UU Hydrapple


A bunch of contradictions all in one
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Hydrapple @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 96 Def / 164 SpA
IVs: 0 Atk
Tera Type: Steel
Modest Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Giga Drain
- Draco Meteor / Fickle Beam
- Earth Power

The seven-headed serpent terrorizes UU! With Nasty Plot, Hydrapple is a great setup sweeper, being able to set up on Excadrill, Slowking, and Barraskewda. Draco Meteor is Hydrapple's strongest STAB option, OHKOing Latios and Tornadus-T without a boost and Zapdos at +2. Alternatively, Fickle Beam can be used as a more accurate option that does not harshly lower special attack, and can potentially be more powerful than Draco Meteor; however, it lacks immediate power. Earth Power is a great and mandatory coverage option that allows Hydrapple to deal with foes such as Tinkaton and Hisuian Arcanine. Tera Steel enables Hydrapple to set up on Pokemon such as Azumarill, Tornadus-T, and Ogerpon-C while flipping its matchup against Latios and Zapdos. This EV spread lets Hydrapple avoid getting OHKOed by Zapdos's Hurricane and 2HKOed by Keldeo's Secret Sword as well as boosting the odds of it OHKOing Assault Vest Tornadus-T after Stealth Rock. Hydrapple has a lot of trouble with Flying- and Bug-types such as Tornadus-T, Lokix, and Scizor, so teammates that can help out with them such as Tinkaton and Skeledirge are appreciated. In return, Hydrapple helps to check Ground-types such as Excadrill and Sandy Shocks, which trouble these potential partners.
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hello hello

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Hydrapple @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 96 Def / 164 SpA
IVs: 0 Atk
Tera Type: Steel
Modest Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Giga Drain
- Draco Meteor / Fickle Beam
- Earth Power

A hydra is back in UU! (tbh this is not the most eye-catching thing so if you can find something cooler for an opening statement i'd rock with it.) With Nasty Plot, Hydrapple is a great setup sweeper in UU, being able to set up on Excadrill, Slowking lacking Ice Beam Slowking doesn't use Ice Beam commonly enough to mention it, just Slowking is fine. and Barraskewda. Draco Meteor is the preferred stab Hydrapple's strongest STAB option, being able to OHKO Latios and Tornadus-T without boosting and Zapdos at +2. just good to note its power in this too, i'd also add in Torn-T since thats another mon Apple can struggle with it opts for Fickle Beam Alternatively, Fickle Beam can be used as a more consistent option that does not harshly lower Special Attack. Add in the fact that it can sometimes be super powerful when it goes all-out, but lacks the immediate power of Draco. Earth Power is mandatory as it allows Hydrapple to deal with Tinkaton and Arcanine-H, as well as acting as a great coverage option. Tera Steel enables Hydapple to set up on Pokemon that it otherwise would not, such as Azumarill, Latios lacking Aura Sphere, Tornadus-T and Ogerpon-C, while flipping its match up on Latios and Zapdos. The listed This EV spread lets Hydrapple avoid the getting OHKO'd from Zapdos' Hurricane or 2HKO'd from Keldeo's Secret Sword while as well as boosting the odds of OHKOing Assault Vest Tornadus-T after Stealth Rock. Hydrapple has a lot of trouble with flying and bug types Flying- and Bug-types such as Tornadus-T, Lokix, and Scizor, so teammates that can help out with them such as Tinkaton and Skeledirge are appreciated. In turn, Hydrapple helps to check Ground-types such as Excadrill and Sandy Shocks who trouble them. aforementioned partners.

lmk when this is done and i'll stamp it!
looking good! approved
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Hydrapple @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 96 Def / 164 SpA
IVs: 0 Atk
Tera Type: Steel
Modest Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Giga Drain
- Draco Meteor / Fickle Beam
- Earth Power

The seven headed seven-headed serpent terrorizes UU! With Nasty Plot, Hydrapple is a great setup sweeper in UU, being able to set up on Excadrill, Slowking, and Barraskewda. Draco Meteor is Hydrapple's strongest STAB option, being able to OHKO OHKOing Latios and Tornadus-T without boosting a boost and Zapdos at +2. Alternatively, Fickle Beam can be used as a more consistent (maybe replace consistent with accurate if that's what you mean? "consistent" doesn't really fit with the variable Base Power) option that does not harshly lower special attack, Special Attack and can potentially be more powerful than Draco Meteor, Meteor; however, it lacks immediate power. Earth Power is mandatory, (comma) as it allows Hydrapple to deal with Tinkaton and Arcanine-H Hisuian Arcanine as well as acting as a great coverage option. (against what? or would rewording this sentence to "Earth Power is a great/mandatory coverage option that allows Hydrapple to deal with foes such as Tinkaton and Hisuian Arcanine." work if you want to only mention those examples while implying there's more?) Tera Steel enables Hydapple Hydrapple to set up on Pokemon such as Azumarill, Tornadus-T, and Ogerpon-C while flipping its matchup against Latios and Zapdos. This EV spread lets Hydrapple avoid getting OHKO'd from Zapdos' hurricane or 2HKO'd from OHKOed by Zapdos's Hurricane and 2HKOed by Keldeo's Secret Sword as well as boosting the odds of it OHKOing Assault Vest Tornadus-T after Stealth Rock. Hydrapple has a lot of trouble with Flying- and Bug- types Bug-types such as Tornadus-T, Lokix, and Scizor, so teammates that can help out with them such as Tinkaton and Skeledirge are apreciated appreciated. In turn return, Hydrapple helps to check ground-types Ground-types such as Excadrill and Sandy Shocks, (comma) who which trouble them these potential partners.

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