Implemented Keep RBY BO3

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from the river to the sea
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So just a moment ago the decision was made to make RBY BO1 in SPL:

Sorry but this decision is ridiculous and totally ignores anything that RBYers want. Unanimously this decision has been met with anger and people saying they will boycott SPL or have no interest in playing or watching BO1 RBY. Why are a bunch of non RBYers screwing us over because a proposal was made to allow DPP to be BO3? Reject the proposal if you want but by what absurd logic does this lead to making RBY a BO1? Literally zero RBYers want this, as you would know if a single member of the TD team actually engaged with RBY at all. If you put this to a vote it clearly would not have passed but instead RBY was left out of any conversation and we only found out we're getting fucked over randomly 30 minutes ago.

Frankly I have to question if this a way to kill off interest in RBY being in SPL to justify round 20 of arguing to cut it, but that's just speculation. What is not speculation is the fact that this will dramatically reduce RBY community interest in SPL. Reconsider this horrible decision.
I'd like to point out that, in the decision in the thread linked in the OP, that particular thread had nothing to do with RBY, therefore no RBY players really had any incentive to give input on it. I think it's only fair for the TD team to give RBY players a chance to at least say something and give input before a decision is made that unilaterally affects that entire community.

Seems pretty clear what people want here.


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why did i bother talking at length to every wcop captain and holding several surveys if apparently TDs can just go against the will of the community and implement whatever they like best, without making the slightest effort to engage with their playerbases?

you are supposed to represent what the people want. you are not supposed to impose your will on people. you weren't supposed to do it against DPPers, and you especially weren't supposed to do it - unprompted - against a tier that was running perfectly well and needed no changes to begin with.

TALK TO US. if you want to impose a decision like this, AT MINIMUM talk at length to the community it's affecting before pulling the trigger. it doesn't seem very complicated to me, and if you don't want to even do that, then step down from TD like I did, because you are not representing anybody's wishes other than your own anymore. thank you
So much of RBY's appeal is also that it's BO3. It's different, and people like the way it's different. I don't care about supposed "consistency" with other tiers, RBY BO3 is widely preferred and draws people to it and keeps them playing.

In the RBY discord, there have already been multiple players who expressed they would not sign up for RBY in SPL because of this change. This is actually so fucking stupid. And without any input?????????????????
This is easily the worst TD decision I have ever seen. I hate to drum up conspiracy theories, but I have to agree with Sabelette that this decision could only be made to kill SPL interest from the RBY community and make it simple to phase the tier out of official tournament play.

I do not think any other argument needs to be made other than: EVERY SINGLE RBY TOURNAMENT IS BO3 AND EVERYONE LIKES IT.

Our old community even favoured bo5.

I’m at a total loss. Common sense has disappeared from this community so quickly.
lol I’m sorry guys, I wouldn’t have made the original thread if I knew that would happen.

Hopefully this gets reversed, but since smogon is uniquely excellent at making the worst possible decisions, I doubt it. Keep rby bo3 and don’t fix what’s not broken!!
lol I’m sorry guys, I wouldn’t have made the original thread if I knew that would happen.

Hopefully this gets reversed, but since smogon is uniquely excellent at making the worst possible decisions, I doubt it. Keep rby bo3 and don’t fix what’s not broken!!

The incompetent decision making shown by TDs there is not at all the fault of DPPers, who should also have the choice of how they want their tier to look in official tournaments. Why are TDs dictators instead of facilitators of what the playerbase wants?
Even if i stand by what i said in the past, bo1 being objectively right policy wise. I'm not interested in playing the tournament anymore, bo3 was a massive part of my enjoyment. Also dropping something like this so late, and with no discussion to at least give the community time to cope/talk about even if you are gonna do anyway, is just plain disrepectful. At least this was the push i needed to stop playing pokemon for good, so thanks for that i guess.
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making rby bo1 out of left field this close to spl's start is inconsiderate of the playerbase and community. this should be reconsidered for this spl and an actual proposal for rby bo1, if you want to incite that change, should be made separately.
lol I’m sorry guys, I wouldn’t have made the original thread if I knew that would happen.

Hopefully this gets reversed, but since smogon is uniquely excellent at making the worst possible decisions, I doubt it. Keep rby bo3 and don’t fix what’s not broken!!
You gave us the best drama we could have asked for, you are in no mistake.

Now seriously, who thought voting this internally with literally no input from the people who actually play the tier was a good decission? There really needs to exist a relatively sensible explanation for this because otherwise I wouldn't be surprised if it actually was to make it easier to erase the tier from official tours.
It is actually impressive how the decision making ability in TD teams goes down year after year instead of the opposite.

As an ex TD, I will reiterate what many people have said already just in case you need to hear it once more. You serve the tournaments community. The tournaments are for the players and are tailored to what the players want, not what you unilaterally prefer.

Get off the high horse and rethink everything about what the TD position entails. And if you cannot or do not want to do that, then step down.

What an incredibly baffling decision. Both in timing and execution.
It seems like there is a war right now so I’m offering to be the peaceful mediator. I know what it’s like to be a TD but I also do care about RBY a lot and plan to play it in SPL.

I do personally support bo1 and the TD decision as a disclaimer but the current state of affairs could use some improvement.

Here is what the trade deal would entail:

TDs/bo1 side give

- RBY reverts back to status quo, bo3
- An apology for the decision

Masses/bo3 side give

- DPP remains bo1 (using logic “don’t fix what isn’t broken”)
- Appreciation towards TDs, use whatever language you want (smart, kind, attractive, etc)


I know this might sound silly but I think this is the healthiest middle ground for everybody and will lead to a more constructive dialogue. The TDs might just wait it out and let people get over it like they did when lower tiers got removed, but if you want peace then here is your path.

Calling on the representatives of each side to formally agree in this thread false Excal
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every tier’s players, within reason, ought to have say in how the tier in played in spl. why is the asymmetry so irksome when, quite literally, everything about this website is rife with silly shit.

daily reminder that we are a community full of ppl who play a made up format of pokemon for fun.
Situations like this is exactly why people have this perception of the tours scene as exclusive circlejerks for only the people already there, not taking any consideration to what the people would like from the outside communities. RBY has been a victim of this on Smogon especially throughout many of the years, and this is a direct slap in the face of one of the most active communities on the website.

If the OU council suddenly bans a Pokemon that 95% of the player base deems fine and no need for tiering action, they rightfully would be battered for it. This is basically what the TD team is doing and this change must be reversed as soon as possible.
TBH, I like Bo1, but just wanted to say that if the question is about what is reasonable to expect of a player of a tier in a tournament in terms of preparation/teambuilding then that should be a question for tier councils. Councils should set standard playing conditions, and then TDs can choose to run a tournament using non standard playing conditions if its impractical from the perspective of tournament operation for a given tournament format.
This is among the most incompetent decisions I have seen, words do not exist that describe how utterly nonsensical and out-of-touch this decision is.

This decision has been unanimously disparaged by the playerbase; with numerous top players such as Amaranth, Nails, and Troller (to name a few) all deriding this decision, along with virtually the entire active playerbase of the tier. This decision had no input from any of the players of the tier, and was made out of nowhere for no good reason a month before the biggest tournament of the year.

You can't even argue that this decision needs to be done to make the format more "hype" for the spectators since the people who actually care enough to watch the game live is that playerbase, who watch the tier to see who is the best in the format they see as the most competitive. All this serves to do is make the format less engaging for the spectators, not more.

This decision was not made for the people who play RBY, it was not made for the spectators who watch the tier, it was made to shoehorn a format that is widely detested by the generations playerbase down our throats without any consultation for the sake of uniformity above all else.
Im sorry, the decision the TD team made is one of the worst I’ve ever seen on this site.

Im not even a player of RBY, but why does the TD team think standardizing tours as Bo1s solves any issues? Was there even any issues in the first place?? If anything it creates more issues in the long run. Is the point of the TD team not to go with what the community wishes and not to make random shitty decisions that literally no one outside the TD team agrees with? No one had issues with tours having / being Bo3s, so why make this call now? This is basically giving a middle finger to so many tiers and their playerbases and is just complete and utter incompetence from the TD team. For the sake of RBY and any other tiers affected, I hope this decision gets overturned soon.

Do better.
This is a decision so monumentally megalomaniacal, arrogant and stupid it calls into question the capability and integrity of every member of the TD team. It is Aldaron-esque in the way it doubles and triples down on spitting in the face of the community it is ostensibly supposed to serve. This does not deserve appreciation and a pat reconciliatory compromise returning us to the status quo and stomping out any attempts at progress, it deserves contempt and thorough reconsideration of what the TD team's role is, or the qualifications of the current team; either way, unanimously preferring symmetry of ruleset (what the fuck????????????) over the preferences of the playerbase is so laughable, so shameful, it almost defies words.
I'm sure some people here remember but back in POCL (rip) 2018 we did BO1 RBY after one of the managers convinced everyone it was somehow the right play.
After the tour we did a survey and shock, most people preferred BO3. In fact we did a vote before the next tour and..

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