I talk too much

I talk too much. Not in a 'blabbermouth' sense though, it's more like that I don't usually think before I talk and end up saying what shouldn't be said.
In the past week, I've hurt two of my best friends because I either talked too much or let something slip by my tongue, and I've come to think that this is a problem i should focus on eliminating...
One other thing I'm hoping to reduce is on badmouthing people from behind. It's one of my greatest flaws, and while I do feel like a spineless fuck when doing it, I just can't stop.
Does anyone else here feel like this, here? Are there any special ways to try and reduce this shit (except the obvious "think before you talk" answer)?
it's called foot in mouth syndrome.

the easiest way to avoid telling people shit you shouldn't tell them is to just avoid talking to them about important shit. eventually you learn to only talk about things that matter with people that you trust and at that point you don't have to deal with saying something stupid accidentally.

i have the same issue but that's how i deal with it : p.
I have the same issue as well, but I don't do what cloud does. While I'm talking to a person, I just continually tell myself in my head what I shouldn't say to them, so that if it comes up and I feel like saying it, I know I shouldn't. It keeps it fresh in my brain so I don't forget.
Eh, I have the opposite; I generally just THINK of what to say, but never say something.

I suggest trying a balance?Like...stop talking for a while, and elaborate your answer/arguement/etc.