Leaving a Crappy Job

So, today I called in sick from my job at the warehouse because I had a pretty legitimate reason (I had a fever and cough). So, my manager calls me back about 15 minutes afterwards and asks why I am missing so many days of work (I have no fucking clue what he's talking about).

In the last month or so I've been absent from work approximately twice, and he's making a pretty extraneous case that I have been missing days of work because I just don't want to come in, and because I haven't given a doctor's note. In my first year working there, I always brought in a sick note, but it's annoying waiting 2 hours and paying 20 bucks just to get one, and frankly it made no differance since they didn't even ask for it. So now I stopped bringing notes and they think that I am faking sick. He threatened to fire me if wasn't sick, so I called his bluff and went to get a sick note today, taking the hell out of me, and brought it to him a few minutes ago, after waiting 2.5 hours and spending 20 bucks. Now I hope he feels really guilty, but more importantly, I want to leave this job, primarily because after three years the manager still doesn't trust me. I'm a good worker so I don't even know where his attitude is coming from, but I don't like it one bit. I work for practically nothing, and I think that's why they wanted to keep me; I do lots of work for pretty cheap labour. This job kinda sucks not anyway as it no longer is a fun place to work since my friends left and the manager does not care about my self being at all, particularly if he expects me to work an eight hour shift lifting boxes with a fever.

So I want to know if you guys have had any similar experiences with bosses that just have no people skills whatsoever or just have worked a crappy job that you could not wait to leave. Also, how do you make a good resignation letter, because I have no clue on where to start lol.
I've been in pretty much exactly the same situation, I was called up for a disciplinary hearing because I took 4 days off in a year, which is apparently too much (three were when I injured my back at work, and one was when I had a car accident on the way to work). I had hated my job for a long time, because the mind numbing tedium of stocking freezers i'snt as fun as it sounds, so I just went in the next week and gave them a resignation letter I found on the internet (just type resignation letter into Google and change a few words), quit, and moved to Korea to teach!

For a resignation letter, just keep it polite in case a) Due to shitty circumstances you want to go back to work there, or more likely b) you need a reference from them for your next job.
If you were to leave said job, would you have a job locked in somewhere else?

Especially in today's economy, you have to make sure that you have job security in order to provide food for your table. If you can easily find a job somewhere else, I guess you could leave, but be careful if the next work place cross checks with former employees, as your former manager might bad mouth you to your new job.
I'm still in high school so I have no plans on getting another job for the time being. My next year is going to be really hard lol.
btw there are a bunch of old managers who would be willing to give me a referance; it's the current ones that are retarded.
I too work at a crappy job, but unlike in your case my boss actually does trust me and thinks quite fondly of me.

It might be because I have not once called off from work or because I ALWAYS come in to work for anyone and everyone that calls off, but the point is I'm the hardest worker at that place. I only make 7.75 an hour there but It does what I need it to for now.

But yeah, if you're going to quit, do be sure you have another job on standby. With the way things are nowadays, you don't wan to be left with no job.

If you already have one on standby, nothing works better than a good 'ol 2 weeks notice. That way you leave on good terms and future employers will take notice of that.
I worked at a crappy job, I quit by not going in for three months. then they sent me a letter asking for a doctor's note. I gave them nothing.

to me, a good resignation letter to a crappy job starts with "fuck" and ends with "off".
Anti some of us don't have good looks like you, so we have to be "nice" to our lousy employers.

Also saying fuck off to an employer can cause you not to get jobs in your town anymore. Some kid at my school stole a cake from his work and got fired for it and now no one will hire him since everyone has heard the story.
Well I might not be used to the culture of your country but I have had to give a resignation letter before in which I just wrote what I truly felt without blaming my boss. Stuff like "The fact that there's no co-worker at my job, with whom I'd enjoy my time at work, and that I have my high school finals to prepare for, I find it rather difficult to work with the present circumstances." can't really hurt your position tbh.

But you should first and foremost, try to stay in the good books of your boss in case you need a recommendation letter from him in the future.
So I want to know if you guys have had any similar experiences with bosses that just have no people skills whatsoever or just have worked a crappy job that you could not wait to leave. Also, how do you make a good resignation letter, because I have no clue on where to start lol.

Yeah man I think every time I've worked in retail I was treated like ass. For whatever reason it is, jobs seem to think that paying you less means you are fully prepared to take more shit. Either that or the recognize just how replaceable someone who works in a taco bell actually is.

I've gotten by without any letters of recommendations whatsoever; though I do have some pretty stacked references thanks to volunteering and making friends with profs, so it's a moot point.
Obviously, get another job before you quit, or at least have several interviews lined up; if however you're planning a return back into education I see no reason why you can't be as brutal as you wish. The only resignation letter I've ever bothered to write was a work of art pointing out the hideous bullying culture at the supermarket I worked at and soundly criticising the insensitivity and incompetence of the management (honestly - I got so fed up of that job I used to just walk out of the supermarket and go to a nearby friend's house to get stoned till the end of my shift; they never noticed. Idiots.) However, as a result I have left that job off my CV so I can't get a bad reference from there.. so if you are going for a job straight after it may be a good time to hedge your bets with the letter.
More than that, you've been working there three years, which is a pretty long time to explain away if you need to do so. Is there an assistant manager or someone who you get on with, and can do the reference for you - in that case you get the best of both worlds?

Oh, and bosses that suck - totally. Most recently (in the call centre job) my team manager threatened disciplinary action with the strong hint of being fired if I took one day off work sick. Because, um, I had a pre-existing chest condition and was suffering bad chest pains, so wanted to come in an hour late so I could see a doctor. Right. Oh, and I'd offered to make up the time, and was working a 70 hour week anyway.
The worst management I've ever suffered was at a supermarket I worked at a couple of years back- I was in a right state anyway (the summer of much PTSD and valium) and whilst some of the management - my shift manager, for example - were just snide, bitchy and unpleasant it actually became a game between the upper echelons of store management to freak me out as much as possible (for example, by dropping their hands on my shoulders from behind when I would be sat having a cigarette - oh the days before the smoking ban!). I eventually told the store manager why I was quite so skittish and well.. he ripped the shit out of me. They'd also used to ring me on days off and go GET IN HERE NOW; used to take the piss out of my hair (and not in a funny way - contrary to my miserable internet persona I am fond of a bit of banter) and eventually threatened to fire me for having unfeminine hair with an aggressive red tint.
Thank absolute god I was going back into college and had an excuse to get the fuck out of there about four months after I started.
Wal mart is a hell hole. I've worked in retail in general for three years, not a single missed day, sick day, or late day. and this company deems to fuck me at every turn, so i quit and have around seven days left. Everyone they hire is so incompetent, i think the company relies on that to keep them their; intelligent people would quit. In fact, the smarter i have proven myself to be the more they have tried to fuck me over. it was in fact easier to find two new jobs (hard times for that right now) than for wal mart mangers to fill out one form to transfer me to another store one mile from my home (the one i work(ed) at was forty.
So, today I called in sick from my job at the warehouse because I had a pretty legitimate reason (I had a fever and cough). So, my manager calls me back about 15 minutes afterwards and asks why I am missing so many days of work (I have no fucking clue what he's talking about).

In the last month or so I've been absent from work approximately twice, and he's making a pretty extraneous case that I have been missing days of work because I just don't want to come in, and because I haven't given a doctor's note. In my first year working there, I always brought in a sick note, but it's annoying waiting 2 hours and paying 20 bucks just to get one, and frankly it made no differance since they didn't even ask for it. So now I stopped bringing notes and they think that I am faking sick. He threatened to fire me if wasn't sick, so I called his bluff and went to get a sick note today, taking the hell out of me, and brought it to him a few minutes ago, after waiting 2.5 hours and spending 20 bucks. Now I hope he feels really guilty, but more importantly, I want to leave this job, primarily because after three years the manager still doesn't trust me. I'm a good worker so I don't even know where his attitude is coming from, but I don't like it one bit. I work for practically nothing, and I think that's why they wanted to keep me; I do lots of work for pretty cheap labour. This job kinda sucks not anyway as it no longer is a fun place to work since my friends left and the manager does not care about my self being at all, particularly if he expects me to work an eight hour shift lifting boxes with a fever.

So I want to know if you guys have had any similar experiences with bosses that just have no people skills whatsoever or just have worked a crappy job that you could not wait to leave. Also, how do you make a good resignation letter, because I have no clue on where to start lol.

I've worked for many different bosses who were incompetent, didn't like me, and just didn't care, and I can tell you that your situation is a sure sign that it's time to leave that job and not go back to it. I once worked for a boss who accused me of not doing work on purpose when I made a mistake. I promptly told him to go do everybody's favorite four letter word that starts with f to himself, we got in a loud argument, and it led to my termination. I collected unemployment while I looked for another job.

It's not the approach you should take unless you were blatantly disrespected to the point where you'd never work at that place again, which I'd say you were in this case. Working in a job you don't like for somebody who doesn't trust and respect you isn't worth it, unless you have a wife and kids to feed.

If you wanna quit, the advice I should give you is wait till you have another job before you quit this one. It's easier to find a job while you have a job, and once you get a job, put notice in if you can (but don't worry about it if you can't), and try to be polite. This will make it so you can use anyone who thinks highly of you as a reference and opens the door for a return to this place if it's necessary.

The advice I shouldn't give you is to just get yourself fired. Keep in mind that this only applies if you live in the USA (unless unemployment works similar there). The best way to do this is do things that get on people's nerves but can't get you in major: have an openly bad attitude, constantly talk about how much it sucks to work there, make fun of your boss behind his back, rat him out every time he does something wrong, etc... I can tell you from experience that these types of things will make them look for a reason to fire you. Then, file for unemployment and look for another job while you collect benefits.

Going back to school is a great idea in this economy as well. That's what I did after I got laid off from my last job, and I just got a paid internship while I'm going to school.
Honestly, a letter of resignation is probably overdoing it a bit for a minimum wage-ish job. Two weeks notice should be plenty.