The only other one I was thinking of was Foongus up to B. Lets face it, foongus is just worse than tangela, so the reason why it will never see play is because tangela exists. But if thats taken out of the picture, foongus is still a very strong LC pokemon. Its a great check to a lot of the fighting types out there not named meditite, and is possibly one of the best answers to CM spritzee. With regenerator & giga drain for a solid form of recovery, and the single best sleep move in the game, its a very very solid pokemon, that doesn't require a whole lot of team support to function.
I think Foongus will be a solid B-rank Pokemon if Tangela is banned, but until then, it's just too outshined by it to propel it up to B-rank. You admitted this yourself, and then said "if that's taken out of the picture." But you can't take that out of the picture. If you take Misdreavus out of the picture, Gastly and Frillish would both get a lot better automatically, Gastly on the offensive side (and with the same immunities) and Frillish defensively, but Misdreavus exists and outshines both of them in most cases. In that same way, Foongus is just too often outshined by Tangela. The only niches over Tangela you pointed out in your post were Spore (Tangela has Sleep Powder, so this isn't even really a big factor) and serving as a solid answer to Swirlix. That one thing alone doesn't really make Foongus B-rank to me.
Okay, please don't kill me but, Bunnelby down to B, Bunnelby is a pretty cool pokemon in LC, but I think you vastly overestimate how well it performs in game situations. The only S rank pokemon that Bunnelby has a pretty good chance with 1v1 is Yanma, and I don't even know how positive of a match up that is. Pawniard, Gligar, and Tangela really just don't care about anything Bunnelby does, and a ton of other things like Archen and Misdreavus that can sit there and wall the bunny all day. Bunnelby is also incredibly frail, and struggles to survive any priority, which is just way to common in LC to be ignored.
tbh I think you
VASTLY underestimate Bunnelby. Obviously I think it's amazing, and it's S-rank in my personal viability list. But even without all my biases, you're just flat out wrong in some of your points. First off, Gligar, Tangela, and Pawniard all care about Bunnelby a lot more than what you say.
Scarf calcs:
228+ Atk Huge Power Bunnelby Return vs. 76 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Tangela: 12-15 (50 - 62.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (can't safely switch in at all)
228+ Atk Huge Power Bunnelby Return vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Gligar: 13-16 (56.5 - 69.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (can't safely switch in at all)
228+ Atk Huge Power Bunnelby Return vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Berry Juice Gligar: 18-22 (78.2 - 95.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (it can safely switch in once)
228+ Atk Huge Power Bunnelby Return vs. 76 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Pawniard: 8-10 (36.3 - 45.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
228+ Atk Huge Power Bunnelby Earthquake vs. 76 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Pawniard: 22-26 (100 - 118.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO
LO calcs:
228 Atk Life Orb Huge Power Bunnelby Return vs. 76 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Tangela: 13-17 (54.1 - 70.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (can't switch in safely)
228 Atk Life Orb Huge Power Bunnelby Return vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Gligar: 16-19 (69.5 - 82.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
228 Atk Life Orb Huge Power Bunnelby Quick Attack vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Gligar: 8-9 (34.7 - 39.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (LO Return + Quick Attack means it dies even with two low rolls)
228 Atk Life Orb Huge Power Bunnelby Return vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Gligar: 21-27 (91.3 - 117.3%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO (loling)
228 Atk Life Orb Huge Power Bunnelby Return vs. 76 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Pawniard: 10-12 (45.4 - 54.5%) -- 75% chance to 2HKO
228 Atk Life Orb Huge Power Bunnelby Earthquake vs. 76 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Pawniard: 26-31 (118.1 - 140.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
so uh, dunno why you seem to think they wall Bunnelby when they get wrecked by even the Scarf set. Archen and Misdreavus wall it, sure, but Archen also walls Yanma and Gligar despite their spots in S-rank, and bulky Fighting-types beat Pawniard despite its spot in S-rank. Misdreavus is also really easy to wear down throughout the match because it has no recovery barring crappy Pain Split.
You also seem to forget that Bunnelby has its own powerful priority. Quick Attack hits almost every offensive Pokemon really hard. It straight up OHKOs Carvanha (which is also in A-rank and is way more vulnerable to priority than Bunnelby!!), 2HKOs Yanma, does more than half to Swirlix, does 47-63% to
Eviolite Meditite (which runs Adamant so it's outsped) and 63-84% to Life Orb, does 50% or more to every sun sweeper barring Tangela (which it does 37-50% to), does well over half to Scarf Snover while Snover does 35-45% back with Ice Shard, does 76-90% to Vulpix. I could go on, but I think you get the point here.
tbh Bunnelby is way scarier than Meditite and has U-turn to keep up momentum vs. stuff like Archen that walls it. I have no idea why you would think Bunnelby is anything less than A-rank.
Everything else so far I either agree with or feel neutrally about.