Pet Mod Iron Fist - Slate 4 Election

Pokemon: Abomasnow
Typing: Ice/Grass
Base Stats: No Changes
Abilities: Snow Warning/Aboma Care, Soundproof
Movepool: Abomasnow Movepool + Size Difference
Weight: No Changes
Custom Elements:
Aboma Care
Upon switching out, lose 12% HP, the Pokémon switching in heals 25% HP (you can faint from this effect)
Type: Ice
Category: Physical
Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
PP: 8
Effect: If used after enemy uses a move, and said move is shorter in character length than Size Difference, power doubles.

Pokemon: Gumshoos
Typing: Normal
Base Stats: No Changes
Abilities: No Changes
Movepool: Gumshoos Movepool + Trump Card + Wall
Weight: 97.5 Kg
Custom Elements:
Aurora Veil with no weather requirement. Steel-type. Everything else same as Aurora Veil

Pokemon: Komala
Typing: Normal
Base Stats: No Changes
Abilities: Bramblin Mentality (Comatose clone)
Movepool: Komala Movepool +
Weight: No Changes
Custom Elements:

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 6.17.00 PM.png
Per legislation passed last slate, there will be a veto phase. The Supreme Leader has given feedback to some of your submissions. You may choose to accept them, in which case they will make it into the mod, or reject them, in which case they will not be added to the mod. For those not vetoed, you will have to wait in suspense for results until then.

anaconja: Fishing Terrain will now summon Fishy Terrain, the terrain proposed by Arcus72 in their Basculin-Blue-Stripe submission.

Fragmented: RKS System will now be a combination of RKS System, Magic Guard, and Technician.

Ubertrainer2000: Conquescape's Special Defense will be lowered to 220, and its Special Attack will be raised to 86.

JoltSmash: Toxic Masculinity now has an extra 20% chance of decreasing both the user's and target's Evasion by 1 stage.

KeeganSkymin4444: mario now has a signature move Super Mushroom, which is a +3 priority move that heals 33.3% and gives the user the Endure effect, but cannot be selected twice in a row.

KeeganSkymin4444: Skyrim's Inanimate ability is changed to "cannot move every turn, except when it runs out of HP, which then it attacks before fainting."

Copen: Contamicow's Speed will be lowered to 79.

Copen: Whonhef's Speed will be lowered to 79.

AnnadeNeko: Richard Petty now has the Steely Spirit ability as an alternative to Speed Boost.

sunfysh: Campfire now removes the Burn, Paralysis, and Poison effects from the user as well as long as they have at least one Fishing Token.

J.O.J.O DNU: Fishing Zombie now learns Poltergeist and Shadow Ball.

Noglastica: Margaret Thatcher will use the Biggie Cheese sprite.

BIG ASHLEY: Lion Deluge's affect is: lasts for 5 turns. Any Pokemon that uses a Normal-type move becomes a Pyroar until switching out.

You have 24 hours to let me know if you approve or reject these changes. There is no counter-offer--it's this way or the highway. If possible, try to do so in a way without spamming the thread, such as DMs or via Discord. If I don't hear anything in 24 hours, the default response will be to reject the submission, or in a case of a decision (in this slate, Nog and BIG ASHLEY's submissions), I'll pick (gg). Thanks!
A chance to expand the Diamond Hand's ranks without having to worry about them being defeated by the Supreme Leader? I accept and approve the change, so welcome to the Diamond Hand proper, Conquescape! Now, you've got work to do, mountain range...there's a lot of beasts and fishes we've got to trap in you!
Now our ranks consists of four members: Anarlvet, Collachet, Guiltrism, and Conquescape, along with two more members still awaiting approval!
(The suggested change in the veto phase was that Conquescape loses 30 Special Defence to gain 30 Special Attack, making it's stats now 120/40/34/86/220/75.)
The Diamond Hand's members so far: From left to right, Anarlvet, Collachet, Guiltrism, and Conquescape.
Ubertrainer2000: Conquescape's Special Defense will be lowered to 220, and its Special Attack will be raised to 86.
I think we should revert Conquescape's Special Defense back to 250 because having three ice types in pet mods history that can stat overflow their SpDef would be extremely funny

edit: forgot about spheal, I hope you can forgive me :'(
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I think we should revert Conquescape's Special Defense back to 250 because having two ice types in pet mods history that can stat overflow their SpDef would be extremely funny
Wait, what was the other Ice-type in Pet Mods’ history? (UPDATE: I have my question answered on Iron Fist Discord, and in fact there’s already a second Ice-type with SpD stat overflow! If the one I said below happens, that’ll make three)

Anyone can also just make adjustment for Conquescape to revert it back to 250, with or without lowering SpA, for next slate.
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The results are in from Slate 3! Here is a link to the spreadsheet tab with Samtendo09's decisions. I'd like to give a huge thank you to anaconja for updating the sheet from this slate and for coding the metagame on DH2. I am very appreciative of your work!!

Highlights of this slate are the additions of the new Lemon and FREAKY types, a lot of fishing-related activities, and the addition of Margaret Thatcher to the metagame.

As this has been known in the Discord server for a few days, I'll post Slate 4 Elections later today. Samtendo09 has chosen BIG ASHLEY as their successor candidate. The others will be announced when the election goes up.

Thank you Samtendo09 for being a great third Supreme Leader of Iron Fistlandia!