Done Hackmons: Directly hacked Greninja-Ash should reveal itself on team preview


Bold and Brash
What type of bug are you reporting? Mechanics

What is the bug?
In the team preview of gen 7 matches, Greninja-Ash is lumped together with Greninja's base form, leading both formes to appear as Greninja-*, when in actuality Greninja-Ash has a noticeably different sprite in the team preview on cartridge. Note that this doesn't apply to Greninja-Battle-Bond, which should be bunched with Greninja's base form under Greninja-*. This glitch only occurs if the player is using Greninja-Ash directly in a format such as Gen 7 Pure Hackmons.

Behavior on cartridge
Incorrect behavior on PS!

Are you able to replicate it? If so, how?
Enter a Gen 7 Pure Hackmons battle with a Greninja-Ash and you will see that on team preview it is shown as Greninja-*.