artwork by Zephyr2007
- Standard SV LC INCLUDING DLC1 The Teal Mask
- Double Elimination
- All rounds will be best of three, you may switch teams in between games
- Any changes to the tier that occur in the middle of a round will not apply until the next round
- You are expected to know and follow all general tournament rules
- VMs are only thing that matters for activity. Use this guide to ensure you don't lose via activity or coinflip.
- Substitutes will be slotted in as players drop out or in mass a few days into the round. If you are tagged due to being in danger of being subbed out you must either post in the thread or on either player's wall within 24 hours or risk being subbed out.
- In order to encourage development of the Little Cup metagame and higher quality games, replays will be mandatory starting in Round 2 of the Winners bracket and Round 3 of the Losers bracket. If neither player posts replays, the match will be coin flipped.
Winner's Bracket
DKM vs Joltage
Scottie vs MTB
HSOWA vs Colin
Elfuseon vs Altariel von Sweep
rarre vs feen
Nultiprise vs Fille
db vs Acehunter1
Greedy_eb vs Merritt
luisin vs TheShoddyStrawman
Lokifan vs Medeia
Fiend vs GasaiYunoSan
tazz vs JuanSG
Kaboom vs NotJackewu
LTalent vs Drifting
kythr vs wesh papillon
Fc vs Teamo505
Loser's Bracket
BlackKnight_Gawain vs Inazuma-Fulgur
Exi0022 vs TyCarter
@Seraphz vs Mister Magnus
seroo vs memedose46
Zephyri vs dcae
Hys vs PoseidonWrath
Roldski32 vs Charis_Akins
Nineage vs Quinn
Kipkluif vs Mashin Sentai
Heysup vs gali ]
Rasche vs ToasterBoi420
Hacker vs Surfy
Divine10 vs Voltix
Eniigma vs Flou
MOHAMEDALL vs fish anemometer
PolloAriosto vs jncsnf
Replays required
Deadline: 10/8 at 11:59 PM -4
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