Heracross is a nice option for Bug-type teams thanks to its high Attack, average Speed, and Fighting typing, which is mandatory for Bug teams to deal with otherwise troublesome Rock- and Steel-types like Tyranitar and Heatran. Further, Heracross has two incredible abilities in Guts and Moxie. The first turns it into a powerful Flame Orb wallbreaker that freely switches into status moves like Will-O-Wisp from Galarian Corsola, while the latter greatly improves its sweeping potential. Its Speed tier is average, but enough for threats like Heatran, Tapu Bulu, and Diggersby and tying with Nidoking. However, Heracross is slower than problematic Pokemon like Tapu Lele and Victini, and Choice Scarf sets are slower than other Choice Scarf users like Latias and Blacephalon. Heracross has to face the competition of Buzzwole, which has better bulk, higher Attack, Beast Boost, and a wider range of coverage options like Ice Punch and Thunder Punch. However, Heracross is faster than Buzzwole and can match Beast Boost with Moxie or use Guts to absorb burns, which cripple Buzzwole.
name: Wallbreaker (Bug)
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Facade / Earthquake
move 4: Knock Off
item: Flame Orb
ability: Guts
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Guts Heracross is a good mid-game wallbreaker that enables Bug teammates like Scizor to clean late-game. It can also switch into status moves like Will-O-Wisp for teammates like Scizor and Buzzwole. Swords Dance lets Heracross break through staple walls like Toxapex, Skarmory, and Celesteela. Facade takes advantage of Flame Orb to nail some troublesome Fairy- and Poison-types like Hatterene, Amoonguss, and especially Galarian Weezing. Earthquake is an option over Facade to hit Poison-types that resist Close Combat, OHKOing Toxapex after Swords Dance, and Steel-types that are not worried about Close Combat like Aegislash. Knock Off cripples annoying switch-ins like Galarian Corsola and defensive Pokemon that rely solely on Leftovers or Black Sludge for recovery, like defensive Landorus-T, Seismitoad, and Swampert. It can also deal a lot of damage to defensive Pokemon like Slowbro. Maximum Speed investment alongside a Jolly nature allows Heracross to outspeed some key threats like Heatran. An Adamant nature is an alternative to 2HKO Toxapex and Galarian Weezing with Facade after Stealth Rock damage.
Shuckle and Araquanid are great partners for Heracross, as their Sticky Web allows Heracross to outspeed faster threats like Tapu Lele and Victini. Shuckle can also weaken opposing teams with Stealth Rock and Knock Off, while Araquanid can deal with most Fire-types like Volcarona. Scizor and Scolipede are incredible setup sweepers that can handle otherwise problematic Fairy-types like Clefable, Tapu Bulu, and Alolan Ninetales. In return, Heracross can absorb burns directed to Scizor and Scolipede. Volcarona can deal with physical walls such as Skarmory and Celesteela. In return, Heracross takes care of specially defensive Pokemon like Heatran and Rock- and Normal-types like Tyranitar and Blissey. While Buzzwole has the same typing as Heracross, it is also a good partner and an incredible Choice Scarf user for Bug teams. Heracross can weaken Pokemon mid-game, while Beast Boost Buzzwole can be a deadly late-game cleaner and take on Flying-types like Mantine and Landorus-T with Thunder Punch or Ice Punch. Furthermore, they can easily overpower their shared checks like Landorus-T. Galvantula helps against Flying- and Water-types like Skarmory, Mandibuzz, and Toxapex, which are otherwise complicated to face for Bug-type teams. Lastly, Quiver Dance Ribombee can be used to deal with some problematic Dragon-types for Heracross.
name: Choice Scarf (Bug)
move 1: Megahorn
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Knock Off
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Moxie
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Choice Scarf Heracross is a deadly cleaner for Bug-type teams thanks to its high Attack, usable Speed, and Moxie. Megahorn can be spammed against Psychic- and Dark-type Pokemon like Mew, Alakazam, Zarude, and Hydreigon to get some KOs, boosting Heracross's Attack to unstoppable levels. It can also deal a lot of damage against neutral targets like Swampert and Gastrodon. Close Combat is its most consistent STAB attack. Stone Edge is used to nail Flying-types like Moltres and Mantine, which resist both of its STAB moves, and Fire-types such as Cinderace and Volcarona, which otherwise can be very threatening to Bug-type teams. Knock Off cripples item-reliant switch-ins like Galarian Corsola, Landorus-T, and Swampert. It also hits hit Ghost-types like Aegislash and Galarian Corsola. As a fast cleaner, Heracross must be kept from being burned or paralyzed. Maximum Speed investment alongside a Jolly nature allows Heracross to outpace the entire unboosted metagame bar Regieleki.
Shuckle supports Heracross by setting Stealth Rock and Sticky Web, allowing it to outspeed opposing Choice Scarf users such as Blacephalon and Weavile. Araquanid is an alternative Sticky Web setter, and it can improve the matchup against Fire teams and switch into Will-O-Wisp users like Galarian Corsola and Mew. Galvantula can help Heracross in the Water and Flying matchups thanks to Thunder and Energy Ball nailing Heracross walls like Toxapex, Skarmory, Seismitoad, and Gastrodon. Scizor and Volcarona are excellent setup sweepers that can weaken the opposition for Heracross to clean or clean up themselves in Heracross's wake. In return, Heracross can revenge kill Fire- and Rock-type threats like unboosted Volcarona and Tyranitar. In addiction, Scizor can deal with threats like Nihilego with its Bullet Punch, while Volcarona can handle physical walls that Heracross struggles against like Corviknight and Amoonguss. Ribombee is another good teammate that's mainly used for the Dragon matchup, being able to weaken most Dragon-type teams after Quiver Dance.
Other Options
Heracross has no viable other options.
Checks and Counters
**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types like Clefable, Azumarill, and Tapu Fini resist both of Heracross's STAB moves and Knock Off, and they easily KO it with their STAB moves. However, slower Fairy-types must be careful of Facade, especially after a Swords Dance boost.
**Bulky Poison-types**: Defensive Poison-types like Toxapex, Amoonguss, and Galarian Weezing can easily check Heracross. However, Facade severely dents them and Toxapex fears a 2HKO from Guts Heracross's Earthquake.
**Bulky Flying-types**: Bulky Flying-types like Skarmory and Zapdos can easily switch in into Choice Scarf Heracross's STAB moves, and Skarmory can also threaten it with Brave Bird or use it to set up entry hazards. However, both of them have problems with Guts Heracross, and Zapdos needs to be wary of Stone Edge from Choice Scarf Heracross.
**Revenge Killers**: Faster Choice Scarf users like Tapu Lele and Blacephalon can easily revenge kill Choice Scarf Heracross. Furthermore, Close Combat's defense drops leave Heracross more susceptible to being revenge killed by priority moves.
**Status**: Burns and paralysis from Pokemon like Galarian Corsola and Klefki limit Choice Scarf Heracross's ability to revenge kill and clean.
- Written by: [[Mihowk, 461046]]
- Bug analysis by: [[Mihowk, 461046]]
- Quality checked by: [[maroon, 305839], [DugZa, 473171], [Harpp, 320110]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Finland, 517429], [CryoGyro, 331519]]
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