Concept Name: Rags to Riches
Pokemon Name: Parasect
Typing: Bug / Ghost
Stats: 75 / 120 / 75 / 70 / 75 / 75 (490 BST)
Abilities: Effect Spore / Water Absorb
Notable Moves: Spore, Lunge*, Shadow Ball, Swords Dance, Stun Spore, Knock Off*, Hidden Power Rock/Fighting
How It Fulfills the Concept: Shedinja doesn't actually show how cool Bug/Ghost is in this meta, so Parasect is here to do it. Between Spore, Lunge, Stun Spore and Knock Off, Parasect is deceptively hard to switch into, and it forces a lot of switches which is amazing for a Spikes meta. Bug is also a great type for this meta, hitting Ttar and Celebi hard. We all know how amazing Ghost is as well. Not only does it passively block Rapid Spin, it's also a great offensive type for dealing with all of the Ghosts we've added to the meta.
Concept Name: Viable NFE
Pokémon Name: Torracat (feat. Incineroar)
Typing: Fire (Torracat) -> Fire/Dark (Incineroar)
Torracat: 65/50/60/95/85/125 (Atk & SpD swapped, +10 Def, +15 SpA, +35 Spe)
Incineroar: 95/90/90/105/90/60 (Atk & SpA swapped, +10 Atk, -10 SpA)
Abilities: Blaze / Intimidate (both)
Notable Moves: (for simplicity with some of the bluffs I'm giving Torracat, just assume that they have the same movepool)
Earthquake, Cross Chop, Acrobatics (Superpower removed)![]()
Fire Blast, Overheat, Thunder Punch, Crunch, Dragon Claw, Hidden Power Grass, Knock Off, Foul Play![]()
Baton Pass, Will-O-Wisp, Growth, Taunt, Swords Dance; Rest, Sleep Talk, Roar![]()
How It Fulfills the Concept: Kinda wish I did Incineroar with Parting Shot for Suddenly Signature Move so I wouldn't have to give yet another thing Baton Pass, but anyway, Torracat and Incineroar offer two takes on offensive pivots. Torracat's 125 Speed outspeeds everything relevant except for Aero, Jolteon, TFlame, and Deoxys, letting it get off decently strong Fire Blasts and Thunder Punches or get off a fast Will-O-Wisp. It's a bit similar to Talonflame but trades higher bulk, a Ground immunity, Rapid Spin, ability to run physical sets, and recovery for more Special power, Baton Pass pivoting, Knock Off, better ability in Intimidate and better coverage. Basically, Talonflame is more equipped to stay on the field for awhile while Torracat keeps the tempo up
Meanwhile, Incineroar's great 95/90/90 bulk and interesting Fire/Dark-typing that lets it take on Celebi, Ledian, Girafarig, and Skarmory among others plus Intimidate and ability to take advantage of forced switches with a slow Baton Pass makes Incineroar a great bulky pivot with powerful Special STABs in Fire Blast and Crunch and has just enough Attack to viably run HP Bug, EQ, or Cross Chop
Torracat @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Hidden Power Grass / Thunder Punch
- Will-O-Wisp
- Baton Pass
Incineroar @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
- Fire Blast
- Crunch / Hidden Power Grass
- Cross Chop / Will-O-Wisp / Hidden Power Grass / Roar
- Baton Pass
Concept Name: Overshadowed Ability
Ability Name: Analytic
Effects: "If a Pokémon with Analytic executes its move after all other Pokémon have made their move, the power of its move is increased by 30%." (This includes when the opponent switches, whether manually or with Baton Pass.)
Distributed to:Armaldo,
Mr. Mime,
Sandslash, and
Sylveon (replaces Cute Charm).
Justification: Since "Spinner that Beats Ghost" has failed to win a Concept Slate at least twice in a row and since turning Cryogonal Emo didn't take either, I figure that going with an ability that punishes switching the exact opposite way of Pursuit does and sticking it mostly on mons that want to Rapid Spin but tend to just have Ghosts switch into them seems a decent way to go. That it incidentally also helps to punish Baton Pass a bit, even on "dry" passes, also seems good.
I could probably safely give it to a few more mons, but I wanted to avoid giving it to anything with Explosion or Self-Destruct, which is why Claydol and Forretress are left out despite also being Rapid Spinners. Starmie and Talonflame get skipped since I'm unsure about their power right now, though Starmie might be fine with it given neither Life Orb or Psyshock exist currently even though Expert Belt now does. Hitmontop didn't get it mostly so that Hitmonchan could actually distinguish itself for once since I forgot Hitmonchan doesn't even have the completely underwhelming Iron Fist this gen, just Keen Eye. Porygon2 got it for the sake of history and currently being in the new UU unlike Magneton or Starmie; Porygon2 also only has one ability unlike those two since Download doesn't currently exist. Sylveon got it in an attempt to make amends for its apparent weakness due to it in theory wanting to take advantage of Curse and arguably fitting the flavor of its feelers; Cute Charm is basically worthless anyway (since we already know it's cute). Finally, both Mr. Mime and Ninjask got Analytic just to be thrown a bone for being nerfed early on for their own Baton Pass super-degeneracy even if Ninjask can't make good use of it at all outside hoping its opponents switch--Mr. Mime probably isn't much better.
Concept Name: Non-Ice Hail Teammate
Pokemon Name: Dusclops
Stats: 050 HP (+10) / 075 Atk (+05) / 130 Def / 075 SpA (+15) / 130 SpD / 045 Spe (+20) {455 BST → 505 BST}
Abilities: Pressure / Ice Body*
Notable Moves: (Ignores all of the basically universal moves like Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Substitute, Toxic, etc.)
Body Slam, Brick Break**, Counter**, Earthquake, Focus Punch, Night Shade, Rock Slide, Seismic Toss, Shadow Ball![]()
Blizzard, Fire Punch, Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Psychic, Pursuit, Sucker Punch**, Thunder Punch![]()
Calm Mind, Destiny Bond, Grudge, Haze**, Memento, Mean Look, Pain Split, Snatch, Taunt, Torment, Will-O-Wisp![]()
How It Fulfills the Concept: I'm just going to lazily resub my entry for Hail Abuser from last Slate since the only other three ideas I have right now are, respectively, likely better used as one of the more sensible New Gen Mythicals, very close to an old sub by someone else from Slate 01, and rather dubious given Guzzlord was just added. So go punish yourself with my stupid blathering there if you want since nothing has really changed other than that giving this 45 Speed turned out to a nice coincidence given it also makes this Dusclops just barely faster than He Of Primes, Guzzlord, and that this would have had Ice Shard if it had won over double buffing Delibird. I think I'll forego giving it Ice Shard...for now. (If anyone wants this as their Rewind entry for some reason, then feel free. I'm sure I can come up with something to replace it if need be.)
Concept Name: Be Kind, Please Rewind
Pokemon Name: Glaceon
Typing: Ice
Stats: 65 HP / 60 Atk / 115 Def / 130 SpA / 95 SpD / 65 Speed
Abilities: Ice Body / Compound Eyes
(Compound Eyes reminder: Compound Eyes multiplies the Pokémon’s accuracy to a 130% of normal. For example, Blizzard’s 70% Accuracy becomes 91%, and Lovely Kiss‘s 75% becomes 98%.)
Notable Moves: Blizzard, Ice Beam, Hidden Power Fire/Electric/Grass, Toxic
Added Moves: Surf, Lovely Kiss, Haze, Ice Ball, Hydro Pump, Super Fang, Weather Ball, Recover, Calm Mind
How It Fulfills the Concept: A resub from last slate, this time with emphais of Compound Eyes. Glaceon, although a slow Ice-type, got decent bulk and by far the highest Special Attack of all Ice-type, boasting the strongest Ice Beam, and especially Blizzard through Compound Eyes. A 120 BP STAB Ice-type move with an acceptable 91% accuracy means it will hit hard with that 130 base Special Attack, making a destructive wallbreaker.
At the moment, Ice Body isn’t worth using anyways considering you have Tyranitar to deal with. Lovely Kiss may not be entirely 100% accurate unlike Spore, but Spore can be ignored by Overcoat, but that Ability is practically useless against other sleep-inducng moves which includes a 98% accurate Lovely Kiss. This makes switching extremely risky, which means even Metagross and Tyranitar are not viable considered as viable switch-in unless you already have a teammate that got asleep. Not even Chansey wants to waste time with it, lest it will allows Magic Guard Sableye to switch in!
Concept Name: Bad Typing Juggernaut
Pokemon Name: Mr. Rime
Typing: Psychic / Ice
Stats: 80 HP / 65 Atk / 75 Def / 110 SpA / 100 SpD / 90 Speed
Abilities: Overcoat / Trace
Notable Moves: Ice Beam, Psychic, Calm Mind, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Rapid Spin, Light Screen, Reflect, Slack Off, Ice Shard, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Fake Out, Confuse Ray, Baton Pass
Added Moves: Hidden Power (preferably Fighitng, Fire or Grass), Toxic
How It Fulfills the Concept: With better base Speed and gained access to Hidden Power and Toxic, Mr. Rime will be a powerful threat in Hoenn Gaiden with priority STAB in the form of Ice Shard, Sucker Punch calculated on its Special Attack, access of Slack Off, Rapid Spin and dual screens for Support, and using Trace to mess up with walls or punish Intimdiate users. It’s Ice / Psychic type is not a good defensive typing, but can turn the tide if used correctly as an offensive typing.
Concept Name: Newer Gen Legendary
Pokemon Name: Uxie
Typing: Psychic
Stats: 75 HP / 75 Atk / 130 Def / 75 SpA / 130 SpD / 95 Speed
Abilities: Levitate
Notable Moves: Memento, Yawn, Calm Mind, Protect, Substitute, Thunder Wave, Knock Off, Toxic, Heal Bell, Psychic, Amnesia, Rest + Sleep Talk, Light Screen, Reflect, Imprison, Foul Play, Thunderbolt, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Giga Drain
Added Moves: Recover
How It Fulfills the Concept: Uxie‘s bulk is more impressive in Gen 3 than in later Generations, with tools like Memento, Yawn, Thunder Wave, Light Screen, Reflect, Foul Play, Heal Bell and Knock Off giving it versatility as a wall. 95 Speed is also speedy for a defensive-oriented Pokémon, allowing it to utilize Foul Play against slower non-Dark Calm Mind users.
We will now enter a slightly longer discussion phase than usual as council prepares for a special surprise for Slate 10!
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