Tournament LCWC IV - Semifinals [Tiebreaker @ Post 30]

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Amazing art by Mintly

  • Follow all rules listed here.
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs or in your team's war room in the Discord. It's easier for me to make decisions for activity calls when I can actually see what went down with scheduling.
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to me or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.
  • Substitutions may be made after a week has started. When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.
  • Replays are mandatory. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later.
  • Managers: Please send me your lineups in the same format that I used to post pairings. It makes it much easier to post future rounds more quickly.

Courtesy of the amazing Ticken


France (3) vs (5) Canada
SV LC: Lokifan vs aleaniled
SV LC: ProDigeZz vs Elfuseon
SV LC: Welli0u vs Fc
SS LC: CMDoge vs wesh papillon
SM LC: Toadow vs Acehunter1
ORAS LC: Wait2Seconds vs Corporal Levi
BW LC: Hurtadoo vs Potatochan
DPP LC: Alkione vs Heysup


Brazil (4) vs (4) US Central + West
SV LC: be7 vs kythr
SV LC: westSasori vs babyboyblues
SV LC: Always Edgy vs Greedy_eb
SS LC: STarsAma vs Colin
SM LC: Thiago Nunes vs tazz
ORAS LC: Ampha vs Luthier
BW LC: vndrevc vs tko
DPP LC: Beraldo vs Melon

The deadline for this round is Sunday, February 18th at 11:59 PM GMT -5.

France (0) vs (0) Canada
SV LC: Lokifan vs aleaniled
SV LC: ProDigeZz vs Elfuseon
SV LC: Welli0u vs Fc
SS LC: CMDoge vs wesh papillon
SM LC: Toadow vs Acehunter1
ORAS LC: Wait2Seconds vs Corporal Levi
BW LC: Hurtadoo vs Potatochan
DPP LC: Alkione vs Heysup

Brazil (0) vs (0) US Central + West
SV LC: be7 vs kythr
SV LC: westSasori vs babyboyblues
SV LC: Always Edgy vs Greedy_eb
SS LC: STarsAma vs Colin
SM LC: Thiago Nunes vs tazz
ORAS LC: Ampha vs Luthier
BW LC: vndrevc vs tko
DPP LC: Beraldo vs Melon
Brazil (7) vs (1) US Central + West
SV LC: Be7 vs kythr
I never saw be7 trembling at the decisive moment (I never saw them win either)
SV LC: westSasori vs babyboyblues
Sasori is definitely one of the wisest in SV LC
SV LC: Always Edgy vs Greedy_eb
There is a big difference in the skills of the two players
SS LC: STarsAma vs Colin
They told me he was an ace and was 6-1
SM LC: Thiago Nunes vs tazz
I've never seen TNunes lose a match without kingambit
ORAS LC: Ampha vs Luthier
ampha will start losing but we will win in the end for some reason
BW LC: vndrevc vs tko
parabéns pela única vitória, US Central + West
DPP LC: Beraldo vs Melon
dpp lc is not a tier worth commenting on, but beraldo wins

o campeão voltou.
France (5) vs (3) Canada
SV LC: Lokifan vs aleaniled
SV LC: ProDigeZz vs Elfuseon
SV LC: Welli0u vs Fc
SS LC: CMDoge vs wesh papillon
SM LC: Toadow vs Acehunter1
ORAS LC: Wait2Seconds vs Corporal Levi
BW LC: Hurtadoo vs Potatochan
DPP LC: Alkione vs Heysup

After doing some minor hating on the France team in LC cord, I took the time to look at their records/games and I’d like to apologize. Didn’t know y'all were balling out like you were. IMO, Canada would need to clutch up in oldgens and get 3/5 assuming they get 2/3 in SV in order to win the week, with my take on most likely to pull it off being Wesh Papillon in SwSh and Potatochan in BW. Should be an interesting series, best of luck you two!
maybe its bc idk any of the french
France (1.5) vs (6.5) Canada
SV LC: Lokifan vs aleaniled
SV LC: ProDigeZz vs Elfuseon
SV LC: Welli0u vs Fc
SS LC: CMDoge vs wesh papillon
SM LC: Toadow vs Acehunter1
ORAS LC: Wait2Seconds vs Corporal Levi
BW LC: Hurtadoo vs Potatochan
DPP LC: Alkione vs Heysup

Brazil (6) vs (2) US Central + West
SV LC: be7 vs kythr be7 never loses(except to genisu screens after 2 crits)
SV LC: westSasori vs babyboyblues bbb on fraud watch
SV LC: Always Edgy vs Greedy_eb didnt greedy get clowned on by like 10 randoms during suspect ladder?
SS LC: STarsAma vs Colin 2 good players :)
SM LC: Thiago Nunes vs tazz tnunes is my GOAT
ORAS LC: Ampha vs Luthier ampha is the best player in the game
BW LC: vndrevc vs tko i heard andre beat my best friend :(
DPP LC: Beraldo vs Melon beraldo is the christiano ronaldo of mons
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