RU Krok lobster

Choice Scarf (Krookodile) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate / Moxie
Tera Type: Poison / Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Gunk Shot / Stone Edge
- Stone Edge / Close Combat / Stealth Rock

Choice Scarf Krookodile can fill many roles in a match; it can revenge kill weakened foes, force progress against bulky teams with Knock Off, switch into attacks that it resists to threaten slower foes with a KO, and clean up teams weakened by its teammates. Gunk Shot threatens Grass-types like Wo-Chien and Chesnaught and can poison Slowbro, which is otherwise able to check Krookodile once its item is removed. Stone Edge hits Flying-types like Noivern and Salamence hard and has a chance to OHKO Thundurus. Close Combat can OHKO Cyclizar and provides strong coverage for opposing Krookodile, Wo-Chien, and Crawdaunt. Stealth Rock allows Krookodile to be an entry hazard setter, letting more offensive teams forgo a more defensive hazard setter like Hippowdon or Empoleon. Choice Scarf makes Krookodile outspeed the entire unboosted metagame and other common Choice Scarf users like Okidogi and Gardevoir. Intimidate lets Krookodile take hits from physical attackers like Okidogi and Salamence to force them out or revenge kill them. Moxie lets Krookodile be a late-game cleaner and sweeper that makes sacrificing Pokemon to bring others in much riskier for the opponent. Tera Poison lets Krookodile resist normally super effective attacks such as Grass Knot from Thundurus, Moonblast from Fezandipiti, and Close Combat from Mienshao, allowing it to score KOs it may otherwise not have and begin its sweep with Moxie boosts. Tera Poison also empowers Gunk Shot, turning it into Krookodile's strongest STAB attack. Tera Dark is an alternative that boosts Knock Off, letting it OHKO Jirachi and Reuniclus after a bit of chip damage. It also removes Krookodile's weakness to Aqua Jet from Crawdaunt and Feraligatr.

Choice Scarf Krookodile fits on more offensive teams that are looking for a sweeper that doesn't need to take time to set up or a revenge killer that can safely switch into or force out physical wallbreakers. Krookodile can switch into predicted Electric- and Psychic-type attacks from Thundurus, Raikou, and Reuniclus and force them out, but it needs to be careful when doing so, as these Pokemon usually carry coverage moves that threaten Krookodile. Spikes stacking teams can benefit immensely from Krookodile due to its ability to get rid of Heavy-Duty Boots with STAB Knock Off and sweep a weakened opposing team with Moxie boosts. Chesnaught can take the Grass- and Water-type attacks that threaten Krookodile while also taking Knock Off handily and setting Spikes. Poison-types like Fezandipiti and Amoonguss can swap into the Fighting-, Fairy-, and Grass-type attacks that Krookodile would rather avoid while also baiting out Psychic-type attacks for Krookodile to freely switch into. Steel-types additionally can easily take the Grass- and Fairy-type attacks that threaten Krookodile, making Jirachi and Magnezone excellent partners. Krookodile is a great partner for Cyclizar, as it is able to threaten Ghost-types that come in and spinblock Cyclizar. It also synergizes with other entry hazard removers like Galarian Weezing, which has an immunity to Ground and a 4x resistance to both Fighting- and Bug-type attacks that threaten Krookodile, and Noivern, which can take Fighting-, Water-, and Grass-type attacks aimed at Krookodile while also removing hazards for it. Bulky wallbreakers like Bulk Up Okidogi and Guts Conkeldurr can threaten defensive checks to Krookodile like Slowbro and Galarian Weezing, making progress against Pokemon that it struggles with. Defensive checks to Krookodile like Hippowdon and Galarian Weezing can also be threatened by strong special attackers like Armarouge and Basculegion-F. Thundurus can threaten Slowbro and ignores Earthquake from Hippowdon while being a strong pivot with Volt Switch.

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Choice Scarf (Krookodile) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate / Moxie
Tera Type: Poison / Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Gunk Shot / Stone Edge
- Stone Edge / Close Combat / Stealth Rock

Apex predator of RU, Choice Scarf Krookodile is the perfect sweeping machine: each KO makes him stronger, letting Krookodile forgo the need for a boosting move and start the sweep immediately. I like the jist of this but reword it so it doesn't make it sound like Moxie is the only choice. Choice Scarf makes the croc faster than the entire unboosted metagame, meaning the only faster Pokemon are Choice Scarf users like Gengar, Galarian Zapdos, and Terrakion, or Pokemon boosting their speed with Agility, Dragon Dance, or Shift Gear. Like? What mons use Agility, Dragon Dance, and Shift Gear? The choice between Intimidate and Moxie comes down to what role Krookodile is playing. Intimidate lets it switch in to physical attackers like Okidogi or Salamence, take a weakened attack, and threaten them out, while Moxie lets Krookodile be an endgame cleaner and sweeper that boosts its attack after every successful KO. Split Intimidate and Moxie into their own sentences and reorganize this paragraph to follow set order (moves, item, ability, nature, EVs, Tera) Gunk Shot, Stone Edge, and Close Combat are all strong coverage options for the killer croc. Gunk Shot threatens Grass- and Fairy-types like Chesnaught, Mimikyu and Gardevoir and gains STAB when Krookodile Terastalizes Terastallizes to Poison, Stone Edge hits Noivern and Salamence hard and has a chance to OHKO Thundurus, and Close Combat is an incredibly powerful Fighting-type attack that can OHKO Cyclizar and 2HKO most Pokemon that do not resist Fighting. Similar to before, give each move its own sentence and elaborate a bit more on what they give Krookodile coverage for. Stealth Rock allows Krookodile to fill a role on a team as a rocker entry hazard setter at the cost of one of its coverage slots, letting more offensive teams forgo a more defensive rocker hazard setter like Hippowdon or Empoleon. Poison is a strong Tera type for Krookodile, letting it flip its type matchups by resisting Fighting, Fairy, and Grass attacks such as Grass Knot from Thundurus or Moonblast from Fezandipiti, allowing it to score KOs it may otherwise not have and been begin its sweep with Moxie boosts. Dark is an alternative Tera typing that boosts Knock Off, letting it OHKO Jirachi and Reuniclus after a bit of chip. Mention the defensive utility of Dark as well, such as losing the weakness to Water-type priority like Barraskewda or Crawdaunt Aqua Jet.

Choice Scarf Krookadile Krookodile fits on more offensive teams that are looking for a sweeper that doesn't need to take time to set up, or a revenge killer that can use Intimidate to safely switch in or force out physical breakers. Spike stack teams can benifit benefit immensely from Krookodile, due to its STAB Knock Off getting rid of Heavy-Duty Boots and its ability to take advantage of a weakened opposing team to sweep with Moxie boosts. Talk about the types of teammates you'd run on SpikeStack, like Chesnaught, Klefki, Gligar, etc. It can switch in on predicted Electric or Psychic type attacks from Thundurus, Raikou, or Reuniclus and force them out, but it needs to be careful of taking too many hits, as its weakness to U-turn and Fighting-type attacks means it can be worn down quickly. Pokemon like Jirachi that can pivot into Krookodile and have it absorb the Dark- and Ghost-type attacks that threaten it make excellent partners, while Poison-types like Fezandipiti and Amoonguss can swap in to the Fighting, Fairy, and Grass attacks that Krookodile would rather avoid. Elaborate a bit more on the synergies here, such as Fezandipiti and Amoonguss baiting Psychic-type attacks that Krookodile can absorb and Jirachi being able to set entry hazards while pivoting safely into Krookodile. Krookodile is also a great partner for Cyclizar, able to threaten Ghost-types who come in and spinblock. Could mention some other removal options like Noivern and Levitate Galarian Weezing, both of whom provide Fighting resists, Ground immunes, and utility in U-turn or Will-O-Wisp, etc.

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Good first draft, tidy up a few things and elaborate a bit more and we're set for qc2!
am qc
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Choice Scarf (Krookodile) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate / Moxie
Tera Type: Poison / Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Gunk Shot / Stone Edge
- Stone Edge / Close Combat / Stealth Rock

Apex predator of RU, Choice Scarf Krookodile is the perfect sweeping machine: Intimidate lets it get in more safely and take out threats, while Moxie boosts its power after each KO, making sacking Pokemon to bring others in much riskier. Gunk Shot, Stone Edge, and Close Combat are all strong coverage options for the killer croc. Gunk Shot threatens Grass- and Fairy-types like Chesnaught, Mimikyu Mimi isn't weak to gunk so there's no reason not to click knock or eq against it, Wo-Chien and Gardevoir and gains STAB when Krookodile Terastallizes to Poison, making it an incredibly strong option Tera justifications should go at the end, you can instead mention how its high bp makes gunk naturally strong. Stone Edge hits Noivern and Salamence hard and has a chance to OHKO Thundurus, dealing with the Flying-types that can otherwise wall Krookodile. Close Combat is an incredibly powerful Fighting-type attack that can OHKO Cyclizar and provide strong coverage for Wo-Chien, opposing Krookodile, and Crawdaunt. Stealth Rock allows Krookodile to fill a role on a team as a entry hazard setter at the cost of one of its coverage slots, letting more offensive teams forgo a more defensive hazard setter like Hippowdon or Empoleon. Choice Scarf makes the croc faster than the entire unboosted metagame, meaning the only faster Pokemon are Choice Scarf users like Gengar, Galarian Zapdos, and Terrakion, or Pokemon boosting their speed with Agility, Dragon Dance, or Shift Gear such as Revavroom, Salamence, and Basculegion-F You can mention this shortcoming and include ways to circumvent it like priority moves and phys and specially defensive walls in the second paragraph since paragraph 1 is reserved for explaining set choices. Here, you can instead mention how Jolly with Scarf lets Krook outspeed other relevant scarfers like Gardevoir and Okidogi. The choice between Intimidate and Moxie comes down to what role Krookodile is playing. Intimidate lets it switch in to physical attackers like Okidogi or Salamence, take a weakened attack, and threaten them out with either strong STAB attacks or coverage moves. Moxie lets Krookodile be an endgame cleaner and sweeper that boosts its attack after every successful KO, turning it into a powerful threat. Poison is a strong Tera type for Krookodile, letting it flip its type matchups by resisting Fighting, Fairy, and Grass attacks such as mention a fighting-type attack since it's also listed Grass Knot from Thundurus or Moonblast from Fezandipiti as well as boosting the power of Gunk Shot, allowing it to score KOs it may otherwise not have and begin its sweep with Moxie boosts. Dark is an alternative Tera typing that boosts Knock Off, letting it OHKO Jirachi and Reuniclus after a bit of chip. It also lets Krookodile be the apex water aquatic water may be confused with the actual Water-type :P predator, removing its weakness to priority Aqua Jet from Crawdaunt or Feraligatr.

Choice Scarf Krookodile fits on more offensive teams that are looking for a sweeper that doesn't need to take time to set up, or a revenge killer that can use Intimidate to safely switch into or and potentially force out physical breakers. Spike stack teams can benefit immensely from Krookodile, due to its STAB Knock Off getting rid of Heavy-Duty Boots and its ability to take advantage of a weakened opposing team to sweep with Moxie boosts. Chesnaught can take the Grass- and Water-type attacks that threaten Krookodile, while also absorbing Knock Off and setting Spikes. Klefki can benefit from having a Krookodile to switch into when it is threatened by Fire and Ground-type attacks mention how the utility provided by klefki can specifically benefit krook, including twave support and as a defensive switch-in. It can switch in on predicted Electric or Psychic type attacks from Thundurus, Raikou, or Reuniclus and force them out, but it Krookodile needs to be careful of taking too many hits switching in on Pokemon that are normally checked by it such as U-Turn Thundurus and Cyclizar, Scald Raikou, and Focus Blast Reuniclus, as its weakness to U-turn and Fighting-type these attacks means it can be worn down quickly Since you mentioned some specific examples, you should avoid generalizing what Krook fears from them since the reader may not know the relevant coverage options, and it rarely, if ever, is switching into uturn or fighting moves from strong phys attackers like slither wing anyway. Pokemon like Jirachi can set hazards to wear down foes for Krookodile to KO, and can also pivot into Krookodile and have it absorb the Dark- and Ghost-type attacks that threaten it You should rewrite this line and separate the two concepts it's highlighting; for example, you can mention that Krook appreciates stealth rock support like jirachi in the previous line about spike stack since it covers the same purpose of chipping down the opposing team to make it easier for Krook to clean. Secondly, instead of mostly commenting how other pokemon can benefit from krook's defensive utility, you should also specify how krook itself benefits from the utility provided by these pokemon since it is assumed that the reader is looking for partners that mitigate krook's own weaknesses and not just pokemon that like what krook offers. So you should also mention the defensive utility provided by steel types like jirachi and magnezone in resisting grass- and fairy-type attacks - you can merge this with the next line if you want. Poison-types like Fezandipiti and Amoonguss can swap in to the Fighting, Fairy, and Grass attacks that Krookodile would rather avoid, while also baiting out Psychic attacks for Krookodile to freely switch in to. Krookodile is also a great partner for Cyclizar, as it is able to threaten Ghost-types who come in and spinblock. It also synergizes with other hazard removers like Galarian Weezing, who gives an immunity to Ground moves and not relevant for Krookodile can support Krookodile by Defogging away hazards and you already listed it as a hazard removal option neutralizing physical attackers with Will-oO-Wisp, or and Noivern, who can remove hazards and listed as hazard removal pivot into Krookodile with U-turn. Again, mention the defensive utility provided by these options as well - in this case, both of them can switch into fighting- and bug-type moves for Krookodile. Also mention special wallbreakers like basculegion-f and gardevoir that can deal big damage to defensive checks to Krookodile like slowbro, hippowdon, and gweezing, thus easing krook's job in the late-game.

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Apex predator of RU, Choice Scarf Krookodile is the perfect sweeping machine:
Intimidate lets it get in more safely on and take out threats to be more precise, it's about taking less damage from stray resisted physical hits so you can enter the field one or two more times, while Moxie boosts its power after each KO dex info (gp), making sacking Pokemon to bring others in much riskier. Gunk Shot, Stone Edge, and Close Combat are all strong coverage options for the killer croc fluff (gp). Gunk Shot threatens Grass- and Fairy-types like Wo-Chien, Chesnaught, Mimikyu and Gardevoir earthquake hits mimikyu harder than gunk shot and gardevoir takes a bajillion from knock off and earthquake. getting a poison proc helps weakening krook's checks like slowbro further. and gains STAB when Krookodile Terastallizes to Poison, making it an incredibly strong option. mention this in the Tera section Stone Edge hits Noivern and Salamence hard and has a chance to OHKO Thundurus, dealing with the Flying-types that can otherwise wall Krookodile. Close Combat is an incredibly powerful Fighting-type attack that can OHKO Cyclizar and provide strong coverage for opposing Krookodile, Wo-Chien and Crawdaunt. Stealth Rock allows Krookodile to fill a role on a team as a entry hazard setter at the cost of one of its coverage slots, letting more offensive teams forgo a more defensive hazard setter like Hippowdon or Empoleon. Choice Scarf makes the croc faster than the entire unboosted metagame, meaning the only faster Pokemon are Choice Scarf users like Gengar, Galarian Zapdos, and Terrakion, or Pokemon boosting their speed with Agility, Dragon Dance, or Shift Gear such as Revavroom, Salamence, and Basculegion-F. You can mention this shortcoming and include ways to circumvent it like priority moves and phys and specially defensive walls in the second paragraph since paragraph 1 is reserved for explaining set choices. Here, you can instead mention how Jolly with Scarf lets Krook outspeed other relevant scarfers like Gardevoir and Okidogi [[Sir Tetris AMQC]] The choice between Intimidate and Moxie comes down to what role Krookodile is playing. Intimidate lets it switch in to physical attackers like Okidogi or Salamence, take a weakened attack, and threaten them out with either strong STAB attacks or coverage moves. Moxie lets Krookodile be an endgame cleaner and sweeper that boosts its attack after every successful KO, turning it into a powerful threat. Poison is a strong Tera type for Krookodile, letting it flip its type matchups by resisting Fighting, Fairy, and Grass attacks such as Grass Knot from Thundurus or Moonblast from Fezandipiti mention a fighting-type attack, allowing it to score KOs it may otherwise not have and begin its sweep with Moxie boosts mention that it empowers gunk shot here. Dark is an alternative Tera typing that boosts Knock Off, letting it OHKO Jirachi and Reuniclus after a bit of chip. It also lets Krookodile be the apex water predator, removing its weakness to priority Aqua Jet from Crawdaunt or Feraligatr.

Choice Scarf Krookodile fits on more offensive teams that are looking for a sweeper that doesn't need to take time to set up, or a revenge killer that can use Intimidate to safely switch in or force out physical breakers. ### Spike stack teams can benefit immensely from Krookodile, due to its STAB Knock Off getting rid of Heavy-Duty Boots and its ability to take advantage of a weakened opposing team to sweep with Moxie boosts. Chesnaught can take the Grass and Water attacks that threaten Krookodile, while also absorbing Knock Off and setting Spikes. Klefki can benefit from having a Krookodile to switch into when it is threatened by Fire and Ground-type attacks. (( It Krookodile can switch in on predicted Electric or Psychic type attacks from Thundurus, Raikou, or Reuniclus and force them out, but it needs to be careful when doing so as these Pokemon usually carry coverage moves that threaten Krookodile of taking too many hits, as its weakness to U-turn and Fighting-type attacks means it can be worn down quickly. )) move this to the ### mark Pokemon like Jirachi can set hazards to wear down foes for Krookodile to KO, and can also pivot into Krookodile and have it absorb the Dark- and Ghost-type attacks that threaten it. You should rewrite this line and separate the two concepts it's highlighting; for example, you can mention that Krook appreciates stealth rock support like jirachi in the previous line about spike stack since it covers the same purpose of chipping down the opposing team to make it easier for Krook to clean. Secondly, instead of mostly commenting how other pokemon can benefit from krook's defensive utility, you should also specify how krook itself benefits from the utility provided by these pokemon since it is assumed that the reader is looking for partners that mitigate krook's own weaknesses and not just pokemon that like what krook offers. So you should also mention the defensive utility provided by steel types like jirachi and magnezone in resisting grass- and fairy-type attacks - you can merge this with the next line if you want. [[Sir Tetris AMQC, I couldn't have said it better]] Poison-types like Fezandipiti and Amoonguss can swap in to the Fighting, Fairy, and Grass attacks that Krookodile would rather avoid, while also baiting out Psychic attacks for Krookodile to freely switch in to. Krookodile is also a great partner for Cyclizar, able to threaten Ghost-types who come in and spinblock. It also synergizes with other hazard removers like Galarian Weezing, who gives an immunity to Ground moves and can support Krookodile by Defogging away hazards and neutralizing physical attackers with Will-o-Wisp Does neutralizing physical attackers with Will-O-Wisp and Defog help Krookodile more than the average mon? If so, explain why, if not, do not mention it. Geezing's main trait that helps Krookodile is its x4 Fighting and Bug resist coupled with the Ground immunity, or Noivern, who can remove hazards and pivot into Krookodile with U-turn. Same thing for the hazard removal aspect. Mention fat breakers such as Bulk Up Okidogi/Calm Mind Mew that can help deal with those playstyles Krook can struggle making progress against, and also mention special attackers such as Basc-F/Armarouge who threaten Krook's defensive answers.

QC2 done, this will need a 3rd QC before GP.
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Choice Scarf (Krookodile) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate / Moxie
Tera Type: Poison / Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Gunk Shot / Stone Edge
- Stone Edge / Close Combat / Stealth Rock

add something here explaining what the basic role of scarf krookodile is: revenge killing, switching into resists and then outspeeding, forcing knock off into the enemy team, cleaning up weakened teams, etc.
Intimidate lets Krookodile take less damage from stray physical hits, allowing it to enter the field one or two more times over the course of a match, Mention how intimidate lets it get more revenge kill opportunities by weakening faster pokemon. while Moxie makes sacking Pokemon to bring others in much riskier. Gunk Shot threatens Grass- and Fairy-types like Wo-Chien and Chesnaught, and can poison Slowbro, who is otherwise able to check Krookodile once its item is removed. Stone Edge hits Noivern and Salamence hard and has a chance to OHKO Thundurus, dealing with the Flying-types that can otherwise wall Krookodile. Close Combat can OHKO Cyclizar and provide strong coverage for opposing Krookodile, Wo-Chien and Crawdaunt. Stealth Rock allows Krookodile to fill a role on a team as a entry hazard setter at the cost of one of its coverage slots, letting more offensive teams forgo a more defensive hazard setter like Hippowdon or Empoleon. Choice Scarf makes the croc faster than the entire unboosted metagame, and outspeeds other common Choice Scarf users like Okidogi and Gardevoir. The choice between Intimidate and Moxie comes down to what role Krookodile is playing. Intimidate lets it switch in to physical attackers like Okidogi or Salamence, take a weakened attack, and threaten them out with either strong STAB attacks or coverage moves. Moxie lets Krookodile be an endgame cleaner and sweeper that boosts its attack after every successful KO, turning it into a powerful threat. either move this before the earlier section talking about abilities or move that section below this one. Poison is a strong Tera type for Krookodile, letting it flip its type matchups by resisting Fighting, Fairy, and Grass attacks such as Grass Knot from Thundurus, Moonblast from Fezandipiti, and Close Combat from Mienshao, allowing it to score KOs it may otherwise not have and begin its sweep with Moxie boosts. It also empowers Gunk Shot, turning it into Krookodile's strongest STAB attack. Dark is an alternative Tera typing that boosts Knock Off, letting it OHKO Jirachi and Reuniclus after a bit of chip. It also lets Krookodile remove its weakness to priority Aqua Jet from Crawdaunt or Feraligatr.

Choice Scarf Krookodile fits on more offensive teams that are looking for a sweeper that doesn't need to take time to set up, or a revenge killer that can use Intimidate to safely switch in or force out physical breakers. Krookodile can switch in on predicted Electric or Psychic type attacks from Thundurus, Raikou, or Reuniclus and force them out, but it needs to be careful when doing so as these Pokemon usually carry coverage moves that threaten Krookodile. Spike stack teams can benefit immensely from Krookodile, due to its STAB Knock Off getting rid of Heavy-Duty Boots and its ability to take advantage of a weakened opposing team to sweep with Moxie boosts. Jirachi, and Hippowdon, and Mew hazard-setting mew isn't viable enough or common enough to be worth mentioning can all set hazards for Krookodile. Chesnaught can take the Grass and Water attacks that threaten Krookodile, while also absorbing Knock Off and setting Spikes. Poison-types like Fezandipiti and Amoonguss can swap in to the Fighting, Fairy, and Grass attacks that Krookodile would rather avoid, while also baiting out Psychic attacks for Krookodile to freely switch in to into. Steel-types, as well, are great absorbers of the Grass and Fairy attacks that threaten it, making Jirachi and Magnezone excellent partners. Krookodile is also a great partner for Cyclizar, able to threaten Ghost-types who come in and spinblock. It also synergizes with other hazard removers like Galarian Weezing, who gives an immunity to Ground moves and a quad-resist to both Fighting and Bug attacks that threaten Krookodile, or Noivern, who can take Fighting, Water, and Grass attacks aimed at Krookodile while also removing hazards for it. Bulky wallbreakers like Bulk Up Okidogi and Calm Mind Mew can threaten defensive checks to Krookodile like Slowbro and Galarian Weezing, making progress against Pokemon that it struggles with. Defensive checks to Krookodile like Hippowdon and Galarain Weezing can also be threatened by strong special attackers like Armarouge and Basculegion-F. I think thundurus is worth mentioning. It does well vs both slowbro and the standard hippo set while providing pivot support.

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Choice Scarf (Krookodile) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate / Moxie
Tera Type: Poison / Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Gunk Shot / Stone Edge
- Stone Edge / Close Combat / Stealth Rock

Choice Scarf Krookodile can fill many roles in a match; (replace colon w/ semicolon) it can revenge kill weakened foes, force Knock Off to make progress against bulky teams with Knock Off, switch into attacks that it resists and to threaten to outspeed and slower foes with a KO, and clean up teams weakened by its teammates. Gunk Shot threatens Grass- and Fairy-types like Wo-Chien and Chesnaught (there's no Fairy-type example) (RC) and can poison Slowbro, who which is otherwise able to check Krookodile once its item is removed. Stone Edge hits Flying-types like Noivern and Salamence hard and has a chance to OHKO Thundurus, dealing with the Flying-types that can otherwise be problematic for Krookodile. (brevity) Close Combat can OHKO Cyclizar and provides strong coverage for opposing Krookodile, Wo-Chien, (AC) and Crawdaunt. Stealth Rock allows Krookodile to fill a role on a team as be an entry hazard setter at the cost of one of its coverage slots, (implied) letting more offensive teams forgo a more defensive hazard setter like Hippowdon or Empoleon. Choice Scarf makes the croc Krookodile (use proper names for analyses) faster than outspeed the entire unboosted metagame (RC) and outspeeds other common Choice Scarf users like Okidogi and Gardevoir. The choice between Intimidate and Moxie comes down to what role Krookodile is playing. (Fluff, following sentences as well as beginning one in next paragraph generally imply how each ability molds Krookodile's role.) Intimidate lets it Krookodile switch in to take hits from physical attackers like Okidogi or and Salamence, take a weakened attack, (implied) and threaten to force them out or revenge kill them with either strong STAB attacks or coverage moves. (Moved sentences on abilities from beginning of paragraph to here, implemented from sneakyplanner's QC check) Intimidate lets Krookodile take less damage from stray physical hits, allowing it to enter the field one or two more times over the course of a match, while also weakening faster Pokemon so Krookodile can take less damage when KOing them. (This sentence is stating somewhat obvious info and repeating the general point of the previous sentence, so I condensed the revenge killing part into it. Please let me know if there's an issue with this specific edit.) Moxie lets Krookodile be an endgame late-game cleaner and sweeper that boosts its attack after every successful KO, (dex info) turning it into a powerful threat that makes sacking sacrificing Pokemon to bring others in much riskier for the opponent. Tera Poison is a strong Tera type for Krookodile, (fluff) letting it flip its type matchups by resisting Fighting, Fairy, and Grass (dex info) lets Krookodile resist normally super effective attacks such as Grass Knot from Thundurus, Moonblast from Fezandipiti, and Close Combat from Mienshao, allowing it to score KOs it may otherwise not have and begin its sweep with Moxie boosts. It Tera Poison (avoids ambiguity on "it") also empowers Gunk Shot, turning it into Krookodile's strongest STAB attack. Tera Dark is an alternative Tera typing that boosts Knock Off, letting it OHKO Jirachi and Reuniclus after a bit of chip damage. It also lets Krookodile removes its Krookodile's weakness to priority Aqua Jet from Crawdaunt or and Feraligatr.

Choice Scarf Krookodile fits on more offensive teams that are looking for a sweeper that doesn't need to take time to set up (RC) or a revenge killer that can use Intimidate to (this would imply that a team is specifically looking for a revenge killer with Intimidate) safely switch into or force out physical breakers. (append "breakers" with "wall-" or "stall-", whichever is appropriate) Krookodile can switch into on predicted Electric- (AH) or and Psychic-type (AH) attacks from Thundurus, Raikou, or and Reuniclus and force them out, but it needs to be careful when doing so, (AC) as these Pokemon usually carry coverage moves that threaten Krookodile. Spikes stacking teams can benefit immensely from Krookodile (RC) due to its STAB Knock Off ability to getting rid of Heavy-Duty Boots with STAB Knock Off and its ability to take advantage of sweep a weakened opposing team to sweep with Moxie boosts. Chesnaught can take the Grass- (AH) and Water-type attacks that threaten Krookodile (RC) while also absorbing ("absorb" could imply that the Pokemon can recover health from taking an attack) taking Knock Off handily and setting Spikes. Poison-types like Fezandipiti and Amoonguss can swap in to into the Fighting-, (AH) Fairy-, (AH) and Grass-type attacks that Krookodile would rather avoid (RC) while also baiting out Psychic-type attacks for Krookodile to freely switch into. Steel-types, as well, additionally are great absorbers of can easily take the Grass- (AH) and Fairy-type attacks that threaten it Krookodile, making Jirachi and Magnezone excellent partners. Krookodile is also a great partner for Cyclizar, as it is able to threaten Ghost-types who that come in and spinblock Cyclizar. It also synergizes with other entry hazard removers like Galarian Weezing, who gives which has an immunity to Ground moves and a quad-resist 4x resistance to both Fighting- (AH) and Bug-type attacks that threaten Krookodile, or and Noivern, who which can take Fighting-, (AH) Water-, (AH) and Grass-type attacks aimed at Krookodile while also removing hazards for it. Bulky wallbreakers like Bulk Up Okidogi and Guts Conkeldurr can threaten defensive checks to Krookodile like Slowbro and Galarian Weezing, making progress against Pokemon that it struggles with. Defensive checks to Krookodile like Hippowdon and Galarain Galarian Weezing can also be threatened by strong special attackers like Armarouge and Basculegion-F. Thundurus can threaten Slowbro and ignores Earthquake from Hippowdon (RC) while providing being a strong pivot with Volt Switch.

(Whenever you’re referring to attacks that are of a certain type, you should write out "X-type attacks", i.e. "Electric-type attacks". Putting this comment separately from the main bodies b/c this error is prominent in the second paragraph.)

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