LC Playstyle Classification Thread


plaza athénée
is a Two-Time Past SCL Champion
LC Playstyle Classification Thread

Credit to DittoCrow for the OP idea
Approved by blarajan

Hey LC Players! The purpose of this thread is to help you to easily find Pokemon that fit a specific role you're looking for. Need a strong physical sweeper? Just take a look at the list under the roles of an offensive team. The categories will have a link to the Pokemon's analysis and the set(s) that fit into the listed role.

The list is small right now, so it's your job to fill in the lists of Pokemon in each role. Suggest viable Pokemon that fit into a certain category and try to give a small explanation of what the Pokemon does and why it fits there. If you don't see a specific playstyle or role that you are looking for, please make a suggestion to add it! Don't be overwhelmed right now, as you can just add 1-2 Pokemon if you would like.

Offense: An offensive team is one that focuses on pressuring the opponent with strong attackers and sweepers.

Hazard Setters:
  • 557.png
    Dwebble (Spikes)
  • 177.png
    Natu (Standard Support or Dual Screens)
Physical Sweepers:
Special Sweepers:
Rapid Spinners:
Revenge Killers:
Bulky Offense: A Bulky Offense team is one that has more Pokemon with high defense, but maintains pressure on the opponent through strong attacks and hazards.

Hazard Setters:
Physical Sweepers:
Special Sweepers:
Stall: Stall is a full team of walls that focuses on shutting down the opposing team through pure defense and forcing switches.

Physical Walls:
Special Walls:
Spikes Users:
Rapid Spinners:
Heal Bell/Aromatherapy Users
Wish Users:
Balance: Balance is a mix of offense and defense. It will usually include both powerful attackers, tanks, and defensive supporters.

Hazard Setters:
Physical Sweepers:
Special Sweepers:
Physical Walls:
Special Walls:
Rapid Spinners:
VoltTurn: VoltTurn is a strategy that puts pressure on the opponent by constantly dealing damage and switching out through the usage of Volt Switch and U-turn.

Volt Switch Users:
U-turn Users:
Rapid Spinners:
Rain Teams: Rain teams take advantage of the rain weather condition through abilities like Swift Swim and the boost that rain gives to Water-type moves.

Rain Setters:
Rain Sweepers:
Sun Teams: Sun teams take advantage of the sun weather condition through abilities like Chlorophyll and the boost that sun gives to Fire-type moves.

Sun Setters:
Sun Sweepers:
Miscellaneous Roles: These Pokemon play a very niche or unique role that can't be attributed to one type of team.
  • 177.png
    Natu (Magic Bounce)
Its great to see this project finally make its way to the little cup forum! I am currently at school atm so I won't say much but you should add Larvesta as a pivot and U-turner. Its typing makes it a good switch in to majority of the fighting types in the tier and flame body and will-o-wisp help add on to that by crippling physical attackers It can also recover health with Morning Sun and posseses a very powerful flare blitz.

Larvesta is a staple to volt-turn teams and is great on offensive and balanced teams that need a check to Fighting-types while still having great offense. Rapid spin support is appreciated since Larvesta is not immune to any hazards and has a 4x Stealth Rock weakness.

Tirtouga for a physical sweeper. Tirtouga is pretty much garuanteed a shell smash with two great abilitys in Sturdy and Solid Rock. Its stabs also have great neautral coverage with only Croagunk with Dry Skin and Ferroseed resisting them. He also has. strong stab options in Stone Edge and Waterfall/Aqua Tail. The icing on the cake however, is Aqua Jet. With this priority move Tirtouga is capable of beating Drilbur in sand and Sucket apunch users like Murkrow and Houndour, something that not all shell smashers can do. Tirtouga is also one of the only pokemon that can set up on Murkrow.

I guess you can also put tirtouga down for a hazard setter since it can run a nice utility set with options like Stealth Rock, Knock Off and Scald
Sand stall is a really legit playstyle IMHO. Between Lileep and Baby Hippo you wall almost the entirety of the LC meta.
Sand stall is a really legit playstyle IMHO. Between Lileep and Baby Hippo you wall almost the entirety of the LC meta.

Eh stall in Little Cup is practically impossible although you do raise a good point. However, I think there should be a section simply called Sand Sand stall is not very good however having Hipopotas and Lileep on the same sand team is perfectly viable, as long as they are paired with stuff like SD Drilbur. Dcae I highly reccomend you give sand a mention since it plays rather differently than other playstyles and the template could be something like this:

Sand Setters

Offensive Sand Abusers

Defensive Sand Abusers

Rapid Spinners

^^ this is just an idea for offensive sand abusers you can chuck in stuff like Drilbur, Sandshrew and Tirtouga, the former two having Sand Rush while the latter gets that Sp Def boost in sand. For defensive you can have stuff like Lileep and Magnemite (Lileep gets Sp Def boost while Magnemite is immune to sand and can switch in to Snover)

Again this is just a thought you can use a different format if you want although I would prefer if sand was seperate from offense or balanced. The reason why I have rapid spin in there is really just for Sandshrew since Drilbur and Staryu work everywhere.

anyway nominating Frillish for spinblocker, its got great typing letting it check many fighting-types bar Scraggy and Timburr. It also synergises perfectly with Ferroseed, one of the best hazard setterd in the tier. It also has access to Recover and crippling status in the forms of Toxic and Will-o-Wisp
I would say that even stall needs an offensive pokemon otherwise a well constructed team can just waltz over them. scarf user are generally the best offensive mons imo
The main reason stall is impossible' in LC stems from the fact that there arent many walls that both cover large portions of the meta and have reliable recovery. The result is ~two pokemon taking all the hits once your bronzor dies. Also residual damage is significantly lower damage output in LC than in Lv100 tiers. this is becuse of the damage formula. Sandstorm, if left alone is a 16HKO (1/16 per turn) however in LC its more of a 19-24HKO because of the severely low HP stats. I like to say 21 is average for the LC meta, thats probably inaccurate, but to even come close to doing 2 damage a turn a pokemon needs to have 32 hp. So there's that. This same reason makes it so that stacking spikes is not optimal. 21/8 = ~2 damage, 21/4= ~5. which is sweet, but there are strong rapid spinners in the teir and handing your opponent 3 turns is blegh. Anyways to conclude this rant, residual damage isnt *bad* by any means, but its numeric output is just too low to dedicate an entire strategy (eg, stall) to trying to abuse it. Can it work? sure, its just not * competitively* viable in comparison to something like a balance team that uses rocks hail and maybe layer of spikes to supplement the rest of the teams damage.

Defensive tirt can also be a defensive abuser in sand

Dakumaru or whatever and ponyta can be concidered for sun sweepers? really powerful attacks even with the sun down

Murkrow can be put down for a rain/sun setter. I think it gets both, it might just get Rain Dance though. All of the smashers really love rain as well.

Timburr and Subroost should be added to bulky offense physical sweepers, with subroost at least also going in the same slot on balance.

Balance and bulky offense want a "utility" catagory