BH Kartana [QC 3/3] [GP 2/2]


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An amazing Attack stat, decent Speed, and Steel-type STAB make Kartana a fearsome Pokemon in the Balanced Hackmons metagame. Kartana's Sunsteel Strike along with Steelworker heavily limits possible switch-ins, hitting even Pokemon that resist it hard such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Primal Kyogre. It notably 2HKOes Zygarde-C and Giratina, two of the metagame's premier walls, while also bypassing Fur Coat. In addition, Sunsteel Strike OHKOes slower foes weak to it such as Xerneas, Mega Audino, and Shedinja. STAB on Sunsteel Strike as well as a decent stat spread lets Kartana also function as a Belly Drum sweeper if required due to Sunsteel Strike ignoring Fur Coat and Unaware. Its Grass typing offensively complements its Steel typing by letting it hit Water-types such as Mega Gyarados and Primal Kyogre super effectively. In addition, it makes Kartana immune to Spore, which, combined with its ability to tank common utility moves such as Core Enforcer, Revelation Dance, and Spectral Thief, grants it some degree of defensive utility. Defensively, its Steel typing as well as a decent Defense stat aids it in sweeping and wallbreaking by allowing it to take a variety of priority moves better, such as Mega Diancie's and Kyurem-B's Extreme Speed. Kartana's Speed tier also ensures it outspeeds almost every defensive Pokemon in the metagame, heavily enhancing its matchup against balance and stall teams.

Unfortunately, its Speed tier still leaves it outsped by common offensive Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza, and Mega Gengar. In addition, while switch-ins are rare, Kartana finds it difficult to OHKO defensive Pokemon that aren't weak to its attacks, such as Zygarde-C, Aegislash, and Giratina. Due to this, Kartana often relies on slow pivoting to be brought into targets that it can force out so it can wallbreak, as most of the targets it beats have ways to force it out if Kartana tries to switch in directly. Kartana also suffers from being one-dimensional, with its sets being largely limited to Belly Drum and Steelworker. Also, Kartana's abysmal special bulk, moderate physical bulk, and low Speed compared to other offensive Pokemon mean it will have difficulty against offensive teams.

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Sunsteel Strike
move 2: Power Whip / Bolt Strike / Thousand Arrows
move 3: V-create / Close Combat / Precipice Blades
move 4: Bullet Punch / Trick / U-turn / V-create
item: Choice Band
ability: Steelworker
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Sunsteel Strike 2HKOes defensive Pokemon such as Giratina and Zygarde-C and OHKOes many other Pokemon such as Mega Tyranitar, Mega Audino, and Fur Coat Chansey after Stealth Rock. It bypasses Fur Coat on Giratina and Zygarde-C and Sturdy, allowing Kartana to use it more liberally against teams built around Shedinja. Power Whip is the Grass-type STAB move of choice to hit Water-types that may attempt to switch into Kartana, OHKOing Primal Kyogre and Mega Gyarados and OHKOing Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock. In addition, Power Whip 2HKOes Primal Groudon, which would otherwise comfortably switch into Kartana. Bolt Strike can be run over Power Whip, as, while it requires Stealth Rock support and prior damage to OHKO Mega Slowbro, it has the benefit of OHKOing Celesteela, which can especially be useful against Flash Fire variants. Thousand Arrows can be run to cover every Steel-type Pokemon in the tier besides Ferrothorn, which gets worn down anyway. However, it is weak and won't do much damage to neutral targets. V-create is used to OHKO Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Magearna. It also has the benefit of OHKOing any Imposter Pokemon that attempts to switch into Kartana, but it can force Kartana out due to the stat drops. Close Combat can be run to 2HKO Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel and Ferrothorn, but it does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey switch-ins and cannot hit Aegislash. Precipice Blades can be used to OHKO Aegislash after minimal prior damage but does not 2HKO Ferrothorn or Imposter Chansey switch-ins and cannot hit Celesteela. Bullet Punch can be used to OHKO Mega Diancie and pick off weakened offensive foes that may attempt to stay in and KO Kartana, such as Mega Gengar and Mega Mewtwo Y. Trick can be used to ease prediction while potentially crippling a defensive Pokemon or a specially oriented Pokemon. However, Kartana loses an incredible amount of power if it loses Choice Band, failing to 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C. U-turn can be used to pivot on switches Kartana may force, such as against Mega Audino, Xerneas, and Mega Gyarados. However, Kartana will generally 2HKO the switch-in with Sunsteel Strike or the correct coverage move anyway, so U-turn is not often needed.

Set Details

Steelworker boosts Kartana's Sunsteel Strike and Bullet Punch to incredible power levels, allowing Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina with the former while also helping Kartana pick off weakened offensive Pokemon more easily. Choice Band allows Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina in conjunction with Steelworker as well as OHKO Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock, OHKO Celesteela with Bolt Strike and OHKO Imposter Pokemon that may want to switch into it with V-create. An Adamant nature is used to ensure a 2HKO on Zygarde-C while improving Kartana's ability to wallbreak. The Speed boost from a Jolly nature is not required, as it is only useful for beating Mega Kangaskhan, a threat Kartana can take on regardless.

Usage Tips

Use slow pivoting to bring Kartana in on targets it can force out such as Kyurem-B, Shedinja, and Xerneas. Don't use Sunsteel Strike liberally unless it is safe to do so, as it only has 8 PP and is vulnerable to being PP stalled out. Be sure to scout for Prankster Pokemon such as Registeel, Giratina, and Zygarde-C. Physically bulky and Steel-resistant Prankster Pokemon can PP stall Kartana's Sunsteel Strike if they come on it, meaning you may need to predict their switch correctly to get the most out of Kartana. Alternatively, make sure you deal with any Prankster Pokemon beforehand so Kartana can freely wallbreak. Keep in mind Kartana is not made to take on offensive Pokemon, so staying in on one is unwise, especially if it's specially offensive, as Kartana's Special Defense is poor. Make sure to scout for status moves, as Kartana needs both its decent Speed stat and its colossal Attack stat to function well and being burned or paralyzed can give it difficulty. Being burned in particular can make Kartana useless as a wallbreaker, as it no longer attains many of the OHKOs and 2HKOs it wishes to get. Use Trick when you would like to lock a defensive Pokemon into a move or when you wish to be able to switch moves.

Team Options

Mega Mewtwo Y appreciates Kartana's ability to break down the opponent's defensive Pokemon. In return, with its Contrary and Sheer Force sets, Mega Mewtwo Y has a good matchup against many of the offensive Pokemon in the tier that may threaten Kartana. A solid defensive core with checks to fast Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie, and Mega Mewtwo X can be very useful, as Kartana is forced out by them. Flash Fire Steel-types, such as Celesteela and Registeel, can help wall Mega Diancie and Mega Rayquaza while also being able to Imposter-proof Kartana and provide slow pivoting. Bulky Psychic-types such as Mega Slowbro and Cresselia can also help check Mega Mewtwo X for Kartana. Poison Heal Pokemon, such as Regigigas, Primal Kyogre, and Xerneas are appreciated due to their ability to scout status moves such as Will-O-Wisp and Glare. They are also able to switch in on Knock Off, which is very beneficial, as Kartana requires Choice Band to be a threatening wallbreaker. In addition, they can force switches and put opposing Pokemon to sleep, granting Kartana more opportunities to come in. In return, Kartana can break walls down for them, which helps them sweep. Imposter Chansey is appreciated due to its ability to scout for Fur Coat on Pokemon that resist Sunsteel Strike, such as Mega Slowbro. This can help determine if Kartana can use a coverage move or if it needs to use Sunsteel Strike. Imposter Chansey can also scout for Flash Fire Steel-types if Kartana opts to run V-create, as well as for common utility moves that Kartana may dislike having to take such as Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, and Glare, and it has a good matchup against the faster Pokemon that threaten Kartana. Choice Scarf Imposter Chansey in particular can reliably beat many offensive threats, even after setup. In return, Kartana can weaken opposing Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof another threat on the team, which can help facilitate an Imposter sweep. If Kartana opts to run Trick, putting a Z-Move on the Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof Kartana is a good idea, protecting them against opposing Trick. Bulky Water-type Pokemon such as Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro, and Mega Gyarados can be used in order to switch into Fire-type Pokemon such as Mega Blaziken.

name: Belly Drum Sweeper
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Sunsteel Strike
move 3: Close Combat / Sacred Fire
move 4: Power Whip / Bolt Strike
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Unburden
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Belly Drum is used to maximize Kartana's Attack while also putting it in range of Sitrus Berry, activating Unburden. Sunsteel Strike is Kartana's primary STAB move, bypassing Unaware and Fur Coat to help Kartana sweep. After Belly Drum, it OHKOes every Pokemon that does not resist it except for Zygarde-C 50% of the time. Close Combat is used to hit Steel-types, including Flash Fire ones, (AC) which Fire-type coverage can't hit. It also has the benefit of OHKOing Kartana's Imposter after a Belly Drum and Stealth Rock, ensuring that Imposter cannot pull off a reverse sweep. However, it misses covering Aegislash, which can potentially stop a sweep. Sacred Fire is used to hit non-Flash Fire Steel-types while still OHKOing Kartana's Imposter. However, Close Combat is generally better, and Sacred Fire should only be used if your team lacks ways of dealing with -ate users, as the defense drops from Close Combat make Kartana more susceptible to their Extreme Speed. Power Whip is used to guarantee an OHKO versus Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro, and Mega Gyarados. Bolt Strike can be used over Power Whip to OHKO Celesteela while OHKOing all of the aforementioned targets, especially Flash Fire Aegislash. However, if Kartana needs to attack prior to using Belly Drum, Bolt Strike sacrifices a crucial amount of power. In addition, after a Belly Drum, Close Combat OHKOes Celesteela anyway, so Bolt Strike should only be used when your team lacks Stealth Rock and Kartana is using Sacred Fire. Icicle Crash can be used to guarantee the OHKO on Zygarde-C, but Kartana heavily prefers being able to OHKO Mega Slowbro and OHKOes Zygarde-C with Sunsteel Strike after one layer of Spikes anyway. Horn Leech can be used over Power Whip to grant some sustainability as well as more reliable accuracy, but Power Whip's power is more useful so Kartana can break down more Pokemon before Belly Drum.

Set Details

Unburden allows Kartana to defeat Imposter Pokemon that attempt to transform into it, as it outspeeds even Choice Scarf variants after Unburden activates. Unburden also gives Kartana a better matchup against offensive Pokemon by making it more difficult to revenge kill. Sitrus Berry is the best item for Kartana on a Belly Drum set, as it activates after a Belly Drum and thus activates Unburden. An Adamant nature is used in order to help Kartana's offensive power, as Kartana outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame after Unburden activates regardless of nature. If Kartana elects to run Close Combat, running 124 Defense EVs is an option so that it doesn't need Stealth Rock to OHKO Imposter Chansey.

Usage Tips

Look for Prankster Pokemon, such as Registeel, Zygarde-C, and Giratina on the opponent's team and deal with them early on. If a Prankster Pokemon is not taken early on, it may neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Make sure to deal with Flash Fire Aegislash prior to sweeping if you are not running Bolt Strike, as it can neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Do your best to get entry hazards up prior to setting up with Kartana, as they help facilitate a sweep due to the extra damage being useful on targets such as Zygarde-C and Celesteela while also breaking Focus Sash. Try to make sure that your opponent's -ate Mega Rayquaza or Kyurem-Black either lack Fake Out or aren't Triage, in Mega Rayquaza's case. These are the only two ways the aforementioned Pokemon can stop a Kartana sweep, so it is important to deal with them beforehand. Try not to set up on slower Pokemon that have Spectral Thief or Core Enforcer. Spectral Thief can steal Kartana's boosts as it tries to set up, and it will be unable to set up again. Core Enforcer can suppress Unburden, allowing Imposter Pokemon to beat Kartana and allowing other offensive Pokemon to beat it. Kartana only has one chance to set up and sweep, so you should not click Belly Drum until you are sure that Kartana can secure a sweep. Bluffing Kartana's Choice Band set by coming in on Mega Sableye can grant Kartana a setup opportunity.

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie, Mega Rayquaza, and Mega Mewtwo X can eliminate Prankster Pokemon for Kartana and wear down potential defensive checks. Mega Diancie can also function as entry hazard support for Kartana, helping facilitate its sweep. Other Pokemon that provide entry hazard support include Zygarde-C, Ferrothorn, and Yveltal. Imposter can be useful to scout for Prankster Pokemon as well as Flash Fire Pokemon if Kartana has Sacred Fire. A backup Pokemon that Imposter-proofs Kartana after it is set up can be useful, in case Unburden is somehow removed or suppressed. Prankster Pokemon such as Giratina, Zygarde-C, and Aegislash will generally do the job. Pokemon that check -ate users such as Flash Fire Steel-types can be useful in order to cripple -ate users or slowly defeat them. Triage Mega Rayquaza can be used to pressure and defeat opposing Prankster Pokemon, helping Kartana sweep.

Other Options

A Tinted Lens set with moves from the Steelworker set can be used to 2HKO Steel-types such as Registeel and Celesteela. However, Kartana then does not 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C, and the Steelworker set needs very little prior damage in order to 2HKO Steel-types anyway while also being able to use coverage. Iron Plate can be run over Choice Band on the Steelworker set in order to ease prediction while still being a threatening wallbreaker. If Iron Plate is run, you may want to put Stealth Rock or Spikes over U-turn, as Kartana forces out many Magic Bounce users with this set. However, it can no longer 2HKO Zygarde-C or OHKO Registeel or Ferrothorn nor can it OHKO Mega Slowbro or Celesteela after Stealth Rock. Tough Claws can be run over Steelworker to boost its coverage moves, since Kartana 2HKOes Zygarde-C with Power Whip and still 2HKOes Giratina with Sunsteel Strike. However, Sunsteel Strike is less risk free, and the drop in power for Sunsteel Strike means Fur Coat variants of Zygarde-C can now wall Kartana. Choice Scarf can be used on the Steelworker set to surprise offensive Pokemon that may try to revenge Kartana. However, you lose the power of Choice Band, meaning you struggle to break defensive Pokemon down.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Offensive Threats**: Faster offensive threats such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza, Zekrom, and Mega Gengar can all outspeed Kartana and revenge kill it with their special attacks, or, in Mega Mewtwo X's case, its strong Close Combat. Zekrom can OHKO Kartana with Devastating Drake from its Adaptability set after very little prior damage, so Kartana must be wary of it. Zekrom can also use its bulk and typing to take Kartana's main attacks, set up on Kartana and force it out. However, these offensive threats must be wary of Belly Drum, as Kartana can then outspeed and OHKO all of them. They must also be wary of Bullet Punch, as Kartana can potentially revenge kill them with it.

**Prankster Users**: Prankster users such as Giratina, Aegislash, and Registeel can either use Destiny Bond to bring Kartana down, or they can use Haze to take away the boosts that Belly Drum gives.

**Physical Walls**: Giratina and Zygarde-C can both take a hit and potentially status Kartana with Will-O-Wisp or Glare or remove its item if they opt to run Knock Off. However, they must be wary of Belly Drum Kartana, as Kartana is likely no longer checked by any of them after it uses Belly Drum. They must also be wary of switching into Sunsteel Strike on the Steelworker set if they are not Prankster, as they will get 2HKOed.

**Primal Groudon**: Primal Groudon can take almost any hit Kartana has to offer and OHKO back with a Fire-type STAB move. However, Primal Groudon must be wary of Kartana's Belly Drum set. If Kartana gets a Belly Drum up, Power Whip can OHKO.

**Flash Fire Steel-types**: Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Celesteela can check every Kartana set. Flash Fire Aegislash in particular functions as an exceptional check to Kartana, due to its immunity to Fighting-type coverage. However, they must be wary of the appropriate coverage, as well as Bolt Strike on the Unburden set, as that can OHKO all of the aforementioned Steel-types.

- Written by: [[GL Volkner, 330455]]
- Quality checked by: [[ScarfWynaut, 221682], [Gurpreet Patel (Sent you a Friend Request), 233142], [Funbot28, 255984]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Electrolyte, 148071], [The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
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I would probably add the Triage Belly Drum set to OO running BD, drain punch, horn leech and leech life or Sunsteel. It can surprise normal belly drum checks like Prankster Haze steel types (not Aegislash sadly), and Fakespeed users. Those are all quite common on offensive teams. It is very bad against bulky mons like Giratina and Zygarde-C which can shrug off the weak attacks or survive a single sunsteel and spectral thief Belly Drum away though. Also I'd mention that Kartana doesn't like losing its item to Knock off users, which means you shouldn't stay in aainst Regigigas even though you are immune to spore. You can't OHKO with sunsteel, so it can set up a shift gear and then deal a huge chunk with Facade or Knock ff before dying.

Other than that I couldn't find anything to add or change.
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"While switch-ins are rare, Kartana finds it difficult to OHKO targets that aren't weak to its attacks, meaning that it cannot come in on most Pokemon and needs Pokemon to switch into it instead of it switching into Pokemon." dont get it, kinda unclear here. i would think the fact that its frail as hell and susceptible to status / knock / etc would mean it cant switch into mons, not that it cant one shot targets which in and of itself is pretty debatable

"Its Steel-typing as well as high defense" & "and mediocre physical bulk" :/

"Bolt Strike can be run over Power Whip. While it only 2HKOs Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock" after rocks implies rocks are necessary for the 2hko

[set details]
"Steelworker boosts Kartana's Sunsteel Strike and Bullet Punch to incredible power, allowing Kartana to get the 2HKOs on Zygarde-C and Giratina while also helping Kartana potentially pick off weakened offensive Pokemon." 'potentially pick off weakened offensive Pokemon' just how weak do you think it is. to put it into perspective, sunsteel only begins being a roll on mmx (106/100) / mray (105/100) and they're not exactly frail

"An Adamant nature is used to assure a 2HKO on Zygarde-C while improving Kartana's ability to wallbreak. The speed boost from a Jolly nature is not required." i wouldnt say not required. its speed tier's pretty crowded so theres a few noticable things jolly outspeeds

[usage tips]
"Bring it in on targets it can force out such as Kyurem-Black, Shedinja and Xerneas." i assume you dont mean hard switch, right?

[team options]
"Imposter Chansey is appreciated by Kartana due to its ability to scout Fur Coat on Pokemon, which can help determine if Kartana can click a coverage move or if it needs to click Sunsteel Strike. Imposter Chansey can also scout for Flash Fire Steel-types if Kartana opts to run V-create." also scouting for moves like status or knock off is useful so u know what you can and cant hard switch into

"Sacred Fire should only be used if your team lacks ways of dealing with -ate users." whats the connection here? is it to avoid the -def from cc? priority is ideally something u should have dealt with prior to setting up

[usage tips]
"Look for Prankster Pokemon on the opponent's team and deal with them early on. If a Prankster Pokemon is not dealt with early on, it may neuter Kartana's ability to sweep." name some common ones they'll need to look out for here

"Try to make sure that your opponent's -ate Mega Rayquaza or Kyurem-Black either lack Fake Out or are dealt with beforehand, as if they have Fake Out and -ate, they can revenge kill Kartana." just say priority since espeed can just kill it too

mention howthis set only has one chance to set up and sweep so you shouldnt blow your load too early

[other options]
id mention tinted here first

[team options]
"**Dragon-types**: Zekrom can OHKO Kartana with Z Draco Meteor from its Adaptability set after very little prior damage, so Kartana must be wary of it." i think a better way to showcase this interaction would be if you said that zekrom can use its resistances to set up on the cb set and then blow it away easily

also move up prankster thats very important

qc 1/3
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"An Adamant nature is used to assure a 2HKO on Zygarde-C while improving Kartana's ability to wallbreak. The speed boost from a Jolly nature is not required." i wouldnt say not required. its speed tier's pretty crowded so theres a few noticable things jolly outspeeds

"Thousand Arrows can be run to OHKO Flash Fire Aegislash." "Power Whip is used to OHKO Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro and Mega Gyarados." all of these sans slowbro are ohko'd by sunsteel already.

"Kartana OHKOs Zygarde-C with Sunsteel Strike after one layer of Spikes," +6 252+ Atk Steelworker Kartana Sunsteel Strike vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Zygarde-Complete: 870-1026 (136.7 - 161.3%)
Looking at the speed tiers, Kartana outspeeds everything with more than 95 base Speed and less than 109 base Speed when running Jolly over Adamant. This includes (all +Speed) Blacephalon, Blaziken, Mega Kangaskhan, Xerneas, Yveltal, Regigigas, Palkia, Solgaleo, and Lunala. Of those, I would only really say outspeeding max Speed Mega Kangaskhan is relevant, since Regigigas often runs +Attack over +Speed (and realistically you aren't staying in on a Regigigas anyways). Solgaleo is coverage-dependent and often doesn't run +Speed, Blaziken, Blacephalon, Lunala, Palkia you lose to regardless, Xerneas isn't staying in at risk of Jolly and often doesn't run +Speed anyway in favor of +Def or +SpA, and Yveltal is very rarely offensive and even more rarely +Speed. I'll include a mention of outspeeding Kangaskhan, though.

+6 252+ Atk Kartana Sunsteel Strike vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Aegislash-Shield: 272-321 (83.9 - 99%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+6 252+ Atk Kartana Sunsteel Strike vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Gyarados-Mega: 343-404 (87 - 102.5%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
+6 252+ Atk Kartana Sunsteel Strike vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Kyogre-Primal: 390-459 (96.5 - 113.6%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
+6 252+ Atk Kartana Sunsteel Strike vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Zygarde-Complete: 580-684 (91.1 - 107.5%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Leftovers recovery

i'll reword to "secure the OHKO on", as that decreases ambiguity

implemented for all the rest, ready for qc 2/3
Looking at the speed tiers, Kartana outspeeds everything with more than 95 base Speed and less than 109 base Speed when running Jolly over Adamant. This includes (all +Speed) Blacephalon, Blaziken, Mega Kangaskhan, Xerneas, Yveltal, Regigigas, Palkia, Solgaleo, and Lunala. Of those, I would only really say outspeeding max Speed Mega Kangaskhan is relevant, since Regigigas often runs +Attack over +Speed (and realistically you aren't staying in on a Regigigas anyways). Solgaleo is coverage-dependent and often doesn't run +Speed, Blaziken, Blacephalon, Lunala, Palkia you lose to regardless, Xerneas isn't staying in at risk of Jolly and often doesn't run +Speed anyway in favor of +Def or +SpA, and Yveltal is very rarely offensive and even more rarely +Speed. I'll include a mention of outspeeding Kangaskhan, though.

+6 252+ Atk Kartana Sunsteel Strike vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Aegislash-Shield: 272-321 (83.9 - 99%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+6 252+ Atk Kartana Sunsteel Strike vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Gyarados-Mega: 343-404 (87 - 102.5%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
+6 252+ Atk Kartana Sunsteel Strike vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Kyogre-Primal: 390-459 (96.5 - 113.6%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
+6 252+ Atk Kartana Sunsteel Strike vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Zygarde-Complete: 580-684 (91.1 - 107.5%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Leftovers recovery

i'll reword to "secure the OHKO on", as that decreases ambiguity

implemented for all the rest, ready for qc 2/3

oops i messed up the calcs on that, its still steelworker. i thought i deleted those points but i didnt rip
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mention that cb sunsteel threatens to ohko common slower mons that are weak to it/frail, like xern, audino, shed, chans, and sab

kartana suffers from being a one dimensional mon, it really only has cb and drum and maybe scarf as potential sets, and unlike most other common offensive threats its unusable spa means you can't run mixed.

part grass typing is actually kinda solid defensively because you're immune to spore and you resist ogre revdance, plus it helps you kill imposter harder with v create/fire lash

Kartana's abysmal special bulk and moderate physical bulk means it will have difficulty against offensive teams.
it's less kartana's frailty and more its low speed. phero is super frail and it does fine vs offense

Kartana often relies on slow pivoting to be brought into targets that it can force out so it can wallbreak, as most of the targets
did you fall asleep mid sentence

Power Whip is the Grass STAB move of choice to hit Water-types that may attempt to switch into Kartana, OHKOing Primal Kyogre and Mega Gyarados while OHKOing Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock.
mention that it also hits pdon harder, 2hkoing him unlike sunsteel, which bolt strike misses out on

  • Close Combat can be run to 2HKO Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel and Ferrothorn. However, Close Combat does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey that may attempt to switch into Kartana.
  • Precipice Blades can be used to OHKO Aegislash after minimal prior damage. However, Precipice Blades does not 2HKO Ferrothorn or Celesteela, and does not OHKO Kartana's Imposter.
note that cc misses out on aegi, also pblades leaves you pretty much walled by imposter which is actually really really bad.

slash arrows slot 2 and v create slot 4. arrows is like the catch all steel coverage because you wear down ferro super fast anyway, and v create helps you kill imposter if you're running ground coverage, you don't 100% need utility in slot 4.

If the opponent has a Steel-type resist such as Celesteela, Registeel or Mega Slowbro, make sure to scout their ability before you wallbreak with Kartana. If they are Prankster, you may need to predict their switch-in correctly in order to get the most out of Kartana. If they are not Prankster, then some prior damage may be required before Kartana can 2HKO them with Sunsteel Strike.
the logic here is kinda weird. even if the guy they switch in gets 2hkod, like giratina, wouldn't you still want to scout for prank? also even if they weren't prank wouldn't you still want to hit them on the switch? if you mean like ff steela specify that

make sure to mention prankster dbond in particular as something you want to watch out for as well as them just recovering on resisted sunsteel.
Kartana is not made to take on offensive Pokemon, so switching it in on one is unwise.
say "staying in" instead of "switching in" because kart loses to every fast mon except like low kick mmx and non sash diancie (if bullet punch) 1v1
Use Trick when Kartana no longer needs the offensive power that Choice Band gives.
kartana will never "not need" the boost from cb. the places you'd use trick are when you want to lock their guy into a move, when you want to switch moves with kart, and/or when you don't really need kart or he has a bad matchup, basically when just clicking sunsteel doesn't work.

for team options, maybe say that if kart is running trick, run a z move on the imposter proofer so scarf imposter can't trick you.

Mega Mewtwo Y appreciates Kartana's ability to break down the opponent's defensive Pokemon. In return, Mega Mewtwo Y has a good matchup against many of the offensive Pokemon in the tier that may threaten Kartana.
what mmy sets? specify contrary (which complements kart by doing well late game) and sheer force (which appreciates kart beating shed/fc chans/imposter because he beats everything else)
Poison Heal Pokemon, such as Regigigas, Primal Kyogre and Xerneas are appreciated due to their ability to scout status moves such as Will-O-Wisp and Glare. In return, Kartana can break walls down for them which helps them sweep.
2 things here: specify that these guys can switch in on status/knock, scouting doesn't feel like the right word here. also they can force switches and put everyone to sleep which potentially means more opportunities for kart to come in

team options in general feels too dominated by "checks for [fast mon that kills kartana]", i'd honestly say that this should be condensed down into a single point, like "a solid defensive core"

Imposter Chansey is appreciated by Kartana due to its ability to scout Fur Coat on Pokemon, which can help determine if Kartana can click a coverage move or if it needs to click Sunsteel Strike. Imposter Chansey can also scout for Flash Fire Steel-types if Kartana opts to run V-create. Imposter can also scout for common utility moves that Kartana may dislike having to take, such as Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, and Glare.
scout fur coat on which mons specifically? specify sunsteel resists like slowbro

also imposter has two really cool benefits: 1) it generally matches up well vs faster offensive mons that kart hates, like ray mmy mmx diancie, and 2) it benefits from kart's ability to wear down bulky mons because if an opposing imposter proofer gets chipped down enough, imposter can force a kill or even sweep

Sacred Fire is used to hit non-Flash Fire Steel-types while still OHKOing Kartana's Imposter. However, Close Combat is generally better and Sacred Fire should only be used if your team lacks ways of dealing with -ate users, as it avoids the defense drops from Close Combat and thus makes Kartana less susceptible to -ate users.
why is cc better than sacred fire? cc does worse vs ate and also this is a really bad look:

+6 252+ Atk Kartana Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Eviolite Chansey: 644-758 (91.4 - 107.6%) -- 50% chance to OHKO

specify how it kills ff steels bar aegi

also mention running 124 defense evs to avoid the above calc, you still live sky plate espeed after drum so it's not that bad

Thousand Arrows can be run to guarantee the OHKO Flash Fire Aegislash, but Kartana no longer beats opposing Imposter Pokemon should it opt to run Thousand Arrows.
i would honestly remove this, when teambuilding i never say "yeah who cares about imposter i gotta get that GUARANTEED OHKO ON FF AEGI" slash with whip if anything

Make sure to deal with Flash Fire Aegislash prior to sweeping if you are not running Bolt Strike, as Flash Fire Aegislash otherwise can neuter Kartana's ability to sweep.
bolt strike kills aegi?? mention that under moves

Try to make sure that your opponent's -ate Mega Rayquaza or Kyurem-Black either lack priority or are dealt with beforehand, as if they can revenge kill Kartana otherwise.
you live one espeed after drum so these guys can't revenge kill unless you get chipped, they have fake out, or it's triage ray. just scout for triage ray or fake out, and make sure kart doesn't get chipped otherwise

also bluff cb kart by coming in on sab or something

Team Options
why are all the mons defensive i'm not tryna run 5 walls + unburden drum kart and lose because their prankster is at full. add early game breakers like diancie (which can run hazards), specs ray, band mmx, etc

Iron Plate can be run over Choice Band on the Steelworker set in order to ease prediction while still being a threatening wallbreaker. However, you do not 2HKO Zygarde-C and you can no longer OHKO Mega Slowbro or Celesteela after Stealth Rock. You also cannot OHKO Registeel or Ferrothorn.
running hazards viably is one of the main draws of metal coat kart so mention that

also tough claws is an option on the cb set, sunsteel is slightly weaker but it's ok because you kill zygarde with power whip and gira still dies to 2 sunsteels. it's more prediction reliant though because sunsteel is less risk free

**Prankster Users**: Prankster users can either use Destiny Bond to bring Kartana down as Kartana brings the Prankster user down, or they can use Haze to take away the boosts that Belly Drum gives.
give specific examples of prank users, like registeel giratina aegi

**Dragon-types**: Zekrom can OHKO Kartana with Z Draco Meteor from its Adaptability set after very little prior damage, so Kartana must be wary of it. Zekrom can also use its bulk and typing to take Kartana's main attacks, set up on Kartana and force it out. Giratina and Zygarde-C can both take a hit and potentially status Kartana with Will-O-Wisp or Glare, or remove its item if they opt to run Knock Off. However, all of them must be wary of Belly Drum Kartana, as Kartana is likely no longer checked by any of them after it uses Belly Drum.
why did you put dragons in particular here instead of like physical walls? dragons as a whole don't have a particularly good matchup vs kart because they don't resist steel. boosted zekrom falls under faster offensive pokemon and sunsteel resists, it doesn't check kartana by virtue of its dragon typing at all.

instead of ff aegi put ff steels in general (steela, regi, solgaleo maybe) and mention aegi in particular as something that walls cc kart.

QC 2/3
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mention that cb sunsteel threatens to ohko common slower mons that are weak to it/frail, like xern, audino, shed, chans, and sab

kartana suffers from being a one dimensional mon, it really only has cb and drum and maybe scarf as potential sets, and unlike most other common offensive threats its unusable spa means you can't run mixed.

part grass typing is actually kinda solid defensively because you're immune to spore and you resist ogre revdance, plus it helps you kill imposter harder with v create/fire lash

it's less kartana's frailty and more its low speed. phero is super frail and it does fine vs offense

did you fall asleep mid sentence

mention that it also hits pdon harder, 2hkoing him unlike sunsteel, which bolt strike misses out on

note that cc misses out on aegi, also pblades leaves you pretty much walled by imposter which is actually really really bad.

slash arrows slot 2 and v create slot 4. arrows is like the catch all steel coverage because you wear down ferro super fast anyway, and v create helps you kill imposter if you're running ground coverage, you don't 100% need utility in slot 4.

the logic here is kinda weird. even if the guy they switch in gets 2hkod, like giratina, wouldn't you still want to scout for prank? also even if they weren't prank wouldn't you still want to hit them on the switch? if you mean like ff steela specify that

make sure to mention prankster dbond in particular as something you want to watch out for as well as them just recovering on resisted sunsteel.

say "staying in" instead of "switching in" because kart loses to every fast mon except like low kick mmx and non sash diancie (if bullet punch) 1v1

kartana will never "not need" the boost from cb. the places you'd use trick are when you want to lock their guy into a move, when you want to switch moves with kart, and/or when you don't really need kart or he has a bad matchup, basically when just clicking sunsteel doesn't work.

for team options, maybe say that if kart is running trick, run a z move on the imposter proofer so scarf imposter can't trick you.

what mmy sets? specify contrary (which complements kart by doing well late game) and sheer force (which appreciates kart beating shed/fc chans/imposter because he beats everything else)

2 things here: specify that these guys can switch in on status/knock, scouting doesn't feel like the right word here. also they can force switches and put everyone to sleep which potentially means more opportunities for kart to come in

team options in general feels too dominated by "checks for [fast mon that kills kartana]", i'd honestly say that this should be condensed down into a single point, like "a solid defensive core"

scout fur coat on which mons specifically? specify sunsteel resists like slowbro

also imposter has two really cool benefits: 1) it generally matches up well vs faster offensive mons that kart hates, like ray mmy mmx diancie, and 2) it benefits from kart's ability to wear down bulky mons because if an opposing imposter proofer gets chipped down enough, imposter can force a kill or even sweep

why is cc better than sacred fire? cc does worse vs ate and also this is a really bad look:

+6 252+ Atk Kartana Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Eviolite Chansey: 644-758 (91.4 - 107.6%) -- 50% chance to OHKO

specify how it kills ff steels bar aegi

also mention running 124 defense evs to avoid the above calc, you still live sky plate espeed after drum so it's not that bad

i would honestly remove this, when teambuilding i never say "yeah who cares about imposter i gotta get that GUARANTEED OHKO ON FF AEGI" slash with whip if anything

bolt strike kills aegi?? mention that under moves

you live one espeed after drum so these guys can't revenge kill unless you get chipped, they have fake out, or it's triage ray. just scout for triage ray or fake out, and make sure kart doesn't get chipped otherwise

also bluff cb kart by coming in on sab or something

why are all the mons defensive i'm not tryna run 5 walls + unburden drum kart and lose because their prankster is at full. add early game breakers like diancie (which can run hazards), specs ray, band mmx, etc

running hazards viably is one of the main draws of metal coat kart so mention that

also tough claws is an option on the cb set, sunsteel is slightly weaker but it's ok because you kill zygarde with power whip and gira still dies to 2 sunsteels. it's more prediction reliant though because sunsteel is less risk free

give specific examples of prank users, like registeel giratina aegi

why did you put dragons in particular here instead of like physical walls? dragons as a whole don't have a particularly good matchup vs kart because they don't resist steel. boosted zekrom falls under faster offensive pokemon and sunsteel resists, it doesn't check kartana by virtue of its dragon typing at all.

instead of ff aegi put ff steels in general (steela, regi, solgaleo maybe) and mention aegi in particular as something that walls cc kart.

QC 2/3
mention that cb sunsteel threatens to ohko common slower mons that are weak to it/frail, like xern, audino, shed, chans, and sab

kartana suffers from being a one dimensional mon, it really only has cb and drum and maybe scarf as potential sets, and unlike most other common offensive threats its unusable spa means you can't run mixed.

part grass typing is actually kinda solid defensively because you're immune to spore and you resist ogre revdance, plus it helps you kill imposter harder with v create/fire lash

it's less kartana's frailty and more its low speed. phero is super frail and it does fine vs offense

did you fall asleep mid sentence

mention that it also hits pdon harder, 2hkoing him unlike sunsteel, which bolt strike misses out on

note that cc misses out on aegi, also pblades leaves you pretty much walled by imposter which is actually really really bad.

slash arrows slot 2 and v create slot 4. arrows is like the catch all steel coverage because you wear down ferro super fast anyway, and v create helps you kill imposter if you're running ground coverage, you don't 100% need utility in slot 4.

the logic here is kinda weird. even if the guy they switch in gets 2hkod, like giratina, wouldn't you still want to scout for prank? also even if they weren't prank wouldn't you still want to hit them on the switch? if you mean like ff steela specify that

make sure to mention prankster dbond in particular as something you want to watch out for as well as them just recovering on resisted sunsteel.

say "staying in" instead of "switching in" because kart loses to every fast mon except like low kick mmx and non sash diancie (if bullet punch) 1v1

kartana will never "not need" the boost from cb. the places you'd use trick are when you want to lock their guy into a move, when you want to switch moves with kart, and/or when you don't really need kart or he has a bad matchup, basically when just clicking sunsteel doesn't work.

for team options, maybe say that if kart is running trick, run a z move on the imposter proofer so scarf imposter can't trick you.

what mmy sets? specify contrary (which complements kart by doing well late game) and sheer force (which appreciates kart beating shed/fc chans/imposter because he beats everything else)

2 things here: specify that these guys can switch in on status/knock, scouting doesn't feel like the right word here. also they can force switches and put everyone to sleep which potentially means more opportunities for kart to come in

team options in general feels too dominated by "checks for [fast mon that kills kartana]", i'd honestly say that this should be condensed down into a single point, like "a solid defensive core"

scout fur coat on which mons specifically? specify sunsteel resists like slowbro

also imposter has two really cool benefits: 1) it generally matches up well vs faster offensive mons that kart hates, like ray mmy mmx diancie, and 2) it benefits from kart's ability to wear down bulky mons because if an opposing imposter proofer gets chipped down enough, imposter can force a kill or even sweep

why is cc better than sacred fire? cc does worse vs ate and also this is a really bad look:

+6 252+ Atk Kartana Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Eviolite Chansey: 644-758 (91.4 - 107.6%) -- 50% chance to OHKO

specify how it kills ff steels bar aegi

also mention running 124 defense evs to avoid the above calc, you still live sky plate espeed after drum so it's not that bad

i would honestly remove this, when teambuilding i never say "yeah who cares about imposter i gotta get that GUARANTEED OHKO ON FF AEGI" slash with whip if anything

bolt strike kills aegi?? mention that under moves

you live one espeed after drum so these guys can't revenge kill unless you get chipped, they have fake out, or it's triage ray. just scout for triage ray or fake out, and make sure kart doesn't get chipped otherwise

also bluff cb kart by coming in on sab or something

why are all the mons defensive i'm not tryna run 5 walls + unburden drum kart and lose because their prankster is at full. add early game breakers like diancie (which can run hazards), specs ray, band mmx, etc

running hazards viably is one of the main draws of metal coat kart so mention that

also tough claws is an option on the cb set, sunsteel is slightly weaker but it's ok because you kill zygarde with power whip and gira still dies to 2 sunsteels. it's more prediction reliant though because sunsteel is less risk free

give specific examples of prank users, like registeel giratina aegi

why did you put dragons in particular here instead of like physical walls? dragons as a whole don't have a particularly good matchup vs kart because they don't resist steel. boosted zekrom falls under faster offensive pokemon and sunsteel resists, it doesn't check kartana by virtue of its dragon typing at all.

instead of ff aegi put ff steels in general (steela, regi, solgaleo maybe) and mention aegi in particular as something that walls cc kart.

QC 2/3
implemented and written up, ready for the final qc check.

An amazing attack stat, decent speed and Steel-type STAB makes Kartana a fearsome Pokemon in the metagame. Kartana's Sunsteel Strike along with Steelworker heavily limits possible switch-ins, hitting even Pokemon that resist it hard such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Primal Kyogre. It notably 2HKOs Zygarde-C and Giratina, two of the metagame's premier walls, while also bypassing Fur Coat. In addition, Sunsteel Strike OHKOs slower foes weak to it such as Xerneas, Mega Audino and Shedinja. Having STAB on Sunsteel Strike as well as a decent stat spread lets it function as a Belly Drum sweeper if required due to Sunsteel Strike ignoring Fur Coat and Unaware. Its Grass typing offensively compliments its Steel-typing by hitting Water-types such as Mega Gyarados and Primal Kyogre. In addition, it makes Kartana immune to Spore as well as resist Primal Kyogre's Revelation Dance, granting it minimal defensive utility Rev Dance still has the capability of 2HKOing Kart with rocks up due to its atrocious special bulk, I would remove this point and change it to something more pertinent. Its Steel-typing as well as a decent Defense stat aids it in sweeping and wallbreaking by taking a variety of priority moves better, such as Mega Diancie's Extreme Speed and Kyurem-Black's Extreme Speed.

However, its Speed tier leaves it outsped by common offensive Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza and Mega Gengar I feel this is giving its Speed tier solely a bad rep, it still lets it outspeed the crowded 100 Speed tier which lets it outspeed just about every wall in the meta. I would highlight this more. In addition, while switch-ins are rare, Kartana finds it difficult to OHKO defensive Pokemon that aren't weak to its attacks, such as Zygarde-C, Aegislash and Giratina. Due to this, Kartana often relies on slow pivoting to be brought into targets that it can force out so it can wallbreak, as most of the targets it beats have ways to force it out if Kartana tries to hard-switch in. Kartana also suffers from being a one-dimensional Pokemon, with its sets being largely limited to a Belly Drum sweeper as well as a Steelworker wallbreaker. Kartana's abysmal special bulk, moderate physical bulk and low speed means it will have difficulty against offensive teams.

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Sunsteel Strike
move 2: Power Whip / Bolt Strike / Thousand Arrows
move 3: V-create / Close Combat / Precipice Blades
move 4: Bullet Punch / Trick / U-turn / V-create
item: Choice Band
ability: Steelworker
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Sunsteel Strike is the main move on the set. It 2HKOs defensive Pokemon such as Giratina and Zygarde-C, while OHKOing many other Pokemon such as Mega Tyranitar, Mega Audino and Fur Coat Chansey after Stealth Rock Specify how it breaks through FC variants of Gira and Zyg too while being able to spammed vs Shed teams without repercussions. Power Whip is the Grass STAB move of choice to hit Water-types that may attempt to switch into Kartana, OHKOing Primal Kyogre and Mega Gyarados while OHKOing Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock. In addition, Power Whip 2HKOes Primal Groudon, which would otherwise comfortably switch into Kartana. Bolt Strike can be run over Power Whip. While it requires Stealth Rock support as well as prior damage in order to OHKO Mega Slowbro, Bolt Strike has the benefit of OHKOing Celesteela mention how important it can be vs FF variants as well. Thousand Arrows can be run to cover every Steel-type Pokemon in the tier minus Ferrothorn, which gets worn down anyways. However, Thousand Arrows is weak, and won't do much damage to neutral targets. V-create is used to OHKO Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash and Magearna. It also has the benefit of OHKOing any Imposter Pokemon that attempts to switch into Kartana. It also forces Kart out every use.

Close Combat can be run to 2HKO Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel and Ferrothorn. However, Close Combat does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey that may attempt to switch into Kartana, and it also misses out on hitting Aegislash. Precipice Blades can be used to OHKO Aegislash after minimal prior damage. However, Precipice Blades does not 2HKO Ferrothorn or Celesteela, and does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey that switches into Kartana, thus making Kartana walled by it. Bullet Punch can be used in order to OHKO Mega Diancie and pick off weakened offensive foes that may attempt to stay in and KO Kartana, such as Mega Gengar and Mega Mewtwo Y. Trick can be used to ease prediction while potentially crippling a defensive Pokemon or a specially oriented Pokemon. However, Kartana loses an incredible amount of power if it loses Choice Band, failing to 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C. U-turn can be used to pivot on switches Kartana may force, such as Mega Audino, Xerneas, and Mega Gyarados. However, Kartana will generally 2HKO the switch-in with Sunsteel Strike or the coverage move of choice, so U-turn is not often needed.

Set Details

Steelworker boosts Kartana's Sunsteel Strike and Bullet Punch to incredible power, allowing Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina with Sunsteel Strike while also helping Kartana pick off weakened offensive Pokemon with Bullet Punch. Choice Band allows Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina in conjunction with Steelworker while also allowing Kartana to OHKO Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock, OHKO Celesteela with Bolt Strike and OHKO Imposter Pokemon that may want to switch into it with V-create. An Adamant nature is used to assure a 2HKO on Zygarde-C while improving Kartana's ability to wallbreak. The speed boost from a Jolly nature is not required, as an Adamant nature is only useful for beating Mega Kangaskhan, a threat it can take on regardless.

Usage Tips

Use slow pivoting to bring Kartana in on targets it can force out such as Kyurem-Black, Shedinja and Xerneas. Don't use Sunsteel Strike liberally unless it is safe to do so, as it only has 8 PP so it is vulnerable to being PP stalled out. Be sure to scout for Prankster Pokemon such as Registeel, Giratina and Zygarde-C. Physically bulky Prankster Pokemon or Prankster Pokemon that resist Steel can PP stall Kartana's Sunsteel Strike if they come on it, meaning you may need to predict their switch-in correctly in order to get the most out of Kartana. Alternatively, make sure you deal with any Prankster Pokemon beforehand, so Kartana can freely wallbreak. Keep in mind Kartana is not made to take on offensive Pokemon, so staying in on one is unwise specify specially offensive threats as its defense lets it take some resisted hits moderately well. Make sure to scout for status, as Kartana needs both its decent Speed stat and its colossal Attack stat to function well and being burned or paralyzed can give it difficulty in being a fearsome wallbreaker. Being burned in particular can make Kartana useless as a wallbreaker, as it no longer attains many of the OHKOs and 2HKOs it wishes to get. Use Trick when you would like to lock a defensive Pokemon into a move or when you wish to choose moves with Kartana.

Team Options

Mega Mewtwo Y appreciates Kartana's ability to break down the opponent's defensive Pokemon. In return, with its Contrary and Sheer Force sets, Mega Mewtwo Y has a good matchup against many of the offensive Pokemon in the tier that may threaten Kartana. A solid defensive core with checks to fast Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie and Mega Mewtwo X can be very useful, as Kartana is forced out by them. Flash Fire Steel-types, such as Celesteela and Registeel, can help wall Mega Diancie and Mega Rayquaza while also being able to Imposterproof Kartana, while also providing slow pivoting. Bulky Psychic-types such as Mega Slowbro and Cresselia can also help check Mega Mewtwo X for Kartana. Poison Heal Pokemon, such as Regigigas, Primal Kyogre and Xerneas are appreciated due to their ability to scout status moves such as Will-O-Wisp and Glare. They are also able to switch in on Knock Off, which is very beneficial as Kartana requires Choice Band to be a threatening wallbreaker. In addition, they can force switches and put opposing Pokemon to sleep, which grants Kartana more opportunities to come in. In return, Kartana can break walls down for them which helps them sweep. Imposter Chansey is appreciated by Kartana due to its ability to scout Fur Coat on Pokemon that resist Sunsteel Strike, such as Mega Slowbro. This can help determine if Kartana can click a coverage move or if it needs to click Sunsteel Strike. Imposter Chansey can also scout for Flash Fire Steel-types if Kartana opts to run V-create. Imposter Chansey can also scout for common utility moves that Kartana may dislike having to take, such as Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, and Glare, and it also has a good matchup against the faster Pokemon which threaten Kartana. Scarf Imposter can be especially useful for opposing offensive threats. In return, Kartana can weaken opposing Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof another threat on the team, which can help facilitate an Imposter sweep. If Kartana opts to run Trick, putting a Z-Move on the Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof Kartana is a good idea, as Imposter Pokemon cannot Trick a Choice Scarf onto your Imposter-proof if they opt to run it. You can mention bulky waters here somewhere like Pogre and Mega Gyara to help switch into fires.

name: Belly Drum Sweeper
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Sunsteel Strike
move 3: Close Combat / Sacred Fire
move 4: Power Whip / Bolt Strike
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Unburden
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Belly Drum is used on Kartana to maximize its Attack while also putting it in range of Sitrus Berry, which activates Unburden. Sunsteel Strike is Kartana's primary STAB move, bypassing Unaware and Fur Coat which helps Kartana sweep. It OHKOs every Pokemon that does not resist it except for Zygarde-C, which is a 50% chance to OHKO after Belly Drum Close Combat is used to hit Steel-types, including Flash Fire ones which Fire-type coverage misses out on. It also has the benefit of OHKOing Kartana's Imposter after a Belly Drum and Stealth Rock, ensuring that Imposter cannot pull off a reverse sweep. However, it misses covering Aegislash, which can potentially stop a sweep. Sacred Fire is used to hit non-Flash Fire Steel-types while still OHKOing Kartana's Imposter. However, Close Combat is generally better and Sacred Fire should only be used if your team lacks ways of dealing with -ate users, as it avoids the defense drops from Close Combat and thus makes Kartana less susceptible to -ate users. Power Whip is used to guarantee an OHKO versus Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro and Mega Gyarados. Bolt Strike can be used over Power Whip to OHKO Celesteela while OHKOing all of the aforementioned targets, especially Flash Fire Aegislash. However, if Kartana needs to attack prior to using Belly Drum, Bolt Strike loses a crucial amount of power. In addition, after a Belly Drum Sunsteel Strike OHKOs Celesteela after Stealth Rock and Close Combat also OHKOs Celesteela, so Bolt Strike should only be used when your team lacks Stealth Rock and Kartana is using Sacred Fire. Icicle Crash can be used to guarantee the OHKO on Zygarde-C. However, Kartana heavily prefers being able to OHKO Mega Slowbro and Kartana OHKOs Zygarde-C with Sunsteel Strike after one layer of Spikes, so Icicle Crash is generally difficult to justify. mention of Horn Leech / recycle to potentially enable Kart to sweep oncemore.

Set Details

Unburden allows Kartana to defeat Imposter Pokemon that attempt to transform into it, as it outspeeds even Choice Scarf variants after Unburden activates. Unburden also gives Kartana a better matchup vs offensive Pokemon, since after Unburden activates Kartana becomes more difficult to revenge kill. Sitrus Berry is the best item for Kartana on a Belly Drum set, as it activates after a Belly Drum and thus activates Unburden. An Adamant nature is used in order to help Kartana's offensive power, as the speed boost from a Jolly nature is not needed as Kartana outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame after Unburden activates regardless of nature. If Kartana elects to run Close Combat, running 124 Defense EVs on Kartana is an option so that Close Combat doesn't need Stealth Rock to OHKO Imposter Chansey.

Usage Tips

Look for Prankster Pokemon, such as Registeel, Zygarde-C, and Giratina on the opponent's team and deal with them early on. If a Prankster Pokemon is not dealt with early on, it may neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Make sure to deal with Flash Fire Aegislash prior to sweeping if you are not running Bolt Strike, as Flash Fire Aegislash otherwise can neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Do your best to get hazards up prior to setting up with Kartana, as hazards help facilitate a sweep due to the extra damage being useful on targets such as Zygarde-C and Celesteela whle also breaking potential Focus Sash. Try to make sure that your opponent's -ate Mega Rayquaza or Kyurem-Black either lack Fake Out or aren't Triage, in Mega Rayquaza's case. These are the only two ways the aforementioned Pokemon can stop a Kartana sweep, so it is important to deal with them beforehand. Try not to set up on slower Pokemon that have Spectral Thief or Core Enforcer. Spectral Thief can steal Kartana's boosts as it tries to set up, and it will be unable to set up again. Core Enforcer can suppress Unburden, allowing Imposter Pokemon to beat Kartana and allowing other offensive Pokemon to beat Kartana. Kartana only has one chance to set up and sweep, so you should not click Belly Drum until you are sure that Kartana can secure a sweep. Prior to setting up, bluffing Kartana's Choice Band set by coming in on Mega Sableye can grant Kartana a setup opportunity.

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie, Mega Rayquaza and Mega Mewtwo X can eliminate Prankster Pokemon for Kartana and wear down potential defensive checks. Mega Diancie can also function as hazard support for Kartana, helping facilitate its sweep. Other Pokemon which provide entry hazard support include Zygarde-C, Ferrothorn and Yveltal. Imposter can be useful to scout for Prankster Pokemon as well as Flash Fire Pokemon if Kartana has Sacred Fire. A backup Pokemon that Imposterproofs Kartana after it is set up can be useful, in case Unburden is somehow removed or suppressed. Prankster Pokemon such as Giratina, Zygarde-C and Aegislash will generally do the job. Pokemon that check -ate users such as Flash Fire Steel-types can be useful in order to cripple -ate users or slowly defeat them. Triage ray should be a specific mention as it can deal with most prankster mons and generally combos rlly well with Unbuden Kart.

Other Options

A Tinted Lens set with moves from the Steelworker set can be used in order to 2HKO Steel-types such as Registeel and Celesteela. However, Kartana then does not 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C, and it takes very little prior damage in order for the Steelworker set to 2HKO Steel-types while also being able to use coverage. Iron Plate can be run over Choice Band on the Steelworker set in order to ease prediction while still being a threatening wallbreaker. If Iron Plate is run, you may want to put Stealth Rock or Spikes over U-turn, as Kartana forces out many Magic Bouncers with this set. However, you do not 2HKO Zygarde-C and you can no longer OHKO Mega Slowbro or Celesteela after Stealth Rock. You also cannot OHKO Registeel or Ferrothorn. Tough Claws can be run over Steelworker to boost its coverage moves, since Kartana 2HKOs Zygarde-C with Power Whip and still 2HKOs Giratina with Sunsteel Strike. However, Sunsteel Strike is less risk-free, and the drop in power for Sunsteel Strike means Fur Coat variants of Zygarde-C can now wall Kartana. Choice Scarf can be used on the Steelworker set to surprise offensive Pokemon that may try to revenge Kartana. However, you lose the power of Choice Band, meaning you struggle to break defensive Pokemon down. Stealth Rock can be used on the Steelworker set, as Kartana forces out a lot of Magic Bounce Pokemon. However, being locked into Stealth Rock can be bad, as Kartana has to switch out afterwards. Keep it only for Iron Plate.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Offensive Threats**: Faster offensive threats such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza, Zekrom and Mega Gengar can all outspeed and revenge kill Kartana with their special attacks, or, in Mega Mewtwo X's case, its strong Close Combat. Zekrom can OHKO Kartana with Z Draco Meteor from its Adaptability set after very little prior damage, so Kartana must be wary of it. Zekrom can also use its bulk and typing to take Kartana's main attacks, set up on Kartana and force it out. However, these offensive threats must be wary of Belly Drum, as Kartana can then outspeed and OHKO all of them. Also mention fear of Bullet Punch.

**Prankster Users**: Prankster users such as Giratina, Aegislash and Registeel can either use Destiny Bond to bring Kartana down as Kartana brings the Prankster user down, or they can use Haze to take away the boosts that Belly Drum gives.

**Physical Walls**: Giratina and Zygarde-C can both take a hit and potentially status Kartana with Will-O-Wisp or Glare, or remove its item if they opt to run Knock Off. However, they must be wary of Belly Drum Kartana, as Kartana is likely no longer checked by any of them after it uses Belly Drum. still mention how non-Prankster variants risk the 2hko on switchin vs Band Steelworker.

**Primal Groudon**: Primal Groudon can take almost any hit Kartana has to offer and OHKO back with the Fire-type STAB it is running. However, Primal Groudon must be wary of Kartana's Belly Drum set. If Kartana gets a Belly Drum up, Power Whip can OHKO.

**Flash Fire Steel-types**: Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash and Celesteela can check every Kartana set. Flash Fire Aegislash in particular functions as an exceptional check to Kartana, due to its immunity to Fighting-type coverage. However, they must be wary of the appropriate coverage, as well as Bolt Strike on the Unburden set, as that can OHKO all of the aforementioned Steel-types.
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An amazing Attack stat, decent Speed,(AC) and Steel-type STAB makes Kartana a fearsome Pokemon in the Balanced Hackmons metagame. Kartana's Sunsteel Strike along with Steelworker heavily limits possible switch-ins, hitting even Pokemon that resist it hard such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Primal Kyogre. It notably 2HKOes Zygarde-C and Giratina, two of the metagame's premier walls, while also bypassing Fur Coat. In addition, Sunsteel Strike OHKOes slower foes weak to it such as Xerneas, Mega Audino,(AC) and Shedinja. Having STAB on Sunsteel Strike as well as a decent stat spread lets it also function as a Belly Drum sweeper if required due to Sunsteel Strike ignoring Fur Coat and Unaware. Its Grass typing offensively compliments its Steel(remove hyphen) typing by hitting Water-types such as Mega Gyarados and Primal Kyogre. In addition, it makes Kartana immune to Spore, which, combined with its ability to as well as tank common utility moves such as Core Enforcer, Revelation Dance, and Spectral Thief, granting it minimal grants it some degree of defensive utility. Its Steel(remove hyphen) typing as well as a decent Defense stat aids it in sweeping and wallbreaking by allowing it to take taking a variety of priority moves better, such as Mega Diancie's Extreme Speed and Kyurem-Black's Extreme Speed. Kartana's Speed tier also ensures it outspeeds almost every defensive Pokemon in the metagame, heavily enhancing its matchup vs against balance and stall teams.

Unfortunately, its Speed tier still leaves it outsped by common offensive Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza,(AC) and Mega Gengar. In addition, while switch-ins are rare, Kartana finds it difficult to OHKO defensive Pokemon that aren't weak to its attacks, such as Zygarde-C, Aegislash,(AC) and Giratina. Due to this, Kartana often relies on slow pivoting to be brought into targets that it can force out so it can wallbreak, as most of the targets it beats have ways to force it out if Kartana tries to hard-switch in directly. Kartana also suffers from being a one-dimensional Pokemon, with its sets being largely limited to a Belly Drum sweeper as well as a and Steelworker wallbreaker. Also, Kartana's abysmal special bulk, moderate physical bulk,(AC) and low Speed compared to other offensive Pokemon means it will have difficulty against offensive teams.

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Sunsteel Strike
move 2: Power Whip / Bolt Strike / Thousand Arrows
move 3: V-create / Close Combat / Precipice Blades
move 4: Bullet Punch / Trick / U-turn / V-create
item: Choice Band
ability: Steelworker
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Sunsteel Strike is the main move on the set, 2HKOing . It 2HKOs defensive Pokemon such as Giratina and Zygarde-C, while OHKOing many other Pokemon such as Mega Tyranitar, Mega Audino,(AC) and Fur Coat Chansey after Stealth Rock. It bypasses Fur Coat on Giratina and Zygarde-C and as well, while also bypassing Sturdy, allowing Kartana to use Sunsteel Strike more liberally against teams built around Shedinja. Power Whip is the Grass-type STAB move of choice to hit Water-types that may attempt to switch into Kartana, OHKOing Primal Kyogre and Mega Gyarados while and OHKOing Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock. In addition, Power Whip 2HKOes Primal Groudon, which would otherwise comfortably switch into Kartana. Bolt Strike can be run over Power Whip as, while it requires Stealth Rock support and . While it requires Stealth Rock support as well as prior damage in order to OHKO Mega Slowbro, Bolt Strike it has the benefit of OHKOing Celesteela, which can especially be useful vs against Flash Fire variants. Thousand Arrows can be run to cover every Steel-type Pokemon in the tier minus besides Ferrothorn, which gets worn down anyways. However, Thousand Arrows is weak, and won't do much damage to neutral targets. V-create is used to OHKO Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash,(AC) and Magearna. It also has the benefit of OHKOing any Imposter Pokemon that attempts to switch into Kartana, but it can force Kartana out due to the stat drops.
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Close Combat can be run to 2HKO Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel and Ferrothorn, but it does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey switching in and cannot hit Aegislash. However, Close Combat does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey that may attempt to switch into Kartana, and it also misses out on hitting Aegislash. Precipice Blades can be used to OHKO Aegislash after minimal prior damage, but does not 2HKO Ferrothorn or Imposter Chansey switching in, and cannot hit Celesteela. However, Precipice Blades does not 2HKO Ferrothorn or Celesteela, and does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey that switches into Kartana, thus making Kartana walled by it. Bullet Punch can be used in order to OHKO Mega Diancie and pick off weakened offensive foes that may attempt to stay in and KO Kartana, such as Mega Gengar and Mega Mewtwo Y. Trick can be used to ease prediction while potentially crippling a defensive Pokemon or a specially-(add hyphen)oriented Pokemon. However, Kartana loses an incredible amount of power if it loses Choice Band, failing to 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C. U-turn can be used to pivot on switches Kartana may force, such as against Mega Audino, Xerneas, and Mega Gyarados. However, Kartana will generally 2HKO the switch-in with Sunsteel Strike or the correct coverage move of choice, so U-turn is not often needed.

Set Details

Steelworker boosts Kartana's Sunsteel Strike and Bullet Punch to incredible power levels, allowing Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina with Sunsteel Strike while also helping Kartana pick off weakened offensive Pokemon with Bullet Punch. Choice Band allows Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina in conjunction with Steelworker while also allowing Kartana to OHKO Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock, OHKO Celesteela with Bolt Strike and OHKO Imposter Pokemon that may want to switch into it with V-create. An Adamant nature is used to assure ensure a 2HKO on Zygarde-C while improving Kartana's ability to wallbreak. The Speed boost from a Jolly nature is not required, as an Adamant nature it is only useful for beating Mega Kangaskhan, a threat it Kartana can take on regardless.

Usage Tips

Use slow pivoting to bring Kartana in on targets it can force out such as Kyurem-Black, Shedinja,(AC) and Xerneas. Don't use Sunsteel Strike liberally unless it is safe to do so, as it only has 8 PP so it is vulnerable to being PP stalled out. Be sure to scout for Prankster Pokemon such as Registeel, Giratina,(AC) and Zygarde-C. Physically bulky and Steel-resistant Prankster Pokemon or Prankster Pokemon that resist Steel can PP stall Kartana's Sunsteel Strike if they come on it, meaning you may need to predict their switch-in correctly in order to get the most out of Kartana. Alternatively, make sure you deal with any Prankster Pokemon beforehand, so Kartana can freely wallbreak. Keep in mind Kartana is not made to take on offensive Pokemon, so staying in on one is unwise, especially if it's specially offensive as Kartana's defense lets it take some hits from physically offensive threats. Special Defense is poor. Make sure to scout for status, as Kartana needs both its decent Speed stat and its colossal Attack stat to function well and being burned or paralyzed can give it difficulty in being a fearsome wallbreaker. Being burned in particular can make Kartana useless as a wallbreaker, as it no longer attains many of the OHKOs and 2HKOs it wishes to get. Use Trick when you would like to lock a defensive Pokemon into a move or when you wish to choose moves with Kartana.

Team Options

Mega Mewtwo Y appreciates Kartana's ability to break down the opponent's defensive Pokemon. In return, with its Contrary and Sheer Force sets, Mega Mewtwo Y has a good matchup against many of the offensive Pokemon in the tier that may threaten Kartana. A solid defensive core with checks to fast Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie,(AC) and Mega Mewtwo X can be very useful, as Kartana is forced out by them. Flash Fire Steel-types, such as Celesteela and Registeel, can help wall Mega Diancie and Mega Rayquaza while also being able to Imposter-(add hyphen)proof Kartana and provide slow pivoting. Bulky Psychic-types such as Mega Slowbro and Cresselia can also help check Mega Mewtwo X for Kartana. Poison Heal Pokemon, such as Regigigas, Primal Kyogre,(AC) and Xerneas are appreciated due to their ability to scout status moves such as Will-O-Wisp and Glare. They are also able to switch in on Knock Off, which is very beneficial as Kartana requires Choice Band to be a threatening wallbreaker. In addition, they can force switches and put opposing Pokemon to sleep, which grants granting Kartana more opportunities to come in. In return, Kartana can break walls down for them which helps them sweep. Imposter Chansey is appreciated by Kartana due to its ability to scout Fur Coat on Pokemon that resist Sunsteel Strike, such as Mega Slowbro. This can help determine if Kartana can click use a coverage move or if it needs to click use Sunsteel Strike. Imposter Chansey can also scout for Flash Fire Steel-types if Kartana opts to run V-create. Imposter Chansey can also scout for common utility moves that Kartana may dislike having to take, such as Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, and Glare, and it also has a good matchup against the faster Pokemon which threaten Kartana. Scarf Imposter Chansey in particular can reliably beat many offensive threats, even after setup. In return, Kartana can weaken opposing Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof another threat on the team, which can help facilitate an Imposter sweep. If Kartana opts to run Trick, putting a Z-Move on the Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof Kartana is a good idea, as Imposter Pokemon cannot Trick a Choice Scarf onto your Imposter-proof if they opt to run it. protecting them against opposing Trick. Bulky Water-type Pokemon such as Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro,(AC) and Mega Gyarados can be used in order to switch into Fire-type Pokemon such as Mega Blaziken.

name: Belly Drum Sweeper
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Sunsteel Strike
move 3: Close Combat / Sacred Fire
move 4: Power Whip / Bolt Strike
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Unburden
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Belly Drum is used on Kartana to maximize its Attack while also putting it in range of Sitrus Berry, which activates activating Unburden. Sunsteel Strike is Kartana's primary STAB move, bypassing Unaware and Fur Coat which helps Kartana sweep. After Belly Drum, it OHKOes every Pokemon that does not resist it except for Zygarde-C, which is still KOed 50% of the time. which is a 50% chance to OHKO after Belly Drum Close Combat is used to hit Steel-types, including Flash Fire ones which Fire-type coverage misses out on can't hit. It also has the benefit of OHKOing Kartana's Imposter after a Belly Drum and Stealth Rock, ensuring that Imposter cannot pull off a reverse sweep. However, it misses covering Aegislash, which can potentially stop a sweep. Sacred Fire is used to hit non-Flash Fire Steel-types while still OHKOing Kartana's Imposter. However, Close Combat is generally better and Sacred Fire should only be used if your team lacks ways of dealing with -ate users, as it avoids the defense drops from Close Combat and thus makes Kartana less susceptible to -ate users. Power Whip is used to guarantee an OHKO versus Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro,(AC) and Mega Gyarados. Bolt Strike can be used over Power Whip to OHKO Celesteela while OHKOing all of the aforementioned targets, especially Flash Fire Aegislash. However, if Kartana needs to attack prior to using Belly Drum, Bolt Strike loses sacrifices a crucial amount of power. In addition, after a Belly Drum,(AC) Close Combat OHKOs Celesteela anyway, Sunsteel Strike OHKOs Celesteela after Stealth Rock and Close Combat also OHKOs Celesteela, so Bolt Strike should only be used when your team lacks Stealth Rock and Kartana is using Sacred Fire. Icicle Crash can be used to guarantee the OHKO on Zygarde-C, but . However, Kartana heavily prefers being able to OHKO Mega Slowbro and Kartana OHKOs Zygarde-C with Sunsteel Strike after one layer of Spikes anyway, so Icicle Crash is generally difficult to justify. Horn Leech can be used over Power Whip to grant some sustainability as well as more reliable accuracy, but Power Whip's power is more useful so it can break down more Pokemon before Belly Drum.

Set Details

Unburden allows Kartana to defeat Imposter Pokemon that attempt to transform into it, as it outspeeds even Choice Scarf variants after Unburden activates. Unburden also gives Kartana a better matchup vs against offensive Pokemon, since after Unburden activates Kartana becomes more difficult to revenge kill. Sitrus Berry is the best item for Kartana on a Belly Drum set, as it activates after a Belly Drum and thus activates Unburden. An Adamant nature is used in order to help Kartana's offensive power, as the Speed boost from a Jolly nature is not needed as Kartana outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame after Unburden activates regardless of nature. If Kartana elects to run Close Combat, running 124 Defense EVs on Kartana is an option so that Close Combat doesn't need Stealth Rock to OHKO Imposter Chansey.

Usage Tips

Look for Prankster Pokemon, such as Registeel, Zygarde-C, and Giratina on the opponent's team and deal with them early on. If a Prankster Pokemon is not dealt with early on, it may neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Make sure to deal with Flash Fire Aegislash prior to sweeping if you are not running Bolt Strike, as Flash Fire Aegislash otherwise can neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Do your best to get entry hazards up prior to setting up with Kartana, as hazards they help facilitate a sweep due to the extra damage being useful on targets such as Zygarde-C and Celesteela while also breaking Focus Sash. Try to make sure that your opponent's -ate Mega Rayquaza or Kyurem-Black either lack Fake Out or aren't Triage, in Mega Rayquaza's case. These are the only two ways the aforementioned Pokemon can stop a Kartana sweep, so it is important to deal with them beforehand. Try not to set up on slower Pokemon that have Spectral Thief or Core Enforcer. Spectral Thief can steal Kartana's boosts as it tries to set up, and it will be unable to set up again. Core Enforcer can suppress Unburden, allowing Imposter Pokemon to beat Kartana and allowing other offensive Pokemon to beat Kartana. Kartana only has one chance to set up and sweep, so you should not click Belly Drum until you are sure that Kartana can secure a sweep. Prior to setting up, bluffing Kartana's Choice Band set by coming in on Mega Sableye can grant Kartana a setup opportunity.

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie, Mega Rayquaza,(AC) and Mega Mewtwo X can eliminate Prankster Pokemon for Kartana and wear down potential defensive checks. Mega Diancie can also function as entry hazard support for Kartana, helping facilitate its sweep. Other Pokemon which provide entry hazard support include Zygarde-C, Ferrothorn,(AC) and Yveltal. Imposter can be useful to scout for Prankster Pokemon as well as Flash Fire Pokemon if Kartana has Sacred Fire. A backup Pokemon that Imposter-(add hyphen)proofs Kartana after it is set up can be useful, in case Unburden is somehow removed or suppressed. Prankster Pokemon such as Giratina, Zygarde-C,(AC) and Aegislash will generally do the job. Pokemon that check -ate users such as Flash Fire Steel-types can be useful in order to cripple -ate users or slowly defeat them. Triage Mega Rayquaza can be used to pressure and defeat opposing Prankster Pokemon, helping Kartana sweep.

Other Options

A Tinted Lens set with moves from the Steelworker set can be used in order to 2HKO Steel-types such as Registeel and Celesteela. However, Kartana then does not 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C, and it takes needs very little prior damage in order for the Steelworker set to 2HKO Steel-types anyway while also being able to use coverage. Iron Plate can be run over Choice Band on the Steelworker set in order to ease prediction while still being a threatening wallbreaker. If Iron Plate is run, you may want to put Stealth Rock or Spikes over U-turn, as Kartana forces out many Magic Bouncers with this set. However, you do not 2HKO Zygarde-C and you can no longer OHKO Registeel or Ferrothorn nor can you OHKO Mega Slowbro or Celesteela after Stealth Rock. You also cannot OHKO Registeel or Ferrothorn. Tough Claws can be run over Steelworker to boost its coverage moves, since Kartana 2HKOes Zygarde-C with Power Whip and still 2HKOes Giratina with Sunsteel Strike. However, Sunsteel Strike is less risk-free, and the drop in power for Sunsteel Strike means Fur Coat variants of Zygarde-C can now wall Kartana. Choice Scarf can be used on the Steelworker set to surprise offensive Pokemon that may try to revenge Kartana. However, you lose the power of Choice Band, meaning you struggle to break defensive Pokemon down.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Offensive Threats**: Faster offensive threats such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza, Zekrom,(AC) (wait huh? Zek doesn't outspeed Kartana) and Mega Gengar can all outspeed and revenge kill Kartana with their special attacks, or, in Mega Mewtwo X's case, its strong Close Combat. Zekrom can OHKO Kartana with Z Draco Meteor from its Adaptability set after very little prior damage, so Kartana must be wary of it. Zekrom can also use its bulk and typing to take Kartana's main attacks, set up on Kartana and force it out. However, these offensive threats must be wary of Belly Drum, as Kartana can then outspeed and OHKO all of them. They must also be wary of Bullet Punch, as Kartana can potentially revenge kill them with it.

**Prankster Users**: Prankster users such as Giratina, Aegislash,(AC) and Registeel can either use Destiny Bond to bring Kartana down as Kartana brings the Prankster user down, or they can use Haze to take away the boosts that Belly Drum gives.

**Physical Walls**: Giratina and Zygarde-C can both take a hit and potentially status Kartana with Will-O-Wisp or Glare, or remove its item if they opt to run Knock Off. However, they must be wary of Belly Drum Kartana, as Kartana is likely no longer checked by any of them after it uses Belly Drum. They must also be wary of switching into Sunsteel Strike on the Steelworker set if they are not Prankster, as they will get 2HKOed.

**Primal Groudon**: Primal Groudon can take almost any hit Kartana has to offer and OHKO back with the a Fire-type STAB move. it is running. However, Primal Groudon must be wary of Kartana's Belly Drum set. If Kartana gets a Belly Drum up, Power Whip can OHKO.

**Flash Fire Steel-types**: Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash,(AC) and Celesteela can check every Kartana set. Flash Fire Aegislash in particular functions as an exceptional check to Kartana, due to its immunity to Fighting-type coverage. However, they must be wary of the appropriate coverage, as well as Bolt Strike on the Unburden set, as that can OHKO all of the aforementioned Steel-types.

GP 1/2

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An amazing Attack stat, decent Speed,(AC) and Steel-type STAB makes Kartana a fearsome Pokemon in the Balanced Hackmons metagame. Kartana's Sunsteel Strike along with Steelworker heavily limits possible switch-ins, hitting even Pokemon that resist it hard such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Primal Kyogre. It notably 2HKOes Zygarde-C and Giratina, two of the metagame's premier walls, while also bypassing Fur Coat. In addition, Sunsteel Strike OHKOes slower foes weak to it such as Xerneas, Mega Audino,(AC) and Shedinja. Having STAB on Sunsteel Strike as well as a decent stat spread lets it also function as a Belly Drum sweeper if required due to Sunsteel Strike ignoring Fur Coat and Unaware. Its Grass typing offensively compliments its Steel(remove hyphen) typing by hitting Water-types such as Mega Gyarados and Primal Kyogre. In addition, it makes Kartana immune to Spore, which, combined with its ability to as well as tank common utility moves such as Core Enforcer, Revelation Dance, and Spectral Thief, granting it minimal grants it some degree of defensive utility. Its Steel(remove hyphen) typing as well as a decent Defense stat aids it in sweeping and wallbreaking by allowing it to take taking a variety of priority moves better, such as Mega Diancie's Extreme Speed and Kyurem-Black's Extreme Speed. Kartana's Speed tier also ensures it outspeeds almost every defensive Pokemon in the metagame, heavily enhancing its matchup vs against balance and stall teams.

Unfortunately, its Speed tier still leaves it outsped by common offensive Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza,(AC) and Mega Gengar. In addition, while switch-ins are rare, Kartana finds it difficult to OHKO defensive Pokemon that aren't weak to its attacks, such as Zygarde-C, Aegislash,(AC) and Giratina. Due to this, Kartana often relies on slow pivoting to be brought into targets that it can force out so it can wallbreak, as most of the targets it beats have ways to force it out if Kartana tries to hard-switch in directly. Kartana also suffers from being a one-dimensional Pokemon, with its sets being largely limited to a Belly Drum sweeper as well as a and Steelworker wallbreaker. Also, Kartana's abysmal special bulk, moderate physical bulk,(AC) and low Speed compared to other offensive Pokemon means it will have difficulty against offensive teams.

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Sunsteel Strike
move 2: Power Whip / Bolt Strike / Thousand Arrows
move 3: V-create / Close Combat / Precipice Blades
move 4: Bullet Punch / Trick / U-turn / V-create
item: Choice Band
ability: Steelworker
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Sunsteel Strike is the main move on the set, 2HKOing . It 2HKOs defensive Pokemon such as Giratina and Zygarde-C, while OHKOing many other Pokemon such as Mega Tyranitar, Mega Audino,(AC) and Fur Coat Chansey after Stealth Rock. It bypasses Fur Coat on Giratina and Zygarde-C and as well, while also bypassing Sturdy, allowing Kartana to use Sunsteel Strike more liberally against teams built around Shedinja. Power Whip is the Grass-type STAB move of choice to hit Water-types that may attempt to switch into Kartana, OHKOing Primal Kyogre and Mega Gyarados while and OHKOing Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock. In addition, Power Whip 2HKOes Primal Groudon, which would otherwise comfortably switch into Kartana. Bolt Strike can be run over Power Whip as, while it requires Stealth Rock support and . While it requires Stealth Rock support as well as prior damage in order to OHKO Mega Slowbro, Bolt Strike it has the benefit of OHKOing Celesteela, which can especially be useful vs against Flash Fire variants. Thousand Arrows can be run to cover every Steel-type Pokemon in the tier minus besides Ferrothorn, which gets worn down anyways. However, Thousand Arrows is weak, and won't do much damage to neutral targets. V-create is used to OHKO Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash,(AC) and Magearna. It also has the benefit of OHKOing any Imposter Pokemon that attempts to switch into Kartana, but it can force Kartana out due to the stat drops.
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Close Combat can be run to 2HKO Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel and Ferrothorn, but it does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey switching in and cannot hit Aegislash. However, Close Combat does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey that may attempt to switch into Kartana, and it also misses out on hitting Aegislash. Precipice Blades can be used to OHKO Aegislash after minimal prior damage, but does not 2HKO Ferrothorn or Imposter Chansey switching in, and cannot hit Celesteela. However, Precipice Blades does not 2HKO Ferrothorn or Celesteela, and does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey that switches into Kartana, thus making Kartana walled by it. Bullet Punch can be used in order to OHKO Mega Diancie and pick off weakened offensive foes that may attempt to stay in and KO Kartana, such as Mega Gengar and Mega Mewtwo Y. Trick can be used to ease prediction while potentially crippling a defensive Pokemon or a specially-(add hyphen)oriented Pokemon. However, Kartana loses an incredible amount of power if it loses Choice Band, failing to 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C. U-turn can be used to pivot on switches Kartana may force, such as against Mega Audino, Xerneas, and Mega Gyarados. However, Kartana will generally 2HKO the switch-in with Sunsteel Strike or the correct coverage move of choice, so U-turn is not often needed.

Set Details

Steelworker boosts Kartana's Sunsteel Strike and Bullet Punch to incredible power levels, allowing Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina with Sunsteel Strike while also helping Kartana pick off weakened offensive Pokemon with Bullet Punch. Choice Band allows Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina in conjunction with Steelworker while also allowing Kartana to OHKO Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock, OHKO Celesteela with Bolt Strike and OHKO Imposter Pokemon that may want to switch into it with V-create. An Adamant nature is used to assure ensure a 2HKO on Zygarde-C while improving Kartana's ability to wallbreak. The Speed boost from a Jolly nature is not required, as an Adamant nature it is only useful for beating Mega Kangaskhan, a threat it Kartana can take on regardless.

Usage Tips

Use slow pivoting to bring Kartana in on targets it can force out such as Kyurem-Black, Shedinja,(AC) and Xerneas. Don't use Sunsteel Strike liberally unless it is safe to do so, as it only has 8 PP so it is vulnerable to being PP stalled out. Be sure to scout for Prankster Pokemon such as Registeel, Giratina,(AC) and Zygarde-C. Physically bulky and Steel-resistant Prankster Pokemon or Prankster Pokemon that resist Steel can PP stall Kartana's Sunsteel Strike if they come on it, meaning you may need to predict their switch-in correctly in order to get the most out of Kartana. Alternatively, make sure you deal with any Prankster Pokemon beforehand, so Kartana can freely wallbreak. Keep in mind Kartana is not made to take on offensive Pokemon, so staying in on one is unwise, especially if it's specially offensive as Kartana's defense lets it take some hits from physically offensive threats. Special Defense is poor. Make sure to scout for status, as Kartana needs both its decent Speed stat and its colossal Attack stat to function well and being burned or paralyzed can give it difficulty in being a fearsome wallbreaker. Being burned in particular can make Kartana useless as a wallbreaker, as it no longer attains many of the OHKOs and 2HKOs it wishes to get. Use Trick when you would like to lock a defensive Pokemon into a move or when you wish to choose moves with Kartana.

Team Options

Mega Mewtwo Y appreciates Kartana's ability to break down the opponent's defensive Pokemon. In return, with its Contrary and Sheer Force sets, Mega Mewtwo Y has a good matchup against many of the offensive Pokemon in the tier that may threaten Kartana. A solid defensive core with checks to fast Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie,(AC) and Mega Mewtwo X can be very useful, as Kartana is forced out by them. Flash Fire Steel-types, such as Celesteela and Registeel, can help wall Mega Diancie and Mega Rayquaza while also being able to Imposter-(add hyphen)proof Kartana and provide slow pivoting. Bulky Psychic-types such as Mega Slowbro and Cresselia can also help check Mega Mewtwo X for Kartana. Poison Heal Pokemon, such as Regigigas, Primal Kyogre,(AC) and Xerneas are appreciated due to their ability to scout status moves such as Will-O-Wisp and Glare. They are also able to switch in on Knock Off, which is very beneficial as Kartana requires Choice Band to be a threatening wallbreaker. In addition, they can force switches and put opposing Pokemon to sleep, which grants granting Kartana more opportunities to come in. In return, Kartana can break walls down for them which helps them sweep. Imposter Chansey is appreciated by Kartana due to its ability to scout Fur Coat on Pokemon that resist Sunsteel Strike, such as Mega Slowbro. This can help determine if Kartana can click use a coverage move or if it needs to click use Sunsteel Strike. Imposter Chansey can also scout for Flash Fire Steel-types if Kartana opts to run V-create. Imposter Chansey can also scout for common utility moves that Kartana may dislike having to take, such as Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, and Glare, and it also has a good matchup against the faster Pokemon which threaten Kartana. Scarf Imposter Chansey in particular can reliably beat many offensive threats, even after setup. In return, Kartana can weaken opposing Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof another threat on the team, which can help facilitate an Imposter sweep. If Kartana opts to run Trick, putting a Z-Move on the Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof Kartana is a good idea, as Imposter Pokemon cannot Trick a Choice Scarf onto your Imposter-proof if they opt to run it. protecting them against opposing Trick. Bulky Water-type Pokemon such as Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro,(AC) and Mega Gyarados can be used in order to switch into Fire-type Pokemon such as Mega Blaziken.

name: Belly Drum Sweeper
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Sunsteel Strike
move 3: Close Combat / Sacred Fire
move 4: Power Whip / Bolt Strike
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Unburden
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Belly Drum is used on Kartana to maximize its Attack while also putting it in range of Sitrus Berry, which activates activating Unburden. Sunsteel Strike is Kartana's primary STAB move, bypassing Unaware and Fur Coat which helps Kartana sweep. After Belly Drum, it OHKOes every Pokemon that does not resist it except for Zygarde-C, which is still KOed 50% of the time. which is a 50% chance to OHKO after Belly Drum Close Combat is used to hit Steel-types, including Flash Fire ones which Fire-type coverage misses out on can't hit. It also has the benefit of OHKOing Kartana's Imposter after a Belly Drum and Stealth Rock, ensuring that Imposter cannot pull off a reverse sweep. However, it misses covering Aegislash, which can potentially stop a sweep. Sacred Fire is used to hit non-Flash Fire Steel-types while still OHKOing Kartana's Imposter. However, Close Combat is generally better and Sacred Fire should only be used if your team lacks ways of dealing with -ate users, as it avoids the defense drops from Close Combat and thus makes Kartana less susceptible to -ate users. Power Whip is used to guarantee an OHKO versus Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro,(AC) and Mega Gyarados. Bolt Strike can be used over Power Whip to OHKO Celesteela while OHKOing all of the aforementioned targets, especially Flash Fire Aegislash. However, if Kartana needs to attack prior to using Belly Drum, Bolt Strike loses sacrifices a crucial amount of power. In addition, after a Belly Drum,(AC) Close Combat OHKOs Celesteela anyway, Sunsteel Strike OHKOs Celesteela after Stealth Rock and Close Combat also OHKOs Celesteela, so Bolt Strike should only be used when your team lacks Stealth Rock and Kartana is using Sacred Fire. Icicle Crash can be used to guarantee the OHKO on Zygarde-C, but . However, Kartana heavily prefers being able to OHKO Mega Slowbro and Kartana OHKOs Zygarde-C with Sunsteel Strike after one layer of Spikes anyway, so Icicle Crash is generally difficult to justify. Horn Leech can be used over Power Whip to grant some sustainability as well as more reliable accuracy, but Power Whip's power is more useful so it can break down more Pokemon before Belly Drum.

Set Details

Unburden allows Kartana to defeat Imposter Pokemon that attempt to transform into it, as it outspeeds even Choice Scarf variants after Unburden activates. Unburden also gives Kartana a better matchup vs against offensive Pokemon, since after Unburden activates Kartana becomes more difficult to revenge kill. Sitrus Berry is the best item for Kartana on a Belly Drum set, as it activates after a Belly Drum and thus activates Unburden. An Adamant nature is used in order to help Kartana's offensive power, as the Speed boost from a Jolly nature is not needed as Kartana outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame after Unburden activates regardless of nature. If Kartana elects to run Close Combat, running 124 Defense EVs on Kartana is an option so that Close Combat doesn't need Stealth Rock to OHKO Imposter Chansey.

Usage Tips

Look for Prankster Pokemon, such as Registeel, Zygarde-C, and Giratina on the opponent's team and deal with them early on. If a Prankster Pokemon is not dealt with early on, it may neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Make sure to deal with Flash Fire Aegislash prior to sweeping if you are not running Bolt Strike, as Flash Fire Aegislash otherwise can neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Do your best to get entry hazards up prior to setting up with Kartana, as hazards they help facilitate a sweep due to the extra damage being useful on targets such as Zygarde-C and Celesteela while also breaking Focus Sash. Try to make sure that your opponent's -ate Mega Rayquaza or Kyurem-Black either lack Fake Out or aren't Triage, in Mega Rayquaza's case. These are the only two ways the aforementioned Pokemon can stop a Kartana sweep, so it is important to deal with them beforehand. Try not to set up on slower Pokemon that have Spectral Thief or Core Enforcer. Spectral Thief can steal Kartana's boosts as it tries to set up, and it will be unable to set up again. Core Enforcer can suppress Unburden, allowing Imposter Pokemon to beat Kartana and allowing other offensive Pokemon to beat Kartana. Kartana only has one chance to set up and sweep, so you should not click Belly Drum until you are sure that Kartana can secure a sweep. Prior to setting up, bluffing Kartana's Choice Band set by coming in on Mega Sableye can grant Kartana a setup opportunity.

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie, Mega Rayquaza,(AC) and Mega Mewtwo X can eliminate Prankster Pokemon for Kartana and wear down potential defensive checks. Mega Diancie can also function as entry hazard support for Kartana, helping facilitate its sweep. Other Pokemon which provide entry hazard support include Zygarde-C, Ferrothorn,(AC) and Yveltal. Imposter can be useful to scout for Prankster Pokemon as well as Flash Fire Pokemon if Kartana has Sacred Fire. A backup Pokemon that Imposter-(add hyphen)proofs Kartana after it is set up can be useful, in case Unburden is somehow removed or suppressed. Prankster Pokemon such as Giratina, Zygarde-C,(AC) and Aegislash will generally do the job. Pokemon that check -ate users such as Flash Fire Steel-types can be useful in order to cripple -ate users or slowly defeat them. Triage Mega Rayquaza can be used to pressure and defeat opposing Prankster Pokemon, helping Kartana sweep.

Other Options

A Tinted Lens set with moves from the Steelworker set can be used in order to 2HKO Steel-types such as Registeel and Celesteela. However, Kartana then does not 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C, and it takes needs very little prior damage in order for the Steelworker set to 2HKO Steel-types anyway while also being able to use coverage. Iron Plate can be run over Choice Band on the Steelworker set in order to ease prediction while still being a threatening wallbreaker. If Iron Plate is run, you may want to put Stealth Rock or Spikes over U-turn, as Kartana forces out many Magic Bouncers with this set. However, you do not 2HKO Zygarde-C and you can no longer OHKO Registeel or Ferrothorn nor can you OHKO Mega Slowbro or Celesteela after Stealth Rock. You also cannot OHKO Registeel or Ferrothorn. Tough Claws can be run over Steelworker to boost its coverage moves, since Kartana 2HKOes Zygarde-C with Power Whip and still 2HKOes Giratina with Sunsteel Strike. However, Sunsteel Strike is less risk-free, and the drop in power for Sunsteel Strike means Fur Coat variants of Zygarde-C can now wall Kartana. Choice Scarf can be used on the Steelworker set to surprise offensive Pokemon that may try to revenge Kartana. However, you lose the power of Choice Band, meaning you struggle to break defensive Pokemon down.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Offensive Threats**: Faster offensive threats such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza, Zekrom,(AC) (wait huh? Zek doesn't outspeed Kartana) and Mega Gengar can all outspeed and revenge kill Kartana with their special attacks, or, in Mega Mewtwo X's case, its strong Close Combat. Zekrom can OHKO Kartana with Z Draco Meteor from its Adaptability set after very little prior damage, so Kartana must be wary of it. Zekrom can also use its bulk and typing to take Kartana's main attacks, set up on Kartana and force it out. However, these offensive threats must be wary of Belly Drum, as Kartana can then outspeed and OHKO all of them. They must also be wary of Bullet Punch, as Kartana can potentially revenge kill them with it.

**Prankster Users**: Prankster users such as Giratina, Aegislash,(AC) and Registeel can either use Destiny Bond to bring Kartana down as Kartana brings the Prankster user down, or they can use Haze to take away the boosts that Belly Drum gives.

**Physical Walls**: Giratina and Zygarde-C can both take a hit and potentially status Kartana with Will-O-Wisp or Glare, or remove its item if they opt to run Knock Off. However, they must be wary of Belly Drum Kartana, as Kartana is likely no longer checked by any of them after it uses Belly Drum. They must also be wary of switching into Sunsteel Strike on the Steelworker set if they are not Prankster, as they will get 2HKOed.

**Primal Groudon**: Primal Groudon can take almost any hit Kartana has to offer and OHKO back with the a Fire-type STAB move. it is running. However, Primal Groudon must be wary of Kartana's Belly Drum set. If Kartana gets a Belly Drum up, Power Whip can OHKO.

**Flash Fire Steel-types**: Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash,(AC) and Celesteela can check every Kartana set. Flash Fire Aegislash in particular functions as an exceptional check to Kartana, due to its immunity to Fighting-type coverage. However, they must be wary of the appropriate coverage, as well as Bolt Strike on the Unburden set, as that can OHKO all of the aforementioned Steel-types.

GP 1/2

implemented, the zekrom part is referring to boosted zekrom. would saying "Zekrom after a Shell Smash" or smth be ok?

ready for gp 2/2!
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 2/2

An amazing Attack stat, decent Speed, and Steel-type STAB makes make Kartana a fearsome Pokemon in the Balanced Hackmons metagame. Kartana's Sunsteel Strike along with Steelworker heavily limits possible switch-ins, hitting even Pokemon that resist it hard such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Primal Kyogre. It notably 2HKOes Zygarde-C and Giratina, two of the metagame's premier walls, while also bypassing Fur Coat. In addition, Sunsteel Strike OHKOes slower foes weak to it such as Xerneas, Mega Audino, and Shedinja. Having STAB on Sunsteel Strike as well as a decent stat spread lets it Kartana also function as a Belly Drum sweeper if required due to Sunsteel Strike ignoring Fur Coat and Unaware. Its Grass typing offensively compliments complements its Steel typing by hitting letting it hit Water-types such as Mega Gyarados and Primal Kyogre super effectively. In addition, it makes Kartana immune to Spore, which, combined with its ability to tank common utility moves such as Core Enforcer, Revelation Dance, and Spectral Thief, grants it some degree of defensive utility. Defensively, its Steel typing as well as a decent Defense stat aids it in sweeping and wallbreaking by allowing it to take a variety of priority moves better, such as Mega Diancie's Extreme Speed and Kyurem-Black's Kyurem-B's Extreme Speed. Kartana's Speed tier also ensures it outspeeds almost every defensive Pokemon in the metagame, heavily enhancing its matchup against balance and stall teams.

Unfortunately, its Speed tier still leaves it outsped by common offensive Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza, and Mega Gengar. In addition, while switch-ins are rare, Kartana finds it difficult to OHKO defensive Pokemon that aren't weak to its attacks, such as Zygarde-C, Aegislash, and Giratina. Due to this, Kartana often relies on slow pivoting to be brought into targets that it can force out so it can wallbreak, as most of the targets it beats have ways to force it out if Kartana tries to switch in directly. Kartana also suffers from being one-dimensional, with its sets being largely limited to Belly Drum and Steelworker. Also, Kartana's abysmal special bulk, moderate physical bulk, and low Speed compared to other offensive Pokemon mean it will have difficulty against offensive teams.

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Sunsteel Strike
move 2: Power Whip / Bolt Strike / Thousand Arrows
move 3: V-create / Close Combat / Precipice Blades
move 4: Bullet Punch / Trick / U-turn / V-create
item: Choice Band
ability: Steelworker
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Sunsteel Strike is the main move on the set, 2HKOing 2HKOes defensive Pokemon such as Giratina and Zygarde-C (RC) while OHKOing and OHKOes many other Pokemon such as Mega Tyranitar, Mega Audino, and Fur Coat Chansey after Stealth Rock. It bypasses Fur Coat on Giratina and Zygarde-C and Sturdy, allowing Kartana to use Sunsteel Strike it more liberally against teams built around Shedinja. Power Whip is the Grass-type STAB move of choice to hit Water-types that may attempt to switch into Kartana, OHKOing Primal Kyogre and Mega Gyarados and OHKOing Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock. In addition, Power Whip 2HKOes Primal Groudon, which would otherwise comfortably switch into Kartana. Bolt Strike can be run over Power Whip, (AC) as, while it requires Stealth Rock support and prior damage to OHKO Mega Slowbro, it has the benefit of OHKOing Celesteela, which can especially be useful against Flash Fire variants. Thousand Arrows can be run to cover every Steel-type Pokemon in the tier besides Ferrothorn, which gets worn down anyways anyway. However, Thousand Arrows it is weak (RC) and won't do much damage to neutral targets. V-create is used to OHKO Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Magearna. It also has the benefit of OHKOing any Imposter Pokemon that attempts to switch into Kartana, but it can force Kartana out due to the stat drops. Close Combat can be run to 2HKO Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel and Ferrothorn, but it does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey switching in switch-ins and cannot hit Aegislash. Precipice Blades can be used to OHKO Aegislash after minimal prior damage (RC) but does not 2HKO Ferrothorn or Imposter Chansey switching in, switch-ins and cannot hit Celesteela. Bullet Punch can be used to OHKO Mega Diancie and pick off weakened offensive foes that may attempt to stay in and KO Kartana, such as Mega Gengar and Mega Mewtwo Y. Trick can be used to ease prediction while potentially crippling a defensive Pokemon or a specially oriented (RH) Pokemon. However, Kartana loses an incredible amount of power if it loses Choice Band, failing to 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C. U-turn can be used to pivot on switches Kartana may force, such as against Mega Audino, Xerneas, and Mega Gyarados. However, Kartana will generally 2HKO the switch-in with Sunsteel Strike or the correct coverage move anyway, so U-turn is not often needed.

Set Details

Steelworker boosts Kartana's Sunsteel Strike and Bullet Punch to incredible power levels, allowing Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina with Sunsteel Strike the former while also helping Kartana pick off weakened offensive Pokemon with Bullet Punch more easily. Choice Band allows Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina in conjunction with Steelworker while also allowing Kartana to as well as OHKO Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock, OHKO Celesteela with Bolt Strike and OHKO Imposter Pokemon that may want to switch into it with V-create. An Adamant nature is used to ensure a 2HKO on Zygarde-C while improving Kartana's ability to wallbreak. The Speed boost from a Jolly nature is not required, as it is only useful for beating Mega Kangaskhan, a threat Kartana can take on regardless.

Usage Tips

Use slow pivoting to bring Kartana in on targets it can force out such as Kyurem-Black, Shedinja, and Xerneas. Don't use Sunsteel Strike liberally unless it is safe to do so, as it only has 8 PP so it and is vulnerable to being PP stalled out. Be sure to scout for Prankster Pokemon such as Registeel, Giratina, and Zygarde-C. Physically bulky and Steel-resistant Prankster Pokemon can PP stall Kartana's Sunsteel Strike if they come on it, meaning you may need to predict their switch correctly to get the most out of Kartana. Alternatively, make sure you deal with any Prankster Pokemon beforehand (RC) so Kartana can freely wallbreak. Keep in mind Kartana is not made to take on offensive Pokemon, so staying in on one is unwise, especially if it's specially offensive, (AC) as Kartana's Special Defense is poor. Make sure to scout for status moves, as Kartana needs both its decent Speed stat and its colossal Attack stat to function well and being burned or paralyzed can give it difficulty. Being burned in particular can make Kartana useless as a wallbreaker, as it no longer attains many of the OHKOs and 2HKOs it wishes to get. Use Trick when you would like to lock a defensive Pokemon into a move or when you wish to choose be able to switch moves with Kartana.

Team Options

Mega Mewtwo Y appreciates Kartana's ability to break down the opponent's defensive Pokemon. In return, with its Contrary and Sheer Force sets, Mega Mewtwo Y has a good matchup against many of the offensive Pokemon in the tier that may threaten Kartana. A solid defensive core with checks to fast Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie, and Mega Mewtwo X can be very useful, as Kartana is forced out by them. Flash Fire Steel-types, such as Celesteela and Registeel, can help wall Mega Diancie and Mega Rayquaza while also being able to Imposter-proof Kartana and provide slow pivoting. Bulky Psychic-types such as Mega Slowbro and Cresselia can also help check Mega Mewtwo X for Kartana. Poison Heal Pokemon, such as Regigigas, Primal Kyogre, and Xerneas are appreciated due to their ability to scout status moves such as Will-O-Wisp and Glare. They are also able to switch in on Knock Off, which is very beneficial, (AC) as Kartana requires Choice Band to be a threatening wallbreaker. In addition, they can force switches and put opposing Pokemon to sleep, granting Kartana more opportunities to come in. In return, Kartana can break walls down for them, (AC) which helps them sweep. Imposter Chansey is appreciated due to its ability to scout for Fur Coat on Pokemon that resist Sunsteel Strike, such as Mega Slowbro. This can help determine if Kartana can use a coverage move or if it needs to use Sunsteel Strike. Imposter Chansey can also scout for Flash Fire Steel-types if Kartana opts to run V-create, (AC) Imposter Chansey can also scout as well as for common utility moves that Kartana may dislike having to take (RC) such as Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, and Glare, and it also has a good matchup against the faster Pokemon which that threaten Kartana. Choice Scarf Imposter Chansey in particular can reliably beat many offensive threats, even after setup. In return, Kartana can weaken opposing Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof another threat on the team, which can help facilitate an Imposter sweep. If Kartana opts to run Trick, putting a Z-Move on the Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof Kartana is a good idea, protecting them against opposing Trick. Bulky Water-type Pokemon such as Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro, and Mega Gyarados can be used in order to switch into Fire-type Pokemon such as Mega Blaziken.

name: Belly Drum Sweeper
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Sunsteel Strike
move 3: Close Combat / Sacred Fire
move 4: Power Whip / Bolt Strike
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Unburden
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Belly Drum is used on Kartana to maximize its Kartana's Attack while also putting it in range of Sitrus Berry, activating Unburden. Sunsteel Strike is Kartana's primary STAB move, bypassing Unaware and Fur Coat which helps to help Kartana sweep. After Belly Drum, it OHKOes every Pokemon that does not resist it except for Zygarde-C, which is still KOed 50% of the time. Close Combat is used to hit Steel-types, including Flash Fire ones, (AC) which Fire-type coverage can't hit. It also has the benefit of OHKOing Kartana's Imposter after a Belly Drum and Stealth Rock, ensuring that Imposter cannot pull off a reverse sweep. However, it misses covering Aegislash, which can potentially stop a sweep. Sacred Fire is used to hit non-Flash Fire Steel-types while still OHKOing Kartana's Imposter. However, Close Combat is generally better, (AC) and Sacred Fire should only be used if your team lacks ways of dealing with -ate users, as it avoids the defense drops from Close Combat and thus makes make Kartana less more susceptible to -ate users their Extreme Speed. (?) (cutting down on the verbosity at least) Power Whip is used to guarantee an OHKO versus Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro, and Mega Gyarados. Bolt Strike can be used over Power Whip to OHKO Celesteela while OHKOing all of the aforementioned targets, especially Flash Fire Aegislash. However, if Kartana needs to attack prior to using Belly Drum, Bolt Strike sacrifices a crucial amount of power. In addition, after a Belly Drum, Close Combat OHKOs OHKOes Celesteela anyway, so Bolt Strike should only be used when your team lacks Stealth Rock and Kartana is using Sacred Fire. Icicle Crash can be used to guarantee the OHKO on Zygarde-C, but Kartana heavily prefers being able to OHKO Mega Slowbro and OHKOs OHKOes Zygarde-C with Sunsteel Strike after one layer of Spikes anyway, so Icicle Crash is generally difficult to justify. Horn Leech can be used over Power Whip to grant some sustainability as well as more reliable accuracy, but Power Whip's power is more useful so it Kartana can break down more Pokemon before Belly Drum.

Set Details

Unburden allows Kartana to defeat Imposter Pokemon that attempt to transform into it, as it outspeeds even Choice Scarf variants after Unburden activates. Unburden also gives Kartana a better matchup against offensive Pokemon (RC) since after Unburden activates Kartana becomes by making it more difficult to revenge kill. Sitrus Berry is the best item for Kartana on a Belly Drum set, as it activates after a Belly Drum and thus activates Unburden. An Adamant nature is used in order to help Kartana's offensive power, as the Speed boost from a Jolly nature is not needed as Kartana outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame after Unburden activates regardless of nature. If Kartana elects to run Close Combat, running 124 Defense EVs on Kartana is an option so that Close Combat it doesn't need Stealth Rock to OHKO Imposter Chansey.

Usage Tips

Look for Prankster Pokemon, such as Registeel, Zygarde-C, and Giratina on the opponent's team and deal with them early on. If a Prankster Pokemon is not dealt with taken early on, it may neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Make sure to deal with Flash Fire Aegislash prior to sweeping if you are not running Bolt Strike, as Flash Fire Aegislash otherwise it can neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Do your best to get entry hazards up prior to setting up with Kartana, as they help facilitate a sweep due to the extra damage being useful on targets such as Zygarde-C and Celesteela while also breaking Focus Sash. Try to make sure that your opponent's -ate Mega Rayquaza or Kyurem-Black either lack Fake Out or aren't Triage, in Mega Rayquaza's case. These are the only two ways the aforementioned Pokemon can stop a Kartana sweep, so it is important to deal with them beforehand. Try not to set up on slower Pokemon that have Spectral Thief or Core Enforcer. Spectral Thief can steal Kartana's boosts as it tries to set up, and it will be unable to set up again. Core Enforcer can suppress Unburden, allowing Imposter Pokemon to beat Kartana and allowing other offensive Pokemon to beat Kartana it. Kartana only has one chance to set up and sweep, so you should not click Belly Drum until you are sure that Kartana can secure a sweep. Prior to setting up, Bluffing Kartana's Choice Band set by coming in on Mega Sableye can grant Kartana a setup opportunity.

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie, Mega Rayquaza, and Mega Mewtwo X can eliminate Prankster Pokemon for Kartana and wear down potential defensive checks. Mega Diancie can also function as entry hazard support for Kartana, helping facilitate its sweep. Other Pokemon which that provide entry hazard support include Zygarde-C, Ferrothorn, and Yveltal. Imposter can be useful to scout for Prankster Pokemon as well as Flash Fire Pokemon if Kartana has Sacred Fire. A backup Pokemon that Imposter-proofs Kartana after it is set up can be useful, in case Unburden is somehow removed or suppressed. Prankster Pokemon such as Giratina, Zygarde-C, and Aegislash will generally do the job. Pokemon that check -ate users such as Flash Fire Steel-types can be useful in order to cripple -ate users or slowly defeat them. Triage Mega Rayquaza can be used to pressure and defeat opposing Prankster Pokemon, helping Kartana sweep.

Other Options

A Tinted Lens set with moves from the Steelworker set can be used to 2HKO Steel-types such as Registeel and Celesteela. However, Kartana then does not 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C, and it the Steelworker set needs very little prior damage in order for the Steelworker set to 2HKO Steel-types anyway while also being able to use coverage. Iron Plate can be run over Choice Band on the Steelworker set in order to ease prediction while still being a threatening wallbreaker. If Iron Plate is run, you may want to put Stealth Rock or Spikes over U-turn, as Kartana forces out many Magic Bouncers Bounce users with this set. However, you do not it can no longer 2HKO Zygarde-C and you can no longer or OHKO Registeel or Ferrothorn nor can you it OHKO Mega Slowbro or Celesteela after Stealth Rock. Tough Claws can be run over Steelworker to boost its coverage moves, since Kartana 2HKOes Zygarde-C with Power Whip and still 2HKOes Giratina with Sunsteel Strike. However, Sunsteel Strike is less risk free, (RH) and the drop in power for Sunsteel Strike means Fur Coat variants of Zygarde-C can now wall Kartana. Choice Scarf can be used on the Steelworker set to surprise offensive Pokemon that may try to revenge Kartana. However, you lose the power of Choice Band, meaning you struggle to break defensive Pokemon down.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Offensive Threats**: Faster offensive threats such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza, Zekrom, and Mega Gengar can all outspeed Kartana and revenge kill Kartana it with their special attacks, or, in Mega Mewtwo X's case, its strong Close Combat. Zekrom can OHKO Kartana with Z Draco Meteor Devastating Drake from its Adaptability set after very little prior damage, so Kartana must be wary of it. Zekrom can also use its bulk and typing to take Kartana's main attacks, set up on Kartana and force it out. However, these offensive threats must be wary of Belly Drum, as Kartana can then outspeed and OHKO all of them. They must also be wary of Bullet Punch, as Kartana can potentially revenge kill them with it.

**Prankster Users**: Prankster users such as Giratina, Aegislash, and Registeel can either use Destiny Bond to bring Kartana down, or they can use Haze to take away the boosts that Belly Drum gives.

**Physical Walls**: Giratina and Zygarde-C can both take a hit and potentially status Kartana with Will-O-Wisp or Glare (RC) or remove its item if they opt to run Knock Off. However, they must be wary of Belly Drum Kartana, as Kartana is likely no longer checked by any of them after it uses Belly Drum. They must also be wary of switching into Sunsteel Strike on the Steelworker set if they are not Prankster, as they will get 2HKOed.

**Primal Groudon**: Primal Groudon can take almost any hit Kartana has to offer and OHKO back with a Fire-type STAB move. However, Primal Groudon must be wary of Kartana's Belly Drum set. If Kartana gets a Belly Drum up, Power Whip can OHKO.

**Flash Fire Steel-types**: Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Celesteela can check every Kartana set. Flash Fire Aegislash in particular functions as an exceptional check to Kartana, due to its immunity to Fighting-type coverage. However, they must be wary of the appropriate coverage, as well as Bolt Strike on the Unburden set, as that can OHKO all of the aforementioned Steel-types.
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GP 2/2

An amazing Attack stat, decent Speed, and Steel-type STAB makes make Kartana a fearsome Pokemon in the Balanced Hackmons metagame. Kartana's Sunsteel Strike along with Steelworker heavily limits possible switch-ins, hitting even Pokemon that resist it hard such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Primal Kyogre. It notably 2HKOes Zygarde-C and Giratina, two of the metagame's premier walls, while also bypassing Fur Coat. In addition, Sunsteel Strike OHKOes slower foes weak to it such as Xerneas, Mega Audino, and Shedinja. Having STAB on Sunsteel Strike as well as a decent stat spread lets it Kartana also function as a Belly Drum sweeper if required due to Sunsteel Strike ignoring Fur Coat and Unaware. Its Grass typing offensively compliments complements its Steel typing by hitting letting it hit Water-types such as Mega Gyarados and Primal Kyogre super effectively. In addition, it makes Kartana immune to Spore, which, combined with its ability to tank common utility moves such as Core Enforcer, Revelation Dance, and Spectral Thief, grants it some degree of defensive utility. Defensively, its Steel typing as well as a decent Defense stat aids it in sweeping and wallbreaking by allowing it to take a variety of priority moves better, such as Mega Diancie's Extreme Speed and Kyurem-Black's Kyurem-B's Extreme Speed. Kartana's Speed tier also ensures it outspeeds almost every defensive Pokemon in the metagame, heavily enhancing its matchup against balance and stall teams.

Unfortunately, its Speed tier still leaves it outsped by common offensive Pokemon such as Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza, and Mega Gengar. In addition, while switch-ins are rare, Kartana finds it difficult to OHKO defensive Pokemon that aren't weak to its attacks, such as Zygarde-C, Aegislash, and Giratina. Due to this, Kartana often relies on slow pivoting to be brought into targets that it can force out so it can wallbreak, as most of the targets it beats have ways to force it out if Kartana tries to switch in directly. Kartana also suffers from being one-dimensional, with its sets being largely limited to Belly Drum and Steelworker. Also, Kartana's abysmal special bulk, moderate physical bulk, and low Speed compared to other offensive Pokemon mean it will have difficulty against offensive teams.

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: Sunsteel Strike
move 2: Power Whip / Bolt Strike / Thousand Arrows
move 3: V-create / Close Combat / Precipice Blades
move 4: Bullet Punch / Trick / U-turn / V-create
item: Choice Band
ability: Steelworker
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Sunsteel Strike is the main move on the set, 2HKOing 2HKOes defensive Pokemon such as Giratina and Zygarde-C (RC) while OHKOing and OHKOes many other Pokemon such as Mega Tyranitar, Mega Audino, and Fur Coat Chansey after Stealth Rock. It bypasses Fur Coat on Giratina and Zygarde-C and Sturdy, allowing Kartana to use Sunsteel Strike it more liberally against teams built around Shedinja. Power Whip is the Grass-type STAB move of choice to hit Water-types that may attempt to switch into Kartana, OHKOing Primal Kyogre and Mega Gyarados and OHKOing Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock. In addition, Power Whip 2HKOes Primal Groudon, which would otherwise comfortably switch into Kartana. Bolt Strike can be run over Power Whip, (AC) as, while it requires Stealth Rock support and prior damage to OHKO Mega Slowbro, it has the benefit of OHKOing Celesteela, which can especially be useful against Flash Fire variants. Thousand Arrows can be run to cover every Steel-type Pokemon in the tier besides Ferrothorn, which gets worn down anyways anyway. However, Thousand Arrows it is weak (RC) and won't do much damage to neutral targets. V-create is used to OHKO Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Magearna. It also has the benefit of OHKOing any Imposter Pokemon that attempts to switch into Kartana, but it can force Kartana out due to the stat drops. Close Combat can be run to 2HKO Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel and Ferrothorn, but it does not 2HKO Imposter Chansey switching in switch-ins and cannot hit Aegislash. Precipice Blades can be used to OHKO Aegislash after minimal prior damage (RC) but does not 2HKO Ferrothorn or Imposter Chansey switching in, switch-ins and cannot hit Celesteela. Bullet Punch can be used to OHKO Mega Diancie and pick off weakened offensive foes that may attempt to stay in and KO Kartana, such as Mega Gengar and Mega Mewtwo Y. Trick can be used to ease prediction while potentially crippling a defensive Pokemon or a specially oriented (RH) Pokemon. However, Kartana loses an incredible amount of power if it loses Choice Band, failing to 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C. U-turn can be used to pivot on switches Kartana may force, such as against Mega Audino, Xerneas, and Mega Gyarados. However, Kartana will generally 2HKO the switch-in with Sunsteel Strike or the correct coverage move anyway, so U-turn is not often needed.

Set Details

Steelworker boosts Kartana's Sunsteel Strike and Bullet Punch to incredible power levels, allowing Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina with Sunsteel Strike the former while also helping Kartana pick off weakened offensive Pokemon with Bullet Punch more easily. Choice Band allows Kartana to 2HKO Zygarde-C and Giratina in conjunction with Steelworker while also allowing Kartana to as well as OHKO Mega Slowbro after Stealth Rock, OHKO Celesteela with Bolt Strike and OHKO Imposter Pokemon that may want to switch into it with V-create. An Adamant nature is used to ensure a 2HKO on Zygarde-C while improving Kartana's ability to wallbreak. The Speed boost from a Jolly nature is not required, as it is only useful for beating Mega Kangaskhan, a threat Kartana can take on regardless.

Usage Tips

Use slow pivoting to bring Kartana in on targets it can force out such as Kyurem-Black, Shedinja, and Xerneas. Don't use Sunsteel Strike liberally unless it is safe to do so, as it only has 8 PP so it and is vulnerable to being PP stalled out. Be sure to scout for Prankster Pokemon such as Registeel, Giratina, and Zygarde-C. Physically bulky and Steel-resistant Prankster Pokemon can PP stall Kartana's Sunsteel Strike if they come on it, meaning you may need to predict their switch correctly to get the most out of Kartana. Alternatively, make sure you deal with any Prankster Pokemon beforehand (RC) so Kartana can freely wallbreak. Keep in mind Kartana is not made to take on offensive Pokemon, so staying in on one is unwise, especially if it's specially offensive, (AC) as Kartana's Special Defense is poor. Make sure to scout for status moves, as Kartana needs both its decent Speed stat and its colossal Attack stat to function well and being burned or paralyzed can give it difficulty. Being burned in particular can make Kartana useless as a wallbreaker, as it no longer attains many of the OHKOs and 2HKOs it wishes to get. Use Trick when you would like to lock a defensive Pokemon into a move or when you wish to choose be able to switch moves with Kartana.

Team Options

Mega Mewtwo Y appreciates Kartana's ability to break down the opponent's defensive Pokemon. In return, with its Contrary and Sheer Force sets, Mega Mewtwo Y has a good matchup against many of the offensive Pokemon in the tier that may threaten Kartana. A solid defensive core with checks to fast Pokemon such as Mega Rayquaza, Mega Diancie, and Mega Mewtwo X can be very useful, as Kartana is forced out by them. Flash Fire Steel-types, such as Celesteela and Registeel, can help wall Mega Diancie and Mega Rayquaza while also being able to Imposter-proof Kartana and provide slow pivoting. Bulky Psychic-types such as Mega Slowbro and Cresselia can also help check Mega Mewtwo X for Kartana. Poison Heal Pokemon, such as Regigigas, Primal Kyogre, and Xerneas are appreciated due to their ability to scout status moves such as Will-O-Wisp and Glare. They are also able to switch in on Knock Off, which is very beneficial, (AC) as Kartana requires Choice Band to be a threatening wallbreaker. In addition, they can force switches and put opposing Pokemon to sleep, granting Kartana more opportunities to come in. In return, Kartana can break walls down for them, (AC) which helps them sweep. Imposter Chansey is appreciated due to its ability to scout for Fur Coat on Pokemon that resist Sunsteel Strike, such as Mega Slowbro. This can help determine if Kartana can use a coverage move or if it needs to use Sunsteel Strike. Imposter Chansey can also scout for Flash Fire Steel-types if Kartana opts to run V-create, (AC) Imposter Chansey can also scout as well as for common utility moves that Kartana may dislike having to take (RC) such as Knock Off, Will-O-Wisp, and Glare, and it also has a good matchup against the faster Pokemon which that threaten Kartana. Choice Scarf Imposter Chansey in particular can reliably beat many offensive threats, even after setup. In return, Kartana can weaken opposing Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof another threat on the team, which can help facilitate an Imposter sweep. If Kartana opts to run Trick, putting a Z-Move on the Pokemon meant to Imposter-proof Kartana is a good idea, protecting them against opposing Trick. Bulky Water-type Pokemon such as Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro, and Mega Gyarados can be used in order to switch into Fire-type Pokemon such as Mega Blaziken.

name: Belly Drum Sweeper
move 1: Belly Drum
move 2: Sunsteel Strike
move 3: Close Combat / Sacred Fire
move 4: Power Whip / Bolt Strike
item: Sitrus Berry
ability: Unburden
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD / 252 Spe


Belly Drum is used on Kartana to maximize its Kartana's Attack while also putting it in range of Sitrus Berry, activating Unburden. Sunsteel Strike is Kartana's primary STAB move, bypassing Unaware and Fur Coat which helps to help Kartana sweep. After Belly Drum, it OHKOes every Pokemon that does not resist it except for Zygarde-C, which is still KOed 50% of the time. Close Combat is used to hit Steel-types, including Flash Fire ones, (AC) which Fire-type coverage can't hit. It also has the benefit of OHKOing Kartana's Imposter after a Belly Drum and Stealth Rock, ensuring that Imposter cannot pull off a reverse sweep. However, it misses covering Aegislash, which can potentially stop a sweep. Sacred Fire is used to hit non-Flash Fire Steel-types while still OHKOing Kartana's Imposter. However, Close Combat is generally better, (AC) and Sacred Fire should only be used if your team lacks ways of dealing with -ate users, as it avoids the defense drops from Close Combat and thus makes make Kartana less more susceptible to -ate users their Extreme Speed. (?) (cutting down on the verbosity at least) Power Whip is used to guarantee an OHKO versus Primal Kyogre, Mega Slowbro, and Mega Gyarados. Bolt Strike can be used over Power Whip to OHKO Celesteela while OHKOing all of the aforementioned targets, especially Flash Fire Aegislash. However, if Kartana needs to attack prior to using Belly Drum, Bolt Strike sacrifices a crucial amount of power. In addition, after a Belly Drum, Close Combat OHKOs OHKOes Celesteela anyway, so Bolt Strike should only be used when your team lacks Stealth Rock and Kartana is using Sacred Fire. Icicle Crash can be used to guarantee the OHKO on Zygarde-C, but Kartana heavily prefers being able to OHKO Mega Slowbro and OHKOs OHKOes Zygarde-C with Sunsteel Strike after one layer of Spikes anyway, so Icicle Crash is generally difficult to justify. Horn Leech can be used over Power Whip to grant some sustainability as well as more reliable accuracy, but Power Whip's power is more useful so it Kartana can break down more Pokemon before Belly Drum.

Set Details

Unburden allows Kartana to defeat Imposter Pokemon that attempt to transform into it, as it outspeeds even Choice Scarf variants after Unburden activates. Unburden also gives Kartana a better matchup against offensive Pokemon (RC) since after Unburden activates Kartana becomes by making it more difficult to revenge kill. Sitrus Berry is the best item for Kartana on a Belly Drum set, as it activates after a Belly Drum and thus activates Unburden. An Adamant nature is used in order to help Kartana's offensive power, as the Speed boost from a Jolly nature is not needed as Kartana outspeeds the entire unboosted metagame after Unburden activates regardless of nature. If Kartana elects to run Close Combat, running 124 Defense EVs on Kartana is an option so that Close Combat it doesn't need Stealth Rock to OHKO Imposter Chansey.

Usage Tips

Look for Prankster Pokemon, such as Registeel, Zygarde-C, and Giratina on the opponent's team and deal with them early on. If a Prankster Pokemon is not dealt with taken early on, it may neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Make sure to deal with Flash Fire Aegislash prior to sweeping if you are not running Bolt Strike, as Flash Fire Aegislash otherwise it can neuter Kartana's ability to sweep. Do your best to get entry hazards up prior to setting up with Kartana, as they help facilitate a sweep due to the extra damage being useful on targets such as Zygarde-C and Celesteela while also breaking Focus Sash. Try to make sure that your opponent's -ate Mega Rayquaza or Kyurem-Black either lack Fake Out or aren't Triage, in Mega Rayquaza's case. These are the only two ways the aforementioned Pokemon can stop a Kartana sweep, so it is important to deal with them beforehand. Try not to set up on slower Pokemon that have Spectral Thief or Core Enforcer. Spectral Thief can steal Kartana's boosts as it tries to set up, and it will be unable to set up again. Core Enforcer can suppress Unburden, allowing Imposter Pokemon to beat Kartana and allowing other offensive Pokemon to beat Kartana it. Kartana only has one chance to set up and sweep, so you should not click Belly Drum until you are sure that Kartana can secure a sweep. Prior to setting up, Bluffing Kartana's Choice Band set by coming in on Mega Sableye can grant Kartana a setup opportunity.

Team Options

Wallbreakers such as Mega Diancie, Mega Rayquaza, and Mega Mewtwo X can eliminate Prankster Pokemon for Kartana and wear down potential defensive checks. Mega Diancie can also function as entry hazard support for Kartana, helping facilitate its sweep. Other Pokemon which that provide entry hazard support include Zygarde-C, Ferrothorn, and Yveltal. Imposter can be useful to scout for Prankster Pokemon as well as Flash Fire Pokemon if Kartana has Sacred Fire. A backup Pokemon that Imposter-proofs Kartana after it is set up can be useful, in case Unburden is somehow removed or suppressed. Prankster Pokemon such as Giratina, Zygarde-C, and Aegislash will generally do the job. Pokemon that check -ate users such as Flash Fire Steel-types can be useful in order to cripple -ate users or slowly defeat them. Triage Mega Rayquaza can be used to pressure and defeat opposing Prankster Pokemon, helping Kartana sweep.

Other Options

A Tinted Lens set with moves from the Steelworker set can be used to 2HKO Steel-types such as Registeel and Celesteela. However, Kartana then does not 2HKO Giratina and Zygarde-C, and it the Steelworker set needs very little prior damage in order for the Steelworker set to 2HKO Steel-types anyway while also being able to use coverage. Iron Plate can be run over Choice Band on the Steelworker set in order to ease prediction while still being a threatening wallbreaker. If Iron Plate is run, you may want to put Stealth Rock or Spikes over U-turn, as Kartana forces out many Magic Bouncers Bounce users with this set. However, you do not it can no longer 2HKO Zygarde-C and you can no longer or OHKO Registeel or Ferrothorn nor can you it OHKO Mega Slowbro or Celesteela after Stealth Rock. Tough Claws can be run over Steelworker to boost its coverage moves, since Kartana 2HKOes Zygarde-C with Power Whip and still 2HKOes Giratina with Sunsteel Strike. However, Sunsteel Strike is less risk free, (RH) and the drop in power for Sunsteel Strike means Fur Coat variants of Zygarde-C can now wall Kartana. Choice Scarf can be used on the Steelworker set to surprise offensive Pokemon that may try to revenge Kartana. However, you lose the power of Choice Band, meaning you struggle to break defensive Pokemon down.

Checks and Counters

**Faster Offensive Threats**: Faster offensive threats such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Rayquaza, Zekrom, and Mega Gengar can all outspeed Kartana and revenge kill Kartana it with their special attacks, or, in Mega Mewtwo X's case, its strong Close Combat. Zekrom can OHKO Kartana with Z Draco Meteor Devastating Drake from its Adaptability set after very little prior damage, so Kartana must be wary of it. Zekrom can also use its bulk and typing to take Kartana's main attacks, set up on Kartana and force it out. However, these offensive threats must be wary of Belly Drum, as Kartana can then outspeed and OHKO all of them. They must also be wary of Bullet Punch, as Kartana can potentially revenge kill them with it.

**Prankster Users**: Prankster users such as Giratina, Aegislash, and Registeel can either use Destiny Bond to bring Kartana down, or they can use Haze to take away the boosts that Belly Drum gives.

**Physical Walls**: Giratina and Zygarde-C can both take a hit and potentially status Kartana with Will-O-Wisp or Glare (RC) or remove its item if they opt to run Knock Off. However, they must be wary of Belly Drum Kartana, as Kartana is likely no longer checked by any of them after it uses Belly Drum. They must also be wary of switching into Sunsteel Strike on the Steelworker set if they are not Prankster, as they will get 2HKOed.

**Primal Groudon**: Primal Groudon can take almost any hit Kartana has to offer and OHKO back with a Fire-type STAB move. However, Primal Groudon must be wary of Kartana's Belly Drum set. If Kartana gets a Belly Drum up, Power Whip can OHKO.

**Flash Fire Steel-types**: Flash Fire Steel-types such as Registeel, Aegislash, and Celesteela can check every Kartana set. Flash Fire Aegislash in particular functions as an exceptional check to Kartana, due to its immunity to Fighting-type coverage. However, they must be wary of the appropriate coverage, as well as Bolt Strike on the Unburden set, as that can OHKO all of the aforementioned Steel-types.
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