Monotype I’ll Try Spinning, that’s a Good Trick! (Forretress/Bug)


Shroottaur X Poxes OTP
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Forretress @ Rocky Helmet / Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
Name: Hazard Support (Bug)
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Relaxed Nature
- Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Gyro Ball
- Volt Switch / Body Press

Forretress finds a solid role on Bug teams thanks to its secondary Steel typing and solid support movepool. Spikes provides chip against switch-ins such as Hisuian Arcanine and Gholdengo. Rapid Spin provides support by removing hazards, allowing teammates like Lokix, Slither Wing, and Kleavor to come in safely. Gyro Ball hits Rock- and Ice-types like Iron Boulder, Ogerpon-C, Alolan Ninetales, and Chien-Pao. Finally, Volt Switch provides safe entry for its teammates thanks to Forretress's low Speed, while Body Press makes use of Forretress's high Defense to put offensive pressure on Steel-types such as Kingambit and Excadrill. Forretress prefers holding Rocky Helmet, which provides chip to contact attackers like Roaring Moon and Sneasler, thanks to its solid Defense. Alternatively, Heavy-Duty Boots allows Forretress to safely come in and spin, which pairs well with Sturdy, and Leftovers provides healing, allowing Fortress to stick around longer.

Choice Scarf Kleavor complements Forretress with Stone Axe by providing Stealth Rock, along with checking Fire- and Flying-type threats including Volcarona, Ogerpon-H, Zapdos, and Tornadus-T. Araquanid, thanks to its powerful Water-type STAB moves, can similarly threaten Fire-types like Heatran, Cinderace, and Iron Moth, along with foes trying to burn Forretress such as Galarian Weezing and Skeledirge. Scizor, with Forretress, creates a Steel-type backbone for Bug teams, with Scizor helping to deal with Rock- and Ice-type threats such as Glimmora, Minior, and Kyurem, which can overwhelm Forretress otherwise. Lokix, thanks to its Dark-type STAB moves, can deal with Ghost-types attempting to stop Rapid Spin like Gholdengo, Pecharunt, and Sinistcha. Both can use their powerful priority in Bullet Punch and First Impression, respectively, to catch weakened targets like Garganacl, Iron Boulder, and Chien-Pao. Volcarona can threaten Steel-type foes like Gholdengo, Corviknight, and Skarmory, which could otherwise freely set up on Forretress. Frosmoth majorly appreciates Forretress being able to remove Rock-type threats and in response can deal with Flying- and Dragon-type foes like Gliscor, Dragonite, and Garchomp.

Other Options
Toxic Spikes is an alternative to Spikes, providing poison chip and putting threats on a timer. However, with a majority of types having a relevant Poison-type threat to absorb Toxic Spikes, they can be a struggle to keep up. Counter is an option with Heavy-Duty Boots, making use of Sturdy to provide a Hail Mary against powerful setup sweepers such as Gouging Fire, which Bug would otherwise crumple to. Ice Spinner is an option to catch threats like Dragonite and Gliscor and remove them. Thunder Wave can find utility in slowing down threats like Latios and Dragonite, allowing them to be removed by a fellow teammate.

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Forretress finds a solid role on Bug teams thanks to its secondary steel typing and solid hazard support movepool. Spikes is Forretress hazard of choice providing chip against switch ins to its team such as Toxapex (would swap honestly since it has Regenerator + recover), Hisuian Arcanine, and Gholdengo. Rapid Spin provides support for its team removing hazards allowing safe switch ins for threats like Lokix, Slitherwing, and Kleavor (The wording here is kinda weird imo since it's implying that those three mons are threats rather than teammates so I'd change). Gyro Ball is Forretress STAB of choice hitting Rock- and Ice-types like Kleavor, Iron Boulder, and Ogerpon-C (replace one of the rocks then add alolatales and pao). Finally Volt Switch provides safe entry for its team thanks to Forretress low speed while Body Press provides offensive pressure against Steel-types (would add how forretress takes advantage of its high def to deal great damage) such as Kingambit, Excadrill, and Scizor. Forretress held item choice is preferrence with Rocky Helmet providing chip to contact attackers like Alolan Muk and Excadrill Sneasler (mentioned drill earlier so swapping examples), Heavy-Duty Boots allowing for Forretress to safely come in and spin, and Leftovers providing healing allowing Fortress to stick around longer.

Choice Scarf Kleavor compliments Forretress with Stone Axe providing Stealth Rocks along with checking Fire-type threats since you mention later araquanid handles waters, mention how kleavor is great against flying-types as well including Volcarona, Ogerpon-H, and non-Choice Scarf Iron Moth. Araquanid thanks to its powerful Water-type STAB can similarly threaten Fire-types like Heatran, Cinderace, and Iron Moth along with threats trying to burn Forretress such as Galarian Weezing and Skeledirge (add sticky web support). Lokix thanks to its Dark-type STAB can deal with Ghost-types attemping to stop Rapid Spin like Gholdengo, Pecharunt, and Sinistcha (mention revenge killing with first impression). Volcarona can threaten Steel-type threats like Gholdengo and Corviknight who could otherwise freely setup on Forretress. Scizor with Forretress creates a Steel-type backbone for Bug teams with Scizor helping to deal with Rock-type threats such as Glimmora and Minior which can overwhelm Forretress otherwise. (mention revenge killing with bpunch)

Other Options
Toxic spikes is an alternative to Spikes providing Poison chip forcing non Poison-type threats onto a timer (would add why you wouldn't run this cuz poison types which bug teams can struggle with just melt them so you're better off running spikes). Counter is an option with Heavy-Duty Boots making use of Sturdy to provide a hail merry against powerful boost sweepers such as Gouging Fire which Bug would otherwise crumple to. Ice Spinner is an option to catch threats like Dragonite and remove them.
Implement then ping
Implement then ping
Also some back comments for stuff not implemented.
Toxapex (would swap honestly since it has Regenerator + recover)
While Regen does negate Spikes chip, 25% is still 25%, forcing it to use a Recover or switch for Regen sooner on threats which can cause it issues later in a match giving it more issues into physical attackers like Kleavor and Scizor later in a match.

(add sticky web support).
Negative synergy with Fortress, Gyro Ball does less damage this way, for example it is a roll to OKHO Kleavor even after 3 layers of spikes and need a layer of spikes to OKHO targets like Ogerpon-C and Iron Boulder.
Forretress finds a solid role on Bug teams thanks to its secondary steel typing and solid hazard support movepool. Spikes is Forretress hazard of choice providing chip against switch ins to its team such as Toxapex, Hisuian Arcanine, and Gholdengo. Rapid Spin provides support by removing hazards allowing teammates like Lokix, Slitherwing, and Kleavor to come in safely. Gyro Ball is Forretress STAB of choice hitting Rock- and Ice-types like Iron Boulder, Ogerpon-C, Alolan Ninetales, and Chien-Pao. Finally Volt Switch provides safe entry for its team thanks to Forretress low speed while Body Press makes uses of Forretress high defense to give offensive pressure against Steel-types such as Kingambit, Excadrill, and Scizor. Forretress held item choice is preferrence with Rocky Helmet providing chip to contact attackers like Alolan Muk and Sneasler mention why Rocky helmet is the preferred item since you mention it has preference (taking advantage of its high def? Punish u-turn?), Heavy-Duty Boots allowing for Forretress to safely come in and spin, and Leftovers providing healing allowing Fortress to stick around longer.

Choice Scarf Kleavor compliments Forretress with Stone Axe providing Stealth Rocks along with checking Fire- and Flying-type threats including Volcarona, Ogerpon-H, Zapdos, and Tornadus-T. Araquanid thanks to its powerful Water-type STAB can similarly threaten Fire-types like Heatran, Cinderace, and Iron Moth along with threats trying to burn Forretress such as Galarian Weezing and Skeledirge. Scizor with Forretress creates a Steel-type backbone for Bug teams with Scizor helping to deal with Rock- and Ice-type threats such as Glimmora, Minior, and Kyurem which can overwhelm Forretress otherwise. Lokix thanks to its Dark-type STAB can deal with Ghost-types attemping to stop Rapid Spin like Gholdengo, Pecharunt, and Sinistcha. Both can use their powerful priority in Bullet Punch and First Impression respectively to put up weakened targets like Gargancal, Sneasler, and Chien-Pao. Volcarona can threaten Steel-type threats like Gholdengo, Corviknight, and Skarmory who could otherwise freely setup on Forretress.

Other Options
Toxic spikes is an alternative to Spikes providing Poison chip forcing threats on a timer. However this is useless into the Poison and Steel matchups as they are unaffected. Counter is an option with Heavy-Duty Boots making use of Sturdy to provide a hail merry against powerful boost sweepers such as Gouging Fire which Bug would otherwise crumple to. Ice Spinner is an option to catch threats like Dragonite and remove them.
What happened to the set lol anyway QC 1/2
Forretress @ Rocky Helmet / Leftovers / Heavy Duty Boots
Name: Hazard support (Bug)
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Relaxed Nature
- Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Gyro Ball
- Volt Switch / Body Press

Forretress finds a solid role on Bug teams thanks to its secondary steel typing and solid hazard support movepool. Spikes is Forretress hazard of choice providing chip against switch ins to its team such as Toxapex (commonly runs boots), Hisuian Arcanine, and Gholdengo. Rapid Spin provides support by removing hazards allowing teammates like Lokix, Slither wWing, and Kleavor to come in safely. Gyro Ball is Forretress STAB of choice hitting Rock- and Ice-types like Iron Boulder, Ogerpon-C, Alolan Ninetales, and Chien-Pao. Finally Volt Switch provides safe entry for its teammates thanks to Forretress low speed while Body Press makes uses of Forretress high defense to give offensive pressure against Steel-types such as Kingambit, Excadrill, and Scizor. Forretress held item choice is preference with Rocky Helmet providing chip to contact attackers like (pick something that isnt a poison-type) Alolan Muk and Sneasler thanks to its solid defense, Heavy-Duty Boots allowing for Forretress to safely come in and spin (pretty cool since its notably Sturdy, so you can spin at least once), and Leftovers providing healing allowing Fortress to stick around longer.

Choice Scarf Kleavor compliments Forretress with Stone Axe providing Stealth Rocks along with checking Fire- and Flying-type threats including Volcarona, Ogerpon-H, Zapdos, and Tornadus-T. Araquanid thanks to its powerful Water-type STAB can similarly threaten Fire-types like Heatran, Cinderace, and Iron Moth along with threats trying to burn Forretress such as Galarian Weezing and Skeledirge. Scizor with Forretress creates a Steel-type backbone for Bug teams with Scizor helping to deal with Rock- and Ice-type threats such as Glimmora, Minior, and Kyurem which can overwhelm Forretress otherwise. Lokix thanks to its Dark-type STAB can deal with Ghost-types attempting to stop Rapid Spin like Gholdengo, Pecharunt, and Sinistcha. Both can use their powerful priority in Bullet Punch and First Impression respectively to put up (put up feels weird, meow doesnt understand, maybe change the word? or is this put out?) weakened targets like Gargancal, Sneasler (not really a threat on bug), and Chien-Pao. Volcarona can threaten Steel-type threats like Gholdengo, Corviknight, and Skarmory who could otherwise freely setup on Forretress.
*add frosmoth, maybe bunch Heracross + Slither Wing too as miscellaneous breakers if you feel like it

Other Options
Toxic spikes is an alternative to Spikes providing Poison chip forcing threats on a timer. However this is useless into the Poison and Steel matchups as they are unaffected. (that really isnt a con, its just what Tspikes is. Probably a better con is that there's lots of poison-types that are common enough / too many boots these days) Counter is an option with Heavy-Duty Boots making use of Sturdy to provide a hail merry against powerful boost sweepers such as Gouging Fire which Bug would otherwise crumple to. Ice Spinner is an option to catch threats like Dragonite and Gliscor and remove them.
*Add Twave, lets it emergency check threats that are out of control in a pinch

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QC 2/2, thankie Pengairxan :blobnom:
AMGP - hi, you pinged? ^_^
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Forretress @ Rocky Helmet / Leftovers / Heavy Duty Boots Heavy-Duty Boots
Name: Hazard support Support (Bug)
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Relaxed Nature
- Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Gyro Ball
- Volt Switch / Body Press

Forretress finds a solid role on Bug teams thanks to its secondary steel Steel typing and solid hazard support movepool. Spikes is Forretress hazard of choice providing (fluff) provides chip against switch ins switch-ins to its team such as Hisuian Arcanine and Gholdengo. Rapid Spin provides support by removing hazards, (AC) allowing teammates like Lokix, Slither Wing, and Kleavor to come in safely. Gyro Ball is Forretress STAB of choice hitting (fluff) hits Rock- and Ice-types like Iron Boulder, Ogerpon-C, Alolan Ninetales, and Chien-Pao. Finally, (AC) Volt Switch provides safe entry for its teammates thanks to Forretress Forretress's low speed Speed, (AC) while Body Press makes uses use of Forretress Forretress's high defense Defense to give put offensive pressure against on Steel-types such as Kingambit and Excadrill. Forretress held item choice is preference with prefers holding Rocky Helmet, (AC) which provides providing chip to contact attackers like Roaring Moon and Sneasler, (AC) thanks to its solid defense Defense, (RC). (AP) (split the sentences in two for clarity) Alternatively, Heavy-Duty Boots allowing for allows Forretress to safely come in and spin, (AC) which pairs well with sturdy Sturdy, and Leftovers providing provides healing, (AC) allowing Fortress to stick around longer.

Choice Scarf Kleavor compliments Forretress with Stone Axe by providing Stealth Rocks Rock, (AC) along with checking Fire- and Flying-type threats including Volcarona, Ogerpon-H, Zapdos, and Tornadus-T. Araquanid, (AC) thanks to its powerful Water-type STAB, (AC) can similarly threaten Fire-types like Heatran, Cinderace, and Iron Moth, (AC) along with threats foes (threats has been used a lot - and will be used a lot moving forward) trying to burn Forretress such as Galarian Weezing and Skeledirge. Scizor, (AC) with Forretress, (AC) creates a Steel-type backbone for Bug teams, (AC) with Scizor helping to deal with Rock- and Ice-type threats such as Glimmora, Minior, and Kyurem, (AC) which can overwhelm Forretress otherwise. Lokix, (AC) thanks to its Dark-type STAB, (AC) can deal with Ghost-types attempting to stop Rapid Spin like Gholdengo, Pecharunt, and Sinistcha. Both can use their powerful priority in Bullet Punch and First Impression respectively to catch weakened targets like Gargancal Garganacl, Iron Boulder, and Chien-Pao. Volcarona can threaten Steel-type threats foes (repetitive use of the word "threaten" and "threat") like Gholdengo, Corviknight, and Skarmory, (AC) who which could otherwise freely setup set up on Forretress. Frosmoth majorly appreciates Forrtress Forretress being able to remove Rock-type threats, (AC) and in respone response can deal with Flying- and Dragon-type threats foes (creating a balance between the usage of "threats" and "foes", i guess there's a good amount of each now) like Gliscor, Dragonite, and Garchomp.

Other Options
Toxic spikes Spikes is an alternative to Spikes, (AC) providing Poison poison chip and forcing threats to be on a timer. However, (AC) with a majority of types having a relevant Poison-type threat to absorb Toxic Spikes, they can be a struggle to keep up. Counter is an option with Heavy-Duty Boots, (AC) making use of Sturdy to provide a hail merry Hail Mary against powerful boost setup (i don't think boost sweepers is an officially recognized term) sweepers such as Gouging Fire, (AC) which Bug would otherwise crumple to. Ice Spinner is an option to catch threats like Dragonite and Gliscor and remove them. Thunder Wave can find utility in slowing down threats like Latios and Dragonite down, (AC) allowing them to be removed by a fellow teammate.
1/1 GP Team done credit both of us
Forretress @ Rocky Helmet / Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
Name: Hazard Support (Bug)
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Relaxed Nature
- Spikes
- Rapid Spin
- Gyro Ball
- Volt Switch / Body Press

Forretress finds a solid role on Bug teams thanks to its secondary Steel typing and solid entry hazard support movepool. ('entry hazard support movepool' isn't really a thing; you can say 'acess to entry hazrads and Rapid Spin' if you wanted to include both. you can also just say access to Spikes if SR isn't viable). Spikes is provides chip against switch-ins to its team (it can only chp mons that switch into it and not the team) such as Hisuian Arcanine and Gholdengo. Rapid Spin provides support by removing hazards, allowing teammates like Lokix, Slither Wing, and Kleavor to come in safely. Gyro Ball hits Rock- and Ice-types like Iron Boulder, Ogerpon-C, Alolan Ninetales, and Chien-Pao. Finally, Volt Switch provides safe entry for its teammates thanks to Forretress's low Speed, while Body Press makes use of Forretress's high Defense to put offensive pressure on Steel-types such as Kingambit and Excadrill. Forretress prefers holding Rocky Helmet, which provides chip to contact attackers like Roaring Moon and Sneasler, thanks to its solid Defense. Alternatively, Heavy-Duty Boots allows Forretress to safely come in and spin, which pairs well with Sturdy, and Leftovers provides healing, allowing Fortress to stick around longer.

Choice Scarf Kleavor compliments complements Forretress with Stone Axe by providing Stealth Rock, along with checking Fire- and Flying-type threats including Volcarona, Ogerpon-H, Zapdos, and Tornadus-T. Araquanid, thanks to its powerful Water-type STAB moves, can similarly threaten Fire-types like Heatran, Cinderace, and Iron Moth, along with foes trying to burn Forretress such as Galarian Weezing and Skeledirge. Scizor, with Forretress, creates a Steel-type backbone for Bug teams, with Scizor helping to deal with Rock- and Ice-type threats such as Glimmora, Minior, and Kyurem, which can overwhelm Forretress otherwise. Lokix, thanks to its Dark-type STAB moves, can deal with Ghost-types attempting to stop Rapid Spin like Gholdengo, Pecharunt, and Sinistcha. Both can use their powerful priority in Bullet Punch and First Impression, (AC) respectively, (AC) to catch weakened targets like Garganacl, Iron Boulder, and Chien-Pao. Volcarona can threaten Steel-type foes like Gholdengo, Corviknight, and Skarmory, which could otherwise freely set up on Forretress. Frosmoth majorly appreciates Forretress being able to remove Rock-type threats (RC) and in response can deal with Flying- and Dragon-type foes like Gliscor, Dragonite, and Garchomp.

Other Options
Toxic Spikes is an alternative to Spikes, providing poison chip and forcing threats to be putting threats on a timer. However, with a majority of types having a relevant Poison-type threat to absorb Toxic Spikes, they can be a struggle to keep up. Counter is an option with Heavy-Duty Boots, making use of Sturdy to provide a Hail Mary against powerful setup sweepers such as Gouging Fire, which Bug would otherwise crumple to. Ice Spinner is an option to catch threats like Dragonite and Gliscor and remove them. Thunder Wave can find utility in slowing down threats like Latios and Dragonite, allowing them to be removed by a fellow teammate.

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