GSC GSC OU 2024 Circuit Championship - Finals [Won by BIHI]

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forgive them even if they are not sorry
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Art by Blazenix

Welcome to the 2024 GSC Circuit Championship! Congratulations to our top sixteen for fighting hard to make it this far! At the end of this tournament, the winner will claim both the GSC Champion ribbon and a custom avatar.

Tournament-Specific Rules:
GSC Clauses and Rules:
  • Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
  • Freeze Clause Mod: Limit one foe frozen
  • Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
  • OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
  • Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
  • Sleep Trap Clause: You can't have a sleeping move and trapping move on the same Pokémon
  • HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
1. GLFGno7 (9100)
2. MrSoup (6670)
3. Siatam (5325)
4. melancholy0 (4370)
5. vani (4170)
6. Thor (4140)
7. Elian (3525)
8. hellpowna (3470)
9. Underlying (3335)
10. Sapientia (3120)
11. Alice Kazumi (3075)
12. BIHI (3000)
13. CrossHeart (2805)
14. Onraider (2795)
15. tylerkehne (2525)
16. aminita (2325)

Round One
1. GLFGno7 vs 16. aminita
2. MrSoup vs 15. tylerkehne
3. Siatam vs 14. Onraider
4. melancholy0 vs 13. CrossHeart
5. vani vs 12. BIHI
6. Thor vs 11. Alice Kazumi
7. Elian vs 10. Sapientia
8. hellpowna vs 9. Underlying

16. aminita vs 9. Underlying
15. tylerkehne vs 7. Elian
14. Onraider vs 11. Alice Kazumi
4. melancholy0 vs 12. BIHI

9. Underlying vs 12. BIHI
15. tylerkehne vs 11. Alice Kazumi

12. BIHI vs 11. Alice Kazumi

Replays are mandatory!
The deadline for this round is Sunday, December 22nd at 11:59 PM GMT -5.
1. GLFGno7 vs 16. aminita GLFG has been dominant this whole year, definitely favourite 80-20
2. MrSoup vs 15. tylerkehne it's normally a good 70-30 in Soup favour but I feel like tyler will do the upset
3. Siatam vs 14. Onraider Siatam is on a fire streak in GSCPL and is a solid player, whereas Onraider has the potential but no recent results 70-30
4. melancholy0 vs 13. CrossHeart Crossheart is in a good period showing to the world his capacities meanwhile melancholy is struggling a bit rn 45-55
5. vani vs 12. BIHI I'm really looking forward this mu, did not expect BIHI to play gsc again but it's great 65-35
6. Thor vs 11. Alice Kazumi Alice had some ok results in tours with hard gsc pools, so I think she can beat Thor 40-60
7. Elian vs 10. Sapientia funny mu, circuit player vs Cup finalist. Sapienta got a better level overall I think but Elian can definitely do the upset 40-60
8. hellpowna vs 9. Underlying 70-30 if coco brings a serious team he's favoured, and I dont know what to think about Underlying so far, will be an interesting bo to watch.
hf everyone (I think vani will win the whole thing)
Avenged my cup loss and won in 2. Sadly luck marred what could've been a good series.
at the request of GLFG I am briefly keeping these replays private. I will upload them publicly once I am given the go-ahead and have already pm'd the host. They will be up before the round finishes

edit: see GLFG's post for replays
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Avenged my cup loss and won in 2. Sadly luck marred what could've been a good series.
at the request of GLFG I am temporarily keeping these replays private. I will upload them once I am given the go-ahead
This is circuit championships dawg, it says replays are mandatory in large bold font in the op. Your opponent giving major cowardice energy

Congrats on the win
I just wanted to not show my teams ahead of my gscpl game
Now that it's over, here there are
I want to thank aminita so very much for compensating to my will and congratulate him for being a great player as well despite being very new to the tier. I had understood how talented he is even since our gsc cup games back in August. Sadly rng didn't allow it to be the great series that it could but what can you do, maybe some other time
Same goes for my great roapl teammate melancholy0, we will probably have another chance man (if I don't quit this parody of a "competitive" game haha). Good luck to both of you guys
As for you, I would answer but what's the point of arguing w a person which doesn't obviously know the meaning of the word "BRIEFLY"? Hope you enjoy the replays you looked so forward to see lol
This is circuit championships dawg, it says replays are mandatory in large bold font in the op. Your opponent giving major cowardice energy

Congrats on the win
Won a couple fun games vs mrsoup. I thought I played fairly well but I definitely got some luck on critical turns. GGs and I'm happy I got to win against a good player.

Honestly, I'm just happy to be here. I started playing mons seriously this summer as a kind of stress relief from my career and other hobbies, and I've had a lot of fun playing this tier. I've been trying to enter everything I can to get better, with the ultimate goal of making deep enough runs to play high-level players consistently, gain experience and have good games. Everything has gone exactly as I hoped, and any run I make here is just gravy for me. I'm grateful to be able to play in this tour, and thanks to the TOs for putting this circuit together, it's been fun.
Lot of surprising r1 results, with lot of newer and determined players : that's great
16. aminita vs 9. Underlying : both did an impressive upset, I prefered what aminita showed up tho
15. tylerkehne vs 7. Elian I think tylerkehne has a lot of potential
14. Onraider vs 11. Alice Kazumi rooting for Onraider, impressive win over Siatam and can clearly win the whole thing
4. melancholy0 vs 12. BIHI I had a doubt on how would BIHI plays this tour, but he played seriously and won. He is the best overall player remaining and can win this.
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