NU Guzzlord

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Guzzlord can effectively use either a wallbreaker set thanks to its nice offensive stats in conjunction with Beast Boost, its great coverage, and Choice Band to break through many defensive Pokemon like Mantine, Sylveon, and Vaporeon or a defensive set with Knock Off and Toxic and Leftovers to gain passive recovery. Additionally, its typing and weight allow it to check Copperajah, Dhelmise, and Decidueye no matter the set. Sadly, Guzzlord's poor Speed leaves it open to common wallbreakers like Sirfetch'd, Machamp, and Tyrantrum. Guzzlord is also likely to be worn down because of its lack of reliable recovery, residual damage from entry hazards and Rocky Helmet, and status conditions.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Heavy Slam
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Outrage
item: Choice Band
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 104 Def / 152 Spe

Set Details

Heavy Slam allows Guzzlord to OHKO Fairy-types like Sylveon, Comfey, and Diancie. Earthquake hits Steel-, Poison-, and Rock-types like Copperajah, Drapion, Toxicroak, and Tyrantrum. Outrage is normally used once Fairy-types like Sylveon and Comfey are KOed and Steel-types like Bronzong and Copperajah are in range. Dragon Claw is an option over Outrage so Guzzlord isn't locked into one move, and it can also consider another Dark-type move like Crunch to keep up damage against foes like Mudsdale and Vileplume after they're hit by Knock Off. 152 Speed EVs puts it one point above maximum Speed Adamant Copperajah while also outspeeding uninvested Sylveon. The rest of its EVs are dumped into Defense to improve its matchup against physical attackers and Ghost-types like Decidueye and Golurk.

Guzzlord often fits on Dragon / Fairy / Steel and Psychic / Dark / Fighting cores to help cover weaknesses. Pokemon like Sylveon, Talonflame, Xatu, and Weezing make great teammates to deal with Fighting-types like Sirfetch'd and Machamp that threaten Guzzlord. Pivots like Teleport Arcanine, U-turn Talonflame, and Flip Turn Dragalge can position Guzzlord so it's not always directly switching in and risking longevity. Poison- and Steel-types like Salazzle and Bronzong make good teammates, as they can support Guzzlord by beating and switching into Fairy-types. Psychic-types like Starmie and Celebi appreciate Guzzlord dealing with Pokemon like Bronzong, Drapion, and Copperajah.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Protect
move 2: Toxic
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake / Heavy Slam
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 Def / 104 SpD / 152 Spe

Set Details

Protect stacks Toxic damage and Leftovers recovery and scouts Choice-locked attackers like Flygon, Exploud, and Passimian. Earthquake allows Guzzlord to hit Pokemon that resist Knock Off like Diancie, Drapion, and Toxicroak. Furthermore, this covers Steel- and Rock-types like Copperajah and Tyrantrum. Heavy Slam is also an option to hit Fairy-types like Sylveon.

Steel- and Poison-types like Bronzong, Copperajah, and Salazzle make good teammates and help get rid of Fairy-type threats like Sylveon for Guzzlord. Talonflame, Xatu, and Starmie can check Fighting-types for Guzzlord with their respective super effective STAB attacks. Clerics like Vaporeon and Sylveon aren't able to recover much of Guzzlord's HP due to its high HP, but they are still good for healing status ailments and recovery. Additionally, Sylveon can take on Fighting-type threats like Sirfetch'd and Passimian, while, in return, Guzzlord can deal with Steel- and Poison-types like Copperajah, Bronzong, and Salazzle that threaten Sylveon.

Other Options

Choice Specs Guzzlord is an option given it has nice special coverage, but it faces competition with other Dragon-types like Goodra and Dragalge if it runs such a set. Dragon Tail is an option to phaze setup sweepers like Shell Smash Blastoise. A RestTalk set can be used to give Guzzlord some recovery on defensive sets and make it more self sufficient.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types like Comfey, Sylveon, and Diancie can OHKO Guzzlord with their STAB attacks but fear switching into a Heavy Slam.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Machamp, Passimian, and Sirfetch'd can KO Guzzlord with Close Combat. Additionally, they can utilize their Dark-type resistance to get an opportunity to switch in on Guzzlord.

**Faster Wallbreakers**: Faster wallbreakers like Tyrantrum, Tauros, and Choice Specs Sylveon can all outspeed Guzzlord and threaten it with their super effective attacks.

- Written by: [[roxiee, 481576]]
- Quality checked by: [[poh, 298730], [S1nn0hC0nfirm3d, 231074]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Rabia, 336073]
Last edited:

The man-screaming Ultra Beast can effectively use either a wallbreaker set thanks to its nice offensive stats in conjunction with Beast Boost and Choice Band, or a defensive set with Knock Off, Toxic, and Leftovers to gain little recovery. Investment in attack and defensive stats are used over HP because of its enormous HP stat. Its part Dark typing makes this a top check to Pokemon that uses Poltergeist like Decidueye and Dhelmise. With Choice Band equipped, Guzzlord can break through many defensive Pokemon like Mantine, Sylveon, and Talonflame Vaporeon thanks to its powerful Knock Off STAB accompanied with its colorful movepool. Guzzlord's poor speed leaves it open to faster threats in the tier. Its typing also leaves it weak to Fighting-, Fairy-, Dragon-, and Bug-types such as Sirfetch'd, Machamp, Comfey, Tyrantrum, and Ninjask.

Remove those first few words and this is fine..
Also a line about it being one of the best switch-ins to copper due to its weight.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Heavy Slam
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Outrage
item: Choice Band
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 104 Def / 152 Spe

Set Details

Heavy Slam allows Guzzlord to OHKO Fairy-types like Sylveon, Comfey, and Diancie. Earthquake is nice for hits Steel-, Poison-, and Rock-types like Copperajah, Drapion, Toxicroak, and Tyrantrum. Outrage is normally used once Fairy-types like Sylveon and Comfey are out of combat and Steel-types like Bronzong and Copperajah are OHKOed or chipped in Outrage range. Drain Punch is an option to hit Dark-types like Zoroark, and it gives Guzzlord a form of recovery. Dragon Claw is an option over Outrage so you aren't locked into one move. 152 Speed EVs puts it one point above a maximum Speed Copperajah with a neutral nature. The rest are dumped into defense to improve its matchup against physical attackers and Ghost-types like Decidueye and Golurk.

Small comment but the speed also outspeeds uninvested Sylveon.

Stealth Rock is appreciated from Pokemon like Bronzong, Copperajah, Diancie, and Mudsdale to help Guzzlord wallbreak teams easier. Fairy-, Flying-, and Poison-types like Sylveon, Talonflame, Xatu, and Weezing make great teammates to deal with Fighting-types like Passimian and Machamp that threaten Guzzlord. Pivoters like Teleport Arcanine, U-turn Talonflame, and Flip Turn Dragalge can position Guzzlord so it's not always switching in on the match. Poison- and Steel-types like Salazzle and Bronzong make good teammates as they can support Guzzlord in beating Fairy-types.

Not a fan of writing a line about Stealth Rock, every mon ever appreciates it. Starmie appreciates Guzzlord's ability to deal with Bronzong and Drapion. Guzzlord also often fits in the dragon - fairy - steel core and psychic - dark - fighting core.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Protect
move 2: Toxic
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake / Heavy Slam
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 Def / 104 SpD / 152 Spe

Set Details

Earthquake allows Guzzlord to hit Pokemon that resists Knock Off like Diancie, Drapion, and Toxicroak. Furthermore, this covers Steel- and Rock-types like Copperajah and Tyrantrum also. Heavy Slam is an option to hit Fairy-types like Sylveon. 152 Speed EVs outspeeds a maximum Speed Copperajah with a neutral nature by one point.

Steel- and Poison-types like Bronzong, Copperajah, and Dragalge make good teammates to help get rid of Fairy-type threats like Sylveon for Guzzlord. Fighting-type resists like Talonflame, Sylveon, and Starmie can OHKO Fighting-types with their respective super-effective STABs. Wallbreakers like Exploud, Sirfetch'd, and Flygon are encouraged to get rid of defensive Pokemon like Vaporeon and Copperajah.

Wallbreakers like Exploud, Sirfetch'd, and Flygon are encouraged to get rid of defensive Pokemon like Vaporeon and Copperajah.
I'm not sure how this helps Guzzlord

Sylveon gives wish support + can take on fighting types. In return, Guzz deals with the steel types.

Other Options

Choice Specs Guzzlord is an option as it has nice coverage on its special side also but, it faces competition with other Dragon-types like Goodra and Dragalge if it runs such a set. Dragon Tail is an option to phase setup sweepers like Shell Smash Blastoise. A RestTalk set can be used to give Guzzlord some recovery on defensive sets. Clerics like Vaporeon and Sylveon aren't able to recover much of Guzzlord's HP due to its high HP, but they are still good candidates to heal off status like sleep from Guzzlord.

Remove Dragon Tail.

Checks and Counters

**Knock Off**: Guzzlord losing its item from Knock Off from Pokemon like Drapion and Salazzle, weakens its Choice Band set and hinders its recovery from its defensive set

Not too sure about this one. I'd remove it. The defensive set doesn't like its Leftovers being knocked but it is often paired with wish users. CB loses power yes but switching up moves can be beneficial + still has Beast Boost as back up.

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types like Comfey, Sylveon, and Diancie can OHKO Guzzlord with their STAB attacks but fears switching into a Heavy Slam.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Machamp, Passimian, and Sirfetch'd can KO Guzzlord with Close Combat.

Faster mons that threaten it. The various specs sylveon, dragalge, ttrum, golurk etc all threaten it with super effective moves.

- Written by: [[username1, userid1]]
- Quality checked by: [[poh, 298730], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
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Guzzlord can effectively use either a wallbreaker set thanks to its nice offensive stats in conjunction with Beast Boost and Choice Band, or a defensive set with Knock Off, Toxic, and Leftovers to gain little recovery. With Choice Band equipped, Guzzlord can break through many defensive Pokemon like Mantine, Sylveon, and Vaporeon thanks to its powerful STAB Knock Off STAB accompanied with its colorful movepool. Investment in attack and defensive stats are used over HP because of its enormous HP stat (This is a set detail, not fit for the overview, but also not pertinent enough to mention anywhere). Additionally, its large HP in conjunction with typing and its weight allows it to check Copperajah, Dhelmise, and Decidueye no matter the set. due to its common weight-based moves. Its part Dark typing makes this a top check to Pokemon that uses Poltergeist like Decidueye and Dhelmise. (trimmed fluff here, but also wanted to include how both sets are capable of checking these three, as that's totally worth distinguishing when you open up differentiating the two) Guzzlord's poor Speed leaves it open to faster threats in the tier. Its typing also leaves it weak to Fighting-, Fairy-, Dragon-, and Bug-types such as common wallbreakers like Sirfetch'd, Machamp, Comfey, and Tyrantrum, and Ninjask. (Listing type weaknesses is fluff. It's also more relevant to keep the examples here to wallbreakers, not to mention that comfey and ninjask are B- and shouldn't be used generally) (Add a final point about how residual damage, status conditions, and a lack of reliable recovery means that Guzzlord is always liable to being worn down)

name: Choice Band
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Heavy Slam
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Outrage
item: Choice Band
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 104 Def / 152 Spe

Set Details

Heavy Slam allows Guzzlord to OHKO Fairy-types like Sylveon, Comfey, and Diancie. Earthquake hits Steel-, Poison-, and Rock-types like Copperajah, Drapion, Toxicroak, and Tyrantrum. Outrage is normally used once Fairy-types like Sylveon and Comfey are out of combat and Steel-types like Bronzong and Copperajah are OHKOed or chipped in Outrage range. Drain Punch is an option to hit Dark-types like Zoroark, and it gives Guzzlord a form of recovery (Move this to OO or remove entirely. Zoro isn't viable enough to drop the nuke that is Outrage, so unless you can list a couple more relevant targets where the recovery is plausible and worth it, I'd rather see it gone). Dragon Claw is an option over Outrage so you aren't locked into one move. 152 Speed EVs puts it one point above a maximum Speed Copperajah with a neutral nature while also outspeeding an uninvested Sylveon. The rest are dumped into Defense to improve its matchup against physical attackers and Ghost-types like Decidueye and Golurk.

Fairy-, Flying-, and Poison-types like Sylveon, Talonflame, Xatu, and Weezing make great teammates to deal with Fighting-types like Passimian Sirfetch'd (VR relevancy) and Machamp that threaten Guzzlord. Pivoters Pivots like Teleport Arcanine, U-turn Talonflame, and Flip Turn Dragalge can position Guzzlord so it's not always switching in on the match. Poison- and Steel-types like Salazzle and Bronzong make good teammates as they can support Guzzlord in beating and switching into Fairy-types. Psychic-types like Starmie and Celebi appreciates Guzzlord's ability to deal with Pokemon like Bronzong, Drapion, and Copperajah. Guzzlord often fits on Dragon, Fairy, and Steel cores and Psychic, Dark, and Fighting cores Dragon / Fairy / Steel (GP standard for cores) to help cover weaknesses. (Move this sentence to the front. It'll help explain the teammates seen here. I did, however, remove the latter core only because I don't really understand what Fighting-type would fit with Guzzlord without doubling down on physical breakers. There's NP Croak but for the most part I just didn't think it was the most relevant to current trends)

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Protect
move 2: Toxic
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake / Heavy Slam
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 Def / 104 SpD / 152 Spe

Set Details

(Add a sentence about how Protect helps stack Toxic damage and scout for Choiced attackers like Flygon and Exploud) Earthquake allows Guzzlord to hit Pokemon that resists Knock Off like Diancie, Drapion, and Toxicroak. Furthermore, this covers Steel- and Rock-types like Copperajah and Tyrantrum also. Heavy Slam is an option to hit Fairy-types like Sylveon. 152 Speed EVs outspeeds a maximum Speed Copperajah with a neutral nature by one point. (No longer necessary when you already explained this investment above)

Steel- and Poison-types like Bronzong, Copperajah, and Dragalge Salazzle (double dragon isn't the friendliest to build around) make good teammates to help get rid of Fairy-type threats like Sylveon for Guzzlord. Fighting-type resists like Talonflame, Sylveon Xatu (Sylv is mentioned later + Xatu can still be a decent check to Sirfetch'd + champ), and Starmie can OHKO check Fighting-types for Guzzlord with their respective super effective (no hyphen) STABs attacks. Clerics like Vaporeon and Sylveon aren't able to recover much of Guzzlord's HP due to its high HP, but they are still good for healing status ailments and recovery. Additionally, Sylveon can take on Fighting-type threats like Sirfetch'd and Passimian, while, in return, Guzzlord can deal with Steel- and Poison-types like Copperajah, Bronzong, and Salazzle that threaten Sylveon.

Other Options

Choice Specs Guzzlord is an option as it has nice coverage on its special side also but, it faces competition with other Dragon-types like Goodra and Dragalge if it runs such a set. (Add RestTalk as an option to forfeit coverage for more recovery) (Also add Dragon Tail for phazing, especially on teams with Spikes support)

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types like Comfey, Sylveon, and Diancie can OHKO Guzzlord with their STAB attacks but fears switching into a Heavy Slam.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Machamp, Passimian, and Sirfetch'd can KO Guzzlord with Close Combat and also resist Knock Off.

**Faster Pokemon Wallbreakers**: Faster Pokemon wallbreakers like Flygon Tauros, Tyrantrum, and Choice Specs Sylveon can all outspeed Guzzlord and threaten it with their super effective attacks. (Flygon is pretty week if it's only running Dragon Claw, which it often does on its scarf set. Taur is better here cause it's not mentioned elsewhere and that LO CC or even Body Slam hits really hard. "Faster Pokemon" is also usually only a term for frailer attackers, so it's better to clarify wallbreakers)

- Written by: [[roxiee, 481576]]
- Quality checked by: [[poh, 298730], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
Lot of ink here. Some of it is fluff / formatting / GP standards, some of it is relevancy to the meta / VR. Remember to be concise when writing, and avoid filling sentences with redundant or assumed information. This is mostly concerning multiple mentions of type matchups, as a lot of type interactions are assumed. For example, the overview doesn't need to reference almost all of Guzzlord's weaknesses as much as it just needs to list the relevant wallbreakers / revenge killers its weak to.

I'll do one more look cause I believe I got a couple more small things to check over in the next revision, so no QC for now.
pmd ho3n on cord, waiting for some comments on the cores from qc? just an update that I've implemented the above already on friday
Looks good! Sorry just needed to reread and clear some stuff up with the team.

Remove the "Clerics" line from OO cause it looks like you copied that over twice, and add in C&C how the Fighting-type wallbreakers may try risking their item for a switch-in opportunity against Guzzlord thanks to their Knock Off resistance–this was from the previous check.

QC 2/2!
This is an amateur GP check; feel free to only implement changes you agree with.
Guzzlord can effectively use either a wallbreaker set thanks to its nice offensive stats in conjunction with Beast Boost and Choice Band, or a defensive set with Knock Off, Toxic, and Leftovers to gain little passive recovery. With Choice Band equipped, Guzzlord can break through many defensive Pokemon like Mantine, Sylveon, and Vaporeon thanks to its powerful STAB Knock Off accompanied with its colorful movepool. Additionally, its typing and weight allows allow it to check Copperajah, Dhelmise, and Decidueye no matter the set. Guzzlord's poor Speed leaves it open to common wallbreakers like Sirfetch'd, Machamp, and Tyrantrum. Guzzlord is also likely to be worn down because of its lack of reliable recovery, residual damage from things like entry hazards and Rocky Helmet, and status conditions.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Heavy Slam
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Outrage
item: Choice Band
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 104 Def / 152 Spe

Set Details

Heavy Slam allows Guzzlord to OHKO Fairy-types like Sylveon, Comfey, and Diancie. Earthquake hits Steel-, Poison-, and Rock-types like Copperajah, Drapion, Toxicroak, and Tyrantrum. Outrage is normally used once Fairy-types like Sylveon and Comfey are out of combat and Steel-types like Bronzong and Copperajah have fainted are OHKOed or chipped are in Outrage range. Dragon Claw is an option over Outrage so you aren't Guzzlord isn't locked into one move. 152 Speed EVs puts it one point above a maximum Speed Adamant Copperajah with a neutral nature while also outspeeding an uninvested Sylveon. The rest of its EVs are dumped into defense Defense to improve its matchup against physical attackers and Ghost-types like Decidueye and Golurk.

Guzzlord often fits on Dragon / Fairy / Steel and Psychic / Dark / Fighting cores to help cover weaknesses. Pokemon like Sylveon, Talonflame, Xatu, and Weezing make great teammates to deal with Fighting-types like Sirfetch'd and Machamp that threaten Guzzlord. Pivots like Teleport Arcanine, U-turn Talonflame, and Flip Turn Dragalge can position Guzzlord so it's not always switching in on the match. Poison- and Steel-types like Salazzle and Bronzong make good teammates as they can support Guzzlord in beating and switching into Fairy-types. Psychic-types like Starmie and Celebi appreciates appreciate Guzzlord's(RC) ability to deal dealing with Pokemon like Bronzong, Drapion, and Copperajah.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Protect
move 2: Toxic
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake / Heavy Slam
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 Def / 104 SpD / 152 Spe

Set Details

Protect stacks Toxic damage and Leftovers recovery and scouts Choiced-locked Choice-locked attackers like Flygon, Exploud, and Passimian. Earthquake allows Guzzlord to hit Pokemon that resists Knock Off like Diancie, Drapion, and Toxicroak. Furthermore, this covers Steel- and Rock-types like Copperajah and Tyrantrum also. Heavy Slam is an option to hit Fairy-types like Sylveon.

Steel- and Poison-types like Bronzong, Copperajah, and Salazzle make good teammates to and help get rid of Fairy-type threats like Sylveon for Guzzlord. Talonflame, Xatu, and Starmie can check Fighting-types for Guzzlord with their respective super effective STAB attacks. Clerics like Vaporeon and Sylveon aren't able to recover much of Guzzlord's HP due to its high HP, but they are still good for healing status ailments and recovery. Additionally, Sylveon can take on Fighting-type threats like Sirfetch'd and Passimian, while, in return, Guzzlord can deal with Steel- and Poison-types like Copperajah, Bronzong, and Salazzle that threaten Sylveon.

Other Options

Choice Specs Guzzlord is an option as it has nice special coverage on its special side also,(AC) but,(RC) it faces competition with other Dragon-types like Goodra and Dragalge if it runs such a set. Dragon Tail is an option to phaze setup sweepers like Shell Smash Blastoise. A RestTalk set can be used to give Guzzlord some recovery on defensive sets.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types like Comfey, Sylveon, and Diancie can OHKO Guzzlord with their STAB attacks but fears fear switching into a Heavy Slam.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Machamp, Passimian, and Sirfetch'd can KO Guzzlord with Close Combat. Additionally, they can utilize their Dark-type resistance to get an opportunity to switch-in(RH) on Guzzlord.

**Faster Wallbreakers**: Faster wallbreakers like Tyrantrum, Tauros, and Choice Specs Sylveon can all outspeed Guzzlord and threaten it with their super effective attacks.

- Written by: [[roxiee, 481576]]
- Quality checked by: [[poh, 298730], [S1nn0hC0nfirm3d, 231074]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]
Great work!
add remove comments

Guzzlord can effectively use either a wallbreaker set thanks to its nice offensive stats in conjunction with Beast Boost, its great coverage, and Choice Band (RC) to break through many defensive Pokemon like Mantine, Sylveon, and Vaporeon or a defensive set with Knock Off (RC) and Toxic (RC) and Leftovers to gain passive recovery. With Choice Band equipped, Guzzlord can break through many defensive Pokemon like Mantine, Sylveon, and Vaporeon thanks to its powerful STAB Knock Off accompanied with its colorful movepool. Additionally, its typing and weight allow it to check Copperajah, Dhelmise, and Decidueye no matter the set. Sadly, Guzzlord's poor Speed leaves it open to common wallbreakers like Sirfetch'd, Machamp, and Tyrantrum. Guzzlord is also likely to be worn down because of its lack of reliable recovery, residual damage from entry hazards and Rocky Helmet, and status conditions.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Knock Off
move 2: Heavy Slam
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Outrage
item: Choice Band
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 104 Def / 152 Spe

Set Details

Heavy Slam allows Guzzlord to OHKO Fairy-types like Sylveon, Comfey, and Diancie. Earthquake hits Steel-, Poison-, and Rock-types like Copperajah, Drapion, Toxicroak, and Tyrantrum. Outrage is normally used once Fairy-types like Sylveon and Comfey are out of combat KOed and Steel-types like Bronzong and Copperajah have fainted are in range. Dragon Claw is an option over Outrage so Guzzlord isn't locked into one move, and it can also consider another Dark-type move like Crunch to keep up damage against foes like Mudsdale and Vileplume after they're hit by Knock Off. 152 Speed EVs puts it one point above maximum Speed Adamant Copperajah while also outspeeding uninvested Sylveon. The rest of its EVs are dumped into Defense to improve its matchup against physical attackers and Ghost-types like Decidueye and Golurk.

Guzzlord often fits on Dragon / Fairy / Steel and Psychic / Dark / Fighting cores to help cover weaknesses. Pokemon like Sylveon, Talonflame, Xatu, and Weezing make great teammates to deal with Fighting-types like Sirfetch'd and Machamp that threaten Guzzlord. Pivots like Teleport Arcanine, U-turn Talonflame, and Flip Turn Dragalge can position Guzzlord so it's not always directly switching in on the match and risking longevity. Poison- and Steel-types like Salazzle and Bronzong make good teammates,(AC) as they can support Guzzlord in by beating and switching into Fairy-types. Psychic-types like Starmie and Celebi appreciate Guzzlord dealing with Pokemon like Bronzong, Drapion, and Copperajah.

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Protect
move 2: Toxic
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake / Heavy Slam
item: Leftovers
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 Def / 104 SpD / 152 Spe

Set Details

Protect stacks Toxic damage and Leftovers recovery and scouts Choice-locked attackers like Flygon, Exploud, and Passimian. Earthquake allows Guzzlord to hit Pokemon that resists Knock Off like Diancie, Drapion, and Toxicroak. Furthermore, this covers Steel- and Rock-types like Copperajah and Tyrantrum also. Heavy Slam is also an option to hit Fairy-types like Sylveon.

Steel- and Poison-types like Bronzong, Copperajah, and Salazzle make good teammates and help get rid of Fairy-type threats like Sylveon for Guzzlord. Talonflame, Xatu, and Starmie can check Fighting-types for Guzzlord with their respective super effective STAB attacks. Clerics like Vaporeon and Sylveon aren't able to recover much of Guzzlord's HP due to its high HP, but they are still good for healing status ailments and recovery. Additionally, Sylveon can take on Fighting-type threats like Sirfetch'd and Passimian, while, in return, Guzzlord can deal with Steel- and Poison-types like Copperajah, Bronzong, and Salazzle that threaten Sylveon.

Other Options

Choice Specs Guzzlord is an option as given it has nice special coverage, but it faces competition with other Dragon-types like Goodra and Dragalge if it runs such a set. Dragon Tail is an option to phaze setup sweepers like Shell Smash Blastoise. A RestTalk set can be used to give Guzzlord some recovery on defensive sets and make it more self sufficient.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types like Comfey, Sylveon, and Diancie can OHKO Guzzlord with their STAB attacks but fear switching into a Heavy Slam.

**Fighting-types**: Fighting-types like Machamp, Passimian, and Sirfetch'd can KO Guzzlord with Close Combat. Additionally, they can utilize their Dark-type resistance to get an opportunity to switch in on Guzzlord.

**Faster Wallbreakers**: Faster wallbreakers like Tyrantrum, Tauros, and Choice Specs Sylveon can all outspeed Guzzlord and threaten it with their super effective attacks.

- Written by: [[roxiee, 481576]]
- Quality checked by: [[poh, 298730], [S1nn0hC0nfirm3d, 231074]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]
this is fine to move on with just one gp check. gp 1/1 when implemented