I've lost the plot


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I've never felt worse in my life.

I trained for years to become an architect. I did the necessary mathematics classes, learned both paper-based and digital tech drawing, and studied design. You can never really draw a line when it comes to how much training you can do for this sort of role.

My work finally paid off recently. I was hired by a design firm to be their junior architect. Finally, I had made it. It was time to not only help build houses, but also build my career. The first task they gave me? Draw a plot plan for a house where a new bedroom was to be added.

Completing this task wasn't the issue; I produced a high-quality plan prior to the deadline and was ready to present it to the firm tomorrow.

At least, I thought I was. I can't find where I put the plot plan. It's 2:30am and my presentation is at 9am sharp. I don't know what to do. If I tell them I've lost the plot, not only will I be fired, but I also might get sectioned as a parting gift. Should I try redrawing it?
something else that lost the plot imo