Garchomp and Gyarados, 2 of the largest threats in the game. I think the low number of legendaries in general reflects people's laziness at soft-resetting for such, especially with this being Wifi at the moment. Even legendaries like Heatran, which counters Specsmence like a man, are overlooked. I anticipate far more of these come Competitor.
I think the word 'reliably' is a bit of an overstatement, given that Garchomp can Outrage with either Choice Scarf or Choice Band, the latter easily 2HKOing any Mesprit.
The lack of Lanturns, Swellows and Tentacruels saddens me.

Also I'm surprised about the amount of Bronzongs being used, I never knew he was that popular.
My breeding is affected by the pokemon that appear the most in the RMT forums. I have seen a lot of Weaviles / Gallades, so I have breeded for Ralts / Sneasel. There also seems to be a rate of Hippowdons, so I will be breeding for Hippopotas.

Then again, you have to remember that most of these teams are going to be used on Competitor, explaining why there is an abundance of stuff like Charizard and Hitmontop
I was rather surprised at the low Mamoswine count. A lot of people were raving about how useful it was last time I checked, but I guess not.
The lack of Lanturns, Swellows and Tentacruels saddens me.

Also I'm surprised about the amount of Bronzongs being used, I never knew he was that popular.

Bronzong's popularity is likely due to Elite Four Lucian.

Lanturn is cool, but it's not used since it doesn't quite have the oomph necessary to KO something reliably.

Staraptor is easier to find than Swellow (and arguably better), so people just use Staraptor instead.

People probably don't use Tentacruel because he's a common Water type (and people use Staraptor, oddly enough).

I fought a Mamoswine, but I forgot to highlight it in my list.
People probably don't use Tentacruel because he's a common Water type (and people use Staraptor, oddly enough).

The main difference is that Staraptor is new, and was relatively hyped when the game came out (The starting bird is actually useful zomg etc. etc.)

Tentacruel has been around since R/B/Y and has always been annoying as hell to run into.
you have way to much time on your hands

If we don't, then why are we playing competitive Pokemon at all? :)

Anyway, this list should be useful to find out what we're facing. Could someone explain to me why I fought a bunch of Gyarados with no Electivire? Electivire is heavily hyped on this site. . .
Plus, though it is no doubt somewhat of a simplification, Tentacruel is a "bulky water," which is a pretty competitive class of Pokemon to be in.
Hmm, I'm surprised I'm not seeing more Celebi's popping up, but I guess that's because it's difficult to obtain and is a highly contestable pokemon in terms of the tiering system. No one really wants to be stuck with a pokemon on their team that may be classified as 'Uber' later, however unlikely that situation may be.

Additionally, Dusknoir's incredible popularity really surprises me. I mean, he's a great wall and everything, but I didn't expect him to make the cut for so many teams, especially when generally no one really wants to exemplify Pursuit and Weavile weaknesses.
Hmm, I'm surprised I'm not seeing more Celebi's popping up, but I guess that's because it's difficult to obtain and is a highly contestable pokemon in terms of the tiering system. No one really wants to be stuck with a pokemon on their team that may be classified as 'Uber' later, however unlikely that situation may be.

Additionally, Dusknoir's incredible popularity really surprises me. I mean, he's a great wall and everything, but I didn't expect him to make the cut for so many teams, especially when generally no one really wants to exemplify Pursuit and Weavile weaknesses.

It's probably because of the Fighting immunity, as well as FEAR immunity (if anyone seriously uses that; for some reason many people on GameFAQs regard that as a real strategy), and the balanced defense stats (which may account for Bronzong as well).
Tentacruel is in no way shape or form a bulky water. It's a mixed sweeper in most if not all sets.

Tentacruel does have great Special Defense, but the Poison typing kind of kills its Special Defensive capabilities (i.e. Azelf, Alakazam, Heatran have super-effective attacks). Its attacking stats are mediocre at best, so Tentacruel is in a sticky situation.