Approved Healthy Obsession For Articles

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"to sea, or not to sea" ~Melodramatic Sailor
If the name was too vague to go over what the general topic of this is going to be about, then here it is: The Health&Fitness room (Seems like all I know how to talk about, rooms.)

Basically, what I'll be going over is what the room is about, what all the terms Health&Fitness encompasses, and the events/challenges that are set up for the regular users of the room.

I may also go over some common misconceptions involving both the room, and fitness in general were I to find the time. Could also see some pointers for beginners going on in there.

And we cannot forgot one of the BiGGiE's that would be going on: How exactly a room like this would be eligible as a topic on a Pokemon simulator. All that and more, back to you Barbara. (?)
Just wondering, does jdarden and/or h_n_g_m_n know about this article? It's wise to get permission from both of the Room Owners before making an article submission about a room, unless you're a Room Owner yourself.
Ohsnap, I forgot to put that user: h_n_g_m_n approval'd it. Lemme grab the most basic form of those logs.
[18:04:07] North Dakota: User: h_n_g_m_n, would you be fine with me writing an article about what Health & Fitness is and go a bit in-depth on it for The Player? (Not sure if I ever told you this alt or if you knew it, so am slayerwithdanumbers in case)
[18:05:02] +h_n_g_m_n: User: North Dakota I would be totally fine with that

(I'm totally not North Dakota?)
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