Tournaments GSC PL III - Week 4

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Spreadsheet | Art by Kolohe | Cohosted with Lumii
Tournament Rules and Guidelines

Commencement | Week 1 | Week 2 |
Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Semifinals | Finals


Wii Fit Wolverines (1) vs. Iron Man Machamps (5)
Ubers: Inder vs. Isa
OU: Zokuru vs. watashi
OU: Thepatatedouce Ainzcrad vs. Mr.378
OU: susciety vs. RealJester
UU: F1shingRod vs. crying
NU: ClairDeLuna vs. lax


Death Scythes (2) vs. Vaporized Vaporeons (4)
Ubers: TLTK vs. ILoveMashing❤
OU: LNumbers vs. hellpowna
OU: Vileman vs. Siatam
OU: Chiles Habaneros vs. Rubyblood
UU: JustFranco vs. Real FV13
NU: Haru vs. Oathkeeper


Royal Raikous (1) vs. Tenacius Tyranitars (5)
Ubers: BigFatMantis vs. Staxi
OU: Thor vs. robjr
OU: Lily vs. shiloh
OU: Torchic vs. vani
UU: HSA vs. avarice
NU: Estarossa vs. gorex

Wii Fit Wolverines (0) vs. Iron Man Machamps (0)
Ubers: Inder vs. Isa
OU: Zokuru vs. watashi
OU: Thepatatedouce vs. Mr.378
OU: susciety vs. RealJester
UU: F1shingRod vs. crying
NU: ClairDeLuna vs. lax

Death Scythes (0) vs. Vaporized Vaporeons (0)
Ubers: TLTK vs. ILoveMashing❤
OU: LNumbers vs. hellpowna
OU: Vileman vs. Siatam
OU: Chiles Habaneros vs. Rubyblood
UU: JustFranco vs. Real FV13
NU: Haru vs. Oathkeeper

Royal Raikous (0) vs. Tenacius Tyranitars (0)
Ubers: BigFatMantis vs. Staxi
OU: Thor vs. robjr
OU: Lily vs. shiloh
OU: Torchic vs. vani
UU: HSA vs. avarice
NU: Estarossa vs. gorex

All matches must be played in a best-of-one format and replays are required. The deadline is Sunday, November 27th, at 11:59 PM GMT-5.
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