Pet Mod Iron Fist - Slate 4 Campaigning

Name: Feebas Pro Shops
Power: -
Accuracy: -
PP: 5 (max 8)
Category: Status
Type: Fighting
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, this is a 85 BP special fighting move that ignores Ghost-type immunities. If tails, earns the user's side 2 Fishing tokens.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Snatch i guess
Pokémon With This Move: Silcoon, Gholdengo, Kingler, Feebas, Ohmyrod, Hitmontop, Zelda, Sentret
Justification: y'all like huntin' or y'all like fishin'? the first part is a sneaky reference to another mod of mine (nerd emoji)

Name: Big Bash
Power: 68
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 20 (max 32)
Category: Physical
Type: Normal
Effect: If used by or against a Pokemon that has activated its Big Button, this always deals a critical hit.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): Contact
Pokémon With This Move: universal
Justification: gone 2019 born 2024 welcome back return

Typing: Steel/Psychic
Base Stats: 80 / 95 / 120 / 75 / 100 / 70 (+20 in all stats
Abilities: Clear Body / MIGHTY METANG (HA: Light Metal)
Movepool: natdex movepool + Body Press, Knock Off, Psychic Fangs

Weight: same
Custom Elements: MIGHTY METANG: Raises Attack by 1 when hit by Electric-type moves. Electric immunity.
Competitive Role: metang
Flavor / Description: metang
Pokemon: Goku

Typing: Fighting / Fire
Base Stats: 85 / 115 / 90 / 125 / 85 / 100 (BST: 600)
Abilities: Even Further Beyond (or Anger Point + Tangling Hair if not possible to code)
Movepool: All non-signature Dragon &
Fighting moves besides Detect + Clangorous Soul + Teleport + Mind Reader + Wish + Bite + Roar + Work Up + Synthesis + Substitute + Spirit Bomb + Kamehameha
Weight: 62 kg (137 lbs)
Custom Elements: Kamehameha + Spirit Bomb + Even Further Beyond + The DBZ Team Training sprites

Type: Fire / Category: Special / BP: 80/ PP: 20 /Acc: 100% / Priority: -1

Spirit Bomb
Type: ??? / Category: Special / BP: - / PP: 5/Acc: Can't Miss / Priority: 0
This attack charges on the first & second turns, and executes on the third. Power is equal to 50+(X*50), where X is the total number of surviving Pokemon on the user's side, and X cannot be greater than 100. Unaffected by Power Herb. Breaks through Protect/Detect.
(Unblockable Reverse Rage Fist with two charge turns)

Even Further Beyond: After 5 consecutive turns on the field (Slow Start Rules), the user transforms into SSJ3 Goku, gaining +20 to all Base Stats (720 BST) and cannot be phased out.

Competitive Role: You spend a billion episodes (turns) charging up your strongest move and transformation (the ability) to settle the eternal question of Can They Beat Goku Though (the answer depends on how well you wall Fighting / Dragon and a few big Fire Moves).
Flavor / Description: >okay the one of every Pokemon can beat the lions but can they beat Goku tho

Pokemon: Boremis
Typing: Ice / Psychic
Base Stats: 90 / 25 / 40 / 110 / 110 / 135 (510 BST)
Abilities: Aviator* (Flying-Type Steelworker Clone)
Movepool: NatDex Delibird Movepool + Psychic + Imprison + Freeze-Dry + Horn Leech + Heal Bell + Teleport.

Weight: 999 kg
Custom Elements: Aviator
Competitive Role: A slightly less absurd version of Iron Bundle that trades physical bulk for special bulk & different STAB combination
Flavor / Description: A goofy ahh Delibird Evo I drew in 9th grade that I just found the paper for again. Can use either Delibird or Iron Bundle sprites.

Pokemon: Dragoone
download - 2024-09-03T013924.885.png

Typing: Normal / Dragon
Base Stats: 88 / 97 / 50 / 78 / 175 / 78 (BST: 566)
Abilities: Bulletproof
Movepool: Gen 3 Linoone Moveset + Dragon Ascent + Outrage + Dragon Rage + Shadow Claw + Flamethrower + Hydro Pump

Weight: 206.5 kg
Custom Elements: None (Besides the sprite)
Competitive Role: Serves as both a relatively safe pivot into most special moves and as a setup sweeper who can take advantage of its raw special bulk for more opportunities (held in check by mediocre physical bulk and no recovery besides Rest).
Flavor / Description: Eternal Glory To Pokemon Snakewood, Best Ruby ROM Hack Ever !!


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The beasts of the Iron Fist Arena are going out of control, growing bigger than ever before with a perchant Not even the Discord server is safe to visit anymore...and we, the Diamond Hand, are losing this battle. It also does not help that the previous Supreme Leader obliterated Nihilink, Mutinuncle, and Upvybones! (AKA rejected them) Our friend Anarlvet cannot withstand much longer by being outnumbered, especially when a certain elf swordsman who goes by his series's name has taken his signature Velvet Blade! But fear not, for now we pull out our heavy duty unit, our potential members of Fighting, Electric, and Flying. If they fail to keep the beasts under control, then what will? Will this be the end of the Diamond Hand? Or will we have to pull recruits from elsewhere? Only the supreme leader's decision can tell....

Pokémon: Collachet (Collapse + Hatchet)
Typing: =
Base Stats: 102/128/88/100/103/54 (575)
Abilities: Intimidate
Movepool: Diamond Hatchet, Mach Punch, Leer, Mat Block, Tripler Kick, Mind Reader, Ice Hammer, Wood Hammer, Steel Roller, Gigaton Hammer, Stanky Leg, Goomba Stomp, Lunge, Foul Play, Taunt, Knock Off, Throat Chop, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Breaking Swipe, Thunder Punch, Supercell Slam, Wild Charge, Play Rough, Low Kick, Low Sweep, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Drain Punch, Body Press, Reversal, Close Combat, Focus Punch, Upper Hand, Fire Punch, Sunny Day, Flare Blitz, Heat Crash, Temper Flare, Flame Charge, Trailblaze, Mud Slap, Bulldoze, Mud Shot, Stomping Tantrum, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Scorching Sands, Ice Punch, Ice Spinner, Scary Face, Swords Dance, Encore, Double-Edge, Endeavor, Roar, Poison Jab, Toxic, Rock Tomb, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Smack Down, Iron Head, Heavy Slam, Hard Press, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast
Weight: 538.3 lbs
Custom Elements:
Diamond Hatchet: 100 BP Fighting-type Physical Slicing Move with 100% Accuracy and 16 PP. 20% chance of causing flinching.
Competitive Role: Sweeper
Flavor / Description: Thought to have originated from a mountain where violence did not exist, Collachet is based around the phrase "Burying the hatchet", which means to make peace...Though, as the Brute Force unit of the Diamond Hand, Collachet does it in a different way: Those struck by it's hatchet will be filled with a toxin that drains them of all will to fight, making them think that they are a peace-loving species, a remnant of when it was once a protector of peace, it's angry personality only emerging after it's mountain got destroyed by the beasts of the Iron Fist Arena.
Note: This Pokémon is male only.

Pokémon: Wizareetin (Wizard + Meeting)

Base Stats: 41/50/88/140/112/144 (575)
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool: Conductive Spell, Thunder Shock, Mirror Coat, Shock Wave, Charge, Torment, Skill Swap, Discharge, Eerie Spell, Destiny Bond, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Wild Charge, Charge Beam, Volt Switch, Supercell Slam, Electric Terrain, Thunder Wave, Eerie Impulse, Dazzling Gleam, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Sunny Day, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Phantom Force, Curse, Earth Power, Hyper Voice, Pain Split, Encore, Toxic, Psychic, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Psybeam, Agility, Reflect, Light Screen, Imprison, Trick Room, Gravity, Future Sight, Expanding Force, Psychic Noise, Psychic Terrain, Power Gem, Flash Cannon, Endure, Facade, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast
Weight: 3.6 lbs
Custom Elements:
Conductive Spell: 100 BP Electric-type Special Move with 100% Accuracy and 16 PP. This hits Ground-type Pokémon for Super Effective damage, and clears out all Fishing Tokens.
Competitive Role: Special Glass Cannon that plays against Weakness
Flavor / Description: This wizard Pokémon is themed after the phrase "Long time no see", and serves as the Diamond Hand's sleight of trickery, relying on it to pull the beasts of the Iron Fist Arena into submission. For example, it might feed an Ohmyrod electrified bait, or trick a Silcoon into wrapping itself into a really sticky tree it can't get off. It's abilities and moves means that Ground-type Pokémon actually fear it, and some claim it is planning to betray the Diamond Hand to spread forth this power to all Electric-types, allowing their conquest to go unscathed.
Note: This Pokémon is male only.

Pokémon: Guiltrism (Guilty + Prism)
Typing: =
Base Stats: 95/95/95/95/95/100 (575)
Abilities: Prism Wings
Movepool: Rainbow Feather, Wing Attack, Reflect Type, Power Trip, Whirlwind, Mirror Move, Twister, Burning Jealousy, Flip Turn, U-Turn, Lunge, Knock Off, Dazzling Gleam, Play Rough, Reversal, Upper Hand, Volt Switch, Sunny Day, Heat Wave, Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Fly, Tailwind, Hurricane, Brave Bird, Dual Wingbeat, Feather Dance, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Earth Power, Scorching Sands, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Snowscape, Double-Edge, Endure, Facade, Psychic, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Agility, Zen Headbutt, Amnesia, Future Sight, Reflect, Light Screen, Helping Hand, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Take Down, Tera Blast
Weight: 77.2 lbs
Custom Elements:
Rainbow Feather: 100 BP Flying-type Physical Move with 100% Accuracy and 16 PP. After it hits, the target uses Conversion. Then, the user switches out.
Prism Wings: On the turn that this Pokémon is sent out, it is all types.
Competitive Role: Balanced Pivot
Flavor / Description: Guiltrism was once the Diamond Hand's personal messenger, thought to have originated from a painting that took milleniums to paint. It normally serves on the sidelines delivering letters to both potential recruits and other members, not preferring to fight...Hense why it is themed around the phrase "Chickening out". But with Nihilink, Mutinuncle, and Upvybones destroyed by the very monsters they were meant to defeat, Guiltrism has been forced into battle. What potential could it's feathers, which each contain a different element, hold now that it has to fight?
Note: This Pokémon is male only.
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Size Control: While this Pokémon has not yet activated its Big Button, it has +50% Speed. While this Pokémon has activated its Big Button, it has +25% Attack and Special Attack, and it's weight becomes 783.3 lbs.

I hope our kind and gracious overlord does not let this shit go through I mean seriously +25% why cant you do 20 or 30 man let it be calcable this is a direct attack on me specifically
Pokemon: Tentaquil
Typing: Bug/Psychic
Base Stats: 100/100/100/100/100/100
Abilities: Immunity | Magic Guard
Movepool: Every TM in Generation 9 + The following level up moves:
Tackle, Leer, Flail, Rock Throw, Aerial Ace, Puke Blood, Surf, Giga Drain, Scratch, Fury Swipes, False Swipe, Earthquake, Fly, Waterfall, Twineedle, Fissure, Splash
Weight: 51.9kg
Custom Elements:
Name: Puke Blood
Power: 130BP
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10
Category: Special
Type: Poison
Effect: The user takes 25% recoil damage.
Priority: 0
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): none
Competitive Role: its a tentaquil
Flavor / Description: its a tentaquil

Pokemon: Cawl
Typing: Fairy/Flying
Base Stats: 88/86/66/86/66/100 (492 BST)
Abilities: Cawlmageddon
Movepool: Play Rough, Spirit Break, Brave Bird, Dual Wingbeat, Zen Headbutt, Seed Bomb, Knock Off, Quick Attack, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Explosion, U-turn, Velvet Blade, Fishing Minigame, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Air Slash, Hurricane, Shadow Ball, Icy Wind, Ice Beam, Mud Slap, Hyper Voice, Boomburst, Hyper Beam, Psychic, Psychic Noise, Dream Eater, Swords Dance, Calm Mind, Haze, Parting Shot, Growth, Agility, Thunder Wave, Taunt, Encore, Protect, Reflect, Light Screen, Skill Swap, Hypnosis, Defog, Feather Dance, Mean Look, Tailwind, Roost, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Go Fish, Gravity, Splash, Challenge Fishing (if both the mon and the move get in)

Weight: 40.8 kg
Custom Elements:
On switch-in (or next switch-in if this ability is obtained via transformation), transform the opposing Pokemon into Cawl with the ability Cawlmageddon overriding the prior ability. Only works once per Cawl. Cannot be removed via any means.
Competitive Role: Anarchy Bringer
Flavor / Description: counters zacian i think

Move: Challenge Fishing
Power: -
Accuracy: -
PP: 41.749263 (max 66.7988208)
Category: Status
Type: Water
Effect: On the next turn, if the opposing Pokemon uses a fishing move (Fishing Minigame or Go Fish), the opposing side gains 3 Fishing Tokens and the user switches out to a random Pokemon. If the user uses a fishing move and the opposing Pokemon doesn’t, the user’s side gains 3 Fishing Tokens and the opponent switches out to a random Pokemon. If neither side uses a fishing move, nothing happens.
Priority: -6
Flags: Snatch
Pokémon With This Move: Toxapex, Kingler, Ohmyrod, Big Crammer, Phish, Cawl (if both the mon and the move get in)
Justification: i hope this isn't a nightmare to code

Item: Jar of Mercury
Effect: If the Pokemon holding this item is about to get hit with a Double Iron Bash, no damage is taken and the Pokemon who used Double Iron Bash has all of their stats lowered by one stage, consuming the Jar of Mercury in the process.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10 BP, -1 in all stats
Justification: iron fist and melmetal counterplay will make the metagame more fun I think
Pokemon: Swampert
Typing: Water / Ground
Base Stats: 100 HP / 110 Atk / 90 Def / 85 SpA / 90 SpD / 60 Speed | 535 BST
Abilities: Torrent / Steel Drummer
Movepool: NatDex Swampert + Slack Off, Stanky Leg, Fishing Minigame, Goomba Stomp

Weight: 81.9 kg (same as official)
Custom Elements:
Steel Drummer: Steel-type moves aimed at this Pokémon is reflected back to the user.
Competitive Role: Anti-Steel Disruptor, bulky set-up sweeper, mixed wall
Flavor / Description:
Mudfish Pokémon intended as a slow but versatile glue mon, with Stanky Leg and Slack Off for wall duties, or as an anti-steel attacker that reflect any and all Steel-type move, including Double Iron Bash.

:volbeat: :illumise: :iron-bundle:
Pokemon: Emerald Light (the dictaor may rename this Pokémon to Iron Light instead if they don’t like the deliberate difference from other Future Paradoxes)
Typing: Bug / Psychic
Base Stats: 72 HP / 98 Atk / 76 Def / 98 SpA / 154 SpD / 92 Speed | 590 BST
Abilities: Quark Drive
Movepool: Combines NatDex Volbeat and NatDex Illumise, excluding Counter, Attract and Growth; Psychic, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt, Psycho Cut, Light Bend*

Weight: 13.2 kg
Custom Elements:
Light Bend: 70 BP, 16 PP, 100% accuracy, Psychic-type, Physical, Super Effective against Steel, becomes Special if Special Attack is higher
Competitive Role: Special wall, fast pivot + support, Special set-up sweeper
Flavor / Description:
smol. Combines the colorful learnset of Volbeat and Illumise with Quark Drive, huge Special Defense, average Speed and workable Attack and Special Attack (latter preferable due to Tail Glow), with Light Bend to circumvent the smorgabord of Steel-type.

Pokemon: Swooliobat
Typing: Psychic / Flying
Base Stats: 77 HP / 57 Atk / 105 Def / 77 SpA / 105 SpD / 114 Speed | 535 BST
Abilities: Unaware / Klutz | Oblivious
Movepool: Natdex Swoobat + Heart Drain*, Cold Reception, Psycho Shift, Trick, Tidy Up, Yawn, Wish, Healing Wish

Weight: 325.5 kg
Custom Elements:
Heart Drain: Psychic-type, Status, 16 PP, 100% accuracy, deals Heart Drain status which drain 1/8th of opponent’s max HP after each turn. Bug-type are unaffected by this status.
Competitive Role: Unaware Mixed Wall, fast support + pivot,
Flavor / Description:
Swoobat is the fastest (official) Pokémon with Unaware, but is too frail and not strong enough to make the most of it, sticking to Simple. In a twist of traditional cross-gen evos, Swooliobat is fat, not having any increase to base Attack, Special Attack nor Speed, but have much better bulk than Swoobat to make up for it, allowing Swooliobat to make the most of Unaware without being overbearing to non-setup wallbreakers to break through.
Pokemon: Shinx (Eviolite Compatible)
Typing: Electric
Base Stats: Same as default Shinx (45/65/34/40/34/45)
Abilities: Fishercat/Intimidate/Guts
Movepool: Same as base shinx + Fishing Minigame + Go Fish

Weight: 9.5kg
Custom Elements: Fishercat: Upon successfully using a fishing move, restores this pokemon's hp by 25% of it's max HP.
Competitive Role: Kitty!
Flavor / Description: Kitty!

Metagame Change: There is now a Fishing Flag, denoting which moves are fishing moves.
Moves: Gorging Missile, Fishing Minigame, Splash, Go Fish

Item Name: Fishing Hat
Effect: The first non-status fishing move the holder uses gains +1 priority. This effect resets when hard switched in.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 10 bp
Justification: Fish
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Pokemon: Iron Fist
Typing: Steel/Fighting
Base Stats: 85, 125, 110, 50, 110, 90 (570 total)
Abilities: Quark Drive
Movepool: Same as hitmonchan + Sucker Punch, Iron Head, Metal Claw, Growl, Lock On, Extreme Speed, Zen Headbutt, Charge, Discharge, Zap Cannon, Explosion

Weight: 125kg
Custom Elements: none!
Competitive Role: the iron fist
Flavor / Description: Future paradox of hitmonchan


Name: Nerve Charm
Effect: Every other turn, the holder sets up quick guard.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): Yes
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 40, but gives fling priority
Justification: quick guard is awesome


Pokemon: Mega Electrode
Typing: Electric
Base Stats: 50, 50, 50, 150, 50, 240
Abilities: Time Bomb
Movepool: electrode’s movepool

Weight: 133.2
Custom Elements:

Item: Electrodite, allows Electrode to mega evolve

After this pokémon uses an attack, it instantly faints.

Competitive Role: blowing up
Flavor / Description: It explodes
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Pokemon: Jirachitwo (it looks exactly like this png I stole from one of the mon discord servers and I might make a sprite for it if the supreme leader is benevolent)
Typing: Psychic/Steel
Base Stats: 96/100/74/124/74/132 BST: 600 (it’s a mythical)

Ability: Benevolent Blessing
Movepool: Wish, Recover, Protect, Vine Boom, Bullet Punch, Shadow Punch, Low Sweep, Low Kick, Ice Beam, Thunder, Incinerate, Pluck, Bug Bite, Embargo, Iron Head, Body Slam, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Tickle, Supercell Slam, Metronome, Lunar Dance, Psystrike, Leech Seed, Memento, Rest, Razor Wind

Weight: 16 dozen doughnuts (5 kg)
Custom Elements: move and ability
Competitive Role: an attempt to compete with the fish (impossible) and counter to anything that breathes including itself
Flavor / Description: scientists hoped to recreate the mystical wish granting power that Jirachi wields and through this artificial Pokémon in a lab. Due to a miscalculation, the scientists were unable to harness this power properly and instead created this strange and unusual creature. Every 10 years, this Pokémon awakens to cause minor inconveniences for 52 days. It then burrows deep in the earth to sleep.

: Vine Boom
Power: 50
Accuracy: 101
PP: 64
Category: Physical
Type: Bug
Effect: 20% paralysis chance, 30% flinch chance, 5% freeze chance, 10% sleep chance, 1% chance to activate ingrain on opponent
Priority: no please and thank you
Flags (ex: Contact, Sound): contact
Pokémon With This Move: Jirachitwo
Justification: I think the supreme leader is a pretty cool guy and they should be able to adjust the percentages if they want to be silly

: Benevolent Blessing
Effect: Same effects of Serene Grace but the Pokémon with this ability has a 1% chance of falling asleep and a 1% chance of becoming frozen at the end of each turn
Permanent (Yes or No): no but the suffering is permanent
Mold Breaker (Yes or No): no
Pokémon with this ability: Jirachitwo
Justification: I think it would be really silly if the Pokémon just stopped working for no reason because of rng also the supreme leader is very cool

Dear Supreme Leader PalpitoadChamp,

You are very cool and I think this mon will be a good addition to the current iron fist metagame.

Your Humble Peasant,

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Pokemon: Mario Kart Wii
Typing: Steel
Base Stats: 100/80/100/70/40/135 (525)
Abilities: Gorilla Tactics
Movepool: Aerial Ace, Blazing Torque, Belly Drum, Body Slam, Bullet Punch, Combat Torque, Covet, Cut, Dig, Double-Edge, Earthquake, Facade, Giga Impact, Gyro Ball, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Magical Torque, Magnet Rise, Metal Claw, Meteor Mash, Metal Sound, Mimic, Mud-Slap, Natural Gift, Noxious Torque, Payback, Protect, Psych Up, Rain Dance, Rapid Spin, Rest, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Round, Screech, Slash, Sleep Talk, Snore, Solar Beam, Steel Beam, Steel Roller, Strength, Substitute, Swift, Tackle, Take Down, Tera Blast, Thief, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Toxic, U-Turn, Uproar, Wicked Torque, Work Up

Weight: 1 kg
Competitive Role: belly drum user
Flavor / Description: this mod felt like it was missing something
Pokemon: Iron Guardian
Typing: Steel/Dragon
Base Stats: 118 / 82 / 130 / 124 / 86 / 50 (590 BST) (future Paradox Zygarde)
Abilities: Quark Drive / Flash Fire
Movepool: Zygarde's movepool, - Crunch, Bulldoze, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Grass Knot, Coil, High Horsepower, Scale Shot, Toxic; + Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Aura Sphere, Tera Blast, and Volt Switch
Weight: 1442 lbs
Custom Elements:
Type: Steel
Category: Special
BP: 100
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10 (max 16)
Flags: Pulse, Protect
Description: Nullifies the target's positive stat changes on use (including Quark Drive and Protosynthesis boosts).
Competitive Role: Defensive pivot and tank
Flavor / Description: Living weapon (supposedly), noble protector of the innocent. Do not provoke it, it will kill you.

Name: Golden Disk
Effect: This item reflects 25% of the damage the user takes back to the opponent. If the holder would be KOed, the attack that would kill it is nullified and the item is destroyed.
Can Be Knocked Off (Yes or No): No
Ignored by Klutz (Yes or No): No
Fling Power & Effect: 80,
Justification: it's the fucking golden disk from transformers beast wars what else do you want me to put here
1257 sin título_20240903213757.png
Pokemon: Dish
Type: Normal/Ghost
Stats: 325/5/30/5/30/5 (400)
Abilities: Edible
If the user is knocked out, the opposing Pokemon who is currently on the field will eat Dish, that Pokemon will choke and slowly die, so they are Throat Chopped, Whirlpooled, Heal Blocked, Badly Poisoned, Salt Cured, and any pivoting moves (U-Turn, Flip Turn, Volt Switch, Teleport, etc) will be replaced by Baton Pass. Water-types are inmune.
Movepool: Memento, Self-Destruct, Endure, Smog, Poison Gas.
Weight: 4kg
Competitive Role: be eaten
Flavor / Description: fish dish
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Pokemon: Impalpitoad
Type: = =
Ability: Impalpable | This Pokemon is non-grounded is immune to its own and the opponent's STABs.
Stats: 75 / 65 / 55 / 65 / 55 / 69
Movepool: palpitoadsexactmovepool

i swear ive seen this somewhere
List of Pokemon
  1. Melmetal
  2. Ninjask
  3. Toxapex
  4. Silcoon
  5. Togedemaru
  6. Bramblin
  7. Anarlvet
  8. Gholdengo
  9. Kingler
  10. Feebas
  11. microwave
  12. Glaceon
  13. Lytlegai
  14. Sylveon
  15. Ohmyrod
  16. Celesteela
  17. Big Crammer
  18. Archeops
  19. Runerigus
  20. Crabominable
  21. Samurott-Sinnoh
  22. Wyrdeer
  23. Goomba
  24. Fridgile
  25. Zacian-Crowned
  26. Melmetal 2
  27. Traike
  28. Pidown
  29. Silvally
  30. Vivillon-High-Plains
  31. Moltres
  32. Kurayami
  33. Hitmontop
  34. Zelda
  35. Cascoon
  36. Sentret
  37. Drigike
  38. Phish
Screenshot (287).png

Ban Traike
truly the best way to balance a metagame
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Name: Eviolith
Effect: If holder's species can evolve, its Attack and Sp. Atk are 1.5x.
Can Be Knocked Off: Yes
Ignored by Klutz: Yes
Fling Power & Effect: 40
Justification: gives nfe mons some help

Pokemon: Iron Fish

Base Stats: 108/80/108/130/70/74 (570 BST)
Abilities: Quark Drive
Movepool: barraskewdasexactmovepool + Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Flash Cannon, Iron Head, Charging Current

Weight: 100 kg
Custom Elements: Charging Current (Steel Type, Special, 90 BP, 90% Accuracy, 16 PP, If this move hits an electric type, user gains the charge effect and its special attack is raised by 1.)
Competitive Role: wip
Flavor / Description: wip

Pokemon: Mightyena

Base Stats: 70/120/80/70/70/115 (525 BST)
Abilities: Intimidate / Moxie / Beatdown (WIP name)
Movepool: mightyenasexactmovepool + Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Poison Jab, Iron Head, Parting Shot

Weight: 37 kg
Custom Elements: Beatdown (If this pokemon's move was to fail due to an immunity effect, the move gains 1.2x power and ignores the effect. (Effects considered "immunity effects": Protect, Substitute, Immunity from typings)
Competitive Role: wip
Flavor / Description:
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Metagame Change:
During the veto phase of each slate, the Dictator can take any vetoed subs they liked, but weren't quite good enough to approve, and return a revised version back to the original submitter up to once per sub. If the submitter accepts the Dictator's version of their sub, it is then approved. If the submitter doesn't like the changes, the sub remains vetoed. If the submitter doesn't respond before the veto phase ends, it defaults back to a veto. The Dictator is under no obligation to provide this for any sub if they do not wish to.

Pokemon: Scrubby

Base Stats: 90 / 50 / 75 / 125 / 90 / 90 [520 BST]
Abilities: Quick Feet
Movepool: Acid Spray, Assurance, Beat Up, Blizzard, Bubble, Bubble Beam, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Nasty Plot, Payback, Purify, Scald, Surf, Taunt

Weight: 0.1 kg
Custom Elements: N/A
Competitive Role: Quick Feet abuser. Run Flame Orb, click Nasty Plot, profit.
Flavor / Description: Scrubby is the mascot for Scrubbing Bubbles, but this one is sick and twisted. just a glimpse into my dark and twisted mind, haha.

Pokemon: Ougayporn-Comerstone

Base Stats: 80 / 120 / 84 / 60 / 96 / 110 [550 BST]
Abilities: Get Sturdy
Movepool: ogerponsexactmovepool minus Ivy Cudgel, instead learns Tiny Cudgel

Weight: 39.8 kg
Custom Elements: Tiny Cudgel: 50 BP Physical Rock, guaranteed crit.
Get Sturdy: This Pokemon has +1 crit rate, and its critical hits lower the target's defense one stage. If this Pokemon were to faint from direct damage while at full health, it survives on 1 HP and this ability becomes Sturdy.
This Pokemon is also able to hold the Cornerstone Mask and gain its move-boosting effects.
Competitive Role:
Flavor / Description: i was inspired by the latest OU suspect for this sub.

Pokemon: Feebas
Typing: Water
Base Stats: normal feebas stuff +20 Attack
: normal feebas stuff
Movepool: normal feebas stuff
Weight: normal feebas stuff

Competitive Role: this should give feebas the power boost it needs to be viable in the current meta
Flavor / Description: normal feebas stuff
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Mechanics Change: Melmetal's Blessing is now permanently active in Iron Fist.
Melmetal's Blessing, after using the same attack (by the same Pokemon) 3 times, the 4th is empowered. The empowered attack hits twice (or double the amount if its a multi-hit). The regular attack is then disabled for 3 turns.
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Pokemon: palpitoad is so cool


Type: water/ground

Stats: 120/100/85/100/85/70 bst:560

Ability: champion*

Movepool seismitoad + awesome Earthquake**

Custom elements:

*combination of swift swim & rain dish

**110 physical ground 100acc 10pp

Competitive Role: please palp please make me the next supreme leader candidate please im begging you I need to rule these people please i just need this I'll never ask you for anything more I need the power trip I need to decide who lives & dies & send dissenters to prison to rot away for the rest of their lives to shape this metagame in my image & make jump rue the day she ever suggested such a petmod as this please palp please give me the chance to rule over these fools I'll make sure anything you submit gets into the meta I'll even let you choose the next leader candidate please. I also think this would make for a particularly devastating rain sweeper with the ability to take most anything on while rain remains up with Awesome Earthquake it is encouraged to run a physical set but it does have a fairly palatable special Movepool aswell. Please palp please give this to me. Thank you.
Pokemon: Spewpa

70 / 50 / 120 / 110 / 120 / 30 | 500
Abilities: Shed Skin / Perish Body / Magic Bounce
Movepool: Spewpa's Movepool + Bug Buzz, Shadow Ball, Hex, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Psychic, Ice Beam, Leech Life, Phantom Force, Body Press, Body Slam, Sticky Web, Curse, Will-O-Wisp, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Gen 9 Universals
Weight: Same as Spewpa
Competitive Role: We need all the cocoons. Also funny magic bounce.

New Move: Winged Blade
Type: Flying
BP: 90
PP: 15
Accuracy: 100%
Category: Physical
Explanation: Cutting move. Has a higher chance of a critical hit.
Distribution: Only Ninjask for now

New Ability: Gex Server
Effect: When switching in, the Pokemon sends a link to a gex server. This confuses the opponent.
Permanent: No
Mold Breaker: No
Pokémon With This Ability: Toxasex (replace Limber), Sylveon, Melemetal 2
Justification: Le funny meme
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The results are in for Slate 2! Here is a link to the spreadsheet tab with PalpitoadChamp's decisions. There's a lot of new defensive options in this slate, along with new a lot of new Fishing-related content to work with the Splash changes from Slate 1. I'm excited to see how the fishing industry continues to develop.

I'll give a day or two of cooldown for people to discuss these changes. Palp has chosen Samtendo09 to be his successor and I will select two other names to pick as his challengers.

Thank you PalpitoadChamp for being a great second Supreme Leader of Iron Fistlandia!