approved by Sabelette

Kanto Stadium
Welcome to Kanto Stadium! This is a collection of formats inspired by the official competitive ruleset (Nintendo Cup) as well as the 4 cups introduced with Pokémon Yellow (Prime Cup, Poké Cup, Pika Cup, Petit Cup).
These formats are the preferred way of playing Gen 1 in Japan, and the Bring6Pick3 ruleset has always been the standard for official tournaments. It offers a more 'authentic' Gen 1 experience, where the metagame is more flexible, but individual games are more volatile.
- Standard RBY Mechanics (not Stadium)
- Team Preview
- Bring 3 out of 6
- Species Clause, Sleep Clause, Self-KO Clause
- Prime Cup: any level, all Pokemon allowed
- Poké Cup: level 50-55 (155 max per game), Mewtwo & Mew banned
- Pika Cup: level 15-20 (50 max per game), Mewtwo & Mew banned
- Petit Cup: level 25-30 (80 max per game), must be unevolved, max 2m height 20kg weight

The premiere offensive threat of Generation 1, thanks to its fantastic speed, STAB Normal moves, and special coverage options.

An excellent status inducer with great defensive typing and access to Explosion.

An impenetrable special wall with access to Softboiled and disruptive options such as Thunder Wave or Reflect.

An enormously bulky Pokemon with a great Attack stat, a multitude of offensive & defensive tools, and STAB Self-Destruct.

A potent but slow sweeper thanks to Amnesia, the most powerful stat-boosting move in the game.

A fast but inconsistent Sleep inducer with an excellent Normal immunity, superb Special stat, and Explosion.

A blazingly fast Electric type with a great Special stat.

A freeze-immune tank with positive matchups into Tauros & Snorlax and access to Sing.

A fast and reliable Sleep inducer, with strong STAB Blizzards.

A powerful offensive threat with potent STAB moves and access to Thunder Wave.

A very fast special attacker with excellent coverage and useful defensive typing.

The strongest and fastest Psychic user in the metagame, with tools such as Recover and Thunder Wave.

The fastest Pokemon in the metagame, equipped with STAB Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, and Explosion.

A frightening Pokemon thanks to its excellent speed stat and access to Fissure.

A fearsome Fire type with powerful STAB moves and sweeping potential.
These formats were played competitively in 1999 for the Pokémon League Training Tour, the first series of tournaments to take place outside of Japan, spanning 26 American cities. They featured Prime Cup, Poké Cup & Pika Cup, and were played using Red & Blue. The rules are the exact same, although they did manually enforce Freeze Clause. Also, most players nowadays prefer to play with Evasion moves banned.
The formats are all currently playable on
Join the Discord to easily find games!
Gen I Side Formats - a very useful thread with a bunch of additional information and resources
Stadium Cup Format Hub - for the Stadium versions of the 4 cups
tags: gen 1 bss, rby 3v3
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