SPOILERS! Indigo Disk Discussion


Robot from the Future
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Orange Islands
Hey all!

With Indigo Disk releasing sometime in the next 3-6 hours I thought I better make up a thread for discussion!

There WILL be spoilers ahead so be careful!

Let us know your teams or any interesting battles you find! Especially if no one else has mentioned them yet (such as the sidequest with the clan members in Kitakami) or other cameos by other major characters.

Let's go find our final treasure!
Maintenace should have started 15 minutes ago. Serebii just posted Patch 3.0.1 details. The release is imminent.

First returning Pokémon are added for all players to use
The difficulty for Ogre Oustin' will be adjusted
The move Hospitality has a bug fix where it causes unintended behaviour in some circumstances
Protosynthesis and Quark Drive will no longer activate when in play with Neutralising Gas
Other Bug Fixes will also run. This patch is required for online play

Copy-pasted from Serebii.

Tera Shift. Neat.
Am I in the minority for really liking Iron Boulder's design?

We're also fairly certain that it'll be Rock/Psychic, with Gouging Fire being Fire/Dragon.

I'm interested in seeing what type Terapagos is, or if it's just normally just the new Terastal Type always.

My guess for Pecharunt is Poison/Dark, either that or maybe just mono-Poison, while Hydrapple is most likely just Grass/Dragon (Bug/Dragon would be cool tho!)
My guess for Pecharunt is Poison/Dark, either that or maybe just mono-Poison, while Hydrapple is most likely just Grass/Dragon (Bug/Dragon would be cool tho!)

I believe it's gonna be Bug/Dragon, only because in one of the leaks its signature move is supposedly Bug type
The new Tera Type is also in the PC Box search list now. The type is indeed called "Stellar"

Strangely there only seems to be the one new ability that doipy hooves pointed out
From earlier datamining there seemed to be an implication of 4 slots set aside...I did notice that Embody Aspect isn't present in the list, so I wonder if the other 3 might be "tera" exclusive abilities

E: https://gist.github.com/sora10pls/8ab3733436a45cdbd13027320f83089f
Well 2 of them might be, but Pecharunt's sure isn't from that description.
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