Tournaments GSC PL III - Commencement & Administrative Decisions

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Spreadsheet | Art by Kolohe | Cohosted with Lialiabeast

Player Signups | Commencement | Manager Signups

This is the Administrative Devisions and Commencement thread for GSC PL III. This thread will handle all the information that players and teams would need for the tournament. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either one of the hosts. The reward for winning this tournament is a custom avatar to be used on Pokemon Showdown.

There will be six teams in this tournament. Each team will have a manager and a co-manager. There are six slots for each team every week, and each team must have at least 8 players picked from the draft, which will be held in the Ruins of Alph room on Pokemon Showdown. The live draft will be in Snake order in regards to how teams nominate players. Each team will be given 80,000 credits with which to conduct their auction. The draft will be held when there can be representative from every team present. The Player Signups thread will be locked 24 hours before the draft.

One of the managers or co-managers for each team will be allowed to self-buy themselves. The price for self-buying will be 15,000 credits, which will be deducted pre-draft from the team's total. However, any team deciding to self-buy a manger must notify hosts at least 24 hours before the draft. If this is not done, the self-buy request will be denied.

Regarding player retentions, the cost to retain a player on their first year will be the higher of either the amount that the player went for in the last auction + 3k or a fixed price of 10k. The price to retain a player on their second year will be the amount that the player went for in the last auction + 6k. Any team deciding to retain any player from their retain pool must notify hosts at least 24 hours before the draft.

Every team will be playing every other team for the first five weeks of the tournament. For each win, a team is awarded two points. For each tie, a team is awarded one point. For each loss, a team is avoided no points. The top three teams after five weeks will move onto the playoffs. In the semifinals, the teams in second and third place will play. The winner of the semifinals will play the top ranked team in the finals.

Managers should DM one of the hosts (which host will be made clear before the deadline) to submit their lineups each week. The deadline to DM hosts with a lineup will be at the same time as the deadline for the previous round. However, DMing a host early is allowed and encouraged; the earlier the hosts get all the lineups in, the earlier they can release the next round!

At any point in the week, a team can substitute out a player from a game if they are inactive or cannot play the game due to IRL issues or a schedule that does not match up at all with their opponent. In order to make a substitution, the manager must post the substitution in the week thread, tagging the hosts, the opposing managers, and the opposing player, stating which player is being subbed out and who the substituting player is. However, a player who has been substituted out for a week cannot be substituted back into a slot in the same week. In addition, the hosts can veto any substitution if they believe the reason for substitution is to gain a 'favourable' player matchup in the OU slots, where player order matters.

There will be no trades allowed. If a bought player is inactive/cancers, they can be reported and replaced with a player from the undrafted pool of players. Hosts will have final discretion on what constitutes inactivity or cancering, and all situations will be treated on a case-by-case basis. After week 3 of the tournament, managers can still report inactive or cancering players, but they will not be allowed to pick a replacement player.
Vaporized Vaporeons (Managed by Nalorium and Justamente)

Royal Raikous (Managed by Estarossa and Mystras Leoxses)

Iron Man Machamps (Managed by Mr.378 and Fear)

Tenacious Tyranitars (Managed by vani and Fantos13)

Wii Fit Wolverines (Managed by cherryb0ng and giraffefromholland)

Death Scythes (Managed by ziloXX and Raichy)
Once decided, the full weekly schedule will be posted here. However, as of right now, we have the dates for each week and deadline.

Manager Signups - close October 23rd
Player Signups - close October 29th
Draft - will be held on October 30th
Round 1 - Goes up October 31st
Round 2 - Goes up November 7th
Round 3 - Goes up November 14th
Round 4 - Goes up November 21st
Round 5 - Goes up November 28th
Semifinals - Goes up December 5th (TBD)
Finals - Goes up December 12th (TBD)

The Semifinals and Finals of the tournament do not have their dates guaranteed, as tiebreaks may affect the dates. All round deadlines will be at 11:59 PM GMT-4 on the Sunday after dates listed. The exact time of the draft will be decided after checking the availability of the managers and the hosts.
GSC Ubers:
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Manager Pairings
Vaporized Vaporeons (Managed by Nalorium and Justamente)
- Vaporeons Retain Pool (Returning team)

Royal Raikous (Managed by Estarossa and Mystras Leoxses)
- Raikous Retain Pool (Returning team)

Iron Man Machamps (Managed by Mr.378 and Fear)
- Machamps Retain Pool (Returning team)

Tenacious Tyranitars (Managed by vani and Fantos13)
- Tyranitars Retain Pool (Returning team)

Wii Fit Wolverines (Managed by cherryb0ng and giraffefromholland)
- Wolverines Retain Pool (Returning team)

Death Scythes (Managed by ziloXX and Raichy)
- Pichus Retain Pool (Remaining pool)

Retain Pools by Team
Lpz (16k)
Staxi (16k)
Oathkeeper (15.5k)
ThePatateDouce (13k)
airfare (10k)
Xevara (10k)
drakey (10k)
Siatam (19k)
Thor (11.5k)
RealJester (10k)
Chiles Habaneros (10k)
Uncle Eyeroll (10k)
Fluore (10k)
Voyager (10k)
Celebiii (10k)
Earthworm (31.5k)
FNH (10.5k)
Somalia (10k)
cursedstar (10k)
cy (10k)
Egor (10k)
Amaranth (22k)
alice (17k)
ArcticBreeze (10k)
Fakee (10k)
TLTK (10k)
Nael222 (10k)
Toytean (10k)
Trevelion (10k)
File 13 (10k)
robjr (30k)
HSA (16k)
Jorgen (10k)
Inder (10k)
zfs (10k)
pj (10k)
Shakur (10k)
eden (13k)
avarice (12.5k)
Bouff (11k)
SuperEpicAmpharos (11k)
Fc (10k)
London Beats (10k)
bagoftrixx (10k)
mc56556 (10k)
16bit (10k)
Neko (10k)
Vaporized Vaporeons have retained / self bought the following players:
Manager Self Purchases

Their total is now 80k.

Royal Raikous have retained / self bought the following players:
Manager Self Purchases

Estarossa for 15k.

Their total is now 80k - 15k = 65k.

Iron Man Machamps have retained / self bought the following players:
Manager Self Purchase

Mr.378 for 15k.

Their total is now 80k - 15k = 65k.

Tenacious Tyranitars have retained / self bought the following players:
Manager Self Purchase

vani for 15k.

Their total is now 80k - 15k = 65k.

Wii Fit Wolverines have retained / self bought the following players:
Inder for 10k. They can play either Ubers or OU.
Manager Self Purchase

Their total is now 80k - 10k = 70k.

Death Scythes have retained / self bought the following players:
Manager Self Purchase

ziloXX for 15k

Their total is now 80k - 15k = 65k.

Current Team Auction Credits / Roster Size
Vaporized Vaporeons: 80k / 0 Players
Royal Raikous: 65k / 1 Players
Iron Man Machamps: 65k / 1 Players
Tenacious Tyranitars: 65k / 1 Player
Wii Fit Wolverines: 70k / 1 Players
Death Scythes: 65k / 1 Player
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The draft will be held at 2:30 PM GMT-4 on Saturday, October 29th!

This means that the player signups thread will close at 2:30 PM GMT-4 on Friday, October 28th, which is also the deadline for retains and manager self-buys! When the player signups close, the draft order will be announced!
Draft order!

The order for the draft will be Tyranitars (1st), Scythes (2nd), Machamps (3rd), Vaporeons (4th), Wolverines (5th), and Raikous (6th).

The thread is locked (sorry for messing up the timezones for doing this!) and retains and manager self-buys are now locked in. The draft will be in approximately 23 hours and 30 minutes. Good luck to all players!

Draft has been completed!

Due to the unfortunate incident that happened mid-draft, I only have the total pricelist. I will work on creating a pricelist by teams and getting that out in the next few hours.

Isa 24500
Siatam 22500
robjr 19000
HSA 18500
Tony 17500
hellpowna 17000
Torchic 16500
Oathkeeper 13500
Vileman 13500
Zokuru 13000
Rubyblood 13000
lax 12000
avarice 9500
Thor 9500
BigFatMantis 8500
Staxi 8500
Thepatatedouce 8000
Monai 6000
LNumbers 6000
Nael222 5500
shiloh 5500
Lily 5500
Chiles Habaneros 5500
crying 5500
choolio 5000
Celebiii 5000
watashi 4500
airfare 4500
TLTK 4500
ILoveMashing❤ 4000
Haru 4000
gorex 4000
QWILY 4000
Fakee 4000
romanji 4000
Autumn Marie 3500
Mendeez 3000
RealJester 3000
pkThunderbolt 3000
DiannieRatson 3000
F1shingRod 3000
Trevelion 3000
Monky25 3000
Isza 3000
CursedStar 3000
JustFranco 3000
ClairDeLuna 3000
Ainzcrad 3000
Real FV13 3000
jonfilch 3000
London Beats 3000
Haarper 3000
Spl4sh 3000
16bit 3000
susciety 3000
SaDiSTiCNarwhal 3000
Iguana 3000
CDW Enrique 3000
Egor 3000
Laroxyl 3000

sorry the pricelist looks terrible, I'll try to make it look nicer too over time-

Week 1

Tenacious Tyranitars vs. Death Scythes
Wii Fit Wolverines vs. Royal Raikous
Iron Man Machamps vs. Vaporized Vaporeons

Week 2
Royal Raikous vs. Iron Man Machamps
Vaporized Vaporeons vs. Tenacious Tyranitars
Death Scythes vs. Wii Fit Wolverines

Week 3
Vaporized Vaporeons vs. Royal Raikous
Tenacious Tyranitars vs. Wii Fit Wolverines
Iron Man Machamps vs. Death Scythes

Week 4
Wii Fit Wolverines vs. Iron Man Machamps
Death Scythes vs. Vaporized Vaporeons
Royal Raikous vs. Tenacius Tyranitars

Week 5
Vaporized Vaporeons vs. Wii Fit Wolverines
Tenacious Tyranitars vs. Iron Man Machamps
Royal Raikous vs. Death Scythes

#1 vs. Bye
#2 vs. #3

#1 vs. [Winner of #2 vs. #3]
Regarding HSA vs. avarice

In this game, the time was never agreed to, so I can't make an act call based on that. However, from there it immediately goes to scheduling. HSA had ample time to figure out a time, but even though there was a proposed time, he just did not put in the effort to try to schedule. For this reason, an activity call will be made in the favor of avarice. The Tyranitars get the win for this match.

The spreadsheet will be updated soon. Sorry for the delay, this week has put me through the ringer-
Regarding Week 5

HSA vs Trevelion - Game was never played, and there was no visible scheduling attempt, so I will be counting it as dead game.
Estarossa vs Mendeez - This was an agreed dead game.
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