Bulk Up (Great Tusk) @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Headlong Rush
- Ice Spinner
- Rapid Spin
- Bulk Up
Great Tusk's already great Attack and physical bulk combined with Bulk Up make it a premier setup sweeper that can use its bulk to set up with ease on Pokemon like Dragonite, Garchomp, and Mega Scizor. Ice Spinner takes care of most Pokemon immune to Headlong Rush like Landorus-T, Zapdos, Mega Latios, and Gliscor, among others, while also dealing with Grass-types like Rillaboom and Meowscarada. Rapid Spin is an amazing utility move for Great Tusk, as the extra boosts to Great Tusk's Speed help it avoid revenge killing attempts from Speed Booster Energy Iron Valiant and Choice Scarf Tapu Lele and let it boost Speed after its Booster Energy is used up. Rapid Spin also removes entry hazards for Great Tusk's teammates to clean up after it. The EV spread guarantees Great Tusk gains a Speed boost from its Booster Energy, allowing it to threaten Pokemon it would normally be threatened by, like Mega Diancie, Dragapult, and Mega Medicham.
Bulk Up sets are most commonly used on hyper offense teams that appreciate another setup sweeper that can threaten common Pokemon like Landorus-T, Kingambit, and Raging Bolt for its teammates to cleave through. These teams also appreciate Great Tusk's ability to remove entry hazards, which is extremely helpful for Pokemon like Mega Charizard Y and Z-Move Dragonite. Great Tusk is easily revenge killed by Pokemon like mixed Iron Valiant and Choice Scarf users like Tapu Lele and Urshifu-R even with the Speed boost. Therefore, Pokemon that can switch into these Pokemon such as Mega Scizor for Tapu Lele and Kartana and Dragonite for Urshifu-R are appreciated. Great Tusk is weak to special attackers like the aforementioned Iron Valiant, Tapu Lele, Terapagos, and Volcarona, so Pokemon like Kingambit, Raging Bolt, Roaring Moon and your own Terapagos can be useful. Great Tusk also thuds into Pokemon that can take both of its moves, like Ogerpon-W, Moltres, Slowbro, and Alomomola, so Pokemon like your own Ogerpon-W, Raging Bolt, and Gholdengo are great partners that can chip down these Pokemon for Great Tusk to sweep.
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Bulk Up (Great Tusk) @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Headlong Rush
- Ice Spinner
- Rapid Spin
- Bulk Up
Great Tusk's already great Attack and physical bulk combined with Bulk Up make it a premier setup sweeper that can use its bulk to set up with ease on Pokemon like Dragonite, Garchomp, and Mega Scizor. Ice Spinner takes care of most Pokemon immune to Headlong Rush like Landorus-T, Zapdos, Mega Latios, and Gliscor, among others, while also dealing with Grass-types like Rillaboom and Meowscarada. Rapid Spin is an amazing utility move for Great Tusk, as the extra boosts to Great Tusk's Speed help it avoid revenge killing attempts from Speed Booster Energy Iron Valiant and Choice Scarf Tapu Lele and let it boost Speed after its Booster Energy is used up. Rapid Spin also removes entry hazards for Great Tusk's teammates to clean up after it. The EV spread guarantees Great Tusk gains a Speed boost from its Booster Energy, allowing it to threaten Pokemon it would normally be threatened by, like Mega Diancie, Dragapult, and Mega Medicham.
Bulk Up sets are most commonly used on hyper offense teams that appreciate another setup sweeper that can threaten common Pokemon like Landorus-T, Kingambit, and Raging Bolt for its teammates to cleave through. These teams also appreciate Great Tusk's ability to remove entry hazards, which is extremely helpful for Pokemon like Mega Charizard Y and Z-Move Dragonite. Great Tusk is easily revenge killed by Pokemon like mixed Iron Valiant and Choice Scarf users like Tapu Lele and Urshifu-R even with the Speed boost. Therefore, Pokemon that can switch into these Pokemon such as Mega Scizor for Tapu Lele and Kartana and Dragonite for Urshifu-R are appreciated. Great Tusk is weak to special attackers like the aforementioned Iron Valiant, Tapu Lele, Terapagos, and Volcarona, so Pokemon like Kingambit, Raging Bolt, Roaring Moon and your own Terapagos can be useful. Great Tusk also thuds into Pokemon that can take both of its moves, like Ogerpon-W, Moltres, Slowbro, and Alomomola, so Pokemon like your own Ogerpon-W, Raging Bolt, and Gholdengo are great partners that can chip down these Pokemon for Great Tusk to sweep.
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