Jolteon wants to Fight

Adamant Zoroark

catchy catchphrase
is a Contributor Alumnus
Typical post about Jolteon:​
"Why would anyone use Jolteon over Thundurus-T? Thundurus-T, like, outclasses Jolteon completely!"
Okay, no, that's not literally a typical post about Jolteon, but I do see players saying things along these lines rather frequently. Today, I'm here to answer that question: Why the hell would you use Jolteon instead of Thundurus-T? For the purposes of this team I'm using a Baton Pass set as it's something Jolteon can definitely do that Thundurus-T can't.​
This team went through a rather long testing stage, as I was much more nitpicky about this team than I usually am. The team started out as Politoed/Jolteon/Gyarados/Breloom/Dugtrio/Starmie, but I noticed the main problem of "I had no Steel-type," so I switched Dugtrio out for Ferrothorn. After observing that Ferrothorn entirely killed my team's offensive pressure every time I sent it in, I went through a long stage of "Just try this even if it looks like shit on paper." I went through various forms of the team, including Politoed/Jolteon/Gyarados/Scizor/Latias/Garchomp, which was legitimately awful. But then... I decided to look down in UU, and there I found the answer to my problems: Cobalion. I needed a Steel-type Stealth Rock user with decent offensive presence, and Cobalion seemed to be the only choice. Of course this means I'm now using Gyarados without Rapid Spin support, but as of now that's really something I can deal with. So, here's the team:​
Politoed (F) @ Choice Specs​
Trait: Drizzle​
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 SDef​
Modest Nature​
- Hydro Pump​
- Ice Beam​
- Hidden Power [Grass]​
- Focus Blast​
Even as much as I don't like Rain teams, and even with how infrequently I build them, I decided to first go with using Politoed, as this would allow Jolteon to easily abuse Thunder. I chose Choice Specs Politoed for one reason: HYDRO PUMP NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUKE!!!! Okay, well, I didn't really feel the need for a Choice Scarf set, so I decided to try out Specs Politoed and it's been awesome. Has respectable bulk, while having a nice, hard-hitting Hydro Pump. Just... Okay, this shit hits Ninetales hard in sun. Ergo, if you're actually switching Ninetales in on this thing, you're a fucking moron.​
Jolteon (F) @ Life Orb​
Trait: Volt Absorb​
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Def​
Timid Nature​
- Substitute​
- Baton Pass​
- Thunder​
- Hidden Power [Ice]​
Looking at this picture I've chosen... Does Jolteon want to fight, or does she want to "play?" Eh, I'm probably over-thinking it.​
Anyway, here we are, with... Well, the reason I made this team in the first place. Now, last month, Jolteon had 7% usage in OU and was higher than Thundurus-T. Now, I don't think that's right either, but the only reason I made this team is to show that, yes, Jolteon does have a niche in OU. I chose to use her as a Substitute passer for an offensive team for the main reason of maybe giving Gyarados a free Substitute (while Jolteon can switch in on those Electric attacks aimed at Gyarados!) The Substitute is useful beyond just Baton Passing, though. Choice Scarf Garchomp came in to attempt to block your Thunder and kill you? No worries. You just went for Substitute. If it stays in to try to break your Sub, you just obliterated it with Hidden Power Ice. I know Life Orb seems silly on a Substitute set, but I chose it because Jolteon just needs that damage output.​
Gyarados (M) @ Leftovers​
Trait: Intimidate​
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spd​
Jolly Nature​
- Substitute​
- Dragon Dance​
- Waterfall​
- Bounce​
Gyarados is really incredible in this metagame. While some players may look towards Dragonite as a Dragon Dance sweeper... Well, good luck revenge killing Gyarados with your Mamoswine. This is really simple: Scare something out with Gyarados, set up a Sub (if you don't already have one from Jolteon), and start dancing. This thing sweeps so damn easy. It's just incredible how so many players overlook i - Oh wait, that's a Rotom-W. Umm... Time to block a Volt Switch with Jolteon?​
Breloom (M) @ Life Orb​
Trait: Technician​
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP​
Jolly Nature​
- Spore​
- Low Sweep​
- Mach Punch​
- Bullet Seed​
Breloom mostly made it onto this team as a Pokemon immune to Ferrothorn's Leech Seed, allowing me to switch in on a predicted Leech Seed with no repercussions and fire off a Spore, which is basically a free kill. It's also one of the targets for a Substitute; if someone sends in Tyranitar on Jolteon, I can pass out to Breloom, and that right there is, once again, a free Spore. After getting a free Spore... Well, do YOU want to switch something in on a Low Sweep that could potentially make your Pokemon vulnerable to Breloom? Didn't think so.​
Latios (M) @ Choice Scarf​
Trait: Levitate​
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP​
Timid Nature​
- Draco Meteor​
- Psyshock​
- Surf​
- Trick​
Blegh. I'm not a fan of Latios, personally. I prefer Latias due to her bulk, but when it comes to a Choice Scarf set... I honestly prefer Latios due to his higher damage output. I needed a Choice Scarf user that could also sorta-kinda check Keldeo, but unfortunately that plan doesn't quite work as well as I want it to since Keldeo is so frequently paired up with Tyranitar. However, Latios is also helpful for revenge killing Choice Scarf Salamence, and Trick is useful for possibly crippling some stall Pokemon. Still don't really like Latios, but I don't have many other options.​
Cobalion @ Expert Belt​
Trait: Justified​
EVs: 252 Spd / 28 Atk / 228 SAtk​
Naive Nature​
- Stealth Rock​
- Close Combat​
- Hidden Power [Ice]​
- Volt Switch​
Yes, I'm using Cobalion. No, I have not lost my mind. On this team, Cobalion actually seems to work rather well. With its great physical bulk, it can set up Stealth Rock easily, while Volt Switch is nice for getting some momentum. Its great physical bulk is also helpful for sponging Outrage from the likes of Dragonite and Salamence and hitting them with Hidden Power Ice. Close Combat is, well, obligatory STAB to hit the likes of Lucario, Tyranitar, Ferrothorn, Heatran, etc. While Cobalion is most certainly not the strongest member of the team, its utility makes it as useful as the rest of them.​
Well, that's the team for you. Hope you enjoyed this RMT and any advice is greatly appreciated (Though do keep in mind that I want to keep Jolteon as it's the only reason I'm using this team in the first place)​
Politoed (F) @ Choice Specs
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Focus Blast
Jolteon (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Volt Absorb
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Def
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
- Thunder
- Hidden Power [Ice]
Gyarados (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Bounce
Breloom (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Spore
- Low Sweep
- Mach Punch
- Bullet Seed
Latios (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Surf
- Trick
Cobalion @ Expert Belt
Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Spd / 28 Atk / 228 SAtk
Naive Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Close Combat
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Volt Switch
Nice team Lucaroark, I love Jolteon he is my favorite pokemon, though i could never make him work this good. Your team using Jolteon in a great way by being able to beat alot of check to Jolteon with substitute, and being able to just pass the sub to Gyarados looks like and easy sweep for Gyarados. The only problem i see is Latios. He seems very good, but he sucks at his job of checking Keldeo thanks to Tyranitar. I could see Scarf Tornadus helping your team. It outspeed Keldeo and can KO it with Hurricane. It can also KO Tyranitar with Focus Blast after Stealth Rock damage. Here is the Set:

Tornadus (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Prankster
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Def
Timid Nature
- Focus Blast
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Heat Wave / Air Slash

Focus Blast allows you to own Tyranitar and Terrakion (if you are in Rain), Hurricane allows you to be Keldeo and other fighting types, U-Turn allows you to gain Momentum and form a Volt-Turn core with cobalion, and Heat Wave allows you to 2hko Ferrothorn in Rain Sometimes, though Focus Blast might be better for that job, or if you run Air Slash you have a reliable STAB outside of Rain.

Hope i Helped and Nice team it is very creative. =)
Another team I see? :) Got the request!

Alright, so firstly nothing switches into LO Mamoswine. CM Jirachi gives you the finger. Timid Venu has a field day, and Scarf Latios can be worn out anyway by Heatran so even if it was Modest it'd still be a huge threat. Toxicroak is pretty annoying, especially since it can sucker and switch on Gyara. The Lati@s twins can be annoying too.

So let's get out with the fixes.

1. I'd switch Politoed into a Scarf variant. Armed with Encore, Jirachi is now locked into CM and isn't much of a threat anymore while Politoed can fire Scald's at Mamoswine and fast Psychics at Toxicroak as well (fyi I recommend Scald > Surf on Scarf Toed; I've found it to be much better).

2. Next, I'd replace Scarf Latios for LO Latias. Politoed is now your scarfer, and all scarfers that hit the high speed tiers (Keldeo and Landorus-T and Terrakion the rare Lati@s mostly), Latias cann well them to hell (and Cobalion is an easier answer to Scarf Lati@s than the LO variants). I'd run the 112 Hp variant of Latias so it can effectively wall Keldeo / Terrakion / Toxicroak / Thundurus-T while it can also suffice as an answer to any Venusaur at +2 since it never OHKOs and Latias lives LO and SR recoil damage and can OHKO back with Psyshock.

3. I'd switch Gyarados's evs to 92 Hp / 248 Atk / 168 Spe so that your HP hits an even number so you gain more an extra lefties recovery. If you notice -- I only took 4 evs from attack and put them into HP. But seriously, even numbers on lefties Pokemon odd on offensive Pokes. It might be a small percent, but that was what I was taught to do so it's kinda stuck on me :p

4. I've always liked Fight Gem on Breloom better than LO since the recoil blows and the Sash bluff is quite nice. Up to you though. Alternatively, you could use Lum Berry Breloom to make it a better switch into Rotom-W / Jellicent / opposing Breloom. Again, all of this are personal now.

Alternatively, maybe a bit more SDef in Cobalion? I've never used it so I don't know how it takes the Lati twins' attacks?

This is a cute team. I like it. Good luck :)
Thanks for the rate, Shurtugal!

I like your ideas. I'll be sure to test them out as soon as I can.

Cobalion does take the Lati twins' attacks pretty poorly, though. It's never going to be smart to switch it in on Specs Latios, but I'll look into how many EVs it takes to make it easier to tank Scarf Latios's and LO Latias's Draco Meteors.
Hey man, got the request so here's my rate.

So I can see the is a pretty standard rain offensive team, but with Cobalion > Ferrothorn, which is pretty cool. However, these teams in general have a few weaknesses, and I'm sorry to say, but I think you share those weaknesses. Anyway, hopefully this rate will help you with those weaknesses.

Okay, so the first threat to look out for when using rain teams imo is Toxicroak, and I don't think you deal with it very well. It comes in on Breloom, Gyarados, Politoed, and Cobalion. Jolteon is the only Pokemon that can actually touch it, which isn't great since it's going to be worn down by entry hazards, LO, and Sub.

So, here's a Politoed set that I've been running recently to screw over Toxicroaks

Politoed @ Water Gem
Trait: Drizzle
EVs: 244 HP / 252 SAtk / 12 Spd
Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Focus Blast
- Psychic

Okay, so Modest nature for maximum power, 12 speed EV for speed creep, and rest into HP. Hydro Pump is STAB and OHKO's banded Tyranitar thinking they can come in and trap you on a "choiced" Ice Beam. Ice Beam for Dragon types, Focus Blast for Ferrothorn, and Psychic for Toxicroak and Keldeo.

I also think you might be a bit weak to Alakazam. I dunno, but it seems like nothing can really switch in without taking pretty serious damage. I'm thinking maybe Jirachi over Cobalion. Jirachi still sets up SR, still gains momentum with U-turn, can still take on Dragon types, and in general offers more utility for your team imo.

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Trait: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 220 SDef / 36 Spd
Careful Nature
- Iron Head
- U-turn
- Stealth Rock
- Body Slam

Standard SpDef Jirachi. 36 speed to out speed Banded Scizor, Tyranitar, and Adamant Loom. Iron Head for Flinches, U-turn for momentum, SR for SR, and Body Slam for parahax.

Summary of changes

Specs Toed >>>> Water Gem Toed
Cobalion >>>>Jirachi

Other than that, pretty cool team man. I hope this rate was helpful to you :]