-Pretty simple, as my collection is vast and needs are few, only make a request AND an offer. replies such as "CMT" will (most likely, not certainly) be passed over.
-Bare in mind I do work, a lot, but I will get back to you on offers just as soon as I am able; thanks for your understanding!
-No luck based requests beyond those listed below (ex. Shiny, 6 IV, etc).
-Legit-pokes only, no hack-mons.
-I can easily obtain any 5 IV specific natured breedable Pokemon; often with some of the best egg moves. That said, it's not worth listing every Pokemon here since it would simply be a list of every breedable Pokemon. Simply make a request.
Can breed anything breedable, otherwise:
Non-Breed Corner:
-Shiny Timid Palkia (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Timid Palkia (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Modest Dialga (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Modest Dialga (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Lonely Giratina (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Jolly Gyarados (Naturally caught, Soul Silver Rage Lake, FLAMEDOS)
-Shiny Impish Audino (Naturally caught thanks to shiny charm last gen during training)
-Shiny Quirky Rhyperior (Naturally caught 3rd gen, Victory Road, THUNPERIOR)
-Shiny Sassy Charizard (Trade obtained some years ago, Dark Flame)
-Meloetta (GS Event, untouched)
-Meloetta (GS Event, untouched)
-Jolly Keldeo (GS Event, untouched)
-Hasty Victini
-Sassy Vivtini
-Mild lvl 50 Dragonite (ToysRUs Event, untouched)
And that's it for now, I'll update as things change, so it's always up to date.
-Mewtwonite X
-Battle Maison items (Ability Capsule, Air Balloon, etc)
Looking For:
-HA Corphish/Crawdaunt
-HA Carvanna/Sharpedo
-N/A for now
And that's really all I'm looking for at the moment, again as above, I'll update as time goes on and as my interests change and refocus.
Friend Code & In Game Name:
Successful trades:
-Andrew Shard (my torchic for manectrite)
-AmbipomMaster (my torchic for mewtwonite X)
-MegaArcanine (my torchic for mewtwonite X)
-NikoMajor (my torchic for charmander)
-Dark Mephiles (my 2 Zoruas for larvitar, gligar, and honedge)
-Yin (my torchic for gligar)
-kyle Castallonos (my Zorua for ghastly)
-Raf R (my torchic & larvitar for tyranitarite, pinsirite, & charizardite x)
-IEnjoyPokemon (my zorua for electrike)
And various others
-Pretty simple, as my collection is vast and needs are few, only make a request AND an offer. replies such as "CMT" will (most likely, not certainly) be passed over.
-Bare in mind I do work, a lot, but I will get back to you on offers just as soon as I am able; thanks for your understanding!
-No luck based requests beyond those listed below (ex. Shiny, 6 IV, etc).
-Legit-pokes only, no hack-mons.
-I can easily obtain any 5 IV specific natured breedable Pokemon; often with some of the best egg moves. That said, it's not worth listing every Pokemon here since it would simply be a list of every breedable Pokemon. Simply make a request.
Can breed anything breedable, otherwise:
Non-Breed Corner:
-Shiny Timid Palkia (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Timid Palkia (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Modest Dialga (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Modest Dialga (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Lonely Giratina (GS Event, untouched)
-Shiny Jolly Gyarados (Naturally caught, Soul Silver Rage Lake, FLAMEDOS)
-Shiny Impish Audino (Naturally caught thanks to shiny charm last gen during training)
-Shiny Quirky Rhyperior (Naturally caught 3rd gen, Victory Road, THUNPERIOR)
-Shiny Sassy Charizard (Trade obtained some years ago, Dark Flame)
-Meloetta (GS Event, untouched)
-Meloetta (GS Event, untouched)
-Jolly Keldeo (GS Event, untouched)
-Hasty Victini
-Sassy Vivtini
-Mild lvl 50 Dragonite (ToysRUs Event, untouched)
And that's it for now, I'll update as things change, so it's always up to date.
-Mewtwonite X
-Battle Maison items (Ability Capsule, Air Balloon, etc)
Looking For:
-HA Corphish/Crawdaunt
-HA Carvanna/Sharpedo
-N/A for now
And that's really all I'm looking for at the moment, again as above, I'll update as time goes on and as my interests change and refocus.
Friend Code & In Game Name:
Successful trades:
-Andrew Shard (my torchic for manectrite)
-AmbipomMaster (my torchic for mewtwonite X)
-MegaArcanine (my torchic for mewtwonite X)
-NikoMajor (my torchic for charmander)
-Dark Mephiles (my 2 Zoruas for larvitar, gligar, and honedge)
-Yin (my torchic for gligar)
-kyle Castallonos (my Zorua for ghastly)
-Raf R (my torchic & larvitar for tyranitarite, pinsirite, & charizardite x)
-IEnjoyPokemon (my zorua for electrike)
And various others
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