National Dex UU [Dragon Dance] (Salamence)

Salamence @ Flyinium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Fly / Outrage
- Earthquake
- Substitute / Fire Blast

Thanks to its great Attack, good coverage options, and ability to outpace Mega Aerodactyl, Meowscarada, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon at +1, Salamence is a good setup sweeper on offense and hyper offense teams, being able to serve as both a mid-game wallbreaker and late-game cleaner. Fly alongside Flyinium Z provides Salamence a powerful one-time nuke that can outright OHKO Flying-weak foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole and neutral targets like Mega Sableye, Tapu Fini, and Gastrodon at +1. Outrage is an alternative when not using Flyinium Z that helps deal with opposing Dragon-types like Mega Latias, Latios, and Hydreigon, though it does have the downside of locking in Salamence, which can allow the opponent to respond with a Fairy-type like Tapu Fini, Clefable, or Enamorus. Earthquake helps against Steel-types like Excadrill, Iron Treads, and Bisharp that resist both its STAB moves, and it can also help to chip down other Ground-weak foes like Skeledirge and Mega Tyranitar. Substitute lets Salamence make use of switches it forces against foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole and take advantage of some defensive Pokemon like Hippowdon and Amoonguss; it can also provide a safety net for mispositioning with Fly or Outrage and avoids status from targets like Chansey, Mega Sableye, and Mew. Alternatively Fire Blast hits Skarmory, and can also hit Grass- and Steel-types like physically defensive Tangrowth, Celesteela, and Scizor. if Salamence isn't using Fly, Life Orb boosts the damage of all of its moves, OHKOing Mega Latias and Rotom-W with Outrage. Salamence prefers running Moxie as opposed to Intimidate, due to its usefulness on offensively-oriented teams. Salamence has a hard time breaking through Fairy-types like Tapu Fini and Clefable, due to their typing and super effective moves, making it pair well with other offensive Pokemon like Thundurus and Swords Dance Cinderace, which can overwhelm these foes. When not running Fly Salamence can also struggle to break through Grass-types like Tangrowth and Mega Venusaur, making Fire-types like Ceruledge and Victini also good partners. Salamence can also pair well with entry hazards from setters like Ting-Lu, Mega Tyranitar, and Skarmory, as Fly and Outrage are guaranteed to OHKO foes like Buzzwole and Serperior after Stealth Rock chip. Due to Salamence's Stealth Rock weakness, it appreciates Pokemon that can provide anti-hazard measures, notably dedicated leads like Excadrill, as well as Taunt Mew and Meowscarada, while Salamence can deal with Pokemon that can threaten them like Celesteela, Hydreigon, and Cinderace. Salamence can be very prone to getting revenge killed by faster targets like Mega Aerodactyl, Alakazam, and Choice Scarf Enamorus, meaning it appreciates bulky partners like Slowbro and Mega Venusaur, appreciating the former's pivoting and the latter's tank-like nature, as well as Pokemon that can set up on the aforementioned targets like Scizor, Mega Latias, and Celesteela.

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Given that a lot of these changes are very open-ended, I'll like to check one more time before giving 1/1

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Salamence @ Flyinium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Fly / Outrage
- Earthquake
- Substitute / Fire Blast

Salamence is a good setup sweeper that can be useful on offensive offense and hyper offense teams thanks to its great Attack, good coverage options, and good Speed, allowing that allows it to outspeed Mega Aerodactyl, Meowscarada, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon at +1. Fly must be used alongside Flyinium Z, providing Salamence a powerful nuke that can outright OHKO Flying-weak foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole and after a boost smash through neutral targets like Mega Sableye, Tapu Fini, and Gastrodon. Fly helps against the plethora of Grass- and Flying-types, OHKOing Pokemon such as Serperior, Galarian Zapdos, and Meowscarada, and 2HKOing foes like Okidogi, Mega Venusaur, and Assault Vest Tangrowth, (Remove comma) . (Add period) However its delay of attacking in two turns means that opponents can switch out their Pokemon into Steel- and Rock-types like Iron Treads and Mega Tyranitar that resist it. Flyinium Z provides Supersonic Skystrike first and foremost, Fly is barely usable otherwise. I moved up and reworded your point about Fly, feel free to word it however you like provided you keep the information consistent. For the second part about Fly alone, reword it to emphasize how mediocre it is without its Z counterpart, though still sometimes useful. Outrage is a an alternative that helps deal with opposing Dragon-types like Mega Latias, Latios, and Hydreigon, Mention its sheer power in general terms however it does have the downside of locking in Salamence, which can allow the opponent to switch in to into a Fairy-type like Tapu Fini, Clefable, and Enamorus. Earthquake helps against Steel-types like Excadrill, Iron Treads, and Bisharp that resist both of its STABs both its STAB types, and it can also help to chip down other Ground-weak foes like Skeledirge and Mega Tyranitar. Substitute lets Salamence make use of switches it forces against foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole, (Remove comma) and take advantage of some defensive Pokemon like Hippowdon and Amoonguss, Mention it letting Salamence dodge status from something like Chansey while Fire Blast is another way to hit Grass-types like Tangrowth, Mega Venusaur, and Meowscarada without the downsides of Fly, and it can be useful against Celesteela, Scizor, and Skarmory. Fire Blast targets Skarmory first and foremost, emphasize that, then talk about other Steel-types, then Grass-types. Remember, boosted Outrage often does more to them Flyinium Z provides Salamence with a way to OHKO foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole, it can also help break through neutral targets like Clefable and Gastrodon, and be useful to bypass Fly's downsides, while If Salamence isn't using Fly, Life Orb boosts the damage of all of its moves, being useful to secure a OHKO on Buzzwole. I'm assuming you mean with Fly, give a different example with a different move, and be sure to specify it. I gave one suggestion on how to reword this sentence, feel free to word it as you like. You can also move this sentence up to the one with Outrage if that's preferable. Salamence can posses possesses a hard time breaking through Fairy-types like Tapu Fini and Clefable due to their typing and super effective moves, making it pair well with other offensive Pokemon like Thundurus and Swords Dance Cinderace. Mention the differing mus depending on whether or not it's running Flyinium Z. In general, Flyinium has very few defensive answers, though it cannot be run with another Z users. Also be specific about how these teammates deal with Faries and other Pokemon Mence struggles with, like Grasses without Z Fly, and Pokemon Mence deals with for them. Talk about Mence's possible dual role on HO: as a mid-game wallbreaker or a cleaner. Salamence can also pair well with entry hazard setters like Ting-Lu, Mega Tyranitar, and Skarmory, which can help it to guarantee a OHKO on foes like Buzzwole. Talk about how it specifically likes suicide leads that can keep off hazards. I'm assuming Buzzwole is only OHKOed by Fly, if so use another example and specify the move In return, Salamence can threaten out common hazard removal options like Iron Treads, Excadrill, and opposing Salamence. As an offensive sweeper with eh bulk, a Rocks weakness, and no HDB, Mence isn't switching it to stop these Pokemon Salamence can pair well with pivots like Galarian Zapdos, Thundurus-T, and Meowscarada, which can pivot it in against defensive Pokemon that it can force out like Amoonguss and Hippowdon, and using it as an opportunity to setup. Due to Salamence's Stealth Rock weakness it can also appreciate entry hazard removal options like Tapu Fini, Iron Treads, and Excadrill, and Salamence can help to deal with Pokemon that can threaten them like Sandy Shocks, Cinderace, and Celesteela. Move this sentence with the one about hazard setters, since they often play a dual role on HO Salamence can be very prone to getting revenge killed by faster targets like Mega Aerodactyl, Alakazam, and Choice Scarf Enamorus, which can make it appreciate bulky partners like Slowbro, Mega Sableye, and Mega Venusaur. Mega Sableye is pretty much exclusive to stall. As for these other bulky partners, emphasize either their pivoting capabilities or nature as a tank. Offense generally isn't going to run passive walls.

Explain why Salamence is running Moxie as opposed to Intimidate (it's on offense). In general, you need to emphasize Mence's role as an offensive mon.

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Given that a lot of these changes are very open-ended, I'll like to check one more time before giving 1/1

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Salamence @ Flyinium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Fly / Outrage
- Earthquake
- Substitute / Fire Blast

Salamence is a good setup sweeper that can be useful on offensive offense and hyper offense teams thanks to its great Attack, good coverage options, and good Speed, allowing that allows it to outspeed Mega Aerodactyl, Meowscarada, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon at +1. Fly must be used alongside Flyinium Z, providing Salamence a powerful nuke that can outright OHKO Flying-weak foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole and after a boost smash through neutral targets like Mega Sableye, Tapu Fini, and Gastrodon. Fly helps against the plethora of Grass- and Flying-types, OHKOing Pokemon such as Serperior, Galarian Zapdos, and Meowscarada, and 2HKOing foes like Okidogi, Mega Venusaur, and Assault Vest Tangrowth, (Remove comma) . (Add period) However its delay of attacking in two turns means that opponents can switch out their Pokemon into Steel- and Rock-types like Iron Treads and Mega Tyranitar that resist it. Flyinium Z provides Supersonic Skystrike first and foremost, Fly is barely usable otherwise. I moved up and reworded your point about Fly, feel free to word it however you like provided you keep the information consistent. For the second part about Fly alone, reword it to emphasize how mediocre it is without its Z counterpart, though still sometimes useful. Outrage is a an alternative that helps deal with opposing Dragon-types like Mega Latias, Latios, and Hydreigon, Mention its sheer power in general terms however it does have the downside of locking in Salamence, which can allow the opponent to switch in to into a Fairy-type like Tapu Fini, Clefable, and Enamorus. Earthquake helps against Steel-types like Excadrill, Iron Treads, and Bisharp that resist both of its STABs both its STAB types, and it can also help to chip down other Ground-weak foes like Skeledirge and Mega Tyranitar. Substitute lets Salamence make use of switches it forces against foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole, (Remove comma) and take advantage of some defensive Pokemon like Hippowdon and Amoonguss, Mention it letting Salamence dodge status from something like Chansey while Fire Blast is another way to hit Grass-types like Tangrowth, Mega Venusaur, and Meowscarada without the downsides of Fly, and it can be useful against Celesteela, Scizor, and Skarmory. Fire Blast targets Skarmory first and foremost, emphasize that, then talk about other Steel-types, then Grass-types. Remember, boosted Outrage often does more to them Flyinium Z provides Salamence with a way to OHKO foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole, it can also help break through neutral targets like Clefable and Gastrodon, and be useful to bypass Fly's downsides, while If Salamence isn't using Fly, Life Orb boosts the damage of all of its moves, being useful to secure a OHKO on Buzzwole. I'm assuming you mean with Fly, give a different example with a different move, and be sure to specify it. I gave one suggestion on how to reword this sentence, feel free to word it as you like. You can also move this sentence up to the one with Outrage if that's preferable. Salamence can posses possesses a hard time breaking through Fairy-types like Tapu Fini and Clefable due to their typing and super effective moves, making it pair well with other offensive Pokemon like Thundurus and Swords Dance Cinderace. Mention the differing mus depending on whether or not it's running Flyinium Z. In general, Flyinium has very few defensive answers, though it cannot be run with another Z users. Also be specific about how these teammates deal with Faries and other Pokemon Mence struggles with, like Grasses without Z Fly, and Pokemon Mence deals with for them. Talk about Mence's possible dual role on HO: as a mid-game wallbreaker or a cleaner. Salamence can also pair well with entry hazard setters like Ting-Lu, Mega Tyranitar, and Skarmory, which can help it to guarantee a OHKO on foes like Buzzwole. Talk about how it specifically likes suicide leads that can keep off hazards. I'm assuming Buzzwole is only OHKOed by Fly, if so use another example and specify the move In return, Salamence can threaten out common hazard removal options like Iron Treads, Excadrill, and opposing Salamence. As an offensive sweeper with eh bulk, a Rocks weakness, and no HDB, Mence isn't switching it to stop these Pokemon Salamence can pair well with pivots like Galarian Zapdos, Thundurus-T, and Meowscarada, which can pivot it in against defensive Pokemon that it can force out like Amoonguss and Hippowdon, and using it as an opportunity to setup. Due to Salamence's Stealth Rock weakness it can also appreciate entry hazard removal options like Tapu Fini, Iron Treads, and Excadrill, and Salamence can help to deal with Pokemon that can threaten them like Sandy Shocks, Cinderace, and Celesteela. Move this sentence with the one about hazard setters, since they often play a dual role on HO Salamence can be very prone to getting revenge killed by faster targets like Mega Aerodactyl, Alakazam, and Choice Scarf Enamorus, which can make it appreciate bulky partners like Slowbro, Mega Sableye, and Mega Venusaur. Mega Sableye is pretty much exclusive to stall. As for these other bulky partners, emphasize either their pivoting capabilities or nature as a tank. Offense generally isn't going to run passive walls.

Explain why Salamence is running Moxie as opposed to Intimidate (it's on offense). In general, you need to emphasize Mence's role as an offensive mon.

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implemented all these changes and tried to emphasize mence's role as an offensive pokemon ready for another check
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Salamence @ Flyinium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Fly / Outrage
- Earthquake
- Substitute / Fire Blast

Salamence tThanks to its great Attack, good coverage options, and good Speed, allowing to outspeed Mega Aerodactyl, Meowscarada, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon at +1, Salamence is a good setup sweeper that can be useful No need to give this as an imperative, if you're using DD Mence, it's right at home here. on offense and hyper offense teams, being able to serve as both a mid-game wallbreaker or as a late-game cleaner. Fly must be used alongside Flyinium Z, providing Salamence a powerful one-time nuke specify details that can outright OHKO Flying-weak foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole, and after a boost, smash through neutral targets like Mega Sableye, Tapu Fini, and Gastrodon. Fly is very mediocre without Flyinium Z, but it can still be helpful against the plethora of Grass- and Flying-types, OHKOing Pokemon such as Serperior, Galarian Zapdos, and Meowscarada, and 2HKOing foes like Okidogi, Mega Venusaur, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. However its delay of attacking in two turns means that opponents can switch out their Pokemon into Steel- and Rock-types like Iron Treads and Mega Tyranitar that resist it. Would axe altogether, not worth using given that Outrage blasts all of these with minimal chip anws, and Outrage better compensates if running Z elsewhere. Outrage is an alternative when not using Flyinium Z, that helps deal with opposing Dragon-types like Mega Latias, Latios, and Hydreigon, however it does have the downside of locking in Salamence, which can allow the opponent to switch iirc, outrage doesn't keep you locked in if opp switches into a fairy, so hypothetically, somone could click another move or keep it for later, something like 'respond' that is more general seems better fit into a Fairy-type like Tapu Fini, Clefable, and Enamorus. Earthquake helps against Steel-types like Excadrill, Iron Treads, and Bisharp that resist both its STAB types, and it can also help to chip down other Ground-weak foes like Skeledirge and Mega Tyranitar. Substitute lets Salamence make use of switches it forces against foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole and take advantage of some defensive Pokemon like Hippowdon and Amoonguss, it can also be useful to Worth adding that it also gives you a safety net for mispositioning with fly/outrage avoid statuses from targets like Chansey, Mega Sableye and Mew, while Fire Blast hits Skarmory, and can also hit Grass- and Steel-types like physically defensive Tangrowth, Celesteela, and Scizor. if Salamence isn't using Fly, Life Orb boosts the damage of all of its moves, being useful to secure a OHKO on Mega Latias with Outrage. Add defensive mentions to notable calcs too, most notably surrounding things like Washer. Salamence prefers running Moxie as opposed to Intimidate, due to it generally being on offensely-oriented teams. Salamence possesses a hard time breaking through Fairy-types like Tapu Fini and Clefable due to their typing and super effective moves, making it pair well with other offensive Pokemon like Thundurus and Swords Dance Cinderace which can overwhelm these foes, however when not running Fly Salamence can also struggle to break through Grass-types like Tangrowth and Mega Venusaur, making Fire-types like Ceruledge and Victini also good partners. Salamence can also pair well with entry hazard setters like Ting-Lu, Mega Tyranitar, and Skarmory, which can help it to guarantee a OHKO on foes like Buzzwole and Serperior when using Fly and Outrage respectively. Due to Salamence's Stealth Rock weakness, it can also appreciate entry hazard removal options, notably suicide leads like Excadrill worth adding others like taunt mew/meowscarda, and rewording this to 'Pokemon thta can provide anti-hazard measures', or something like that, those help too, as well as Tapu Fini and Iron Treads, while in return Salamence can help to deal with Pokemon that can threaten them like Celesteela, Sandy Shocks, and Cinderace. Salamence can pair well with pivots like Galarian Zapdos, Thundurus-T, and Meowscarada, which can pivot it in against defensive Pokemon that it can force out like Amoonguss and Hippowdon, and using it as an opportunity to setup. Given the nature of offense, I'd generally stray away from this, and use mentions of stuff that directly helps break down, to lure/overwhelm for the other to sweep instead, but you've gone through this above so no need to add here, just a heads up for the future. Salamence can be very prone to getting revenge killed by faster targets like Mega Aerodactyl, Alakazam, and Choice Scarf Enamorus, which can make it appreciate bulky partners like Slowbro and Mega Venusaur, due to their pivoting capabilities and nature as a tank respectively. Worth adding priority, or specifically teammates that can setup on these Pokemon, like Scizor to this area too.

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Was given the go from SSJ to take this over, credit me + him on this and it's 1/1. I've directed a few comments towards general things when writing these, so do take note.
SSJ, why man... I exist to QC too yknow... :pensive:
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Salamence @ Flyinium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Fly / Outrage
- Earthquake
- Substitute / Fire Blast

Salamence tThanks to its great Attack, good coverage options, and good Speed, allowing to outspeed Mega Aerodactyl, Meowscarada, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon at +1, Salamence is a good setup sweeper that can be useful No need to give this as an imperative, if you're using DD Mence, it's right at home here. on offense and hyper offense teams, being able to serve as both a mid-game wallbreaker or as a late-game cleaner. Fly must be used alongside Flyinium Z, providing Salamence a powerful one-time nuke specify details that can outright OHKO Flying-weak foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole, and after a boost, smash through neutral targets like Mega Sableye, Tapu Fini, and Gastrodon. Fly is very mediocre without Flyinium Z, but it can still be helpful against the plethora of Grass- and Flying-types, OHKOing Pokemon such as Serperior, Galarian Zapdos, and Meowscarada, and 2HKOing foes like Okidogi, Mega Venusaur, and Assault Vest Tangrowth. However its delay of attacking in two turns means that opponents can switch out their Pokemon into Steel- and Rock-types like Iron Treads and Mega Tyranitar that resist it. Would axe altogether, not worth using given that Outrage blasts all of these with minimal chip anws, and Outrage better compensates if running Z elsewhere. Outrage is an alternative when not using Flyinium Z, that helps deal with opposing Dragon-types like Mega Latias, Latios, and Hydreigon, however it does have the downside of locking in Salamence, which can allow the opponent to switch iirc, outrage doesn't keep you locked in if opp switches into a fairy, so hypothetically, somone could click another move or keep it for later, something like 'respond' that is more general seems better fit into a Fairy-type like Tapu Fini, Clefable, and Enamorus. Earthquake helps against Steel-types like Excadrill, Iron Treads, and Bisharp that resist both its STAB types, and it can also help to chip down other Ground-weak foes like Skeledirge and Mega Tyranitar. Substitute lets Salamence make use of switches it forces against foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole and take advantage of some defensive Pokemon like Hippowdon and Amoonguss, it can also be useful to Worth adding that it also gives you a safety net for mispositioning with fly/outrage avoid statuses from targets like Chansey, Mega Sableye and Mew, while Fire Blast hits Skarmory, and can also hit Grass- and Steel-types like physically defensive Tangrowth, Celesteela, and Scizor. if Salamence isn't using Fly, Life Orb boosts the damage of all of its moves, being useful to secure a OHKO on Mega Latias with Outrage. Add defensive mentions to notable calcs too, most notably surrounding things like Washer. Salamence prefers running Moxie as opposed to Intimidate, due to it generally being on offensely-oriented teams. Salamence possesses a hard time breaking through Fairy-types like Tapu Fini and Clefable due to their typing and super effective moves, making it pair well with other offensive Pokemon like Thundurus and Swords Dance Cinderace which can overwhelm these foes, however when not running Fly Salamence can also struggle to break through Grass-types like Tangrowth and Mega Venusaur, making Fire-types like Ceruledge and Victini also good partners. Salamence can also pair well with entry hazard setters like Ting-Lu, Mega Tyranitar, and Skarmory, which can help it to guarantee a OHKO on foes like Buzzwole and Serperior when using Fly and Outrage respectively. Due to Salamence's Stealth Rock weakness, it can also appreciate entry hazard removal options, notably suicide leads like Excadrill worth adding others like taunt mew/meowscarda, and rewording this to 'Pokemon thta can provide anti-hazard measures', or something like that, those help too, as well as Tapu Fini and Iron Treads, while in return Salamence can help to deal with Pokemon that can threaten them like Celesteela, Sandy Shocks, and Cinderace. Salamence can pair well with pivots like Galarian Zapdos, Thundurus-T, and Meowscarada, which can pivot it in against defensive Pokemon that it can force out like Amoonguss and Hippowdon, and using it as an opportunity to setup. Given the nature of offense, I'd generally stray away from this, and use mentions of stuff that directly helps break down, to lure/overwhelm for the other to sweep instead, but you've gone through this above so no need to add here, just a heads up for the future. Salamence can be very prone to getting revenge killed by faster targets like Mega Aerodactyl, Alakazam, and Choice Scarf Enamorus, which can make it appreciate bulky partners like Slowbro and Mega Venusaur, due to their pivoting capabilities and nature as a tank respectively. Worth adding priority, or specifically teammates that can setup on these Pokemon, like Scizor to this area too.

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Was given the go from SSJ to take this over, credit me + him on this and it's 1/1. I've directed a few comments towards general things when writing these, so do take note.
SSJ, why man... I exist to QC too yknow... :pensive:
implemented tysm! lemme know if i should change/reword something else
GP Team good morning
GP 1/1
Salamence @ Flyinium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Fly / Outrage
- Earthquake
- Substitute / Fire Blast

Thanks to its great Attack, good coverage options, and ability to outpace good Speed, allowing to outspeed Mega Aerodactyl, Meowscarada, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon at +1, Salamence is a good setup sweeper on offense and hyper offense teams, being able to serve as both a mid-game wallbreaker and or as a late-game cleaner. Fly must be used alongside Flyinium Z provides (rc) providing Salamence a powerful one-time nuke that can outright OHKO Flying-weak foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole (rc) and after a boost smash through neutral targets like Mega Sableye, Tapu Fini, and Gastrodon at +1. this is assuming they all ohko at +1 though Outrage is an alternative when not using Flyinium Z (rc) that helps deal with opposing Dragon-types like Mega Latias, Latios, and Hydreigon, though however it does have the downside of locking in Salamence, which can allow the opponent to respond with a Fairy-type like Tapu Fini, Clefable, or and Enamorus. Earthquake helps against Steel-types like Excadrill, Iron Treads, and Bisharp that resist both its STAB moves, types, and it can also help to chip down other Ground-weak foes like Skeledirge and Mega Tyranitar. Substitute lets Salamence make use of switches it forces against foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole and take advantage of some defensive Pokemon like Hippowdon and Amoonguss; add semicolon it can also provide a safety net for mispositioning with Fly or Outrage (rc) and avoids avoid status from targets like Chansey, Mega Sableye, and Mew. add period while Alternatively, Fire Blast hits Skarmory (rc) and can also hit Grass- and Steel-types like physically defensive Tangrowth, Celesteela, and Scizor. if Salamence isn't using Fly, Life Orb boosts the damage of all of its moves, OHKOing being useful to secure a OHKO on Mega Latias and Rotom-W Rotom-Wash with Outrage. Salamence prefers running Moxie as opposed to Intimidate, due to its usefulness it generally being on offensively-oriented teams. Salamence has possesses a hard time breaking through Fairy-types like Tapu Fini and Clefable, (ac) due to their typing and super effective moves, making it pair well with other offensive Pokemon like Thundurus and Swords Dance Cinderace, (ac) which can overwhelm these foes. add period When however when not running Fly, (ac) Salamence can also struggle to break through Grass-types like Tangrowth and Mega Venusaur, making Fire-types like Ceruledge and Victini also good partners. Salamence can also pair well with entry hazards from hazard setters like Ting-Lu, Mega Tyranitar, and Skarmory, as Fly and Outrage are guaranteed to OHKO foes like Buzzwole and Serperior after Stealth Rock chip. which can help it to guarantee an a OHKO on foes like Buzzwole and Serperior when using Fly and Outrage respectively. Due to Salamence's Stealth Rock weakness, (ac) it appreciates can appreciate Pokemon that can provide anti-hazard measures, notably dedicated suicide leads like Excadrill, as well as Taunt Mew and Meowscarada, while in return Salamence can help to deal with Pokemon that can threaten them like Celesteela, Hydreigon, and Cinderace. Salamence can be very prone to getting revenge killed by faster targets like Mega Aerodactyl, Alakazam, and Choice Scarf Enamorus, meaning it appreciates which can make it appreciate bulky partners like Slowbro and Mega Venusaur, appreciating the former's pivoting and the latter's tank-like nature, due to their pivoting capabilities and nature as a tank respectively, wording felt awkward to me because the way you said it made it sound like all walls are pivots / tanks but then you say "respectively", making the clause non-specific. as well as Pokemon that can set up setup on the aforementioned targets like Scizor, Mega Latias, and Celesteela.

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GP Team done
GP 1/1
Salamence @ Flyinium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Fly / Outrage
- Earthquake
- Substitute / Fire Blast

Thanks to its great Attack, good coverage options, and ability to outpace good Speed, allowing to outspeed Mega Aerodactyl, Meowscarada, and Choice Scarf Hydreigon at +1, Salamence is a good setup sweeper on offense and hyper offense teams, being able to serve as both a mid-game wallbreaker and or as a late-game cleaner. Fly must be used alongside Flyinium Z provides (rc) providing Salamence a powerful one-time nuke that can outright OHKO Flying-weak foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole (rc) and after a boost smash through neutral targets like Mega Sableye, Tapu Fini, and Gastrodon at +1. this is assuming they all ohko at +1 though Outrage is an alternative when not using Flyinium Z (rc) that helps deal with opposing Dragon-types like Mega Latias, Latios, and Hydreigon, though however it does have the downside of locking in Salamence, which can allow the opponent to respond with a Fairy-type like Tapu Fini, Clefable, or and Enamorus. Earthquake helps against Steel-types like Excadrill, Iron Treads, and Bisharp that resist both its STAB moves, types, and it can also help to chip down other Ground-weak foes like Skeledirge and Mega Tyranitar. Substitute lets Salamence make use of switches it forces against foes like Mega Venusaur and Buzzwole and take advantage of some defensive Pokemon like Hippowdon and Amoonguss; add semicolon it can also provide a safety net for mispositioning with Fly or Outrage (rc) and avoids avoid status from targets like Chansey, Mega Sableye, and Mew. add period while Alternatively, Fire Blast hits Skarmory (rc) and can also hit Grass- and Steel-types like physically defensive Tangrowth, Celesteela, and Scizor. if Salamence isn't using Fly, Life Orb boosts the damage of all of its moves, OHKOing being useful to secure a OHKO on Mega Latias and Rotom-W Rotom-Wash with Outrage. Salamence prefers running Moxie as opposed to Intimidate, due to its usefulness it generally being on offensively-oriented teams. Salamence has possesses a hard time breaking through Fairy-types like Tapu Fini and Clefable, (ac) due to their typing and super effective moves, making it pair well with other offensive Pokemon like Thundurus and Swords Dance Cinderace, (ac) which can overwhelm these foes. add period When however when not running Fly, (ac) Salamence can also struggle to break through Grass-types like Tangrowth and Mega Venusaur, making Fire-types like Ceruledge and Victini also good partners. Salamence can also pair well with entry hazards from hazard setters like Ting-Lu, Mega Tyranitar, and Skarmory, as Fly and Outrage are guaranteed to OHKO foes like Buzzwole and Serperior after Stealth Rock chip. which can help it to guarantee an a OHKO on foes like Buzzwole and Serperior when using Fly and Outrage respectively. Due to Salamence's Stealth Rock weakness, (ac) it appreciates can appreciate Pokemon that can provide anti-hazard measures, notably dedicated suicide leads like Excadrill, as well as Taunt Mew and Meowscarada, while in return Salamence can help to deal with Pokemon that can threaten them like Celesteela, Hydreigon, and Cinderace. Salamence can be very prone to getting revenge killed by faster targets like Mega Aerodactyl, Alakazam, and Choice Scarf Enamorus, meaning it appreciates which can make it appreciate bulky partners like Slowbro and Mega Venusaur, appreciating the former's pivoting and the latter's tank-like nature, due to their pivoting capabilities and nature as a tank respectively, wording felt awkward to me because the way you said it made it sound like all walls are pivots / tanks but then you say "respectively", making the clause non-specific. as well as Pokemon that can set up setup on the aforementioned targets like Scizor, Mega Latias, and Celesteela.

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