All-out Attacker (Zamazenta) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Dauntless Shield
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Ice Fang / Heavy Slam
All-out attacking Zamazenta is a fearsome wallbreaker thanks to its great base Attack stat alongside colorful coverage, allowing it to hit a large portion of the metagame for tons of damage. Its defensive profile also allows it to stick around as a check to Dark-types like Kingambit and Hisuian Samurott. Crunch complements Close Combat well, 2HKOing Ghost- and Psychic-types like offensive Gholdengo, Dragapult, and Galarian Slowking that easily take Close Combat. Stone Edge snipes Moltres and Zapdos attempting to inflict a Flame Body burn or a Static paralysis onto Zamazenta while taking on two offensive checks in the form of Volcarona and Mega Charizard Y. Ice Fang allows Zamazenta to majorly damage Gliscor and Landorus-T, while Heavy Slam lets Zamazenta deal with troubling Fairy-types trying to use it as a way to enter the field such as Tapu Lele and Iron Valiant. Heavy-Duty Boots give Zamazenta more chances to throw off its powerful attacks.
Zamazenta fits well on balance and offensive teams alike, threatening and being able to come in on metagame staples like Kingambit, Hisuian Samurott, and Mega Tyranitar. Physically defensive walls such as Great Tusk and Toxapex can shrug off hits from Zamazenta all day long, so a partner that threatens them such as Tapu Lele is a nice addition to let Zamazenta force progress. Additionally, Tapu Lele can set Future Sight, preventing these checks from switching in as easily. In return, Zamazenta smashes Steel-types that can parry Tapu Lele's attacks like Assault Vest Melmetal. Zamazenta greatly appreciates entry hazard setters such as Hisuian Samurott and Landorus-T that force answers like Toxapex and opposing Landorus-T to take damage every time they attempt to check Zamazenta. It also appreciates Hisuian Samurott scaring the aforementioned Ghost- and Psychic-types away from Zamazenta as well as Landorus-T threatening Poison-types like the aforementioned Toxapex. Kingambit traps and removes Dragapult and Galarian Slowking for Zamazenta as well as removing items like Leftovers or Heavy-Duty Boots from shared checks like Corviknight or physically defensive Toxapex to make Zamazenta's life easier. Finally, Steel-types like Gholdengo and Heatran form a great core with Zamazenta, as they are able to beat down Zamazenta's walls like Galarian Slowking and defensive Gholdengo while taking on threatening Fairy-types like Choice Scarf Tapu Lele and Iron Valiant, protecting Zamazenta from being revenge killed as easily.
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