apt-get very good player/teambuilder. Made a really good RMT with Knock Off Abra on his own :)) Extremely cool and chill guy too
BKC We didn't talk much but gave us a couple good wins and was legit for the team when needed
cbt one of the most helpful people out there, sorry for putting you in TangMa when you won your two other none-tangma games. Real versatile and great team player. Awesome guy too
Caledrith Very cool guy that I ended up meeting because of this league. Needs to get luckier tho.. RIP SWIRLIX TURN 2-7
FireMage Team Support FTW, I admire your ultimate skills to find some fucking way to john FLCL. Massive respect
Hawkstar godlike BW player, cool QC. Active and helpful guy for the team pretty cool as a whole (we need to play League sometime now I got the american client)
Kappaten Cool and chill af guy, good player and a legit bro
kingmidas good thing I got you in the trade since passion got banned and you gave us 3 wins :) p cool when you look past the 14 y/o pussy smashing
Mizuhime Sorry I didn't play you much if you wanted :( Still respect since cbt gave me your teams for the doubles seasonal ;)
Nails Only lost DPP to stupid shit, legit DPP player for the team, pretty cool too
DaLucky1: yo
DaLucky1: just saying
DaLucky1: we made LCPL finals without you :D
[A]rmada: lol
[A]rmada: you didn't need me anyways
[A]rmada: Nails is the greatest DPP LC player of all time bar none
TCR lol you lost to team macle ahueahueahue. fun guy we played quite a bit of LC games and league games. You have brought me to the realization that having 3 kills means I am a KSing scrub. ty based TCR. Legit pokemon player at least....