Other LGPE 2022 Circuit Championships - Round 2

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Welcome to the long-awaited LGPE 2022 Circuit Championships! This tournament sees the 16 best performers in the 2022 Circuit face off for the title of Circuit Champion. Who will win?
  • This is a standard LGPE OU Tournament. All matches must be played in "[Gen 7 Let's Go] OU".
  • This tournament will be Single Elimination.
  • All rounds will be First to 2 Wins. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown or smogtours.
  • Replays are required.
  • Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
  • Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
  • OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
  • Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
  • HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages

General Tournament Rules:

  • Identity: I expect many battles to be completed under alts. This can be bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.
  • Timer Clause: As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time.
  • Disconnections: Finally, in the case of a disconnect, the decision is in the hands of the player who did not disconnect. The options are: redo the battle move for move, redo the battle with the same teams but different moves, or redo the battle with completely different teams. If the battle was without a doubt over, they may also take the win. Any suspicion that a disconnect was committed on purpose to redo a match may be appealed to me, and if I feel this happened there will be severe consequences, don't do it.

LGPE OU Resources can be found here. Be wary of old, inaccurate resource threads!


Round 2
vs DuGuo
Eve vs NEET
Banbadoro vs halaman95
Sabelette vs Mr.Bossaru

Round 2 ends Sunday, June 11 at 23:59pm GMT-7. Let me know if you need an extension or have any questions. Good luck!
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bulldozed bossaru after scheduling hell, respect your future opponents more, respond to their messages when you try to challenge them early, and dont timer stall a 100% lost game
look, I didn't play good ill admit that, fuck I'm only human... but saying you ''bulldozed'' me, and accusing me of ''timer stall'' when I was fucking typing with weak diseased hands, u r the one who needs to learn how to respect opponents... say gg and move on, cus that's toxic behavior buddy
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