1v1 Haxorus (QC 4/3) (GP 2/2) DONE

There really isnt???? Im tired of going back and forth even when another qc member gives me a second 2/3. Its getting really stupid, at most this has gp issues.
If your analysis is going back and forth then clearly this isn't the problem of the QCers. As a newer writer, at least I'm assuming you are, you'll often have QCers being extremely strict on you, to ensure higher quality. If you have any issues with the initial reset of this analysis and it being held back, then PM me instead of moaning about it in the thread; especially at people who are taking the time out of their day to check it. AM checks do not have to be implemented by the way, so don't if you disagree with them.
If your analysis is going back and forth then clearly this isn't the problem of the QCers. As a newer writer, at least I'm assuming you are, you'll often have QCers being extremely strict on you, to ensure higher quality. If you have any issues with the initial reset of this analysis and it being held back, then PM me instead of moaning about it in the thread; especially at people who are taking the time out of their day to check it. AM checks do not have to be implemented by the way, so don't if you disagree with them.

Im not a new writer, I have written an analysis before, have anothet in gp and another thats about to enter gp. Thing is we been going back and forth since August and im fucking tired of it.
Im not a new writer, I have written an analysis before, have anothet in gp and another thats about to enter gp. Thing is we been going back and forth since August and im fucking tired of it.
If a QCer says there's still stuff to go through, you listen to them. If you really disagree then bring up your issues via PM with me. Some analyses take a long time, there's zero point complaining about it.


Haxorus is one of the few viable Pokemon that have the ability Mold Breaker, which is important as this allows Haxorus to bypass abilities like Multiscale and Sturdy from common Pokemon like Dragonite, and Magnezone. Haxorus' pure Dragon typing allows it to only have three weaknesses, and one resistance which allows it to take on alot of Pokemon in the meta, even its weaknesses thanks to its vast movepool. Haxorus' high BP from its moves like Outrage, Iron Tail and Superpower allows it to wallbreak Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, and Tyranitar give an example of something Iron Tail takes care off as well thanks to its high Attack stat. However, Haxorus does suffer from mediocre HP and it's Special Defense and Defense stat which means it cannot live a hit from a Z-move, or live a super effective attack like?. Furthermore, Haxorus has an awkward Speed tier that allows it to outpace Tapu Lele, but it cannot outpace Pokemon like Mega Charizard X without losing power from being Choice Scarf. It is also outclassed by other Mold Breaker Pokemon like Mega Gyarados due to its pre-mega ability Intimidate before mega evolving allows it to check Physical attackers like Landorus-T, and take care of Sturdy Pokemon like Magnezone thanks to its Earthquake. It can also take care of Pokemon that Haxorus cannot take care of like Donphan.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Iron Tail
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Rock Slide / Superpower
item: Choice Band
ability: Mold Breaker
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Outrage is a powerful STAB attack that can break Pokemon that does not outspeed, or resist Dragon-type attacks like Mega Venusaur, Mega Blastoise 252 Atk Choice Band Mold Breaker Haxorus Outrage vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Blastoise-Mega: 276-325 (76.2 - 89.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO , and Quagsire
252 Atk Choice Band Mold Breaker Haxorus Outrage vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Quagsire: 258-304 (65.4 - 77.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Mold Breaker Haxorus Outrage vs. +1 252 HP / 252+ Def Quagsire: 172-204 (43.6 - 51.7%) -- 10.5% chance to 2HKO
Quagsire wins

. Iron Tail can lure Fairy-types like Tapu Lele and Tapu Bulu that allows Haxorus to easily KO them, however, its low accuracy can be problematic. Earthquake is for the common Rock-, Electric- and Steel-types like Magnezone, and Excadrill Give an example of a Rock-Type. Rock Slide is Charizard no it's not I think you want to say "Rock Slide defeats Charizard"that chooses to not to mega evolve into Mega Charizard X right away and Mega Charizard Y. While Rock Slide deals with Charizard which is commonly found, Superpower can break Pokemon like Air Balloon Heatran and Ferrothorn Any Ferrothorn with more than 248/52+ defense bulk and 88 Atk investment wins.

Set Details

A Jolly nature to outpace key Pokemon like Tapu Lele. The ability Mold Breaker allows it to bypass abilities like Sturdy and Multiscale from Pokemon like Golem and Dragonite. Maximum EVs in Attack and Speed investment make Haxorus as fast and hard-hitting as possible, while Choice Band boosts its attack, even more, allowing to break through defensive Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, Type:Null, and Ferrothorn see what I wrote above.

Usage Tips

Do not send in Haxorus against Intimidate users like Landorus-T and Gyrarados as Haxorus will not be able to KO these Pokémon before it gets OHKOed. Be wary of sleep users like Jumpluff as it outspeeds Haxorus and uses Substitute and Leech Seed to drain it out of its HP. Send it in against Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, Zygarde, and Magnezone as these are common Pokemon that Haoxrus can beat from using Outrage, or in Magnezone's case Earthquake. Clicking Outrage is the play most of the time due to how powerful it is unless another move is super-effective against the Pokemon Haxorus is facing that can do more damage. Make sure that your opponent does not have a Dragon- or Ice-type move on the team like Zeraora, or Genesect as both these outspeed and can OHKO Haxorus. Do not send it out against bulky Pokemon like Mega Slowbro and Mega Aggron as both of these have high defense stats and easily beat Haxorus.

Team Options

Special Choice Scarf attackers like Porygon-Z can help take care of threats like Landorus-T, Genesect, and Mega Lopunny that Haxorus cannot outspeed or OHKO. Special attackers like Meloetta, Genesect, and Zeraora can help break threats like Mega Slowbro and Mew. Sturdy Pokemon like Magnezone, and Donphan and pokemon like Genesect can help deal with Meloetta, and Naganadel. They can also be used to get fast Choice Scarfers like Garchomp, Genesect, and Porygon-Z. Steel-type Pokemon like Mega Metagross, Mega Scizor, and Ferrothorn check Fairy-types like Tapu Bulu, Tapu Lele, and Mega Gardevoir more reliably as Haxorus' Iron Tail has a chance to miss. It also help with other Pokemon like Mega Gyarados, and Chansey. Jumpluff is a good Pokémon to pair with Haxorus as it can beat Pokemon like Aegislash, non-Rock Blast Golem, and Mega Metagross with its Substitute, Sleep Powder, and Leech Seed set. Tapu Fini is another good Pokemon to pair with Haxorus as it helps with Pokemon like Garchomp, Donphan, and Mega Sableye.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Iron Tail
move 3: Rock Slide
move 4: Superpower / Earthquake
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Mold Breaker
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Outrage is a strong STAB attack that can be used against other Dragon-types like Garchomp, Zygarde-C, and Naganadel, or other Pokemon that take neutral damage from it like Mega Venusaur, and Greninja. Iron Tail allows Haxorus to check Fairy-types like Tapu Bulu and Tapu Lele, however, its low accuracy could be an issue. Rock Slide hits Pokemon like Mega Charizard X that doesn't mega evolve, Mega Charizard Y and Mega Pinsir. Earthquake allows it to hit common Steel-type Pokemon like Magnezone and Excadrill. Superpower allows it to KO Steel-types like Air Balloon Heatran.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investment make Haxorus as fast and hard-hitting as possible. Its item Choice Scarf allows it to outpace common Pokemon that would normally outspeed it and KO it like Mega Lopunny, Mega Lucario and Greninja. A Jolly Nature allows Haxorus to outpace Choice Scarf Porygon-Z. An Adamant nature allows Haxorus to hit harder and secure a KO on Mega Venusaur. Its ability in Mold Breaker allows it to bypass abilities like Disguise, and Multiscale from Pokemon like Magnezone, and Dragonite.

Usage Tips

Be wary of Choice Scarf Pokemon that outspeed Haxorus such as Genesect and Naganadel. Do send it in against slow Pokemon like Magnezone, and Dragonite as Mold Breaker ignores their abilities. Be careful around Iron Defense Pokemon users like Mega Slowbro and Magearna as Haxorus cannot beat them. Do not send it against common Intimidate users like Landorus-T and Mega Mawile as Haxorus cannot beat these. Do send it against Water-types like Greninja, Volcanion, and Manaphy it can't ohko Manaphyas it can outpace both of these and KO them. It can also take care of Pokemon thanks to its Choice Scarf such as Mega Lopunny, and Zeraora.

Team Options

Jumpluff is a good teammate for Haxorus in order to make Pokemon like Magearna and Landorus-T fall asleep and stall them out with Substitute and Leech Seed. Slowbro can beat physical attackers Haxorus cannot beat such as Landorus-T, Golem, and Mega Metagross. Sturdy Pokemon like Skarmory can take on Greninja, Meloetta, and Ferrothorn for Haxorus. Skarmory with Counter and can also take on Mega Gyarados. Common Z-move users like Tapu Bulu can help take on threats for Haxorus such as Tapu Fini, Primarina, and Mega Slowbro. Tapu Lele can beat Mega Gyarados and Landorus-T which both threaten Haxorus. Zeraora can help with Water-type Pokemon like Slowbro, Greninja, and Tapu Fini. It can also beat Steel-type Pokemon like Celesteela which Haxorus cannot take on. Mega Aggron can be used to help with Tapu Fini, and Mega Metagross as Aggron’s Sturdy allows it to hit both of these back and OHKO them rephrase this to:as Aggron's Sturdy allows it to take any hit and Metal Burst back,or utilize Curse and Rest to succesfully outstall Mega Metagross.

Other Options

Dragonium-Z can be used from Outrage to have a powerful STAB Z-crystal with setting up with Dragon Dance or Swords Dance, but it causes Haxorus to lose out on the raw power from Choice Band or has its Speed boosted from Choice Scarf. Waterium-Z used from Aqua Tail can be used to help KO common Pokémon like Donphan and Golem, but this means thats Haxorus will not be running Iron Tail to take care of common Fairy-types like Tapu Lele, and Tapu Bulu. Poisonium Z can be used from Poison Jab to lure in Fairy-types like Primarina, and Tapu Fini while also beating Pokemon it already can with running Iron Tail, but this means it cannot beat Pokemon like Charm Mega Venusaur due to losing out on its raw power from Choice Band, or outpacing Pokemon like Mega Lopunny with a Choice Scarf.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types like Mega Metagross, Skarmory, and Celesteela can take care of Haxorus due to them being able to easily take a hit, and KO back with its STAB or super effective moves.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types like Tapu Lele, Mega Gardevoir, and Tapu Bulu can take care of Haxorus if Iron Tail misses. Fairy-types that do not rely on a miss like Tapu Fini and Primarina can easily OHKO Haxorus as they can take a hit from any of it moves.

**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Pokemon like Porygon-Z with Hyper Beam can OHKO of Haxorus isn't running Jolly nature Choice Scarf, and Genesect with Ice Beam can OHKO Haxorus before it gets the chance to move.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: Bulky Pokemon like Mega Slowbro, Porygon2, Avalugg, and Chansey can easily eat any of Haxorus's attacks and stall it out or, in Chansey's case, Counter it. Intimidate Pokemon like Mega Gyarados, Mega Mawile and Landorus-T cut Haxorus' attack stat, allowing themselves to survive a hit and KO in return with their strong STAB or super effective moves. Pokemon like Mega Sableye and Mew use Will-O-Wisp to burn Haxorus, thereby halving its attack stat, making it easier for them to take multiple hits from Haxorus and eventually defeat it.

**Dragon-types**: Dragon-types like Garchomp and Naganadel can outspeed and OHKO Haxorus with its Dragon STAB unless Haxorus is Choice Scarf.

- Written by: [[Magma, 393488]]
- Quality checked by: [[Charizard8888, 333554], [MaceMaster, 302951], [dom, 280380], [,]]
- Grammar checked by: [[, ], [, ]]

If martha approves I think we can pass this over to GP

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Note - (RC) means remove comma.

Haxorus is one of the few viable Pokemon that have the ability Mold Breaker, which is important as this allows Haxorus allowing it to bypass abilities like Multiscale and Sturdy from common Pokemon like Dragonite(, remove comma) and Magnezone. Haxorus's pure Dragon typing allows gives it to only have three weaknesses(, remove comma) and one resistance,(add comma) which allows allowing it to take on a lot of Pokemon in the metagame, even with its weaknesses thanks to its vast movepool. Haxorus's high BP from its Base Power moves like Outrage, Iron Tail,(add comma) and Superpower allows it to wallbreak Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, Tapu Lele, and Mega Tyranitar thanks to its high Attack stat. However, Haxorus does suffer from mediocre HP,(add comma) and it's Special Defense,(add comma) and Defense stats which means it cannot live a hit from a Z-move, or live a super effective attack from Aegislash, Magearna, and Naganadel. Furthermore, Haxorus has an awkward Speed tier that allows it to outpace Tapu Lele, but it cannot outpace but not Pokemon like Mega Charizard X without losing power from being Choice Scarf. It is also outclassed by other Mold Breaker Pokemon like Mega Gyarados, which has the due to its pre-mega pre-Mega Evolution ability Intimidate, helping it before mega evolving allows it to check physical attackers like Landorus-T, and can also take care of Sturdy Pokemon like Magnezone thanks to its Earthquake. It can also take care of Pokemon that Haxorus cannot take care of,(add comma) like Donphan.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Iron Tail
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Rock Slide / Superpower
item: Choice Band
ability: Mold Breaker
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Outrage is a powerful STAB attack that can break down Pokemon that does not outspeed(, remove comma) Haxorus or resist Dragon-type attacks like Mega Venusaur and Umbreon. Iron Tail can hit lure Fairy-types like Tapu Lele and Tapu Bulu;(add semicolon) that allows Haxorus to easily KO them, however, its low accuracy can be problematic. Earthquake is for the common Rock-, Electric-,(add comma) and Steel-types like Mega Tyranitar, Magnezone, and Excadrill. Rock Slide defeats Mega Charizard Y and Charizard that chooses to not to Mega Evolve into Mega Charizard X right away and Mega Charizard Y. While Rock Slide deals with the commonly found Charizard which is commonly found, Superpower can break down Pokemon like Air Balloon Heatran.

Set Details

A Jolly nature is used to outpace key Pokemon like Tapu Lele. The ability Mold Breaker allows it to bypass abilities like Sturdy and Multiscale from Pokemon like Golem and Dragonite. Maximum EVs in Attack and Speed investment make Haxorus as fast and hard-hitting as powerful as possible, while Choice Band boosts its attack, Attack even more, allowing to break through defensive Pokemon like Mega Venusaur and Type:Null.

Usage Tips

Do not send in Haxorus against Intimidate users like Landorus-T and Gyrarados as Haxorus it will not be able to KO these Pokemon (don't use accented 'e' for C&C analyses) before it gets OHKOed. Be wary of sleep users like Jumpluff as it outspeeds Haxorus and uses Substitute and Leech Seed to drain it out of its HP. Send it in against Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, Zygarde, and Magnezone as these are common Pokemon that Haoxrus can beat from using Outrage, or in Magnezone's case,(add comma) Earthquake. Clicking Outrage is the play most of the time due to how powerful it is,(add comma) unless another move is super-effective against the Pokemon Haxorus is facing that (redundant) can do more damage. Make sure that your opponent does not have a Dragon- or Ice-type move on the team on Pokemon like Zeraora(remove comma) or Genesect,(add comma) as both these outspeed and can OHKO Haxorus. Do not send it out against bulky Pokemon like Mega Slowbro and Mega Aggron as both of these have high defense stats and easily beat Haxorus.

Team Options

Special Choice Scarf attackers like Porygon-Z can help take care of threats like Landorus-T, Genesect, and Mega Lopunny that Haxorus cannot outspeed or OHKO. Special attackers like Meloetta, Genesect, and Zeraora can help break down threats like Mega Slowbro and Mew. Sturdy Pokemon like Magnezone(RC) and Donphan and Pokemon like Genesect can help deal with Meloetta and Naganadel. They can also be used to get fast Choice Scarf users like Garchomp, Genesect, and Porygon-Z. Steel-type Pokemon like Mega Metagross, Mega Scizor, and Ferrothorn check Fairy-types like Tapu Bulu, Tapu Lele, and Mega Gardevoir more reliably as Haxorus's Iron Tail has a chance to miss. It also helps with other Pokemon like Mega Gyarados, and Chansey. Jumpluff is a good Pokemon (don't miss this) to pair with Haxorus as it can beat Pokemon like Aegislash, non-Rock Blast Golem, and Mega Metagross with its Substitute, Sleep Powder, and Leech Seed set. Tapu Fini is another good Pokemon to pair with Haxorus as it helps with Pokemon like Garchomp, Donphan, and Mega Sableye.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Iron Tail
move 3: Rock Slide
move 4: Superpower / Earthquake
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Mold Breaker
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Outrage is a strong STAB attack that can be used against other Dragon-types like Garchomp, Zygarde-C, and Naganadel, or other Pokemon that take neutral damage from it like Mega Venusaur(RC) and Greninja. Iron Tail allows Haxorus to check Fairy-types like Tapu Bulu and Tapu Lele;(add semicolon) however, its low accuracy could be an issue. Rock Slide hits Pokemon like Mega Pinsir, Mega Charizard Y, and Mega Charizard X that doesn't Mega Evolve, Mega Charizard Y and Mega Pinsir. Earthquake allows it to hit common Steel-type Pokemon like Magnezone and Excadrill. Superpower allows it to KO Steel-types like Air Balloon Heatran.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investments make Haxorus as fast and as powerful hard-hitting as possible. Its item Choice Scarf allows it to outpace common Pokemon that would normally outspeed it and KO it like Mega Lopunny, Mega Lucario,(add comma) and Greninja. A Jolly nature (don't capitalize nature) allows Haxorus to outpace Choice Scarf Porygon-Z. An Adamant nature allows Haxorus to hit harder and secure a KO on Mega Venusaur. Its ability in Mold Breaker allows it to bypass abilities like Disguise, and (Mimikyu banned) Multiscale from Pokemon like Dragonite and Sturdy from Pokemon like Magnezone.(add period), and Dragonite.

Usage Tips

Be wary of Choice Scarf Pokemon that outspeed Haxorus such as Genesect and Naganadel. Do Send it in against slow Pokemon like Magnezone(RC) and Dragonite as Mold Breaker ignores their abilities. Be careful around Iron Defense Pokemon users like Mega Slowbro and Magearna as Haxorus cannot beat them. Do not send it against common Intimidate users like Landorus-T and Mega Mawile as Haxorus cannot beat these them, either. Do Instead, send it against Water-types like Greninja and Volcanion as it can outpace both of these and KO them. It can also take care of fast, frail Pokemon thanks to its Choice Scarf such as Mega Lopunny(RC) and Zeraora thanks to its Choice Scarf.

Team Options

Jumpluff is a good teammate for Haxorus in order to make Pokemon like Magearna and Landorus-T fall asleep and stall them out with Substitute and Leech Seed. Slowbro can beat physical attackers Haxorus cannot beat such as Landorus-T, Golem, and Mega Metagross. Sturdy Pokemon like Skarmory can take on Greninja, Meloetta, and Ferrothorn for Haxorus. Skarmory with Counter and can also take on Mega Gyarados. Common Z-move users like Tapu Bulu can help take on threats for Haxorus such as Tapu Fini, Primarina, and Mega Slowbro. Tapu Lele can beat Mega Gyarados and Landorus-T which both threaten Haxorus. Zeraora can help with Water-type Pokemon like Slowbro, Greninja, and Tapu Fini. It can also beat Steel-type Pokemon like Celesteela which Haxorus cannot take on. Aggron's Sturdy allows it to take any hit and Metal Burst back, or utilize Curse and Rest to successfully outstall Mega Metagross.

Other Options

Dragonium(remove hyphen) Z can be used from with Outrage to have a powerful STAB Z-crystal attack with setting up with Dragon Dance or Swords Dance, but it causes Haxorus to lose out on the raw power from Choice Band or has its the Speed boosted from Choice Scarf. Waterium(remove hyphen) Z used from with Aqua Tail can be used to help KO common Pokemon (careful!) like Donphan and Golem, but this means thats Haxorus will not be running Iron Tail to take care of common Fairy-types like Tapu Lele(RC) and Tapu Bulu. Poisonium Z can be used from with Poison Jab to lure in Fairy-types like Primarina(RC) and Tapu Fini while also beating Pokemon it already can with running Iron Tail, but this means it cannot beat Pokemon like Charm Mega Venusaur due to losing out on its raw power from Choice Band, or outpaceing Pokemon like Mega Lopunny with a Choice Scarf.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types like Mega Metagross, Skarmory, and Celesteela can take care of Haxorus due to them being able to easily take a hit, and KO back with its STAB or super effective moves.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types like Tapu Lele, Mega Gardevoir, and Tapu Bulu can take care of Haxorus if Iron Tail misses. Fairy-types that do not rely on a miss like Tapu Fini and Primarina can easily OHKO Haxorus as they can take a hit from any of it moves.

**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Pokemon like Porygon-Z with Hyper Beam can OHKO of if Haxorus isn't running a Jolly nature with Choice Scarf, and Genesect with Ice Beam can OHKO Haxorus before it gets the chance to move.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: Bulky Pokemon like Mega Slowbro, Porygon2, Avalugg, and Chansey can easily eat any of Haxorus's attacks and stall it out or, in Chansey's case, Counter it. Intimidate Pokemon like Mega Gyarados, Mega Mawile,(add comma) and Landorus-T cut Haxorus' attack stat, allowing themselves to survive a hit and KO in return with their strong STAB or super effective moves. Pokemon like Mega Sableye and Mew use Will-O-Wisp to burn Haxorus, thereby halving its attack stat, making it easier for them to take multiple hits from Haxorus and eventually defeat it.

**Dragon-types**: Dragon-types like Garchomp and Naganadel can outspeed and OHKO Haxorus with its Dragon STAB attacks unless Haxorus is has a Choice Scarf.

GP 1/2

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Implemented the first GP check, ready for check #2! I am gonna kill my autocorrect if it makes the e on Pokemon Pokémon again.
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GP 2/2

Haxorus is one of the few viable Pokemon that have the ability Mold Breaker, allowing it to bypass abilities like Multiscale and Sturdy from common Pokemon like Dragonite and Magnezone. Additionally, its Haxorus's pure Dragon typing gives it only three weaknesses and one resistance, allowing it to take on a lot of Pokemon in the metagame, even with its weaknesses thanks to and (this part didn't really make sense, "good defensive typing" -> "can take on much of the metagame in spite of its weaknesses", as if its defensive typing is suddenly bad. idk if it's good or bad but pick 1) its high Attack stat and vast movepool (RP) Haxorus's with high-Base (AH) Power moves like Outrage, Iron Tail, and Superpower wallbreak let it break past Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, Tapu Lele, and Mega Tyranitar thanks to its high Attack stat. However, Haxorus does suffer from mediocre HP, Special Defense, and Defense stats, (AC) which means it cannot live a hit from take a Z-Move (RC) or live a super effective attack from Aegislash, Magearna, and Naganadel. Furthermore, Haxorus has an awkward Speed tier that allows it to outpace Tapu Lele, but not Pokemon like Mega Charizard X without losing power from being having to run Choice Scarf and lose power. It is also outclassed by other Mold Breaker Pokemon like Mega Gyarados, which has the pre-Mega Evolution ability Intimidate, helping it can check physical attackers like Landorus-T thanks to its pre-Mega Evolution ability Intimidate (RC) and can take care of Sturdy Pokemon like Magnezone thanks to Earthquake. (but so can Haxorus) It can also take care of Pokemon that Haxorus cannot take care of, like Donphan.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Iron Tail
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Rock Slide / Superpower
item: Choice Band
ability: Mold Breaker
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Outrage is a powerful STAB attack that can break down Pokemon that do not outspeed Haxorus or resist Dragon-type attacks like Mega Venusaur and Umbreon. Iron Tail can hit Fairy-types like Tapu Lele and Tapu Bulu; however, its low accuracy can be problematic. Earthquake is for the common Rock-, Electric-,(add comma) (keep comma, remove comment) and Steel-types like Mega Tyranitar, Magnezone, and Excadrill. Rock Slide defeats Mega Charizard Y and Charizard that chooses to not to Mega Evolve into Mega Charizard X right away. While Rock Slide deals with the commonly found Charizard. Superpower can break down Pokemon like Air Balloon Heatran.

Set Details

A Jolly nature is used to outpace key Pokemon like Tapu Lele. The ability Mold Breaker allows it Haxorus to bypass abilities like Sturdy and Multiscale from Pokemon like Golem and Dragonite. Maximum EVs in Attack and Speed make Haxorus as fast and as powerful as possible, while Choice Band boosts its Attack even more, allowing to break through defensive Pokemon like Mega Venusaur and Type:(space)Null.

Usage Tips

Do not send in Haxorus against Intimidate users like Landorus-T and Gyrarados Gyarados, as it will not be able to KO these Pokemon before it gets OHKOed. Be wary of sleep users like Jumpluff, (AC) as it outspeeds Haxorus and uses Substitute and Leech Seed to drain its HP. Send it in against Pokemon like Mega Venusaur, Zygarde, and Magnezone, (AC) as these are common Pokemon that Haoxrus Haxorus can beat using Outrage (RC) or, (AC) in Magnezone's case, Earthquake. Clicking Outrage is the play most of the time due to how powerful it is,(space)unless another move can do more damage. Make sure that your opponent does not have a Dragon- or Ice-type move user on the team on Pokemon like Zeraora or Genesect, as both outspeed and can OHKO Haxorus. Do not send it out against bulky Pokemon like Mega Slowbro and Mega Aggron, (AC) as both of these have high defense stats and easily beat Haxorus.

Team Options

Special Choice Scarf attackers like Porygon-Z can help take care of threats like Landorus-T, Genesect, and Mega Lopunny that Haxorus cannot outspeed or OHKO. Special attackers like Meloetta, Genesect, and Zeraora can help break down threats like Mega Slowbro and Mew. Sturdy Pokemon like Magnezone and Donphan and Pokemon like Genesect can help deal with Meloetta and Naganadel. They can also be used to get fast Choice Scarf users like Garchomp, Genesect, and Porygon-Z. Steel-type Pokemon like Mega Metagross, Mega Scizor, and Ferrothorn check Fairy-types like Tapu Bulu, Tapu Lele, and Mega Gardevoir more reliably, (AC) as Haxorus's Iron Tail has a chance to miss. It also helps with other Pokemon like Mega Gyarados, and Chansey. Jumpluff is a good Pokemon to pair with Haxorus as it can beat Pokemon like Aegislash, non-Rock Blast Golem, and Mega Metagross with its Substitute + Sleep Powder, and + (pluses) Leech Seed set. Tapu Fini is another good Pokemon to pair with Haxorus, (AC) as it helps with Pokemon like Garchomp, Donphan, and Mega Sableye.

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Outrage
move 2: Iron Tail
move 3: Rock Slide
move 4: Superpower / Earthquake
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Mold Breaker
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Outrage is a strong STAB attack that can be used against other Dragon-types like Garchomp, Zygarde-C, and Naganadel (RC) or other Pokemon that take neutral damage from it like Mega Venusaur and Greninja. Iron Tail allows Haxorus to check Fairy-types like Tapu Bulu and Tapu Lele; however, its low accuracy could be an issue. Rock Slide hits Pokemon like Mega Pinsir, Mega Charizard Y, and Mega Charizard X that doesn't Mega Evolve. Earthquake allows it to hit common Steel-type Pokemon like Magnezone and Excadrill. Superpower allows it to KO Steel-types like Air Balloon Heatran. (Superpower is slashed first)

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed investments make investment makes Haxorus as fast and as powerful as possible. Its item Choice Scarf allows it to outpace common Pokemon that would normally outspeed it and KO it like Mega Lopunny, Mega Lucario, and Greninja. A Jolly nature allows Haxorus to outpace Choice Scarf Porygon-Z, (comma) whereas an Adamant nature allows Haxorus is an option to to hit harder and secure a KO on Mega Venusaur. Its ability in Mold Breaker allows it Haxorus to bypass abilities like Multiscale from Pokemon like Dragonite and Sturdy from Pokemon like Magnezone.

Usage Tips

Be wary of Choice Scarf Pokemon that outspeed Haxorus such as Genesect and Naganadel. Send it in against slow Pokemon like Magnezone and Dragonite, (AC) as Mold Breaker ignores their abilities. Be careful around Iron Defense users like Mega Slowbro and Magearna or common Intimidate users like Landorus-T and Mega Mawile, as Haxorus cannot beat them. Do not send it against common Intimidate users like Landorus-T and Mega Mawile as Haxorus cannot beat them, either. Instead, send it against Water-types like Greninja and Volcanion as it can outpace both of these and KO them. It can also take care of fast, frail Pokemon such as Mega Lopunny and Zeraora thanks to its Choice Scarf.

Team Options

Jumpluff is a good teammate for Haxorus in order to make Pokemon like Magearna and Landorus-T fall asleep and stall them out with Substitute and Leech Seed. Slowbro can beat take on (repetition) physical attackers Haxorus cannot beat such as Landorus-T, Golem, and Mega Metagross. Sturdy Pokemon like Skarmory can take on Greninja, Meloetta, and Ferrothorn for Haxorus. Skarmory with Counter and can also take on Mega Gyarados. Common Z-Move users like Tapu Bulu can help take on threats for Haxorus such as Tapu Fini, Primarina, and Mega Slowbro. Tapu Lele can beat Mega Gyarados and Landorus-T, (AC) which both threaten Haxorus. Zeraora can help with Water-type Pokemon like Slowbro, Greninja, and Tapu Fini. It can also beat Steel-type Pokemon like Celesteela which Haxorus cannot take on. Aggron's Sturdy allows it to take any hit and KO the foe back with Metal Burst back, or and it can also utilize Curse and Rest to successfully outstall Mega Metagross.

Other Options

Dragonium Z can be used with Outrage and Dragon Dance or Swords Dance to have a powerful STAB Z-crystal attack Z-Move with setting up with Dragon Dance or Swords Dance setup, but it causes Haxorus to lose out on the raw power from Choice Band or the Speed boost from Choice Scarf. Waterium Z used with Aqua Tail can be used to help KO common Pokemon like Donphan and Golem, but this means that Haxorus will not be running Iron Tail to take care of common Fairy-types like Tapu Lele and Tapu Bulu. Poisonium Z can be used with Poison Jab to lure in and take out Fairy-types like Primarina and Tapu Fini while also beating Pokemon it already can with Iron Tail, but this means it cannot beat Pokemon like Charm Mega Venusaur due to losing out on raw power from Choice Band (RC) or outpace Pokemon like Mega Lopunny with a Choice Scarf.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types like Mega Metagross, Skarmory, and Celesteela can take care of Haxorus due to them being able their ability to easily take a hit, and KO back with its STAB or super effective moves.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types like Tapu Lele, Mega Gardevoir, and Tapu Bulu can take care of Haxorus if Iron Tail misses. Fairy-types that do not rely on a miss like Tapu Fini and Primarina can easily OHKO Haxorus, (AC) as they can take a hit from any of it moves.

**Choice Scarf Pokemon**: Choice Scarf Pokemon like Porygon-Z with Hyper Beam can OHKO if Haxorus if it isn't running a Jolly nature with Choice Scarf, and Genesect with Ice Beam can OHKO Haxorus before it gets the chance to move.

**Physically Bulky Pokemon**: Bulky Pokemon like Mega Slowbro, Porygon2, Avalugg, and Chansey can easily eat any of Haxorus's attacks and stall it out or, in Chansey's case, Counter KO it with Counter. Intimidate Pokemon like Mega Gyarados, Mega Mawile, and Landorus-T cut Haxorus' Haxorus's Attack stat, allowing them to survive a hit and KO in return with their strong STAB or super effective moves. Pokemon like Mega Sableye and Mew use Will-O-Wisp to burn Haxorus, thereby halving its attack stat, making it easier for them to take multiple hits from Haxorus and eventually defeat it.

**Dragon-types**: Dragon-types like Garchomp and Naganadel can outspeed and OHKO Haxorus with Dragon their STAB attacks unless Haxorus has a Choice Scarf.

- Written by: [[Magma, 393488]]
- Quality checked by: [[Charizard8888, 333554], [MaceMaster, 302951], [dom, 280380], [Motogp, 412409]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Electrolyte, 148071], [, ]]
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