Kerfluffle [QC: 3/3] [GP: 2/2]


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Kerfluffle's excellent combination of STAB moves allows it to hit much of the metagame for super effective or neutral damage. Additionally, its typing lets it resist Stealth Rock, allowing it to switch in more freely throughout the match. Kerfluffle's base 119 Speed allows it to outspeed top metagame threats, including Cawmodore, Mega Crucibelle, Serperior, and Keldeo. Its access to Parting Shot, a pivoting move that fails against only a few uncommon targets and doesn't cause Kerfluffle to take Life Orb damage, allows it to act as a unique pivot and cleaner. Used in tandem with Parting Shot, Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to heal off status ailments that it might come across. In addition to Parting Shot, Kerfluffle has access to Sludge Wave and excellent utility moves such as Taunt and Encore.

However, Kerfluffle's typing and average defensive stats leaves it weak to common forms of priority, including Bullet Punch and Gale Wings Acrobatics and Brave Bird. While its Speed tier is great, it falls short of outspeeding Syclant, Tornadus-T, Mega Lopunny, and Stratagem, which give Kerfluffle trouble. Kerfluffle tends to get worn down easily due to entry hazard damage, Life Orb damage, and opposing attacks preying on its relatively low bulk and few resistances. Additionally, Kerfluffle has difficulties switching into Pokemon it checks: for example, Kerfluffle OHKOes Tomohawk with Moonblast, but Tomohawk can hit Kerfluffle with Air Slash on the switch, taking about three quarters of its health!

name: Parting Shot + 3 Attacks
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Focus Blast / Aura Sphere
move 3: Hidden Power Ground / Sludge Wave
move 4: Parting Shot
item: Life Orb / Choice Specs
ability: Natural Cure
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Moonblast is an incredibly potent move that OHKOes Tomohawk, Cyclohm, Keldeo, Latios, and Mega Sableye; 2HKOes Assault Vest Colossoil; and hits many Pokemon for neutral damage. Focus Blast rounds out coverage, almost OHKOing Assault Vest Colossoil, OHKOing Steel-types such as Naviathan, Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Cawmodore, 2HKOing other Steel-types such as Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, and specially defensive Skarmory, and 2HKOing Fire-types such as Volkraken, Volcanion, and Pyroak. Aura Sphere is a weaker but more accurate alternative to Focus Blast, but it's significantly weaker than Focus Blast, and Moonblast already is a reliable move to use. Hidden Power Ground OHKOes Plasmanta, 2HKOes Mega Crucibelle, Tank Mollux, and Kitsunoh, and is Kerfluffle's best option against Fidgit, while Sludge Wave 2HKOes Clefable, Pyroak, Mega Gardevoir, Azumarill, and Assault Vest Tangrowth, 3HKOes Mega Charizard Y, and can hit Talonflame for a 2HKO on the switch. Parting Shot lets Kerfluffle pivot out of unfavorable matchups or keep up momentum against obvious switches. Unlike Volt Switch, U-turn, or Baton Pass found on other pivots, it doesn't fail against many Pokemon in the metagame, doesn't cause unnecessary recoil through Life Orb, Iron Barbs, Rough Skin, or Rocky Helmet, and doesn't pass negative afflictions like stat drops or Leech Seed.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Timid nature maximize Kerfluffle's Speed stat to outspeed Pokemon with base 110 Speed such as Mega Diancie and the base 118 Speed Cawmodore without compromising any of its defensive stats. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize its Special Attack stat. Life Orb boosts Kerfluffle's offenses to achieve the benchmarks detailed in the Moves section while allowing it to freely change moves. The recoil can add up fast, however. Choice Specs lets Kerfluffle hit even harder than with Life Orb, turning some of 2HKOs listed above into near or full OHKOs (such as Assault Vest Colossoil), and while Kerfluffle appreciates the lack of Life Orb recoil, it can't pivot out with Parting Shot unless it's Kerfluffle's first turn out. Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to remove burns, toxic, and paralysis from itself in tandem with Parting Shot. However, it is more difficult to heal of paralysis than burn due to Kerfluffle's poor bulk and moving last when trying to use Parting Shot.

Usage Tips

Use Kerfluffle's wide super effective and neutral coverage to its advantage, which can force out many Pokemon such as Cyclohm, Colossoil, and Garchomp. Early-game, most of Kerfluffle's checks will be healthy, so using Parting Shot to get free opportunities to switch is a good way to wear down its checks. Additionally, good prediction with Kerfluffle's coverage moves and Focus Blast can wear down these checks as well. Priority users are common switch-ins to Kerfluffle; predict the switch and use Focus Blast against Bullet Punch users and Sludge Wave against Talonflame. Late-game, Kerfluffle can clean up with its amazing coverage between its STAB attacks and its coverage move. Focus Blast, while inaccurate, is a good move to use early-game due to its sheer wallbreaking power. Moonblast, while useful at any point in the match, is very beneficial at the end of a match when a decently powerful move with good accuracy is needed to clean weakened teams. Pay attention to damage rolls against switch-ins that have Choice Scarf sets. For example, if a Jirachi switch-in takes an unusually large amount of damage from an attack, it is probably equipped with a Choice Scarf, so a hard switch will be necessary rather than a Parting Shot. However, if it takes a smaller amount of damage, it is probably a slower, specially defensive set, which Kerfluffle can use Parting Shot against easily. Despite being reliant on its item for many of its KOs, Kerfluffle can make for an excellent Knock Off absorber in a pinch. Taking a Knock Off basically gives Kerfluffle a free switch in as well. Slower U-turn and Volt Switch users can often shrug off the Parting Shot drops by simply using those moves after Kerfluffle has switched out. Sending in a Pokemon with a contact-punishing item or ability or an Electric-type immunity can hamper this strategy. While Hidden Power Ground variants of Kerfluffle can eliminate Mega Crucibelle, Mega Crucibelle needs to have taken a quarter of its health in damage before it is reliably KOed.

Team Options

Kerfluffle fits on many offensive and balanced team builds. Ground-types such as Colossoil, Garchomp, and Landorus-T can threaten the Fire-, Steel-, and Poison-type checks of Kerfluffle. Pokemon that can cover Talonflame, Mega Scizor, and Mega Metagross are good teammates. Cyclohm and Rotom-W are excellent defensive examples. Pokemon that prey on slower Poison-types, particularly Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss, and also Mega Crucibelle are excellent teammates as well, including Mega Medicham, Mega Alakazam, Aurumoth, Landorus, Garchomp, and Colossoil. Kerfluffle appreciates U-turn users such as Mega Scizor, Tornadus-T, and Volkraken and Volt Switch users such as Rotom-W and Mega Manectric. Because Kerfluffle forces many switches, Kerfluffle appreciates Landorus, Heatran, Tyranitar, and Mega Crucibelle's access to Stealth Rock, as Kerfluffle appreciates the chip damage, particularly on the many Fire-types that are weak to Stealth Rock damage. Users of Rapid Spin and Defog, such as Colossoil, Kitsunoh, and Latios remove entry hazards to preserve Kerfluffle's HP for Life Orb recoil. Bulkier setup sweepers such as Aurumoth, Mega Scizor, and Mega Charizard X appreciate Kerfluffle's ability to get them an extra turn to set up. In Aurumoth's case, by taking less damage, it has more turns to fire off Life Orb-boosted attacks before it dies to Life Orb recoil. Talonflame and Mega Pinsir also appreciate an easier time setting up Swords Dance.

name: Utility
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Aura Sphere / Focus Blast
move 3: Taunt / Encore
move 4: Parting Shot
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
ability: Natural Cure
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Moonblast hits many metagame threats for great damage, including Tomohawk, Cyclohm, Garchomp, and Mega Sableye. Aura Sphere gives Kerfluffle a reliable STAB attack to hit Fire- and Steel-types for neutral damage or super effective damage. Focus Blast is an alternative that trades perfect accuracy for more power, but it's only worth using with Life Orb. Taunt shuts down many walls such as Pyroak and Clefable. In tandem with Parting Shot, this can either force the opposing Pokemon to stay in and hit one of Kerfluffle's teammates with a -1 move, which is very weak coming from a wall, or force the opponent to switch into a more offensive Pokemon, which doesn't appreciate the drop either. Encore provides the same sort of opportunities that Taunt provides, but it is easier to play around than Taunt. For example, if Kerfluffle outspeeds a foe that uses a Speed-boosting move, Kerfluffle cannot effectively use Encore. Parting Shot allows Kerfluffle's bulkier teammates to set up more easily, and the combination of Kerfluffle's STAB moves and either one of Taunt or Encore allows it to use Parting Shot as the opponent switch-ins an appropriate counter for Kerfluffle.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Timid nature allow Kerfluffle to outspeed as many Pokemon as possible, just outspeeding Cawmodore. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize Kerfluffle's Special Attack stat, allowing it to hit as hard as possible. Leftovers allows Kerfluffle to heal off damage taken from weak moves from wall that it uses Taunt against, while Life Orb boosts Kerfluffle's damage output. However, equipping Leftovers prevents Kerfluffle from reaching important damage benchmarks such as guarenteed OHKOs on Tomohawk, Cyclohm, and Garchomp. Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to heal off bad poison, burn, and paralysis in case it cannot use Taunt to prevent these status afflictions to begin with.

Usage Tips

Taunt or Encore Kerfluffle is a very good balance breaker and should use its chosen move in conjunction with Parting Shot early-game to soften up the opposing team. Use Taunt if you predict defensive switch-ins such as Chansey and Pyroak, and usually you can follow with Parting Shot, as the defensive threat will not want to stay in after it is Taunted. Encore is better for defensive switch-ins or slower setup sweepers that think that they can function properly against Kerfluffle. For example, use Encore against Toxic Chansey or Calm Mind Slowbro, and then Parting Shot into the appropriate teammate. If you predict an offensive switch-in such as Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, Mega Crucibelle, or Talonflame, Parting Shot is generally better to use. Later in the match, Kerfluffle should use its nearly unresisted STAB combination to clean up weakened teams. Aggressive double switching and slow U-turn and Volt Switch partners are good ways to get Kerfluffle in the match. While Taunt allows Kerfluffle to stop certain defensive threats, it cannot adequately stallbreak an entire stall team alone.

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Mega Medicham, Mega Metagross, and Mega Crucibelle appreciate Kerfluffle's ability to cripple defensive checks and to weaken the opponent's switch-in with Parting Shot. Choice Scarf users such as Volkraken and Keldeo also appreciate the switches that Kerfluffle forces, as it usually lures out faster Pokemon such as Syclant and Mega Lopunny on a predicted Parting Shot. Other stallbreakers such as Gliscor, Naviathan, and Heatran appreciate Kerfluffle's Taunt, as they can use their other moves instead. This is especially useful for breaking stall teams. Because Kerfluffle has no coverage moves on this set, it needs answers for Poison-types, bulky Fairy types, and Talonflame. As such, Mega Crucibelle, Gliscor, and Mega Scizor are excellent choices. This set can act as a stallbreaker, but it appreciates other stallbreakers such as Bulk Up Talonflame and Taunt Life Orb Tomohawk to supplement its capabilities.

Other Options

Kerfluffle can run a Choice Scarf with an EV spread of 252 SpA / 12 SpD / 240 Spe and a Modest nature to surprise threats such as Syclant, Mega Alakazam, Choice Scarf Volkraken, and Choice Scarf Garchomp. However, it is still susceptible to common priority and lacks the power of Life Orb and Choice Specs sets. Rest can heal off any damage Kerfluffle might take during battle, and it can recover from sleep with Natural Cure. However, Kerfluffle can no longer keep up momentum with Parting Shot or has to give up a coverage move. Yawn can gain momentum alongside Parting Shot, but giving up a coverage move is generally not worth it. Energy Ball is a decent coverage option that hits Ground- and Water-types. Hippowdon and Rotom-W gets 2HKOed and Quagsire gets OHKOed, but they already take a lot of damage from Kerfluffle's STAB moves. However, Energy Ball is Kerfluffle's best option against Slowking, Slowbro, and Suicune, which can otherwise stomach Life Orb-boosted and Choice Specs-boosted Moonblast. Hidden Power Fire can hit Mega Scizor for an OHKO or near-OHKO on the switch, but its coverage overlaps with Focus Blast and Aura Sphere. Additionally, it forces Kerfluffle to lose Speed ties with other Kerfluffle. Close Combat can 2HKO Chansey with a Life Orb and even a Timid Nature, but Kerfluffle appreciates its other STAB moves better. Wish can help Kerfluffle recover HP, and it pairs well with Parting Shot to weaken the enemy's attack and give Kerfluffle's teammate a safe switch in. However, Kerfluffle's HP stat is too low to pass really big Wishes, making Wish a subpar option.

Checks and Counters

**Poison-types**: Poison-types, most notably Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss, which resist both of Kerfluffle's STAB types, don't take much damage from its coverage moves and have recovery options in Synthesis and Regenerator, respectively, allowing them to wall Kerfluffle. Fidgit also doesn't take much from any of Kerfluffle's moves and can retaliate with Sludge Bomb to KO Kerfluffle or Tailwind to speed up its teammates, but its only recovery option is Wish. Mollux, which can heal off damage with Recover; Mega Crucibelle, which can U-turn after a Parting Shot; and Plasmanta are excellent checks as well with powerful Poison-type STAB moves; however, Kerfluffle can run Hidden Power Ground to work past these threats. Gengar resists all of Kerfluffle's moves, but it's frail and gets outsped and hit by Parting Shot.

**Fire-Types**: Most Fire-types that resist Kerfluffle's Fighting-type STAB moves or have high Special Defense can check Kerfluffle. Pyroak can wall Hidden Power Ground variants, but struggles against Sludge Wave variants and is annoyed by Taunt and Encore. Mega Charizard Y, Volcarona, and Talonflame resist both of Kerfluffle's STAB moves and, in the latter two's case, can set up against it. Talonflame can run a specially defensive set to wall even Sludge Wave variants. While Mega Charizard X has a hard time setting up against Kerfluffle, it can set up with Dragon Dance before Mega Evolving. Victini can take most of Kerfluffle's moves barring Hidden Power Ground and retaliate with V-create.

**Priority Users**: Talonflame can switch into Moonblast comfortably and retaliate with priority Acrobatics or Brave Bird to KO Kerfluffle or use it to set up a Swords Dance. Mega Pinsir can also set up Swords Dance if it's healthy enough or use Aerilate Quick Attack to KO Kerfluffle. Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, and Mega Medicham can pick off Kerfluffle with Bullet Punch. However, Mega Scizor must set up to get an OHKO, Mega Metagross can't OHKO it without some chip damage, and a combination of Fake Out and Bullet Punch will not be enough to KO Kerfluffle without some chip damage in the case of Mega Medicham. Additionally, Mega Scizor and Mega Metagross both have trouble switching into Focus Blast, Mega Medicham can't switch into Moonblast, and all three do not appreciate the drop from Parting Shot. Unboosted Cawmodore can KO very weakened Kerfluffle in a pinch; however, boosted Cawmodore's Bullet Punch KOes Kerfluffle one and a half times over. Choice Band Azumarill can use Aqua Jet to beat weakened Kerfluffle, but Kerfluffle must be at half of its HP to be KOed.

**Faster Threats**: Many faster threats can check Kerfluffle. Tornadus-T, especially the Assault Vest variant, has an easy time against Kerfluffle, as Hurricane is a clean OHKO. Syclant can use U-turn to escape Kerfluffle until it's weak enough to KO with Ice Beam. Mega Lopunny can almost KO Kerfluffle through a combination of Fake Out and Return. Choice Scarf Volkraken resists Kerfluffle's Moonblast and can hit it hard with Fire Blast and Scald. Choice Scarf Keldeo can surprise a weakened Kerfluffle with a faster Hydro Pump or Scald. Both Alakazam and Mega Alakazam outspeed Kerfluffle and OHKO it with Psychic. +1 Aurumoth outspeeds Kerfluffle and OHKOes it with Psychic or Psyshock, and can even stomach a Moonblast before setting up. Heatran, Garchomp, and Kyurem-B, which would otherwise lose to Kerfluffle, can run Choice Scarf sets with Steel-type coverage in Flash Cannon, Iron Head, and Iron Head respectively. Crucibelle can also run a Choice Scarf set that OHKOes Kerfluffle with Gunk Shot.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types such as Mega Diancie, Mega Gardevoir, and Clefable can take one of Kerfluffle's Moonblasts and retaliate with a Moonblast or Pixilate Hyper Voice. However, Mega Diancie is OHKOed by Focus Blast, and Mega Gardevoir and Clefable are 2HKOed by Sludge Wave, meaning that they cannot switch in at all.

**Steel-types**: Jirachi can check Kerfluffle by running a specially defensive set that relies on Wish to heal itself, or a Choice Scarf set that relies on the extra Speed to KO Kerfluffle. Non-Choice Scarf Kitsunoh can wall non-Hidden Power Ground variants of Kerfluffle and retaliate with Iron Head, but it takes a good amount of damage from Moonblast and usually is hit with Parting Shot before it can hit Kerfluffle with Iron Head.

**Chansey**: Chansey can take any of Kerfluffle's moves, but it has to watch out for Taunt, Encore, and Life Orb-boosted Close Combat.
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Ready for QC. Team Options and Usage Tips might look a little weird. Comments and constructive criticism from anyone are appreciated!
So sorry if my spelling is bad.

I think you should add the choice of Close Combat in the Other Options. It can hurt Chansey on the LO set, and is better against special walls.
So sorry if my spelling is bad.

I think you should add the choice of Close Combat in the Other Options. It can hurt Chansey on the LO set, and is better against special walls.

-Kerfluffle can run a Choice Scarf with an EV spread of 252 SpA / 12 SpD / 240 Spe a Modest Nature to surprise threats such as Syclant, Mega Alakazam, Scarf Volkraken, and Scarf Garchomp. However, it is still susceptible to common priority and lacks the power of Life Orb and Choice Specs sets.
-Energy Ball is a decent coverage option that hits Ground- and Water-types. Hippowdon and Rotom-W gets 2HKOed and Quagsire gets OHKOed, but they already take a lot of damage from Kerfluffle's STAB moves. However, Energy Ball is Kerfluffle's best option against Slowking, Slowbro, and Suicune, who can otherwise stomach Life Orb-boosted and Choice Specs-boosted Moonblasts.
-Giga Drain hits the aforementioned threats as well; however, it's very weak, and the recovery it provides is generally not worth it.
-Hidden Power Fire can hit Mega Scizor for an OHKO or near OHKO on the switch, but its coverage overlaps with Focus Blast and Aura Sphere. Additionally, it forces Kerfluffle to lose speed ties with other Kerfluffle.
-Close Combat can 2HKO Chansey with a Life Orb and even a Timid Nature, but Kerfluffle appreciates its other STAB moves better.
-Rest can heal off any damage Kerfluffle might take during battle, and it can recover from sleep with Natural Cure. However, Kerfluffle can no longer keep up momentum with Parting Shot, or has to give up a coverage move.
-Yawn can gain momentum alongside Parting Shot, but giving up a coverage move is generally not worth it.
-Wish can help Kerfluffle recover HP, and it weaken the enemy's attack and give its teammate a safe switch-in with Parting Shot. However, Kerfluffle's HP stat is too low to pass really big Wishes, making Wish a subpar option.

not qc

Maybe you could give special walls a brief mention? As they shouldn't be forgotten either.
Other than that, this looks pretty solid.
not qc

Maybe you could give special walls a brief mention? As they shouldn't be forgotten either.
Other than that, this looks pretty solid.

Most of them are spread out in C&C, but I might consider lumping them all into one category
am check coming through to try to help the qc team


  • you mentioned flying/steel priority moves but there arent any flying priorty moves ( and kerf takes neutral from steel so maybe just remove and mention faster threats? mention gale wins talon as an example
EDIT: steel is se my bad ignore that part lol

[SET COMMENTS] - 1st set
  • mention that fighting stab hits steels that moonblast doesnt hit [moves]
  • "Kerfluffle's coverage move usually hits only a select amount of checks, but both moves hit certain targets that its STAB moves cannot." -- i would remove this personally and just mention in the hp ground section that it hits poison types (beside mega venu / amoo) and sludge wave hits fire/flyings such as talon and zardy [moves]
  • mention that kerf needs max speed to speed tie other kerfuffles and outspeed base 115s (like azelf/raikou) and 110s (like diancie, and thundy at 111) and below. basically provide examples : ) [set details]
  • kerf isnt a free knock off switch since nothing likes losing items item but mention it comes in better than most mons due to 4x resist and hitting darks for se damage with both stabs [usage tips]
  • you can also mention in usuage tips in general how its a pivot early game and can clean late game with stab attacks [usage tips]
  • mention volturn as it helps get kerf in and can pivot out again with parting shot or deal major damage [team options]
  • mention poison killers that can kill mega venu / amoonguss since they are the most reliable checks, colo cant do it [team options]
  • explain ground types and their synergy [team options]
  • mention hazard removal helps a lot with kerf since it makes it easier to pivot. spin/defog helps with every mon but helps kerf a bit more like i explained (pivot) [team options]
[SET COMMENTS] - 2nd set

  • i would personally slash aura sphere first since you want more support and focus less on hitting super hard [set]
  • i would also do leftovers over life or the same reasoning of aura > fblast but lo is fine [set]
  • include stuff i mentioned in the first set (mostly adding examples) [all]


  • mention rest as an option which helps you stallbreak and help around lo / rocks recoil [other options]
  • i would combine giga and energy ball, keeping the energy ball description and just say giga is weaker but has recovery [other options]
  • take out chansey, you have focus blast / taunt or encore and chansey cant really win [checks and counters]
  • consider taking out steels since you have fighting stab but i see ur point. i dont want new payers thinking they can throw in their steel types and check lol
remember this is a amcheck (qc check by non qc member) so you dont actually have to listen to any of this but i hope you consider : )
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-Kerfluffle's excellent combination of STAB moves allows it to hit much of the metagame for super effective or neutral damage.
-Additionally, it resists Stealth Rock, allowing it to switch in more freely throughout the match. Kerfluffle's base 119 Speed allows it to outspeed a top metagame threats, including Cawmodore, Mega Crucibelle, Serperior, and Keldeo.
-Its access to Parting Shot, a pivoting move that fails against only a few uncommon targets and doesn't cause Kerfluffle to take Life Orb damage, allows it to act as a unique pivot and cleaner.
-Used in tandem with Parting Shot, Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to heal off status ailments that it might come across.
-In addition to Parting Shot, Kerfluffle has access to both excellent coverage moves such as Sludge Wave and Hidden Power Ground and excellent utility moves such as Taunt and Encore. I don't think having access to Hidden Power Ground is a "notable" coverage move since everything learns it. The fact that it uses HP ground is because it lacks other good choices for coverage, outside of idk energy ball which isn't that good.

-However, Kerfluffle's typing and rather low average defensive stats leaves it weak to common forms of priority, including Bullet Punch and Gale Wings Acrobatics and Brave Bird.
-While its speed tier is great, it falls short of outspeeding Syclant, Tornadus-T, Mega Lopunny, and Stratagem, which give Kerfluffle trouble. Kerfluffle tends to get worn down easily due to entry hazard damage, Life Orb damage, and opposing attacks preying on Kerfluffle's relatively low bulk and few resistances. However, this problem can be mitigated with Rest and Giga Drain if needed.imo this part is a bit too specific and niche for an overview
-Additionally, Kerfluffle has difficulties switching into Pokemon it checks: for example, Kerfluffle OHKOes Tomohawk with Moonblast, but Tomohawk can hit Kerfluffle with Air Slash on the switch, causing Kerfluffle to take about three quarters of its health! Nevertheless, Kerfluffle is a potent threat in the CAP Metagame.

name: Parting Shot + 3 Attacks
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Focus Blast / Aura Sphere
move 3: Hidden Power Ground / Sludge Wave
move 4: Parting Shot
item: Life Orb / Choice Specs
ability: Natural Cure
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


-Moonblast is an incredibly potent move that OHKOes Tomohawk, Cyclohm, Keldeo, Latios, and Mega Sableye, 2HKOes Assault Vest Colossoil, and hits many Pokemon for neutral damage.
-Focus Blast rounds out coverage, almost OHKOing Assault Vest Colossoil, 2HKOing Fire-types such as Volkraken, Volcanion, and Pyroak, and OHKOing Steel-types such as Naviathan, Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Cawmodore, and 2HKOing other Steel-types such as Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, and specially defensive Skarmory.
-Aura Sphere is a weaker but more accurate alternative to Focus Blast, but it's power is significantly weaker than Focus Blast, and Moonblast is a reliable move to use.
-Hidden Power Ground OHKOes Plasmanta, 2HKOes Mega Crucibelle, Tank Mollux, and Kitsunoh, and is Kerfluffle's best option against Fidgit, while
-Sludge Wave 2HKOes Clefable, Pyroak, Mega Gardevoir, Azumarill and Assault Vest Tangrowth, 3HKOes Mega Charizard Y, and can hit Talonflame for a 2HKO on the switch.
-Parting Shot lets Kerfluffle pivot out of unfavorable match ups or keep up momentum against obvious switches. Unlike Volt Switch, U-turn, or Baton Pass found on other pivots, it doesn't fail against many Pokemon in the metagame, cause unnecessary recoil through Life Orb, Iron Barbs, Rough Skin, or Rocky Helmet, and doesn't pass negative afflictions like stat drops or Leech Seed.

Set Details

-252 Speed EVs and a Timid nature maximize Kerfluffle's speed stat to outspeed Pokemon with base 110 Speed such as Mega Diancie and the base 118 Speed Cawmodore without compromising any of its defensive stats.
-252 Special Attack EVs maximize its Special Attack stat.
-Life Orb boosts Kerfluffle's offenses to achieve the benchmarks detailed in the Moves section while allowing it to freely change moves. The recoil can add up fast however.
-Choice Specs lets Kerfluffle hit even harder than with Life Orb, turning some of 2HKOes listed above into near or full OHKOes, and while Kerfluffle appreciates the lack of Life Orb recoil, it can't pivot out with Parting Shot unless it's Kerfluffle's first turn out.
-Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to remove burns, toxic, and paralysis from itself in tandem with Parting Shot. However, it is more difficult to heal of paralysis than burns.

Usage Tips

-Use Kerfluffle's access to large neutral coverage to its advantage, which can force out many Pokemon such as Cyclohm, Colossoil, and Garchomp. you talked about it's neutral coverage but then listed mons it hits super effectively... really, the super effective part of its coverage is a huge part of it.
-Early game, most of Kerfluffle's checks will be healthy, so using Parting Shot to get free switch-ins is a good way to wear down its checks. Additionally, good prediction with Kerfluffle's coverage moves and Focus Blast can wear down these checks as well. Priority users are common switch-ins to Kerfluffle; predict Focus Blast against Bullet Punch users and Sludge Wave against Talonflame.
-Late game, Kerfluffle can clean up with its amazing coverage between STABs and its coverage move.
-Focus Blast, while inaccurate, is a good move to use early-game due to its sheer wallbreaking power. Moonblast, while useful at any point in the match, is very beneficial at the end of a match when a decently powerful move with good accuracy is needed to clean weakened teams.
-Pay attention to damage rolls against Pokemon that have Scarf sets. For example, if a Jirachi or Mollux switch-in takes an unusually large amount of damage from an attack, it is probably equipped with a Choice Scarf, so a hard switch will be necessary. However, if one of them takes a smaller amount of damage, it is probably a slower, specially defensive set, which Kerfluffle can use Parting Shot against easily.
-Despite being reliant on its item for many of its KOes, Kerfluffle can make for an excellent Knock Off absorber in a pinch. Taking a Knock Off basically gives Kerfluffle a free switch in as well.
-Slower U-turn and Volt Switch users can often shrug off the Parting Shot drops by simply using those moves after Kerfluffle has switched out. Sending in a Pokemon with a contact-punishing item or ability or an Electric-type immunity can hamper this strategy.
-While Hidden Power Ground variants of Kerfluffle can eliminate Mega Crucibelle, Mega Crucibelle needs to have taken a quarter of its health before Hidden Power Ground is a reliable KO.

Team Options

-Kerfluffle fits on many offensive and balanced team builds.
-Pokemon that can cover Talonflame, Mega Scizor, and Mega Metagross are good teammates. Cyclohm and Rotom-W are an excellent defensive examples.
-Pokemon that prey on slower Poison-types, particularly Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss, and also Mega Crucibelle are excellent teammates as well, including Mega Medicham, Mega Alakazam, Aurumoth, Landorus, Garchomp, and Colossoil.
-Kerfluffle appreciates teammates who use U-turn such as Mega Scizor, Tornadus-T, and Volkraken and those who use Volt Switch such as Rotom-W and Mega Manectric
-Because Kerfluffle forces many switches, Kerfluffle appreciates Landorus, Heatran, Tyranitar, and Mega Crucibelle's access to Stealth Rock, as Kerfluffle appreciates the chip damage, particularly to the many Fire-types that are weak to Stealth Rock damage.
-Users of Rapid Spin and Defog, such as Colossoil, Kitsunoh, and Latios remove entry hazards to preserve Kerfluffle's HP for Life Orb recoil.
-Bulkier set up sweepers such as Aurumoth, Mega Scizor, and Mega Charizard X appreciate Kerfluffle's ability to get them an extra turn to set up or, in Aurumoth's case, extra turns of Life Orb recoil. Talonflame and Mega Pinsir also appreciate an easier time setting up Swords Dance.
-Ground-types such as Colossoil, Garchomp, and Landorus-T can threaten the Fire-, Steel-, and Poison-type checks of Kerfluffle. This bullet is important, so raise it to the near-top

name: STABs + Utility
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Aura Sphere / Focus Blast
move 3: Taunt / Encore
move 4: Parting Shot
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
ability: Natural Cure
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


-Moonblast is a powerful move that hits many metagame threats for great damage, including Tomohawk, Cyclohm, Garchomp, and Mega Sableye.
-Aura Sphere gives Kerfluffle a reliable STAB to hit Fire- and Steel-types for neutral damage or super effective damage.
-Focus Blast is an alternative Fighting-type STAB that trades perfect accuracy for more power.
-Taunt shuts down many walls such as Pyroak and Clefable. In tandem with Parting Shot, this can lead to either force the opponent to stay in and hit one of Kerfluffle's teammates with a -1 move, which is very weak coming from a wall, or force the opponent to switch into a more offensive Pokemon, which doesn't appreciate the drop either.
-Encore provides the same sort of opportunities that Taunt provides, but it is easier to play around than Taunt. For example, if Kerfluffle outspeeds an opponent that uses a speed-boosting move, Kerfluffle cannot effectively use Encore.
-Parting Shot is an excellent pivoting move that allows Kerfluffle's bulkier teammates to have an easier set up.

Set Details

-252 Spe EVs and a Timid nature allows Kerfluffle to outspeed as many Pokemon as possible, just outspeeding Cawmodore.
-252 SpA EVs and maximize Kerfluffle's Special Attack stat, allowing it to hit as hard as possible.
-Leftovers allows Kerfluffle to heal off damage taken from weak moves from wall that it uses Taunt against, whileLife Orb boosts Kerfluffle's damage output. However, equipping Leftovers prevents Kerfluffle from reaching important damage benchmarks such as guarenteed OHKOes on Tomohawk, Cyclohm, and Garchomp.
-Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to heal off toxic, burn, and paralysis in case it cannot use Taunt to prevent these status afflictions to begin with.

Usage Tips

-Taunt or Encore Kerfluffle is a very good balance breaker.
-Kerfluffle should use Taunt or Encore in conjuction with Parting Shot early game to soften up the opposing team.
-Use Taunt if you predict a defensive switch-ins such as Chansey and Pyroak. Usually you can follow Taunt with Parting Shot, as the defensive threat will not want to stay in after it is Taunted.
-Encore is better for defensive switch-ins or slower set up sweepers who think that they can set up against Kerfluffle. For example, use Encore against Landorus-T's Stealth Rock or Aurumoth's Quiver Dance.
-Parting Shot is generally better to use against offensive switch-ins that can beat Kerfluffle such as Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, Mega Crucibelle, and Talonflame
-Later in the match, Kerfluffle should use its nearly unresisted STAB combination to clean up weakened threats.
-Aggressive double switching and slow U-turn and Volt Switch partners are good ways to get Kerfluffle in the match.
-While Taunt allows Kerfluffle to stop certain defensive threats, it cannot adequately stallbreak without reliable recovery.

Team Options

-Wallbreakers such as Mega Medicham, Mega Metagross, and Mega Crucibelle appreciate Kerfluffle's ability to cripple defensive checks and to weaken the opponent's switch-in with Parting Shot.
-Choice Scarf users such as Scarf Volkraken and Scarf Keldeo also appreciate the switches that Kerfluffle forces, as it usually lures out faster Pokemon such as Syclant and Mega Lopunny on a predicted Parting Shot.
-Other stallbreakers such as Gliscor, Naviathan, and Heatran appreciate Kerfluffle's Taunt, as they can use their other moves instead. This is especially useful for stall teams.
-Because Kerfluffle has no coverage moves on this set, it needs answers for Poison-types, bulky Fairy types, and Talonflame. As such, Mega Crucibelle, Gliscor, and Mega Scizor are excellent choices.

Other Options

-Kerfluffle can run a Choice Scarf with an EV spread of 252 SpA / 12 SpD / 240 Spe a Modest Nature to surprise threats such as Syclant, Mega Alakazam, Scarf Volkraken, and Scarf Garchomp. However, it is still susceptible to common priority and lacks the power of Life Orb and Choice Specs sets.
-Energy Ball is a decent coverage option that hits Ground- and Water-types. Hippowdon and Rotom-W gets 2HKOed and Quagsire gets OHKOed, but they already take a lot of damage from Kerfluffle's STAB moves. However, Energy Ball is Kerfluffle's best option against Slowking, Slowbro, and Suicune, who can otherwise stomach Life Orb-boosted and Choice Specs-boosted Moonblasts.
-Giga Drain hits the aforementioned threats as well; however, it's very weak, and the recovery it provides is generally not worth it.
-Hidden Power Fire can hit Mega Scizor for an OHKO or near OHKO on the switch, but its coverage overlaps with Focus Blast and Aura Sphere. Additionally, it forces Kerfluffle to lose speed ties with other Kerfluffle.
-Close Combat can 2HKO Chansey with a Life Orb and even a Timid Nature, but Kerfluffle appreciates its other STAB moves better.
-Rest can heal off any damage Kerfluffle might take during battle, and it can recover from sleep with Natural Cure. However, Kerfluffle can no longer keep up momentum with Parting Shot, or has to give up a coverage move.
-Yawn can gain momentum alongside Parting Shot, but giving up a coverage move is generally not worth it.
-Wish can help Kerfluffle recover HP, and it weaken the enemy's attack and give its teammate a safe switch-in with Parting Shot. However, Kerfluffle's HP stat is too low to pass really big Wishes, making Wish a subpar option.

Checks and Counters

**Poison-Types**: Poison-types, most notably Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss, who resist both of Kerfluffle's STABs, don't take much damage from its coverage moves, and have recovery options of Synthesis and Regenerator, respectively, wall Kerfluffle. Fidgit also doesn't take much from any of Kerfluffle's moves and can retaliate with Sludge Bomb to KO Kerfluffle or Tailwind to speed up its teammates, but its only recovery option is Wish. Mollux, who can heal off damage with Recover, Mega Crucibelle, who can U-turn after a Parting Shot, and Plasmanta are excellent checks as well with powerful Poison-type STAB moves; however, Kerfluffle can run Hidden Power Ground to work past these threats. Gengar resists all of Kerfluffle's moves, but it's frail and gets hit by Parting Shot first.

**Fire-Types**: Most Fire-types who resist Kerfluffle's Fighting-type STAB or have high special defense can check Kerfluffle. Pyroak can wall Hidden Power Ground variants but struggles against Sludge Wave variants. Additionally, Kerfluffle's Taunt and Encore weaken its strategy. Mega Charizard Y, Volcarona, and Talonflame resist both of Kerfluffle's STAB moves and, and in the latter two cases, can set up against it. Talonflame can run a specially defensive set to wall even Sludge Wave variants. While Mega Charizard X has a hard time setting up against Kerfluffle, it can remain in its base forme to boost. Victini can take most of Kerfluffle's moves barring Hidden Power Ground and retaliate with V-Create.

**Priority Users**: Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, and Mega Medicham can pick off Kerfluffle with Bullet Punch. However, Mega Scizor must set up to get an OHKO, Mega Metagross can't OHKO it without some chip damage, and a combination of Fake Out and Bullet Punch will not be enough to KO Kerfluffle without some chip damage in the case of Mega Medicham. Additionally, Mega Scizor and Mega Metagross both have trouble switching into Focus Blast, Mega Medicham can't switch into Moonblast, and all three do not appreciate the drop from Parting Shot. Unboosted Cawmodore can KO very weakened Kerfluffle in a pinch; however, boosted Cawmodore kills Kerfluffle one and a half times over. Talonflame can use priority Acrobatics or Brave Bird to KO Kerfluffle, while Mega Pinsir can use Quick Attack. Azumarill can use Aqua Jet to beat weakened Kerfluffle, but Kerfluffle must be at half of its HP to be KOed.

**Faster Threats**: Many faster threats can check Kerfluffle. Tornadus-T, especially the Assault Vest variant, has an easy time against Kerfluffle, as Hurricane is a clean OHKO. Syclant can use U-turn to escape Kerfluffle until it's weak enough to KO with Ice Beam. Mega Lopunny can almost KO Kerfluffle through a combination of Fake Out and Return. Scarf Volkraken resists Kerfluffle's Moonblast and can hit it hard with Fire Blast and Scald. Scarf Keldeo can surprise a weakened Kerfluffle with a faster Hydro Pump or Scald. Both Alakazam and Mega Alakazam outspeed and OHKO Kerfluffle with Psychic. +1 Aurumoth outspeeds and OHKOes Kerfluffle with Psychic or Psyshock and can stomach a Moonblast before setting up. Heatran Garchomp, Kyurem-B, who would otherwise lose to Kerfluffle can run Scarf sets with Steel-type coverage: Flash Cannon, Iron Head, and Iron Head respectively. Crucibelle can also run a Scarf set that OHKOes with Gunk Shot.

**Fairy Types**: Fairy-types such as Mega Diancie, Mega Gardevoir, and Clefable can take one of Kerfluffle's Moonblasts and retaliate with a Moonblast or Pixilate Hyper Voice. However, Mega Diancie is OHKOed by Focus Blast, and Mega Gardevoir and Clefable are 2HKOed by Sludge Wave.

**Steel-types**: Jirachi can check Kerfluffle by running a specially defensive set that relies on Wish to heal itself, or a Choice Scarf set that relies on the extra speed to KO Kerfluffle. Non-scarf Kitsunoh can wall non-Hidden Power Ground variants of Kerfluffle and retailate with Iron Head, but it takes a good amount of damage from Moonblast and usually is hit with Parting Shot before it can hit Kerfluffle with Iron Head.

**Chansey**: Chansey can take any of Kerfluffle's moves, but it has to watch out for Taunt, Encore, and Life Orb Close Combat.

Overall, it's a very thorough analysis. I think at this stage the main thing is just trying to order things properly to reflect degrees of importance with your various notes. Once my small amount of comments are attended to, consider this QC 1/3. I wish I could say more, but this has been sitting for a while and it really is at a good level of finish.
Hi snake_rattler
-Encore is better for defensive switch-ins or slower set up sweepers who think that they can set up against Kerfluffle. For example, use Encore against Landorus-T's Stealth Rock or Aurumoth's Quiver Dance.
^This line is a little weird, defensive lando is a pretty poor kerf switch-in, and kerf can't encore auru into QD since auru outspeeds and OHKOes kerf at +1. Replace w/ different examples like CM users.
- Energy Ball's extra power means it has a decent shot at stopping cune/bro from setting up CM safely, while Giga Drain can't and is just weak in general, so that can be removed.

Really nice work snake. QC 2/3
oh boy GP time


add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 1/2

Kerfluffle's excellent combination of STAB moves allows it to hit much of the metagame for super effective or neutral damage. Additionally, its typing lets it resistsStealth Rock, allowing it to switch in more freely throughout the match. Kerfluffle's base 119 Speed allows it to outspeed a top metagame threats, including Cawmodore, Mega Crucibelle, Serperior, and Keldeo. Its access to Parting Shot, a pivoting move that fails against only a few uncommon targets and doesn't cause Kerfluffle to take Life Orb damage, allows it to act as a unique pivot and cleaner. Used in tandem with Parting Shot, Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to heal off status ailments that it might come across. In addition to Parting Shot, Kerfluffle has access to Sludge Wave and excellent utility moves such as Taunt and Encore.

However, Kerfluffle's typing and average defensive stats leaves it weak to common forms of priority, including Bullet Punch and Gale Wings Acrobatics and Brave Bird. While its Speed tier is great, it falls short of outspeeding Syclant, Tornadus-T, Mega Lopunny, and Stratagem, which give Kerfluffle trouble. Kerfluffle tends to get worn down easily due to entry hazard damage, Life Orb damage, and opposing attacks preying on Kerfluffle's its relatively low bulk and few resistances. Additionally, Kerfluffle has difficulties switching into Pokemon it checks: for example, Kerfluffle OHKOes Tomohawk with Moonblast, but Tomohawk can hit Kerfluffle with Air Slash on the switch, causing Kerfluffle to take taking about three quarters of its health! Nevertheless, Kerfluffle is a potent threat in the CAP Metagame. (too hollow; if you want to keep it add some new info, e.g. about playstyles that it checks, idk)

name: Parting Shot + 3 Attacks
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Focus Blast / Aura Sphere
move 3: Hidden Power Ground / Sludge Wave
move 4: Parting Shot
item: Life Orb / Choice Specs
ability: Natural Cure
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Moonblast is an incredibly potent move that OHKOes Tomohawk, Cyclohm, Keldeo, Latios, and Mega Sableye, 2HKOes Assault Vest Colossoil, and hits many Pokemon for neutral damage. Focus Blast rounds out coverage, almost OHKOing Assault Vest Colossoil, 2HKOing Fire-types such as Volkraken, Volcanion, and Pyroak, and OHKOing Steel-types such as Naviathan, Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Cawmodore, and 2HKOing other Steel-types such as Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, and specially defensive Skarmory and Fire-types such as Volkraken, Volcanion, and Pyroak. Aura Sphere is a weaker but more accurate alternative to Focus Blast, but it's power is significantly weaker than Focus Blast, and Moonblast already is a reliable move to use. Hidden Power Ground OHKOes Plasmanta, 2HKOes Mega Crucibelle, Tank Mollux, and Kitsunoh, and is Kerfluffle's best option against Fidgit, while Sludge Wave 2HKOes Clefable, Pyroak, Mega Gardevoir, Azumarill, (AC) and Assault Vest Tangrowth, 3HKOes Mega Charizard Y, and can hit Talonflame for a 2HKO on the switch. Parting Shot lets Kerfluffle pivot out of unfavorable match ups matchups or keep up momentum against obvious switches. Unlike Volt Switch, U-turn, or Baton Pass found on other pivots, it doesn't fail against many Pokemon in the metagame, cause unnecessary recoil through Life Orb, Iron Barbs, Rough Skin, or Rocky Helmet, and doesn't pass negative afflictions like stat drops or Leech Seed.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Timid nature maximize Kerfluffle's Speed stat to outspeed Pokemon with base 110 Speed such as Mega Diancie and the base 118 Speed Cawmodore without compromising any of its defensive stats. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize its Special Attack stat. Life Orb boosts Kerfluffle's offenses to achieve the benchmarks detailed in the Moves section while allowing it to freely change moves. The recoil can add up fast, (AC) however. Choice Specs lets Kerfluffle hit even harder than with Life Orb, turning some of 2HKOes 2HKOs listed above into near or full OHKOes OHKOs, and while Kerfluffle appreciates the lack of Life Orb recoil, it can't pivot out with Parting Shot unless it's Kerfluffle's first turn out. Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to remove burns, toxic, and paralysis from itself in tandem with Parting Shot. However, it is more difficult to heal of paralysis than burns.

Usage Tips

Use Kerfluffle's access to large wide super effective and neutral coverage to its advantage, which can force out many Pokemon such as Cyclohm, Colossoil, and Garchomp. Early-game, (AH) most of Kerfluffle's checks will be healthy, so using Parting Shot to get free switch-ins opportunities to switch is a good way to wear down its checks. Additionally, good prediction with Kerfluffle's coverage moves and Focus Blast can wear down these checks as well. Priority users are common switch-ins to Kerfluffle; predict Focus Blast against Bullet Punch users and Sludge Wave against Talonflame. Late-game, (AH) Kerfluffle can clean up with its amazing coverage between its STAB attacks and its coverage move. Focus Blast, while inaccurate, is a good move to use early-game due to its sheer wallbreaking power. Moonblast, while useful at any point in the match, is very beneficial at the end of a match when a decently powerful move with good accuracy is needed to clean weakened teams. Pay attention to damage rolls against switch-ins that have Choice Scarf sets. For example, if a Jirachi switch-in takes an unusually large amount of damage from an attack, it is probably equipped with a Choice Scarf, so a hard switch will be necessary rather than a Parting Shot. However, if it takes a smaller amount of damage, it is probably a slower, specially defensive set, which Kerfluffle can use Parting Shot against easily. Despite being reliant on its item for many of its KOes KOs, Kerfluffle can make for an excellent Knock Off absorber in a pinch. Taking a Knock Off basically gives Kerfluffle a free switch in as well. Slower U-turn and Volt Switch users can often shrug off the Parting Shot drops by simply using those moves after Kerfluffle has switched out. Sending in a Pokemon with a contact-punishing item or ability or an Electric-type immunity can hamper this strategy. While Hidden Power Ground variants of Kerfluffle can eliminate Mega Crucibelle, Mega Crucibelle needs to have taken a quarter of its health before Hidden Power Ground is a reliable KO it is reliably KOed.

Team Options

Kerfluffle fits on many offensive and balanced team builds. Ground-types such as Colossoil, Garchomp, and Landorus-T can threaten the Fire-, Steel-, and Poison-type checks of Kerfluffle. Pokemon that can cover Talonflame, Mega Scizor, and Mega Metagross are good teammates. Cyclohm and Rotom-W are an excellent defensive examples. Pokemon that prey on slower Poison-types, particularly Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss, and also Mega Crucibelle are excellent teammates as well, including Mega Medicham, Mega Alakazam, Aurumoth, Landorus, Garchomp, and Colossoil. Kerfluffle appreciates teammates who use U-turn users such as Mega Scizor, Tornadus-T, and Volkraken and those who use Volt Switch users such as Rotom-W and Mega Manectric. Because Kerfluffle forces many switches, Kerfluffle appreciates Landorus, Heatran, Tyranitar, and Mega Crucibelle's access to Stealth Rock, as Kerfluffle appreciates the chip damage, particularly to the many Fire-types that are weak to Stealth Rock damage. Users of Rapid Spin and Defog, such as Colossoil, Kitsunoh, and Latios remove entry hazards to preserve Kerfluffle's HP for Life Orb recoil. Bulkier set up setup sweepers such as Aurumoth, Mega Scizor, and Mega Charizard X appreciate Kerfluffle's ability to get them an extra turn to set up or, in Aurumoth's case, extra turns of Life Orb recoil. Talonflame and Mega Pinsir also appreciate an easier time setting up Swords Dance.

name: STABs + Utility (more standard + just as accurate)
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Aura Sphere / Focus Blast
move 3: Taunt / Encore
move 4: Parting Shot
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
ability: Natural Cure
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Moonblast is a powerful move that hits many metagame threats for great damage, including Tomohawk, Cyclohm, Garchomp, and Mega Sableye. Aura Sphere gives Kerfluffle a reliable STAB attack to hit Fire- and Steel-types for neutral damage or super effective damage. Focus Blast is an alternative Fighting-type STAB move that trades perfect accuracy for more power. Taunt shuts down many walls such as Pyroak and Clefable. In tandem with Parting Shot, this can lead to either force the opponent opposing Pokemon to stay in and hit one of Kerfluffle's teammates with a -1 move, which is very weak coming from a wall, or force the opponent to switch into a more offensive Pokemon, which doesn't appreciate the drop either. Encore provides the same sort of opportunities that Taunt provides, but it is easier to play around than Taunt. For example, if Kerfluffle outspeeds an opponent foe that uses a Speed-boosting move, Kerfluffle cannot effectively use Encore. Parting Shot is an excellent pivoting move that allows Kerfluffle's bulkier teammates to set up more easily.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Timid nature allows allow Kerfluffle to outspeed as many Pokemon as possible, just outspeeding Cawmodore. 252 SpA Special Attack EVs and maximize Kerfluffle's Special Attack stat, allowing it to hit as hard as possible. Leftovers allows Kerfluffle to heal off damage taken from weak moves from wall that it uses Taunt against, while(space)Life Orb boosts Kerfluffle's damage output. However, equipping Leftovers prevents Kerfluffle from reaching important damage benchmarks such as guarenteed OHKOes guaranteed OHKOs on Tomohawk, Cyclohm, and Garchomp. Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to heal off toxic bad poison, burn, and paralysis in case it cannot use Taunt to prevent these status afflictions to begin with.

Usage Tips

Taunt or Encore Kerfluffle is a very good balance breaker (RC) and should use its chosen move in conjuction with Parting Shot early-game (AH) to soften up the opposing team. Use Taunt if you predict a defensive switch-ins such as Chansey and Pyroak, and usually you can follow with Parting Shot, as the defensive threat will not want to stay in after it is Taunted. Encore is better for defensive switch-ins or slower set up sweepers who that think that they can function properly against Kerfluffle. For example, use Encore against Toxic Chansey or Calm Mind Slowbro, and then Parting Shot into the appropriate teammate. If you predict an offensive siwtch-in switch-in such as Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, Mega Crucibelle, and or Talonflame, Parting Shot is generally better to use. Later in the match, Kerfluffle should use its nearly unresisted STAB combination to clean up weakened threats. Aggressive double switching and slow U-turn and Volt Switch partners are good ways to get Kerfluffle in the match. While Taunt allows Kerfluffle to stop certain defensive threats, it cannot adequately stallbreak without reliable recovery.

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Mega Medicham, Mega Metagross, and Mega Crucibelle appreciate Kerfluffle's ability to cripple defensive checks and to weaken the opponent's switch-in with Parting Shot. Choice Scarf users such as Scarf Volkraken and Scarf Keldeo also appreciate the switches that Kerfluffle forces, as it usually lures out faster Pokemon such as Syclant and Mega Lopunny on a predicted Parting Shot. Other stallbreakers such as Gliscor, Naviathan, and Heatran appreciate Kerfluffle's Taunt, as they can use their other moves instead. This is especially useful for breaking stall teams. Because Kerfluffle has no coverage moves on this set, it needs answers for Poison-types, bulky Fairy types, and Talonflame. As such, Mega Crucibelle, Gliscor, and Mega Scizor are excellent choices.

Other Options

Kerfluffle can run a Choice Scarf with an EV spread of 252 SpA / 12 SpD / 240 Spe a Modest nature to surprise threats such as Syclant, Mega Alakazam, Choice Scarf Volkraken, and Choice Scarf Garchomp. However, it is still susceptible to common priority and lacks the power of Life Orb and Choice Specs sets. Rest can heal off any damage Kerfluffle might take during battle, and it can recover from sleep with Natural Cure. However, Kerfluffle can no longer keep up momentum with Parting Shot (RC) or has to give up a coverage move. Yawn can gain momentum alongside Parting Shot, but giving up a coverage move is generally not worth it. Energy Ball is a decent coverage option that hits Ground- and Water-types. Hippowdon and Rotom-W gets 2HKOed and Quagsire gets OHKOed, but they already take a lot of damage from Kerfluffle's STAB moves. However, Energy Ball is Kerfluffle's best option against Slowking, Slowbro, and Suicune, who which can otherwise stomach Life Orb-boosted and Choice Specs-boosted Moonblast. Hidden Power Fire can hit Mega Scizor for an OHKO or near-OHKO (AH) on the switch, but its coverage overlaps with Focus Blast and Aura Sphere. Additionally, it forces Kerfluffle to lose Speed ties with other Kerfluffle. Close Combat can 2HKO Chansey with a Life Orb and even a Timid Nature, but Kerfluffle appreciates its other STAB moves better. Wish can help Kerfluffle recover HP, and it pairs well with Parting Shot to weaken the enemy's attack and give its Kerfluffle's teammate a safe switch in (RH) with Parting Shot. (assuming this was your point) However, Kerfluffle's HP stat is too low to pass really big Wishes, making Wish a subpar option.

Checks and Counters

**Poison-types**: Poison-types, most notably Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss, who which resist both of Kerfluffle's STAB types, don't take much damage from its coverage moves (RC) and have recovery options of in Synthesis and Regenerator, respectively, allowing them to wall (again, check content)Kerfluffle. Fidgit also doesn't take much from any of Kerfluffle's moves and can retaliate with Sludge Bomb to KO Kerfluffle or Tailwind to speed up its teammates, but its only recovery option is Wish. Mollux, who which can heal off damage with Recover; (SC) Mega Crucibelle, who which can U-turn after a Parting Shot; (SC) and Plasmanta are excellent checks as well with powerful Poison-type STAB moves; however, Kerfluffle can run Hidden Power Ground to work past these threats. Gengar resists all of Kerfluffle's moves, but it's frail and gets outsped and hit by Parting Shot.

**Fire-Types**: Most Fire-types who that resist Kerfluffle's Fighting-type STAB moves or have high Special Defense can check Kerfluffle. Pyroak is annoyed by Taunt and Encore, can wall Hidden Power Ground variants, but it is annoyed by Taunt and Encore and struggles against Sludge Wave variants. Mega Charizard Y, Volcarona, and Talonflame resist both of Kerfluffle's STAB moves and, and in the latter two cases two's case, can set up against it. Talonflame can run a specially defensive set to wall even Sludge Wave variants. While Mega Charizard X has a hard time setting up against Kerfluffle, Charizard can set up it set up with Dragon Dance before Mega Evolving. Victini can take most of Kerfluffle's moves barring Hidden Power Ground and retaliate with V-create.

**Priority Users**: Talonflame can switch into Moonblast comfortably and realiate retaliate with priority Acrobatics or Brave Bird to KO Kerfluffle or use it to set up a Swords Dance. Mega Pinsir can also set up Swords Dance if its healthy enough or use Aerilate Quick Attack to KO Kerfluffle. Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, and Mega Medicham can pick off Kerfluffle with Bullet Punch. However, Mega Scizor must set up to get an OHKO, Mega Metagross can't OHKO it without some chip damage, and a combination of Fake Out and Bullet Punch will not be enough to KO Kerfluffle without some chip damage in the case of Mega Medicham. Additionally, Mega Scizor and Mega Metagross both have trouble switching into Focus Blast, Mega Medicham can't switch into Moonblast, and all three do not appreciate the drop from Parting Shot. Unboosted Cawmodore can KO very weakened Kerfluffle in a pinch; however, boosted Cawmodore's Bullet Punch kills KOes Kerfluffle one and a half times over. Choice Band Azumarill can use Aqua Jet to beat weakened Kerfluffle, but Kerfluffle must be at half of its HP to be KOed.

**Faster Threats**: Many faster threats can check Kerfluffle. Tornadus-T, especially the Assault Vest variant, has an easy time against Kerfluffle, as Hurricane is a clean OHKO. Syclant can use U-turn to escape Kerfluffle until it's weak enough to KO with Ice Beam. Mega Lopunny can almost KO Kerfluffle through a combination of Fake Out and Return. Choice Scarf Volkraken resists Kerfluffle's Moonblast and can hit it hard with Fire Blast and Scald. Choice Scarf Keldeo can surprise a weakened Kerfluffle with a faster Hydro Pump or Scald. Both Alakazam and Mega Alakazam outspeed Kerfluffle and OHKO Kerfluffle it with Psychic. +1 Aurumoth outspeeds Kerfluffle, (AC) and OHKOes Kerfluffle it with Psychic or Psyshock, (AC) and can stomach a Moonblast before setting up. Heatran, Garchomp, and Kyurem-B, who which would otherwise lose to Kerfluffle, (AC) can run Choice Scarf sets with Steel-type coverage (remove colon) in Flash Cannon, Iron Head, and Iron Head respectively. Crucibelle can also run a Choice Scarf set that OHKOes Kerfluffle with Gunk Shot.

**Fairy-types**: (AH) Fairy-types such as Mega Diancie, Mega Gardevoir, and Clefable can take one of Kerfluffle's Moonblasts and retaliate with a Moonblast or Pixilate Hyper Voice. However, Mega Diancie is OHKOed by Focus Blast, and Mega Gardevoir and Clefable are 2HKOed by Sludge Wave, meaning that they cannot switch in at all.

**Steel-types**: Jirachi can check Kerfluffle by running a specially defensive set that relies on Wish to heal itself (RC) or a Choice Scarf set that relies on the extra Speed to KO Kerfluffle. Non-Choice Scarf Kitsunoh can wall non-Hidden Power Ground variants of Kerfluffle and retailate retaliate with Iron Head, but it takes a good amount of damage from Moonblast and usually is hit with Parting Shot before it can hit Kerfluffle with Iron Head.

**Chansey**: Chansey can take any of Kerfluffle's moves, but it has to watch out for Taunt, Encore, and Life Orb-boosted Close Combat.



Kerfluffle's excellent combination of STAB moves allows it to hit much of the metagame for super effective or neutral damage. Additionally, its typing lets it resist Stealth Rock, allowing it to switch in more freely throughout the match. Kerfluffle's base 119 Speed allows it to outspeed a top metagame threats, including Cawmodore, Mega Crucibelle, Serperior, and Keldeo. Its access to Parting Shot, a pivoting move that fails against only a few uncommon targets and doesn't cause Kerfluffle to take Life Orb damage, allows it to act as a unique pivot and cleaner. Used in tandem with Parting Shot, Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to heal off status ailments that it might come across. In addition to Parting Shot, Kerfluffle has access to Sludge Wave and excellent utility moves such as Taunt and Encore.

However, Kerfluffle's typing and average defensive stats leaves it weak to common forms of priority, including Bullet Punch and Gale Wings Acrobatics and Brave Bird. While its Speed tier is great, it falls short of outspeeding Syclant, Tornadus-T, Mega Lopunny, and Stratagem, which give Kerfluffle trouble. Kerfluffle tends to get worn down easily due to entry hazard damage, Life Orb damage, and opposing attacks preying on its relatively low bulk and few resistances. Additionally, Kerfluffle has difficulties switching into Pokemon it checks: for example, Kerfluffle OHKOes Tomohawk with Moonblast, but Tomohawk can hit Kerfluffle with Air Slash on the switch, taking about three quarters of its health!

name: Parting Shot + 3 Attacks
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Focus Blast / Aura Sphere
move 3: Hidden Power Ground / Sludge Wave
move 4: Parting Shot
item: Life Orb / Choice Specs
ability: Natural Cure
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Moonblast is an incredibly potent move that OHKOes Tomohawk, Cyclohm, Keldeo, Latios, and Mega Sableye; (SC) 2HKOes Assault Vest Colossoil; (SC) and hits many Pokemon for neutral damage. Focus Blast rounds out coverage, almost OHKOing Assault Vest Colossoil, OHKOing Steel-types such as Naviathan, Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Cawmodore, 2HKOing other Steel-types such as Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, and specially defensive Skarmory, and 2HKOing Fire-types such as Volkraken, Volcanion, and Pyroak. Aura Sphere is a weaker but more accurate alternative to Focus Blast, but it's significantly weaker than Focus Blast, and Moonblast already is a reliable move to use. Hidden Power Ground OHKOes Plasmanta, 2HKOes Mega Crucibelle, Tank Mollux, and Kitsunoh, and is Kerfluffle's best option against Fidgit, while Sludge Wave 2HKOes Clefable, Pyroak, Mega Gardevoir, Azumarill, and Assault Vest Tangrowth, 3HKOes Mega Charizard Y, and can hit Talonflame for a 2HKO on the switch. Parting Shot lets Kerfluffle pivot out of unfavorable matchups or keep up momentum against obvious switches. Unlike Volt Switch, U-turn, or Baton Pass found on other pivots, it doesn't fail against many Pokemon in the metagame, doesn't cause unnecessary recoil through Life Orb, Iron Barbs, Rough Skin, or Rocky Helmet, and doesn't pass negative afflictions like stat drops or Leech Seed.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Timid nature maximize Kerfluffle's Speed stat to outspeed Pokemon with base 110 Speed such as Mega Diancie and the base 118 Speed Cawmodore without compromising any of its defensive stats. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize its Special Attack stat. Life Orb boosts Kerfluffle's offenses to achieve the benchmarks detailed in the Moves section while allowing it to freely change moves. The recoil can add up fast, however. Choice Specs lets Kerfluffle hit even harder than with Life Orb, turning some of 2HKOs listed above into near or full OHKOs which ones?, and while Kerfluffle appreciates the lack of Life Orb recoil, it can't pivot out with Parting Shot unless it's Kerfluffle's first turn out. Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to remove burns, toxic, and paralysis from itself in tandem with Parting Shot. However, it is more difficult to heal of paralysis than burns due to Kerfluffle's poor bulk and moving last when trying to use Parting Shot.

Usage Tips

Use Kerfluffle's wide super effective and neutral coverage to its advantage, which can force out many Pokemon such as Cyclohm, Colossoil, and Garchomp. Early-game, most of Kerfluffle's checks will be healthy, so using Parting Shot to get free opportunities to switch is a good way to wear down its checks. Additionally, good prediction with Kerfluffle's coverage moves and Focus Blast can wear down these checks as well. Priority users are common switch-ins to Kerfluffle; predict the switch and use Focus Blast against Bullet Punch users and Sludge Wave against Talonflame. Late-game, Kerfluffle can clean up with its amazing coverage between its STAB attacks and its coverage move. Focus Blast, while inaccurate, is a good move to use early-game due to its sheer wallbreaking power. Moonblast, while useful at any point in the match, is very beneficial at the end of a match when a decently powerful move with good accuracy is needed to clean weakened teams. Pay attention to damage rolls against switch-ins that have Choice Scarf sets. For example, if a Jirachi switch-in takes an unusually large amount of damage from an attack, it is probably equipped with a Choice Scarf, so a hard switch will be necessary rather than a Parting Shot. However, if it takes a smaller amount of damage, it is probably a slower, specially defensive set, which Kerfluffle can use Parting Shot against easily. Despite being reliant on its item for many of its KOs, Kerfluffle can make for an excellent Knock Off absorber in a pinch. Taking a Knock Off basically gives Kerfluffle a free switch in as well. Slower U-turn and Volt Switch users can often shrug off the Parting Shot drops by simply using those moves after Kerfluffle has switched out. Sending in a Pokemon with a contact-punishing item or ability or an Electric-type immunity can hamper this strategy. While Hidden Power Ground variants of Kerfluffle can eliminate Mega Crucibelle, Mega Crucibelle needs to have taken a quarter of its health in damage before it is reliably KOed.

Team Options

Kerfluffle fits on many offensive and balanced team builds. Ground-types such as Colossoil, Garchomp, and Landorus-T can threaten the Fire-, Steel-, and Poison-type checks of Kerfluffle. Pokemon that can cover Talonflame, Mega Scizor, and Mega Metagross are good teammates. Cyclohm and Rotom-W are excellent defensive examples. Pokemon that prey on slower Poison-types, particularly Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss, and also Mega Crucibelle are excellent teammates as well, including Mega Medicham, Mega Alakazam, Aurumoth, Landorus, Garchomp, and Colossoil. Kerfluffle appreciates U-turn users such as Mega Scizor, Tornadus-T, and Volkraken and Volt Switch users such as Rotom-W and Mega Manectric. Because Kerfluffle forces many switches, Kerfluffle appreciates Landorus, Heatran, Tyranitar, and Mega Crucibelle's access to Stealth Rock, as Kerfluffle appreciates the chip damage, particularly to on the many Fire-types that are weak to Stealth Rock damage. Users of Rapid Spin and Defog, such as Colossoil, Kitsunoh, and Latios remove entry hazards to preserve Kerfluffle's HP for Life Orb recoil. Bulkier setup sweepers such as Aurumoth, Mega Scizor, and Mega Charizard X appreciate Kerfluffle's ability to get them an extra turn to set up or, in Aurumoth's case, extra turns of Life Orb recoil what does this last thing mean?. Talonflame and Mega Pinsir also appreciate an easier time setting up Swords Dance.

name: Utility
move 1: Moonblast
move 2: Aura Sphere / Focus Blast
move 3: Taunt / Encore
move 4: Parting Shot
item: Leftovers / Life Orb
ability: Natural Cure
nature: Timid
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Moonblast is a powerful move that hits many metagame threats for great damage, including Tomohawk, Cyclohm, Garchomp, and Mega Sableye. Aura Sphere gives Kerfluffle a reliable STAB attack to hit Fire- and Steel-types for neutral damage or super effective damage. Focus Blast is an alternative Fighting-type STAB move that trades perfect accuracy for more power where is this more power useful? What can it KO?. Taunt shuts down many walls such as Pyroak and Clefable. In tandem with Parting Shot, this can either force the opposing Pokemon to stay in and hit one of Kerfluffle's teammates with a -1 move, which is very weak coming from a wall, or force the opponent to switch into a more offensive Pokemon, which doesn't appreciate the drop either. Encore provides the same sort of opportunities that Taunt provides, but it is easier to play around than Taunt. For example, if Kerfluffle outspeeds a foe that uses a Speed-boosting move, Kerfluffle cannot effectively use Encore. Parting Shot is an excellent pivoting move that allows Kerfluffle's bulkier teammates to set up more easily. Saying its a good pivoting move doesn't do the move justice. You need to talk more about WHY it's such a valuable asset to Kefluffle.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a Timid nature allow Kerfluffle to outspeed as many Pokemon as possible, just outspeeding Cawmodore. 252 Special Attack EVs maximize Kerfluffle's Special Attack stat, allowing it to hit as hard as possible. Leftovers allows Kerfluffle to heal off damage taken from weak moves from wall that it uses Taunt against, while Life Orb boosts Kerfluffle's damage output. However, equipping Leftovers prevents Kerfluffle from reaching important damage benchmarks such as guaranteed OHKOs on Tomohawk, Cyclohm, and Garchomp. Natural Cure allows Kerfluffle to heal off bad poison, burn, and paralysis in case it cannot use Taunt to prevent these status afflictions to begin with.

Usage Tips

Taunt or Encore Kerfluffle is a very good balance breaker and should use its chosen move in conjunction with Parting Shot early-game to soften up the opposing team. Use Taunt if you predict defensive switch-ins such as Chansey and Pyroak, and usually you can follow with Parting Shot, as the defensive threat will not want to stay in after it is Taunted. Encore is better for defensive switch-ins or slower setup sweepers that think that they can function properly against Kerfluffle. For example, use Encore against Toxic Chansey or Calm Mind Slowbro, and then Parting Shot into the appropriate teammate. If you predict an offensive switch-in such as Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, Mega Crucibelle, or Talonflame, Parting Shot is generally better to use. Later in the match, Kerfluffle should use its nearly unresisted STAB combination to clean up weakened threats teams. Aggressive double switching and slow U-turn and Volt Switch partners are good ways to get Kerfluffle in the match. While Taunt allows Kerfluffle to stop certain defensive threats, it cannot adequately stallbreak without reliable recovery. So is this saying "don't try to stallbreak", or "give it reliable recovery"?

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Mega Medicham, Mega Metagross, and Mega Crucibelle appreciate Kerfluffle's ability to cripple defensive checks and to weaken the opponent's switch-in with Parting Shot. Choice Scarf users such as Volkraken and Keldeo also appreciate the switches that Kerfluffle forces, as it usually lures out faster Pokemon such as Syclant and Mega Lopunny on a predicted Parting Shot. Other stallbreakers such as Gliscor, Naviathan, and Heatran appreciate Kerfluffle's Taunt, as they can use their other moves instead. This is especially useful for breaking stall teams. Because Kerfluffle has no coverage moves on this set, it needs answers for Poison-types, bulky Fairy types, and Talonflame. As such, Mega Crucibelle, Gliscor, and Mega Scizor are excellent choices.

Other Options

Kerfluffle can run a Choice Scarf with an EV spread of 252 SpA / 12 SpD / 240 Spe and a Modest nature to surprise threats such as Syclant, Mega Alakazam, Choice Scarf Volkraken, and Choice Scarf Garchomp. However, it is still susceptible to common priority and lacks the power of Life Orb and Choice Specs sets. Rest can heal off any damage Kerfluffle might take during battle, and it can recover from sleep with Natural Cure. However, Kerfluffle can no longer keep up momentum with Parting Shot or has to give up a coverage move. Yawn can gain momentum alongside Parting Shot, but giving up a coverage move is generally not worth it. Energy Ball is a decent coverage option that hits Ground- and Water-types. Hippowdon and Rotom-W gets 2HKOed and Quagsire gets OHKOed, but they already take a lot of damage from Kerfluffle's STAB moves. However, Energy Ball is Kerfluffle's best option against Slowking, Slowbro, and Suicune, which can otherwise stomach Life Orb-boosted and Choice Specs-boosted Moonblast. Hidden Power Fire can hit Mega Scizor for an OHKO or near-OHKO on the switch, but its coverage overlaps with Focus Blast and Aura Sphere. Additionally, it forces Kerfluffle to lose Speed ties with other Kerfluffle. Close Combat can 2HKO Chansey with a Life Orb and even a Timid Nature, but Kerfluffle appreciates its other STAB moves better. Wish can help Kerfluffle recover HP, and it pairs well with Parting Shot to weaken the enemy's attack and give Kerfluffle's teammate a safe switch in. However, Kerfluffle's HP stat is too low to pass really big Wishes, making Wish a subpar option.

Checks and Counters

**Poison-types**: Poison-types, most notably Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss, which resist both of Kerfluffle's STAB types, don't take much damage from its coverage moves and have recovery options in Synthesis and Regenerator, respectively, allowing them to wall Kerfluffle. Fidgit also doesn't take much from any of Kerfluffle's moves and can retaliate with Sludge Bomb to KO Kerfluffle or Tailwind to speed up its teammates, but its only recovery option is Wish. Mollux, which can heal off damage with Recover; Mega Crucibelle, which can U-turn after a Parting Shot; (SC) and Plasmanta are excellent checks as well with powerful Poison-type STAB moves; however, Kerfluffle can run Hidden Power Ground to work past these threats. Gengar resists all of Kerfluffle's moves, but it's frail and gets outsped and hit by Parting Shot.

**Fire-Types**: Most Fire-types that resist Kerfluffle's Fighting-type STAB moves or have high Special Defense can check Kerfluffle. Pyroak can wall Hidden Power Ground variants, but struggles against Sludge Wave variants and is annoyed by Taunt and Encore. Mega Charizard Y, Volcarona, and Talonflame resist both of Kerfluffle's STAB moves and, in the latter two's case, can set up against it. Talonflame can run a specially defensive set to wall even Sludge Wave variants. While Mega Charizard X has a hard time setting up against Kerfluffle, it can set up with Dragon Dance before Mega Evolving. Victini can take most of Kerfluffle's moves barring Hidden Power Ground and retaliate with V-create.

**Priority Users**: Talonflame can switch into Moonblast comfortably and retaliate with priority Acrobatics or Brave Bird to KO Kerfluffle or use it to set up a Swords Dance. Mega Pinsir can also set up Swords Dance if it's healthy enough or use Aerilate Quick Attack to KO Kerfluffle. Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, and Mega Medicham can pick off Kerfluffle with Bullet Punch. However, Mega Scizor must set up to get an OHKO, Mega Metagross can't OHKO it without some chip damage, and a combination of Fake Out and Bullet Punch will not be enough to KO Kerfluffle without some chip damage in the case of Mega Medicham. Additionally, Mega Scizor and Mega Metagross both have trouble switching into Focus Blast, Mega Medicham can't switch into Moonblast, and all three do not appreciate the drop from Parting Shot. Unboosted Cawmodore can KO very weakened Kerfluffle in a pinch; however, boosted Cawmodore's Bullet Punch KOes Kerfluffle one and a half times over. Choice Band Azumarill can use Aqua Jet to beat weakened Kerfluffle, but Kerfluffle must be at half of its HP to be KOed.

**Faster Threats**: Many faster threats can check Kerfluffle. Tornadus-T, especially the Assault Vest variant, has an easy time against Kerfluffle, as Hurricane is a clean OHKO. Syclant can use U-turn to escape Kerfluffle until it's weak enough to KO with Ice Beam. Mega Lopunny can almost KO Kerfluffle through a combination of Fake Out and Return. Choice Scarf Volkraken resists Kerfluffle's Moonblast and can hit it hard with Fire Blast and Scald. Choice Scarf Keldeo can surprise a weakened Kerfluffle with a faster Hydro Pump or Scald. Both Alakazam and Mega Alakazam outspeed Kerfluffle and OHKO it with Psychic. +1 Aurumoth outspeeds Kerfluffle and OHKOes it with Psychic or Psyshock, and can even stomach a Moonblast before setting up. Heatran, Garchomp, and Kyurem-B, which would otherwise lose to Kerfluffle, (AC) can run Choice Scarf sets with Steel-type coverage in Flash Cannon, Iron Head, and Iron Head respectively. Crucibelle can also run a Choice Scarf set that OHKOes Kerfluffle with Gunk Shot.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types such as Mega Diancie, Mega Gardevoir, and Clefable can take one of Kerfluffle's Moonblasts and retaliate with a Moonblast or Pixilate Hyper Voice. However, Mega Diancie is OHKOed by Focus Blast, and Mega Gardevoir and Clefable are 2HKOed by Sludge Wave, meaning that they cannot switch in at all.

**Steel-types**: Jirachi can check Kerfluffle by running a specially defensive set that relies on Wish to heal itself, or a Choice Scarf set that relies on the extra Speed to KO Kerfluffle. Non-Choice Scarf Kitsunoh can wall non-Hidden Power Ground variants of Kerfluffle and retaliate with Iron Head, but it takes a good amount of damage from Moonblast and usually is hit with Parting Shot before it can hit Kerfluffle with Iron Head.

**Chansey**: Chansey can take any of Kerfluffle's moves, but it has to watch out for Taunt, Encore, and Life Orb-boosted Close Combat.

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