Interest rates

I have some financial advice for you.

You may be investing your likes into the Like Shop because interest rates are at an all-time low and you don't see it as financially viable to keep them all sitting in the bank. But: what will you do when interest rates eventually increase and suddenly your previously large nest egg of likes is so small that you're unable to benefit from rate hikes? That's right: the Like Shop is, right now at least, a bad investment. I'm personally going to let all of my reactions lay dormant for the time being. It might not seem like much now, but when interest rates skyrocket, I'll be the one laughing.
This but also the fact that it's not an investment when it's literally said in the contract thst you pay likes for a temporary thing on the forums. It's just a way to piss away reacts so that the wealthy 1% can stay on top of the 99% of poor posters.