Gen 2 GSC NU Kingler [QC 2/2] [GP 2/2]


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Kingler is an incredibly dangerous setup threat, being by far the best Pokemon that learns Swords Dance in the tier. Kingler uses its good physical bulk, solid Speed that lets it outrun the likes of Dewgong and Weezing, and strong Water typing to set up and become able to 2HKO or OHKO almost every Pokemon in the tier. Kingler's typing lets it easily set up on Rapidash, Flareon, Ninetales, Dewgong, and Ice Beam Octillery, while its bulk lets stomach hits from common threats like Dugtrio, Fearow, Stantler, Graveler, Hitmonlee, and more in a pinch. Kingler's power after a Swords Dance makes it one of the best Pokemon to punish slower, bulkier teams, as these teams often forgo threats like Xatu and opt to use more passive Pokemon like Dewgong. Kingler is also the single most brutal punish to stall, as it can take advantage of Dewgong and Shuckle to use Swords Dance and then Substitute to avoid Toxic or Hidden Power Rock to directly hit hard and proceed to sweep with Swords Dance. However, Kingler has pitiful Special Defense, leaving it at least 2HKOed by every Thunder user, Xatu, Hidden Power Electric variants of Octillery, and Magmar. Kingler also sits at a somewhat awkward Speed tier, being outsped by every common fast offensive threat, meaning taking several hits while attempting to break is nearly unavoidable. As a result, Kingler struggles significantly more against fast-paced Xatu Spikes teams. Kingler can also struggle heavily with breaking through Curse users like Wigglytuff and Porygon without setup prior to their entry.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Ground
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return / Body Slam
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Substitute / Protect
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Dance is Kingler's best option to make it as dangerous as possible and is necessary to make it a real threat. Return is an extremely consistent attacking option and reaches a 2HKO against most Pokemon at +2. Body Slam can be used instead to attempt to spread paralysis before committing to a Swords Dance, allowing it to potentially cripple Xatu and KO it without taking a hit, though it is even weaker than Return, potentially eliminating the ability to OHKO threats that are significantly chipped. Body Slam paralysis is also highly unreliable for a Pokemon that doesn't get many chances to gain entry without harm, making it even riskier. Hidden Power Ground perfectly complements Kingler's choice of Normal-type attack, as after a Swords Dance, it 2HKOes Weezing, OHKOes Magnemite, and deals massive damage to Sudowoodo, Graveler, and Pupitar. +2 Hidden Power Ground also blasts Fire-types, OHKOing Magmar and Flareon, having odds to OHKO Rapidash, and being able to do upwards of 95% to Ninetales. Kingler's final moveslot goes towards a utility move, since Normal and Ground have perfect coverage. Substitute can take advantage of paralysis spread by teammates like Gloom and Porygon, lets Kingler fish for Thunder misses from Weezing, gives Kingler additional free turns when Sleep Talk calls Rest or a weak move that can't break Kingler's Substitute like Stantler's Earthquake, and prevents status from the likes of Porygon, Pineco, Persian, Gloom, and Shuckle. Protect, meanwhile, grants Kingler the ability to gain extra Leftovers recovery in one-on-one confrontations, often against Pokemon like Fearow and Stantler, letting it potentially fire off one additional boosted hit. Protect also allows Kingler to safely trade with Xatu, bringing it barely out of range for a 2HKO from Hidden Power Electric, though it still leaves Kingler at extremely low health. A primary benefit of both Substitute and Protect is that they can prevent Kingler from taking an Explosion or Self-Destruct with good prediction, which not only keeps Kingler alive and healthy but also means the opponent sacrificed a Pokemon for nothing. Additionally, Substitute blocks Giga Drain in Generation 2, making Kingler functionally immune to most common Pineco sets, as Hidden Power Grass is extremely rare.

Team Options

Weezing makes for a great pairing with Kingler, handling Primeape and being able to use Explosion on Xatu and other Weezing. Gloom similarly answers Primeape, and though it is generally walled by Xatu like Kingler is, it can paralyze Xatu with Stun Spore to set the stage for a Kingler sweep. Gloom can also paralyze various other targets like Stantler, Weezing, Fearow, and Pineco for Kingler. Pineco can set Spikes to chip down enemies for Kingler and then use Explosion to eliminate an enemy Pokemon, and it can punish Primeape and Stantler short-term. Graveler has Rapid Spin to remove Spikes and keep Kingler at full health, and it also has Explosion. Graveler standing in the way of Pineco can also prevent Pineco from safely trading itself to eliminate Kingler's Substitute later in the game when at high health. Porygon can switch into Xatu if healthy and paralyze opposing Pokemon, often Primeape and Pineco, with Thunder Wave. Primeape has great offensive synergy with Kingler, luring in and wearing down Weezing, Pineco, and Xatu while also effectively handling potential threats like Porygon and Stantler. Ninetales and Rapidash are effective answers to Xatu, Weezing, and potentially Primeape, and they also prevent Magmar from revenge killing Primeape. Other answers to Xatu like Dewgong or even Houndour with its capability to Pursuit trap Xatu can pair well with Kingler, too. Wigglytuff, similarly to Porygon, can answer Xatu and spread paralysis, though it's much less consistent, since it lacks Recover and uses Body Slam for paralysis rather than Thunder Wave.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Rock
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return
move 3: Hidden Power Rock
move 4: Surf / Substitute
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Dance is essential to make Kingler a serious threat. Return is the best all-around neutral attacking option, 2HKOing most targets after a boost. Hidden Power Rock is Kingler's best option to turn the tables on Xatu, being favored to OHKO Xatu at +2 while leaving Kingler at over half health to fire off another attack, potentially allowing Kingler to win the game immediately. Hidden Power Rock additionally OHKOes Magmar and Flareon, is favored to OHKO Fearow, has a decent chance to OHKO Rapidash, and does massive damage to Pidgeot, Pineco, Ninetales, and Dewgong. Hidden Power Rock also allows Kingler to easily break through Shuckle even after it uses Defense Curl. Since Normal + Rock coverage leaves Kingler walled by Rock-types like Sudowoodo, Surf is the most common choice in the final slot. Kingler can outspeed and 2HKO Sudowoodo and OHKO Graveler and Pupitar with Surf, clearing the way for Kingler to use its Normal-type attack unimpeded. Substitute can be used instead to block status and Explosion, giving Kingler an essentially free win against stall, but it means Kingler cannot break through Rock-types itself and is reliant on team support.

Team Options

Hidden Power Rock Kingler makes for a great choice alongside Pokemon that may want Xatu removed from the game, as Kingler naturally baits in Xatu and can surprise it with an OHKO from +2 Hidden Power Rock. Gloom is a prime partner, and it also covers Primeape for Kingler and can spread paralysis with Stun Spore, even potentially paralyzing Xatu so that Kingler does not even have to take a hit before removing Xatu. Weezing similarly appreciates Xatu's absence, as even though it often runs Thunder to hit it, Xatu is still an annoyance. Weezing can check Primeape, trade against other Weezing for Kingler, and use Explosion to break holes and remove threats. Weezing can also take advantage of Kingler luring in and removing Xatu to instead run a potent set otherwise walled by it such as Curse + RestTalk. Pineco can lay down Spikes to put targets like Ninetales and opposing Pineco into OHKO range for Kingler or put a chipped Pokemon barely into range of a +2 Return or Body Slam. Spikes also makes it more likely for Kingler to 2HKO Magnemite with +2 Return, which can turn the tides in Kingler's favor against an asleep Magnemite. Porygon can switch into Xatu and Dewgong when healthy before Kingler is ready to reveal itself and use Swords Dance. Porygon can then paralyze foes, notably Primeape, with Thunder Wave. Since Hidden Power Rock Kingler struggles more against Weezing without a safe option to 2HKO full health Weezing, Kingler appreciates partners that can wear down or wall Weezing. Primeape and Hitmonlee both easily bait in and force damage on Weezing, and they both appreciate Kingler's Xatu-removing capabilities. Ninetales and Rapidash are strong options to defensively handle Weezing long-term, with Ninetales providing more support and Rapidash providing more offense. Both can also handle Primeape to a degree.

Other Options

Surf can be used over Hidden Power Ground to let Kingler OHKO Graveler and Pupitar and 2HKO Sudowoodo without having to use Swords Dance prior, which is especially notable because +2 Hidden Power Ground never OHKOes Graveler even after Spikes. Forgoing Hidden Power Ground also increases Kingler's DVs, making it slightly bulkier and stronger and increasing the chances to beat Xatu when at full health. However, without Hidden Power Ground, Kingler is unable to 2HKO a full health Weezing, and it can only 3HKO Magnemite. Amnesia can be used on Kingler to weaken Thunder and attacks from Xatu and Octillery to gain easier setup opportunities or make revenge killing Kingler more difficult. However, it costs a valuable coverage move or utility option like Protect, and it often still loses to threats like Xatu due to needing another turn to set up. Double-Edge can be used instead of or alongside Return or Body Slam to provide a more powerful hit, and while it doesn't take any 2HKOs that Return can't, it can be valuable for taking KOs from foes at higher health percentages, though it comes with recoil and costs a moveslot. RestTalk can be used with Swords Dance and Return, Double-Edge, or Body Slam to give Kingler surprise factor with the ability to heal when being pressured by Fearow and Stantler, and it makes Kingler a solid long-term check to Dewgong, Flareon, Rapidash, Dugtrio, and Ninetales if needed. However, it means Kingler has serious coverage issues, is still beaten easily by Xatu, and suffers from severe competition with other mono-Normal setup sweepers like Wigglytuff and Porygon. Hyper Beam can be used over Substitute or Protect on Hidden Power Ground Kingler to give it the option to OHKO neutral threats like Xatu and Stantler when Kingler is at +2 and paralyzed or at low health. However, the recharge turn means Kingler is committing to be sacrificed, Kingler can be defeated before it uses Hyper Beam, and Hyper Beam can miss.

Checks and Counters

**Xatu**: Xatu counters Hidden Power Ground Kingler if awake, outspeeding and 2HKOing with Psychic or Hidden Power Electric while avoiding an OHKO. However, if asleep, Xatu has a 1/3 chance to lose to Kingler by calling Rest from Sleep Talk, increased to 2/3 if it's using Hidden Power Ice instead of Hidden Power Electric. Additionally, Xatu is OHKOed by a +2 Hidden Power Rock.

**Primeape**: Primeape is faster than Kingler, can 2HKO with Thunder, and isn't OHKOed from full health by Return or Double-Edge. However, Thunder's accuracy can allow Kingler to beat Primeape, and the matchup is made even worse if Kingler used Substitute or if Primeape is asleep.

**Persian**: Persian outspeeds Kingler and can put it to sleep with Hypnosis or, if running it, deal heavy damage with Thunder. Double-Edge can reliably break Kingler's Substitute without lowering Persian into KO range of +2 Return. However, Persian is often not at high health, since it usually functions as a highly aggressive lead, and Hypnosis and Thunder both have shaky accuracy.

**Pidgeot**: Pidgeot is faster than Kingler and can use Reflect to turn +2 Return from a 2HKO into a 4HKO, and then Pidgeot can 3HKO Kingler with Double-Edge. However, this is highly unreliable if Pidgeot is sleeping, and +2 Hidden Power Rock is still a 3HKO with Reflect up. Kingler can also predict Pidgeot using Reflect and use Swords Dance a second time, turning Hidden Power Rock into a 2HKO. Furthermore, Substitute takes greater advantage of a sleeping Pidgeot and burns Reflect turns.

**Weezing**: Weezing barely avoids a 2HKO from +2 Return at full health and does massive damage with Thunder. +2 Double-Edge can 2HKO Weezing, but the recoil will knock Kingler into KO range from Thunder. However, Weezing is slower than Kingler, Thunder has poor accuracy, and +2 Hidden Power Ground is an easy 2HKO. Substitute also allows Kingler to repeatedly fish for Thunder misses to easily win the matchup, and it blocks Weezing from safely using Explosion to trade with Kingler.

**Gloom**: Gloom can use Stun Spore or Sleep Powder to shut down Kingler. The threat of Razor Leaf or Hidden Power Grass also prevents Kingler from safely using Substitute to prevent status, as both moves 2HKO and repeated use of Substitute can lower Kingler into KO range. However, Gloom is still ultimately unfavored, as Gloom is slower, Stun Spore and Sleep Powder have unreliable accuracy, and the Gloom trainer has to guess right between using status or attacking if Kingler has Substitute. Some Glooms also don't use a Grass-type attack at all.

**Faster Attackers**: Faster attackers like Stantler, Fearow, Magmar, Dugtrio, and Hitmonlee all pressure Kingler and can revenge kill it from lower health. Magmar and Stantler are especially notable, as Magmar can revenge kill Kingler with Thunder Punch or Hidden Power Grass if it takes a Thunder or an attack from Xatu prior, and Stantler isn't OHKOed by any of Kingler's moves unlike the other Pokemon mentioned. However, Kingler's solid physical bulk and incredible power after a Swords Dance make all of these poor checks individually, especially if they are asleep and have to use Sleep Talk.

**Magnemite**: Magnemite isn't 2HKOed by Surf or +2 Return and can OHKO Hidden Power Rock Kingler with Thunder. However, Magnemite is completely trashed by Hidden Power Ground Kingler.

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Kingler is an incredibly dangerous setup threat, being by far the best Pokemon that learns Swords Dance in the tier. Kingler uses its good physical bulk, solid Speed that lets it outrun the likes of Dewgong and Weezing, and mostly weakness-lacking Water-typing very awkward to set up and become able to 2HKO or OHKO almost every Pokemon in the tier. Kingler's typing lets it easily set up on Rapidash, Flareon, Ninetales, Dewgong, and Ice Beam Octillery, while its bulk lets it set up on Dugtrio and makes it able to stomach hits from common threats like Dugtrio, Fearow, Stantler, Graveler, Hitmonlee, in a pinchand more at high health. Kingler is one of the best Pokemon to punish slower, bulkier Spikeless teams thanks to its power after a Swords Dance, these teams often forgoing Xatu, and Dewgong's preference over Octillery, giving Kingler additional setup opportunities and less in the way of a sweep. Kingler's power after a swords dance makes it one of the best pokemont o punish slower, bulkier teams, as these teams often forgoe threats like Xatu and opt to use more passive Pokemon like Dewgong. Kingler is also the single more brutal punish to stallexcellent at punishing stall, as it can take advantage of Dewgong and Shuckle to use Swords Dance and use Substitute to avoid Toxic and proceed to sweep with swords dance., which makes Kingler unable to be hurt by Shuckle, giving it plenty of chances to fish for a critical hit, or use Hidden Power Rock or Surf, which will let Kingler directly beat Shuckle. However, Kingler has pitiful Special Defense, leaving it at least 2HKOed by every Thunder user, and Xatu, Hidden Power Electric Octillery, and Magmar. Kingler also sits at a somewhat awkward Speed tier, being outsped by every common fast offensive threat, meaning taking several hits while attempting to break is nearly unavoidable and thus Kingler is often defeated in only a few turns. As a result, Kingler struggles significantly more against fast-paced Xatu Spikes teams or even just the same Spikeless teams that opt for Octillery rather than Dewgong and take a more offensive angle. Kingler can also struggle heavily with breaking through Curse users like Wigglytuff and Porygon, though it has the benefit of boosting with Swords Dance prior to their entry and having the option to use Substitute to block Thunder Wave from Porygon. without set up prior to their entry.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Ground
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return / Body Slam
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Substitute / Protect
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Dance is Kingler's best option to make it as dangerous as possible and is necessary to make it a real threat. Return is an extremely consistent attacking option and reaches a 2HKO against most Pokemon at +2. Body Slam can be used instead to attempt to spread paralysis before committing to a Swords Dance, allowing it to potentially land paralysis on cripple Xatu and KO it without taking a hit, though it is even weaker unboosted than Return, making it somewhat risky to use, and it hits lower ranges than Return at +2, potentially eliminating the ability to OHKO threats that are significantly chipped. Body Slam paralysis is also highly unreliable and Kingler doesn't for a pokemont that doesnt get many chances to gain entry without harm, making it even riskier. Hidden Power Ground perfectly compliments Kingler's choice of Normal-type attack, as after a Swords Dance it 2HKOes Weezing, OHKOes Magnemite, and deals massive damage to Sudowoodo, Graveler, and Pupitar, even being favored to OHKO Pupitar after Spikes. +2 Hidden Power Ground also blasts Fire-types, OHKOing Magmar and Flareon, having odds to OHKO Rapidash—guaranteed with Spikes—and can do upwards of 95% to Ninetales. Kingler's final moveslot goes towards a utility move since Normal and Ground have perfect coverage. Substitute can take advantage of paralysis spreading from teammates like Gloom or Porygon, lets Kingler fish for Thunder misses from Weezing, gives Kingler additional free turns when Sleep Talk calls Rest or a weak move that can't break Kingler's Substitute like Stantler's Earthquake, and prevents status from the likes of Porygon, Pineco, Persian, Gloom, and Shuckle. Protect meanwhile grants Kingler the ability to gain extra Leftovers recovery in 1v1 confrontations, often with Pokemon like Fearow or Stantler, letting it potentially fire off one additional boosted hit. Protect also allows Kingler to safely trade with Xatu, bringing it barely out of range for a 2HKO from Hidden Power Electric, though it still leaves Kingler at extremely low health. A primary benefit of both Substitute and Protect is that they can prevent Kingler from taking an Explosion or Self-Destruct with good prediction, which not only keeps Kingler alive and healthy but also means the opposing trainer sacrificed a Pokemon for nothing. Additionally, Substitute blocks Giga Drain in Generation 2, making Kingler functionally immune to most common Pineco sets, as Hidden Power Grass is extremely rare.

Team Options

Weezing makes for a great pairing with Kingler, handling Primeape and being able to use Explosion on Xatu and other Weezing. Gloom similarly answers Primeape, and though while it is generally walled by Xatu like Kingler is, it can paralyze Xatu with Stun Spore to set the stage for a Kingler sweep. Gloom can also paralyze various other targets like Stantler, Weezing, Fearow, and Pineco for Kingler. Pineco can set Spikes to chip down enemies for Kingler and then use Explosion to eliminate an enemy Pokemon, and it can punish Primeape and Stantler in the short-term. Graveler has Rapid Spin to remove Spikes and keep Kingler at full health, and it also has Explosion. Graveler standing in the way of Pineco can also prevent Pineco from safely trading itself to eliminate Kingler's Substitute later in the game when at high health. Porygon can consistently switch (this is hopeful and not consistent. change this into something else) into Xatu and paralyze opposing Pokemon, often Primeape and Pineco, with Thunder Wave. Primeape has great offensive synergy with Kingler, luring in and wearing down Weezing, Pineco, and sometimes Xatu, while also effectively handling potential threats like Porygon and Stantler. Ninetales and Rapidash are effective answers to Xatu, Weezing, and potentially Primeape, and they also prevent Magmar from revenge killing Primeape. Other answers to Xatu like Dewgong or even Houndour with its capability to Pursuit trap Xatu can pair well with Kingler, though Houndour is generally a poor choice. then lets not even mention houndour.Wigglytuff, similarly to Porygon, can answer Xatu and spread paralysis, though it's much less consistent since it lacks Recover and uses Body Slam for paralysis rather than Thunder Wave.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Rock
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return
move 3: Hidden Power Rock
move 4: Surf/substitute
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Danger is essential to make Kingler a serious threat. Return is the best all-around neutral attacking options, 2HKOing most targets after a boost. Hidden Power Rock is Kingler's best option to turn the tables on Xatu, being favored to OHKO Xatu at +2 while leaving Kingler at over half health to fire off another attack, potentially allowing Kingler to win the game immediately. Hidden Power Rock additionally is favored to OHKO Fearow, OHKOes Magmar and Flareon, has a decent chance to OHKO Rapidash, can OHKO Pineco and Ninetales with a small amount of chip, and does massive damage to Pidgeot, pineco, ninetales, and Dewgong. Hidden Power Rock also allows Kingler to easily break through Shuckle, even after it uses Defense Curl. Since Normal + Rock coverage leaves Kingler walled by Rock-types like Sudowoodo, Surf is used in the final slot rather than a utility option like Substitute. Kingler can outspeed and 2HKO Sudowoodo and OHKO Graveler and Pupitar with Surf, clearing the way for Kingler to use its Normal-type attack unimpeded.

Reword what i highlited in purple to include sub as a slash. One of the best aspects of this set is its free win vs stall, and sub is a big factor in that. Generally, you do not need surf when running this set, but it is the most standard option. Blanking into rocks is not that bad considering how worn down they tend to get.

Team Options

Hidden Power Rock Kingler makes for a great choice alongside Pokemon that may want Xatu removed from the game, as Kingler naturally baits in Xatu and can surprise it with an OHKO from +2 Hidden Power Rock. Gloom is a prime partner, and it also covers Primeape for Kingler and can spread paralysis with Stun Spore, even potentially paralyzing Xatu so that Kingler does not even have to take a hit before removing Xatu. Weezing similarly appreciates Xatu's absence, as even though it often runs Thunder to hit it, Xatu is still an annoyance. Weezing can check Primeape, and trade against other Weezing for Kingler, and use Explosion to break holes and remove threats,. or it may even fully bank on Kingler luring Xatu to run a potent set otherwise walled by it such as Curse + RestTalk. Pineco can lay down Spikes to push targets like opposing Pineco into OHKO Range for Kingler or just put a chipped Pokemon barely healthy enough to live a +2 Return or Body Slam into range. Spikes also make it more likely for Kingler to 2HKO Magnemite with +2 Return, which can turn the tides in Kingler's favor against an asleep Magnemite. Porygon is a consistent switch-in i dont like the work consistent here again to Xatu and Dewgong before Kingler is ready to reveal itself and use Swords Dance, and . Porygon can then Porygon can paralyze foes, notably Primeape, with Thunder Wave. Since Hidden Power Rock Kingler struggles more against Weezing without a safe option to 2HKO full health Weezing, OHKO Weezing above 55% health, or the ability to use Substitute, Kingler appreciates partners that can wear down or wall Weezing. Primeape and Hitmonlee both easily bait in and force damage on Weezing, and both appreciate Kingler's Xatu-removing capabilities. Ninetales and Rapidash are strong options to defensively handle Weezing long-term, with Ninetales providing more support and Rapidash providing more offense. Both can also handle Primeape to a degree.

Other Options

Surf can be used over Hidden Power Ground to let Kingler OHKO Graveler and Pupitar and 2HKO Sudowoodo without having to use Swords Dance prior, additionally notable since +2 Hidden Power Ground never OHKOs Graveler even after Spikes. Forgoing Hidden Power Ground also increases Kingler's DVs, making it slightly bulkier and stronger, increasing the chances to beat Xatu when at full health. However, without Hidden Power Ground, Kingler is unable to 2HKO a full health Weezing without Spikes unless it is Hidden Power Water due to lowered DVs, and it can only 3HKO Magnemite. This sounds awkward considering we were just talking about a set that used surf. The transition back to set 1 and then back to set 2 in the sentence following this confused me a lot. Kingler can forgo Surf and use a utility option like Substiute or Protect with Hidden Power Rock if it chooses to, but again, it leaves Kingler walled by Rock-types. remove this, this is fine. Amnesia can be used on Kingler to weaken Thunders and attacks from Xatu and Octillery to gain easier setup or make revenge killing Kingler more difficult. However, it costs a valuable coverage move or utility option like Protect, and often still loses to threats like Xatu due to needing another turn to set up.and a Hidden Power Ground Kingler will still usually lose to Xatu despite Amnesia because it must spend two turns using both Swords Dance and Amnesia, leaving it vulnerable to easy revenge killing from a faster physical attacker like Fearow. Double-Edge can be used instead of or alongside Return or Body Slam to provide a more powerful hit, and while it doesn't take any 2HKOes that Return can't, it can be valuable for taking KOes from higher health percentages, though it comes with recoil and costs a move slot. RestTalk can be used with Swords Dance and Return or double edge or slam? to give Kingler surprise factor with the ability to heal when being pressured by Fearow or Stantler, and it makes Kingler a solid longer-term check to Dewgong, Flareon, Rapidash, dugtriom and Ninetales if needed. However, with Return as the only attacking option, Kingler has serious coverage issues, it is still beaten easily by Xatu, and it suffers severe competition with other mono-Normal setup sweepers like Wigglytuff and Lickitung. Hyper Beam can be used over Substitute or Protect on Hidden Power Ground Kingler to give it the ability to OHKO any Pokemon that does not resist it after a Swords Dance—usually Xatu or Stantler—when it is at low health and going to be easily revenge killed. However, it costs a move slot, and it means Kingler is fully committing to be sacrificed. The recharge turn may also give a dangerous threat like Meditate Hitmonlee or Meditate Primeape a free setup turn. reduce the clutter of the hbeam discussion. "beam can be used over x to give potential ohkos against pokemon like xatu and stantler when in a desperate situation. however, this is very unreliable due to accuracy, switches, and the recharge turn. (medi fightings are not common enough to warrant a message).

Checks and Counters

**Xatu**: Xatu counters Hidden Power Ground Kingler if awake, outspeeding and easily avoiding an OHKO from even a boosted Double-Edge and 2HKOing with Psychic or Hidden Power Electri, while avoiding an ohko. However, if asleep, Xatu has a 1/3 chance to lose to Kingler by calling Rest from Sleep Talk, increased to 2/3 if it's using Hidden Power Ice instead of Hidden Power Electric. Additionally, Xatu is OHKOed by a +2 Hidden Power Rock.

**Primeape**: Primeape is faster than Kingler, can 2HKO with Thunder, and isn't OHKOed from full health by Return or Double-Edge. However, Thunder accuracy can allow Kingler to easily beat Primeape, and the matchup is made even worse if Kingler used Substitute or if Primeape is asleep.

**Persian**: Persian outspeeds Kingler and can put it to sleep with Hypnosis or, if running it, deal heavy damage with Thunder. Double-Edge can reliably break Kingler's Substitute without lowering Persian into KO range of +2 Return. However, Persian is often not at high health since it usually functions as a highly aggressive lead, and Hypnosis and Thunder both have shaky accuracy.

**Pidgeot**: Pidgeot is faster than Kingler and can use Reflect to turn +2 Return from a 2HKO into a 4HKO, and then Pidgeot can 3HKO Kingler with Double-Edge. However, this is highly unreliable if Pidgeot is sleeping, and +2 Hidden Power Rock is still a 3HKO with Reflect up. Kingler can also predict Pidgeot using Reflect and use Swords Dance a second time, turning Hidden Power Rock into a 2HKO. Furthermore, Substitute takes greater advantage of a sleeping Pidgeot and burns Reflect turns, and Protect both burns Reflect turns and gives additional Leftovers recovery.

**Weezing**: Weezing barely avoids a 2HKO from +2 Return at full health and does massive damage with Thunder. +2 Double-Edge can 2HKO Weezing, but the recoil will knock Kingler into KO range from Thunder. However, Weezing is slower than Kingler, Thunder has poor accuracy, and +2 Hidden Power Ground is an easy 2HKO. Substitute also allows Kingler to repeatedly fish for Thunder misses to easily win the matchup, and it blocks Weezing from safely using Explosion to trade with Kingler.

**Gloom**: Gloom can use Stun Spore or Sleep Powder to shut down Kingler. The threat of Razor Leaf or Hidden Power Grass also prevents Kingler from safely using Substitute to prevent status, as both moves 2HKO and repeated use of Substitute can lower Kingler into KO range. However, Gloom is still ultimately unfavored, as Gloom is slower, Stun Spore and Sleep Powder have unreliable accuracy, and the Gloom trainer has to guess right between using status or attacking if Kingler has Substitute. Some Glooms also don't use a Grass-type attack at all.

**Faster attackers**: Faster attackers like Stantler, Fearow, Magmar, Dugtrio, and Hitmonlee all pressure Kingler and can revenge kill it from lower health. Magmar and Stantler are especially notable, as Magmar can revenge kill Kingler with Thunder Punch or Hidden Power Grass if it takes a Thunder or an attack from Xatu prior, and Stantler isn't OHKOed by any of Kingler's moves unlike the other Pokemon mentioned. However, Kingler's solid physical bulk and incredible power after a Swords Dance make all of these poor checks individually, especially if they are alseep and have to use Sleep Talk.

**Magnemite**: Magnemite isn't 2HKOed by Surf or +2 Return and can OHKO Hidden Power Rock Kingler with Thunder. However, Magnemite is completely trashed by Hidden Power Ground Kingler.

wheres skiploom??

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Kingler is an incredibly dangerous setup threat, being by far the best Pokemon that learns Swords Dance in the tier. Kingler uses its good physical bulk, solid Speed that lets it outrun the likes of Dewgong and Weezing, and mostly weakness-lacking Water-typing very awkward to set up and become able to 2HKO or OHKO almost every Pokemon in the tier. Kingler's typing lets it easily set up on Rapidash, Flareon, Ninetales, Dewgong, and Ice Beam Octillery, while its bulk lets it set up on Dugtrio and makes it able to stomach hits from common threats like Dugtrio, Fearow, Stantler, Graveler, Hitmonlee, in a pinchand more at high health. Kingler is one of the best Pokemon to punish slower, bulkier Spikeless teams thanks to its power after a Swords Dance, these teams often forgoing Xatu, and Dewgong's preference over Octillery, giving Kingler additional setup opportunities and less in the way of a sweep. Kingler's power after a swords dance makes it one of the best pokemont o punish slower, bulkier teams, as these teams often forgoe threats like Xatu and opt to use more passive Pokemon like Dewgong. Kingler is also the single more brutal punish to stallexcellent at punishing stall, as it can take advantage of Dewgong and Shuckle to use Swords Dance and use Substitute to avoid Toxic and proceed to sweep with swords dance., which makes Kingler unable to be hurt by Shuckle, giving it plenty of chances to fish for a critical hit, or use Hidden Power Rock or Surf, which will let Kingler directly beat Shuckle. However, Kingler has pitiful Special Defense, leaving it at least 2HKOed by every Thunder user, and Xatu, Hidden Power Electric Octillery, and Magmar. Kingler also sits at a somewhat awkward Speed tier, being outsped by every common fast offensive threat, meaning taking several hits while attempting to break is nearly unavoidable and thus Kingler is often defeated in only a few turns. As a result, Kingler struggles significantly more against fast-paced Xatu Spikes teams or even just the same Spikeless teams that opt for Octillery rather than Dewgong and take a more offensive angle. Kingler can also struggle heavily with breaking through Curse users like Wigglytuff and Porygon, though it has the benefit of boosting with Swords Dance prior to their entry and having the option to use Substitute to block Thunder Wave from Porygon. without set up prior to their entry.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Ground
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return / Body Slam
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Substitute / Protect
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Dance is Kingler's best option to make it as dangerous as possible and is necessary to make it a real threat. Return is an extremely consistent attacking option and reaches a 2HKO against most Pokemon at +2. Body Slam can be used instead to attempt to spread paralysis before committing to a Swords Dance, allowing it to potentially land paralysis on cripple Xatu and KO it without taking a hit, though it is even weaker unboosted than Return, making it somewhat risky to use, and it hits lower ranges than Return at +2, potentially eliminating the ability to OHKO threats that are significantly chipped. Body Slam paralysis is also highly unreliable and Kingler doesn't for a pokemont that doesnt get many chances to gain entry without harm, making it even riskier. Hidden Power Ground perfectly compliments Kingler's choice of Normal-type attack, as after a Swords Dance it 2HKOes Weezing, OHKOes Magnemite, and deals massive damage to Sudowoodo, Graveler, and Pupitar, even being favored to OHKO Pupitar after Spikes. +2 Hidden Power Ground also blasts Fire-types, OHKOing Magmar and Flareon, having odds to OHKO Rapidash—guaranteed with Spikes—and can do upwards of 95% to Ninetales. Kingler's final moveslot goes towards a utility move since Normal and Ground have perfect coverage. Substitute can take advantage of paralysis spreading from teammates like Gloom or Porygon, lets Kingler fish for Thunder misses from Weezing, gives Kingler additional free turns when Sleep Talk calls Rest or a weak move that can't break Kingler's Substitute like Stantler's Earthquake, and prevents status from the likes of Porygon, Pineco, Persian, Gloom, and Shuckle. Protect meanwhile grants Kingler the ability to gain extra Leftovers recovery in 1v1 confrontations, often with Pokemon like Fearow or Stantler, letting it potentially fire off one additional boosted hit. Protect also allows Kingler to safely trade with Xatu, bringing it barely out of range for a 2HKO from Hidden Power Electric, though it still leaves Kingler at extremely low health. A primary benefit of both Substitute and Protect is that they can prevent Kingler from taking an Explosion or Self-Destruct with good prediction, which not only keeps Kingler alive and healthy but also means the opposing trainer sacrificed a Pokemon for nothing. Additionally, Substitute blocks Giga Drain in Generation 2, making Kingler functionally immune to most common Pineco sets, as Hidden Power Grass is extremely rare.

Team Options

Weezing makes for a great pairing with Kingler, handling Primeape and being able to use Explosion on Xatu and other Weezing. Gloom similarly answers Primeape, and though while it is generally walled by Xatu like Kingler is, it can paralyze Xatu with Stun Spore to set the stage for a Kingler sweep. Gloom can also paralyze various other targets like Stantler, Weezing, Fearow, and Pineco for Kingler. Pineco can set Spikes to chip down enemies for Kingler and then use Explosion to eliminate an enemy Pokemon, and it can punish Primeape and Stantler in the short-term. Graveler has Rapid Spin to remove Spikes and keep Kingler at full health, and it also has Explosion. Graveler standing in the way of Pineco can also prevent Pineco from safely trading itself to eliminate Kingler's Substitute later in the game when at high health. Porygon can consistently switch (this is hopeful and not consistent. change this into something else) into Xatu and paralyze opposing Pokemon, often Primeape and Pineco, with Thunder Wave. Primeape has great offensive synergy with Kingler, luring in and wearing down Weezing, Pineco, and sometimes Xatu, while also effectively handling potential threats like Porygon and Stantler. Ninetales and Rapidash are effective answers to Xatu, Weezing, and potentially Primeape, and they also prevent Magmar from revenge killing Primeape. Other answers to Xatu like Dewgong or even Houndour with its capability to Pursuit trap Xatu can pair well with Kingler, though Houndour is generally a poor choice. then lets not even mention houndour.Wigglytuff, similarly to Porygon, can answer Xatu and spread paralysis, though it's much less consistent since it lacks Recover and uses Body Slam for paralysis rather than Thunder Wave.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Rock
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return
move 3: Hidden Power Rock
move 4: Surf/substitute
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Danger is essential to make Kingler a serious threat. Return is the best all-around neutral attacking options, 2HKOing most targets after a boost. Hidden Power Rock is Kingler's best option to turn the tables on Xatu, being favored to OHKO Xatu at +2 while leaving Kingler at over half health to fire off another attack, potentially allowing Kingler to win the game immediately. Hidden Power Rock additionally is favored to OHKO Fearow, OHKOes Magmar and Flareon, has a decent chance to OHKO Rapidash, can OHKO Pineco and Ninetales with a small amount of chip, and does massive damage to Pidgeot, pineco, ninetales, and Dewgong. Hidden Power Rock also allows Kingler to easily break through Shuckle, even after it uses Defense Curl. Since Normal + Rock coverage leaves Kingler walled by Rock-types like Sudowoodo, Surf is used in the final slot rather than a utility option like Substitute. Kingler can outspeed and 2HKO Sudowoodo and OHKO Graveler and Pupitar with Surf, clearing the way for Kingler to use its Normal-type attack unimpeded.

Reword what i highlited in purple to include sub as a slash. One of the best aspects of this set is its free win vs stall, and sub is a big factor in that. Generally, you do not need surf when running this set, but it is the most standard option. Blanking into rocks is not that bad considering how worn down they tend to get.

Team Options

Hidden Power Rock Kingler makes for a great choice alongside Pokemon that may want Xatu removed from the game, as Kingler naturally baits in Xatu and can surprise it with an OHKO from +2 Hidden Power Rock. Gloom is a prime partner, and it also covers Primeape for Kingler and can spread paralysis with Stun Spore, even potentially paralyzing Xatu so that Kingler does not even have to take a hit before removing Xatu. Weezing similarly appreciates Xatu's absence, as even though it often runs Thunder to hit it, Xatu is still an annoyance. Weezing can check Primeape, and trade against other Weezing for Kingler, and use Explosion to break holes and remove threats,. or it may even fully bank on Kingler luring Xatu to run a potent set otherwise walled by it such as Curse + RestTalk. Pineco can lay down Spikes to push targets like opposing Pineco into OHKO Range for Kingler or just put a chipped Pokemon barely healthy enough to live a +2 Return or Body Slam into range. Spikes also make it more likely for Kingler to 2HKO Magnemite with +2 Return, which can turn the tides in Kingler's favor against an asleep Magnemite. Porygon is a consistent switch-in i dont like the work consistent here again to Xatu and Dewgong before Kingler is ready to reveal itself and use Swords Dance, and . Porygon can then Porygon can paralyze foes, notably Primeape, with Thunder Wave. Since Hidden Power Rock Kingler struggles more against Weezing without a safe option to 2HKO full health Weezing, OHKO Weezing above 55% health, or the ability to use Substitute, Kingler appreciates partners that can wear down or wall Weezing. Primeape and Hitmonlee both easily bait in and force damage on Weezing, and both appreciate Kingler's Xatu-removing capabilities. Ninetales and Rapidash are strong options to defensively handle Weezing long-term, with Ninetales providing more support and Rapidash providing more offense. Both can also handle Primeape to a degree.

Other Options

Surf can be used over Hidden Power Ground to let Kingler OHKO Graveler and Pupitar and 2HKO Sudowoodo without having to use Swords Dance prior, additionally notable since +2 Hidden Power Ground never OHKOs Graveler even after Spikes. Forgoing Hidden Power Ground also increases Kingler's DVs, making it slightly bulkier and stronger, increasing the chances to beat Xatu when at full health. However, without Hidden Power Ground, Kingler is unable to 2HKO a full health Weezing without Spikes unless it is Hidden Power Water due to lowered DVs, and it can only 3HKO Magnemite. This sounds awkward considering we were just talking about a set that used surf. The transition back to set 1 and then back to set 2 in the sentence following this confused me a lot. Kingler can forgo Surf and use a utility option like Substiute or Protect with Hidden Power Rock if it chooses to, but again, it leaves Kingler walled by Rock-types. remove this, this is fine. Amnesia can be used on Kingler to weaken Thunders and attacks from Xatu and Octillery to gain easier setup or make revenge killing Kingler more difficult. However, it costs a valuable coverage move or utility option like Protect, and often still loses to threats like Xatu due to needing another turn to set up.and a Hidden Power Ground Kingler will still usually lose to Xatu despite Amnesia because it must spend two turns using both Swords Dance and Amnesia, leaving it vulnerable to easy revenge killing from a faster physical attacker like Fearow. Double-Edge can be used instead of or alongside Return or Body Slam to provide a more powerful hit, and while it doesn't take any 2HKOes that Return can't, it can be valuable for taking KOes from higher health percentages, though it comes with recoil and costs a move slot. RestTalk can be used with Swords Dance and Return or double edge or slam? to give Kingler surprise factor with the ability to heal when being pressured by Fearow or Stantler, and it makes Kingler a solid longer-term check to Dewgong, Flareon, Rapidash, dugtriom and Ninetales if needed. However, with Return as the only attacking option, Kingler has serious coverage issues, it is still beaten easily by Xatu, and it suffers severe competition with other mono-Normal setup sweepers like Wigglytuff and Lickitung. Hyper Beam can be used over Substitute or Protect on Hidden Power Ground Kingler to give it the ability to OHKO any Pokemon that does not resist it after a Swords Dance—usually Xatu or Stantler—when it is at low health and going to be easily revenge killed. However, it costs a move slot, and it means Kingler is fully committing to be sacrificed. The recharge turn may also give a dangerous threat like Meditate Hitmonlee or Meditate Primeape a free setup turn. reduce the clutter of the hbeam discussion. "beam can be used over x to give potential ohkos against pokemon like xatu and stantler when in a desperate situation. however, this is very unreliable due to accuracy, switches, and the recharge turn. (medi fightings are not common enough to warrant a message).

Checks and Counters

**Xatu**: Xatu counters Hidden Power Ground Kingler if awake, outspeeding and easily avoiding an OHKO from even a boosted Double-Edge and 2HKOing with Psychic or Hidden Power Electri, while avoiding an ohko. However, if asleep, Xatu has a 1/3 chance to lose to Kingler by calling Rest from Sleep Talk, increased to 2/3 if it's using Hidden Power Ice instead of Hidden Power Electric. Additionally, Xatu is OHKOed by a +2 Hidden Power Rock.

**Primeape**: Primeape is faster than Kingler, can 2HKO with Thunder, and isn't OHKOed from full health by Return or Double-Edge. However, Thunder accuracy can allow Kingler to easily beat Primeape, and the matchup is made even worse if Kingler used Substitute or if Primeape is asleep.

**Persian**: Persian outspeeds Kingler and can put it to sleep with Hypnosis or, if running it, deal heavy damage with Thunder. Double-Edge can reliably break Kingler's Substitute without lowering Persian into KO range of +2 Return. However, Persian is often not at high health since it usually functions as a highly aggressive lead, and Hypnosis and Thunder both have shaky accuracy.

**Pidgeot**: Pidgeot is faster than Kingler and can use Reflect to turn +2 Return from a 2HKO into a 4HKO, and then Pidgeot can 3HKO Kingler with Double-Edge. However, this is highly unreliable if Pidgeot is sleeping, and +2 Hidden Power Rock is still a 3HKO with Reflect up. Kingler can also predict Pidgeot using Reflect and use Swords Dance a second time, turning Hidden Power Rock into a 2HKO. Furthermore, Substitute takes greater advantage of a sleeping Pidgeot and burns Reflect turns, and Protect both burns Reflect turns and gives additional Leftovers recovery.

**Weezing**: Weezing barely avoids a 2HKO from +2 Return at full health and does massive damage with Thunder. +2 Double-Edge can 2HKO Weezing, but the recoil will knock Kingler into KO range from Thunder. However, Weezing is slower than Kingler, Thunder has poor accuracy, and +2 Hidden Power Ground is an easy 2HKO. Substitute also allows Kingler to repeatedly fish for Thunder misses to easily win the matchup, and it blocks Weezing from safely using Explosion to trade with Kingler.

**Gloom**: Gloom can use Stun Spore or Sleep Powder to shut down Kingler. The threat of Razor Leaf or Hidden Power Grass also prevents Kingler from safely using Substitute to prevent status, as both moves 2HKO and repeated use of Substitute can lower Kingler into KO range. However, Gloom is still ultimately unfavored, as Gloom is slower, Stun Spore and Sleep Powder have unreliable accuracy, and the Gloom trainer has to guess right between using status or attacking if Kingler has Substitute. Some Glooms also don't use a Grass-type attack at all.

**Faster attackers**: Faster attackers like Stantler, Fearow, Magmar, Dugtrio, and Hitmonlee all pressure Kingler and can revenge kill it from lower health. Magmar and Stantler are especially notable, as Magmar can revenge kill Kingler with Thunder Punch or Hidden Power Grass if it takes a Thunder or an attack from Xatu prior, and Stantler isn't OHKOed by any of Kingler's moves unlike the other Pokemon mentioned. However, Kingler's solid physical bulk and incredible power after a Swords Dance make all of these poor checks individually, especially if they are alseep and have to use Sleep Talk.

**Magnemite**: Magnemite isn't 2HKOed by Surf or +2 Return and can OHKO Hidden Power Rock Kingler with Thunder. However, Magnemite is completely trashed by Hidden Power Ground Kingler.

wheres skiploom??

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Kingler is an incredibly dangerous setup threat, being by far the best Pokemon that learns Swords Dance in the tier. Kingler uses its good physical bulk, solid Speed that lets it outrun the likes of Dewgong and Weezing, and strong Water-typing Water typing to set up and become able to 2HKO or OHKO almost every Pokemon in the tier. Kingler's typing lets it easily set up on Rapidash, Flareon, Ninetales, Dewgong, and Ice Beam Octillery, while its bulk lets stomach hits from common threats like Dugtrio, Fearow, Stantler, Graveler, Hitmonlee, and more in a pinch. Kingler's power after a Swords Dance makes it one of the best Pokemon to punish slower, bulkier teams, as these teams often forgo threats like Xatu and opt to use more passive Pokemon like Dewgong. Kingler is also the single most brutal punish to stall, as it can take advantage of Dewgong and Shuckle to use Swords Dance and then Substitute to avoid Toxic or Hidden Power Rock to directly hit hard and proceed to sweep with Swords Dance. However, Kingler has pitiful Special Defense, leaving it at least 2HKOed by every Thunder user, Xatu, Hidden Power Electric variants of Octillery (Consulted in Discord DMs.), and Magmar. Kingler also sits at a somewhat awkward Speed tier, being outsped by every common fast offensive threat, meaning taking several hits while attempting to break is nearly unavoidable. As a result, Kingler struggles significantly more against fast-paced Xatu Spikes teams. Kingler can also struggle heavily with breaking through Curse users like Wigglytuff and Porygon without setup prior to their entry.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Ground
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return / Body Slam
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Substitute / Protect
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Dance is Kingler's best option to make it as dangerous as possible and is necessary to make it a real threat. Return is an extremely consistent attacking option and reaches a 2HKO against most Pokemon at +2. Body Slam can be used instead to attempt to spread paralysis before committing to a Swords Dance, allowing it to potentially cripple Xatu and KO it without taking a hit, though it is even weaker than Return, potentially eliminating the ability to OHKO threats that are significantly chipped. Body Slam paralysis is also highly unreliable for a Pokemon that doesn't doesn't get many chances to gain entry without harm, making it even riskier. Hidden Power Ground perfectly compliments Kingler's choice of Normal-type attack, as after a Swords Dance, (AC) it 2HKOes Weezing, OHKOes Magnemite, and deals massive damage to Sudowoodo, Graveler, and Pupitar. +2 Hidden Power Ground also blasts Fire-types, OHKOing Magmar and Flareon, having odds to OHKO Rapidash, and being able to do upwards of 95% to Ninetales. Kingler's final moveslot goes towards a utility move, (AC) since Normal and Ground have perfect coverage. Substitute can take advantage of paralysis spreading from spread by teammates like Gloom or and Porygon, lets Kingler fish for Thunder misses from Weezing, gives Kingler additional free turns when Sleep Talk calls Rest or a weak move that can't break Kingler's Substitute like Stantler's Earthquake, and prevents status from the likes of Porygon, Pineco, Persian, Gloom, and Shuckle. Protect, (AC) meanwhile, (AC) grants Kingler the ability to gain extra Leftovers recovery in 1v1 one-on-one confrontations, often with against Pokemon like Fearow or and Stantler, letting it potentially fire off one additional boosted hit. Protect also allows Kingler to safely trade with Xatu, bringing it barely out of range for a 2HKO from Hidden Power Electric, though it still leaves Kingler at extremely low health. A primary benefit of both Substitute and Protect is that they can prevent Kingler from taking an Explosion or Self-Destruct with good prediction, which not only keeps Kingler alive and healthy but also means the opposing trainer opponent sacrificed a Pokemon for nothing. Additionally, Substitute blocks Giga Drain in Generation 2, making Kingler functionally immune to most common Pineco sets, as Hidden Power Grass is extremely rare.

Team Options

Weezing makes for a great pairing with Kingler, handling Primeape and being able to use Explosion on Xatu and other Weezing. Gloom similarly answers Primeape, and though it is generally walled by Xatu like Kingler is, it can paralyze Xatu with Stun Spore to set the stage for a Kingler sweep. Gloom can also paralyze various other targets like Stantler, Weezing, Fearow, and Pineco for Kingler. Pineco can set Spikes to chip down enemies for Kingler and then use Explosion to eliminate an enemy Pokemon, and it can punish Primeape and Stantler in the short-term. Graveler has Rapid Spin to remove Spikes and keep Kingler at full health, and it also has Explosion. Graveler standing in the way of Pineco can also prevent Pineco from safely trading itself to eliminate Kingler's Substitute later in the game when at high health. Porygon can switch into Xatu if healthy and paralyze opposing Pokemon, often Primeape and Pineco, with Thunder Wave. Primeape has great offensive synergy with Kingler, luring in and wearing down Weezing, Pineco, and Xatu, while also effectively handling potential threats like Porygon and Stantler. Ninetales and Rapidash are effective answers to Xatu, Weezing, and potentially Primeape, and they also prevent Magmar from revenge killing Primeape. Other answers to Xatu like Dewgong or even Houndour with its capability to Pursuit trap Xatu can pair well with Kingler, (AC) too. Wigglytuff, similarly to Porygon, can answer Xatu and spread paralysis, though it's much less consistent, (AC) since it lacks Recover and uses Body Slam for paralysis rather than Thunder Wave.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Rock
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return
move 3: Hidden Power Rock
move 4: Surf / Substitute
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Danger is essential to make Kingler a serious threat. Return is the best all-around neutral attacking options option, 2HKOing most targets after a boost. Hidden Power Rock is Kingler's best option to turn the tables on Xatu, being favored to OHKO Xatu at +2 while leaving Kingler at over half health to fire off another attack, potentially allowing Kingler to win the game immediately. Hidden Power Rock additionally OHKOes Magmar and Flareon, (AC) is favored to OHKO Fearow, OHKOes Magmar and Flareon, (RC) has a decent chance to OHKO Rapidash, and does massive damage to Pidgeot, Pineco, Ninetales, and Dewgong. Hidden Power Rock also allows Kingler to easily break through Shuckle even after it uses Defense Curl. Since Normal + Rock coverage leaves Kingler walled by Rock-types like Sudowoodo, Surf is the most common choice in the final slot. Kingler can outspeed and 2HKO Sudowoodo and OHKO Graveler and Pupitar with Surf, clearing the way for Kingler to use its Normal-type attack unimpeded. Substitute can be used instead to block status and Explosions Explosion, giving Kingler an essentially free win against stall, but it means Kingler cannot break through Rock-types itself and is reliant on team support.

Team Options

Hidden Power Rock Kingler makes for a great choice alongside Pokemon that may want Xatu removed from the game, as Kingler naturally baits in Xatu and can surprise it with an OHKO from +2 Hidden Power Rock. Gloom is a prime partner, and it also covers Primeape for Kingler and can spread paralysis with Stun Spore, even potentially paralyzing Xatu so that Kingler does not even have to take a hit before removing Xatu. Weezing similarly appreciates Xatu's absence, as even though it often runs Thunder to hit it, Xatu is still an annoyance. Weezing can check Primeape, trade against other Weezing for Kingler, and use Explosion to break holes and remove threats. Weezing can also take advantage of Kingler luring in and removing Xatu to instead run a potent set otherwise walled by it such as Curse + RestTalk. Pineco can lay down Spikes to push targets like opposing Pineco into OHKO range for Kingler or put a chipped Pokemon barely healthy enough to live a +2 Return or Body Slam into range. Spikes also make makes it more likely for Kingler to 2HKO Magnemite with +2 Return, which can turn the tides in Kingler's favor against an asleep Magnemite. Porygon can switch-in to switch into Xatu and Dewgong when healthy before Kingler is ready to reveal itself and use Swords Dance. Porygon can then paralyze foes, notably Primeape, with Thunder Wave. Since Hidden Power Rock Kingler struggles more against Weezing without a safe option to 2HKO full health Weezing, Kingler appreciates partners that can wear down or wall Weezing. Primeape and Hitmonlee both easily bait in and force damage on Weezing, and they both appreciate Kingler's Xatu-removing capabilities. Ninetales and Rapidash are strong options to defensively handle Weezing long-term, with Ninetales providing more support and Rapidash providing more offense. Both can also handle Primeape to a degree.

Other Options

Surf can be used over Hidden Power Ground to let Kingler OHKO Graveler and Pupitar and 2HKO Sudowoodo without having to use Swords Dance prior, additionally which is especially notable since because +2 Hidden Power Ground never OHKOs OHKOes Graveler even after Spikes. Forgoing Hidden Power Ground also increases Kingler's DVs, making it slightly bulkier and stronger, (RC) and increasing the chances to beat Xatu when at full health. However, without Hidden Power Ground, Kingler is unable to 2HKO a full health full-health Weezing, and it can only 3HKO Magnemite. Amnesia can be used on Kingler to weaken Thunders and attacks from Xatu and Octillery to gain easier setup or make revenge killing Kingler more difficult. However, it costs a valuable coverage move or utility option like Protect, and it often still loses to threats like Xatu due to needing another turn to set up. Double-Edge can be used instead of or alongside Return or Body Slam to provide a more powerful hit, and while it doesn't take any 2HKOes 2HKOs that Return can't, it can be valuable for taking KOes KOs from foes at higher health percentages, though it comes with recoil and costs a move slot moveslot. RestTalk can be used with Swords Dance and Return, Double-Edge, or Body Slam to give Kingler surprise factor with the ability to heal when being pressured by Fearow or and Stantler, and it makes Kingler a solid longer-term long-term check to Dewgong, Flareon, Rapidash, Dugtrio, and Ninetales if needed. However, it means Kingler has serious coverage issues, is still beaten easily by Xatu, and it suffers from severe competition with other mono-Normal setup sweepers like Wigglytuff and Porygon. Hyper Beam can be used over Substitute or Protect on Hidden Power Ground Kingler to give it the option to OHKO neutral threats like Xatu and Stantler when Kingler is at +2 and paralyzed or at low health. However, the recharge turn means Kingler is committing to be sacrificed, Kingler can be defeated before it uses Hyper Beam, and Hyper Beam can miss.

Checks and Counters

**Xatu**: Xatu counters Hidden Power Ground Kingler if awake, outspeeding and 2HKOing with Psychic or Hidden Power Electric while avoiding an OHKO. However, if asleep, Xatu has a 1/3 chance to lose to Kingler by calling Rest from Sleep Talk, increased to 2/3 if it's using Hidden Power Ice instead of Hidden Power Electric. Additionally, Xatu is OHKOed by a +2 Hidden Power Rock.

**Primeape**: Primeape is faster than Kingler, can 2HKO with Thunder, and isn't OHKOed from full health by Return or Double-Edge. However, Thunder accuracy can allow Kingler to beat Primeape, and the matchup is made even worse if Kingler used Substitute or if Primeape is asleep.

**Persian**: Persian outspeeds Kingler and can put it to sleep with Hypnosis or, if running it, deal heavy damage with Thunder. Double-Edge can reliably break Kingler's Substitute without lowering Persian into KO range of +2 Return. However, Persian is often not at high health, (AC) since it usually functions as a highly aggressive lead, and Hypnosis and Thunder both have shaky accuracy.

**Pidgeot**: Pidgeot is faster than Kingler and can use Reflect to turn +2 Return from a 2HKO into a 4HKO, and then Pidgeot can 3HKO Kingler with Double-Edge. However, this is highly unreliable if Pidgeot is sleeping, and +2 Hidden Power Rock is still a 3HKO with Reflect up. Kingler can also predict Pidgeot using Reflect and use Swords Dance a second time, turning Hidden Power Rock into a 2HKO. Furthermore, Substitute takes greater advantage of a sleeping Pidgeot and burns Reflect turns.

**Weezing**: Weezing barely avoids a 2HKO from +2 Return at full health and does massive damage with Thunder. +2 Double-Edge can 2HKO Weezing, but the recoil will knock Kingler into KO range from Thunder. However, Weezing is slower than Kingler, Thunder has poor accuracy, and +2 Hidden Power Ground is an easy 2HKO. Substitute also allows Kingler to repeatedly fish for Thunder misses to easily win the matchup, and it blocks Weezing from safely using Explosion to trade with Kingler.

**Gloom**: Gloom can use Stun Spore or Sleep Powder to shut down Kingler. The threat of Razor Leaf or Hidden Power Grass also prevents Kingler from safely using Substitute to prevent status, as both moves 2HKO and repeated use of Substitute can lower Kingler into KO range. However, Gloom is still ultimately unfavored, as Gloom is slower, Stun Spore and Sleep Powder have unreliable accuracy, and the Gloom trainer has to guess right between using status or attacking if Kingler has Substitute. Some Glooms also don't use a Grass-type attack at all.

**Faster attackers**: Faster attackers like Stantler, Fearow, Magmar, Dugtrio, and Hitmonlee all pressure Kingler and can revenge kill it from lower health. Magmar and Stantler are especially notable, as Magmar can revenge kill Kingler with Thunder Punch or Hidden Power Grass if it takes a Thunder or an attack from Xatu prior, and Stantler isn't OHKOed by any of Kingler's moves unlike the other Pokemon mentioned. However, Kingler's solid physical bulk and incredible power after a Swords Dance make all of these poor checks individually, especially if they are alseep asleep and have to use Sleep Talk.

**Magnemite**: Magnemite isn't 2HKOed by Surf or +2 Return and can OHKO Hidden Power Rock Kingler with Thunder. However, Magnemite is completely trashed by Hidden Power Ground Kingler.

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Kingler is an incredibly dangerous setup threat, being by far the best Pokemon that learns Swords Dance in the tier. Kingler uses its good physical bulk, solid Speed that lets it outrun the likes of Dewgong and Weezing, and strong Water-typing Water typing to set up and become able to 2HKO or OHKO almost every Pokemon in the tier. Kingler's typing lets it easily set up on Rapidash, Flareon, Ninetales, Dewgong, and Ice Beam Octillery, while its bulk lets stomach hits from common threats like Dugtrio, Fearow, Stantler, Graveler, Hitmonlee, and more in a pinch. Kingler's power after a Swords Dance makes it one of the best Pokemon to punish slower, bulkier teams, as these teams often forgo threats like Xatu and opt to use more passive Pokemon like Dewgong. Kingler is also the single most brutal punish to stall, as it can take advantage of Dewgong and Shuckle to use Swords Dance and then Substitute to avoid Toxic or Hidden Power Rock to directly hit hard and proceed to sweep with Swords Dance. However, Kingler has pitiful Special Defense, leaving it at least 2HKOed by every Thunder user, Xatu, Hidden Power Electric variants of Octillery (Consulted in Discord DMs.), and Magmar. Kingler also sits at a somewhat awkward Speed tier, being outsped by every common fast offensive threat, meaning taking several hits while attempting to break is nearly unavoidable. As a result, Kingler struggles significantly more against fast-paced Xatu Spikes teams. Kingler can also struggle heavily with breaking through Curse users like Wigglytuff and Porygon without setup prior to their entry.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Ground
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return / Body Slam
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Substitute / Protect
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Dance is Kingler's best option to make it as dangerous as possible and is necessary to make it a real threat. Return is an extremely consistent attacking option and reaches a 2HKO against most Pokemon at +2. Body Slam can be used instead to attempt to spread paralysis before committing to a Swords Dance, allowing it to potentially cripple Xatu and KO it without taking a hit, though it is even weaker than Return, potentially eliminating the ability to OHKO threats that are significantly chipped. Body Slam paralysis is also highly unreliable for a Pokemon that doesn't doesn't get many chances to gain entry without harm, making it even riskier. Hidden Power Ground perfectly compliments Kingler's choice of Normal-type attack, as after a Swords Dance, (AC) it 2HKOes Weezing, OHKOes Magnemite, and deals massive damage to Sudowoodo, Graveler, and Pupitar. +2 Hidden Power Ground also blasts Fire-types, OHKOing Magmar and Flareon, having odds to OHKO Rapidash, and being able to do upwards of 95% to Ninetales. Kingler's final moveslot goes towards a utility move, (AC) since Normal and Ground have perfect coverage. Substitute can take advantage of paralysis spreading from spread by teammates like Gloom or and Porygon, lets Kingler fish for Thunder misses from Weezing, gives Kingler additional free turns when Sleep Talk calls Rest or a weak move that can't break Kingler's Substitute like Stantler's Earthquake, and prevents status from the likes of Porygon, Pineco, Persian, Gloom, and Shuckle. Protect, (AC) meanwhile, (AC) grants Kingler the ability to gain extra Leftovers recovery in 1v1 one-on-one confrontations, often with against Pokemon like Fearow or and Stantler, letting it potentially fire off one additional boosted hit. Protect also allows Kingler to safely trade with Xatu, bringing it barely out of range for a 2HKO from Hidden Power Electric, though it still leaves Kingler at extremely low health. A primary benefit of both Substitute and Protect is that they can prevent Kingler from taking an Explosion or Self-Destruct with good prediction, which not only keeps Kingler alive and healthy but also means the opposing trainer opponent sacrificed a Pokemon for nothing. Additionally, Substitute blocks Giga Drain in Generation 2, making Kingler functionally immune to most common Pineco sets, as Hidden Power Grass is extremely rare.

Team Options

Weezing makes for a great pairing with Kingler, handling Primeape and being able to use Explosion on Xatu and other Weezing. Gloom similarly answers Primeape, and though it is generally walled by Xatu like Kingler is, it can paralyze Xatu with Stun Spore to set the stage for a Kingler sweep. Gloom can also paralyze various other targets like Stantler, Weezing, Fearow, and Pineco for Kingler. Pineco can set Spikes to chip down enemies for Kingler and then use Explosion to eliminate an enemy Pokemon, and it can punish Primeape and Stantler in the short-term. Graveler has Rapid Spin to remove Spikes and keep Kingler at full health, and it also has Explosion. Graveler standing in the way of Pineco can also prevent Pineco from safely trading itself to eliminate Kingler's Substitute later in the game when at high health. Porygon can switch into Xatu if healthy and paralyze opposing Pokemon, often Primeape and Pineco, with Thunder Wave. Primeape has great offensive synergy with Kingler, luring in and wearing down Weezing, Pineco, and Xatu, while also effectively handling potential threats like Porygon and Stantler. Ninetales and Rapidash are effective answers to Xatu, Weezing, and potentially Primeape, and they also prevent Magmar from revenge killing Primeape. Other answers to Xatu like Dewgong or even Houndour with its capability to Pursuit trap Xatu can pair well with Kingler, (AC) too. Wigglytuff, similarly to Porygon, can answer Xatu and spread paralysis, though it's much less consistent, (AC) since it lacks Recover and uses Body Slam for paralysis rather than Thunder Wave.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Rock
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return
move 3: Hidden Power Rock
move 4: Surf / Substitute
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Danger is essential to make Kingler a serious threat. Return is the best all-around neutral attacking options option, 2HKOing most targets after a boost. Hidden Power Rock is Kingler's best option to turn the tables on Xatu, being favored to OHKO Xatu at +2 while leaving Kingler at over half health to fire off another attack, potentially allowing Kingler to win the game immediately. Hidden Power Rock additionally OHKOes Magmar and Flareon, (AC) is favored to OHKO Fearow, OHKOes Magmar and Flareon, (RC) has a decent chance to OHKO Rapidash, and does massive damage to Pidgeot, Pineco, Ninetales, and Dewgong. Hidden Power Rock also allows Kingler to easily break through Shuckle even after it uses Defense Curl. Since Normal + Rock coverage leaves Kingler walled by Rock-types like Sudowoodo, Surf is the most common choice in the final slot. Kingler can outspeed and 2HKO Sudowoodo and OHKO Graveler and Pupitar with Surf, clearing the way for Kingler to use its Normal-type attack unimpeded. Substitute can be used instead to block status and Explosions Explosion, giving Kingler an essentially free win against stall, but it means Kingler cannot break through Rock-types itself and is reliant on team support.

Team Options

Hidden Power Rock Kingler makes for a great choice alongside Pokemon that may want Xatu removed from the game, as Kingler naturally baits in Xatu and can surprise it with an OHKO from +2 Hidden Power Rock. Gloom is a prime partner, and it also covers Primeape for Kingler and can spread paralysis with Stun Spore, even potentially paralyzing Xatu so that Kingler does not even have to take a hit before removing Xatu. Weezing similarly appreciates Xatu's absence, as even though it often runs Thunder to hit it, Xatu is still an annoyance. Weezing can check Primeape, trade against other Weezing for Kingler, and use Explosion to break holes and remove threats. Weezing can also take advantage of Kingler luring in and removing Xatu to instead run a potent set otherwise walled by it such as Curse + RestTalk. Pineco can lay down Spikes to push targets like opposing Pineco into OHKO range for Kingler or put a chipped Pokemon barely healthy enough to live a +2 Return or Body Slam into range. Spikes also make makes it more likely for Kingler to 2HKO Magnemite with +2 Return, which can turn the tides in Kingler's favor against an asleep Magnemite. Porygon can switch-in to switch into Xatu and Dewgong when healthy before Kingler is ready to reveal itself and use Swords Dance. Porygon can then paralyze foes, notably Primeape, with Thunder Wave. Since Hidden Power Rock Kingler struggles more against Weezing without a safe option to 2HKO full health Weezing, Kingler appreciates partners that can wear down or wall Weezing. Primeape and Hitmonlee both easily bait in and force damage on Weezing, and they both appreciate Kingler's Xatu-removing capabilities. Ninetales and Rapidash are strong options to defensively handle Weezing long-term, with Ninetales providing more support and Rapidash providing more offense. Both can also handle Primeape to a degree.

Other Options

Surf can be used over Hidden Power Ground to let Kingler OHKO Graveler and Pupitar and 2HKO Sudowoodo without having to use Swords Dance prior, additionally which is especially notable since because +2 Hidden Power Ground never OHKOs OHKOes Graveler even after Spikes. Forgoing Hidden Power Ground also increases Kingler's DVs, making it slightly bulkier and stronger, (RC) and increasing the chances to beat Xatu when at full health. However, without Hidden Power Ground, Kingler is unable to 2HKO a full health full-health Weezing, and it can only 3HKO Magnemite. Amnesia can be used on Kingler to weaken Thunders and attacks from Xatu and Octillery to gain easier setup or make revenge killing Kingler more difficult. However, it costs a valuable coverage move or utility option like Protect, and it often still loses to threats like Xatu due to needing another turn to set up. Double-Edge can be used instead of or alongside Return or Body Slam to provide a more powerful hit, and while it doesn't take any 2HKOes 2HKOs that Return can't, it can be valuable for taking KOes KOs from foes at higher health percentages, though it comes with recoil and costs a move slot moveslot. RestTalk can be used with Swords Dance and Return, Double-Edge, or Body Slam to give Kingler surprise factor with the ability to heal when being pressured by Fearow or and Stantler, and it makes Kingler a solid longer-term long-term check to Dewgong, Flareon, Rapidash, Dugtrio, and Ninetales if needed. However, it means Kingler has serious coverage issues, is still beaten easily by Xatu, and it suffers from severe competition with other mono-Normal setup sweepers like Wigglytuff and Porygon. Hyper Beam can be used over Substitute or Protect on Hidden Power Ground Kingler to give it the option to OHKO neutral threats like Xatu and Stantler when Kingler is at +2 and paralyzed or at low health. However, the recharge turn means Kingler is committing to be sacrificed, Kingler can be defeated before it uses Hyper Beam, and Hyper Beam can miss.

Checks and Counters

**Xatu**: Xatu counters Hidden Power Ground Kingler if awake, outspeeding and 2HKOing with Psychic or Hidden Power Electric while avoiding an OHKO. However, if asleep, Xatu has a 1/3 chance to lose to Kingler by calling Rest from Sleep Talk, increased to 2/3 if it's using Hidden Power Ice instead of Hidden Power Electric. Additionally, Xatu is OHKOed by a +2 Hidden Power Rock.

**Primeape**: Primeape is faster than Kingler, can 2HKO with Thunder, and isn't OHKOed from full health by Return or Double-Edge. However, Thunder accuracy can allow Kingler to beat Primeape, and the matchup is made even worse if Kingler used Substitute or if Primeape is asleep.

**Persian**: Persian outspeeds Kingler and can put it to sleep with Hypnosis or, if running it, deal heavy damage with Thunder. Double-Edge can reliably break Kingler's Substitute without lowering Persian into KO range of +2 Return. However, Persian is often not at high health, (AC) since it usually functions as a highly aggressive lead, and Hypnosis and Thunder both have shaky accuracy.

**Pidgeot**: Pidgeot is faster than Kingler and can use Reflect to turn +2 Return from a 2HKO into a 4HKO, and then Pidgeot can 3HKO Kingler with Double-Edge. However, this is highly unreliable if Pidgeot is sleeping, and +2 Hidden Power Rock is still a 3HKO with Reflect up. Kingler can also predict Pidgeot using Reflect and use Swords Dance a second time, turning Hidden Power Rock into a 2HKO. Furthermore, Substitute takes greater advantage of a sleeping Pidgeot and burns Reflect turns.

**Weezing**: Weezing barely avoids a 2HKO from +2 Return at full health and does massive damage with Thunder. +2 Double-Edge can 2HKO Weezing, but the recoil will knock Kingler into KO range from Thunder. However, Weezing is slower than Kingler, Thunder has poor accuracy, and +2 Hidden Power Ground is an easy 2HKO. Substitute also allows Kingler to repeatedly fish for Thunder misses to easily win the matchup, and it blocks Weezing from safely using Explosion to trade with Kingler.

**Gloom**: Gloom can use Stun Spore or Sleep Powder to shut down Kingler. The threat of Razor Leaf or Hidden Power Grass also prevents Kingler from safely using Substitute to prevent status, as both moves 2HKO and repeated use of Substitute can lower Kingler into KO range. However, Gloom is still ultimately unfavored, as Gloom is slower, Stun Spore and Sleep Powder have unreliable accuracy, and the Gloom trainer has to guess right between using status or attacking if Kingler has Substitute. Some Glooms also don't use a Grass-type attack at all.

**Faster attackers**: Faster attackers like Stantler, Fearow, Magmar, Dugtrio, and Hitmonlee all pressure Kingler and can revenge kill it from lower health. Magmar and Stantler are especially notable, as Magmar can revenge kill Kingler with Thunder Punch or Hidden Power Grass if it takes a Thunder or an attack from Xatu prior, and Stantler isn't OHKOed by any of Kingler's moves unlike the other Pokemon mentioned. However, Kingler's solid physical bulk and incredible power after a Swords Dance make all of these poor checks individually, especially if they are alseep asleep and have to use Sleep Talk.

**Magnemite**: Magnemite isn't 2HKOed by Surf or +2 Return and can OHKO Hidden Power Rock Kingler with Thunder. However, Magnemite is completely trashed by Hidden Power Ground Kingler.

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Kingler is an incredibly dangerous setup threat, being by far the best Pokemon that learns Swords Dance in the tier. Kingler uses its good physical bulk, solid Speed that lets it outrun the likes of Dewgong and Weezing, and strong Water typing to set up and become able to 2HKO or OHKO almost every Pokemon in the tier. Kingler's typing lets it easily set up on Rapidash, Flareon, Ninetales, Dewgong, and Ice Beam Octillery, while its bulk lets stomach hits from common threats like Dugtrio, Fearow, Stantler, Graveler, Hitmonlee, and more in a pinch. Kingler's power after a Swords Dance makes it one of the best Pokemon to punish slower, bulkier teams, as these teams often forgo threats like Xatu and opt to use more passive Pokemon like Dewgong. Kingler is also the single most brutal punish to stall, as it can take advantage of Dewgong and Shuckle to use Swords Dance and then Substitute to avoid Toxic or Hidden Power Rock to directly hit hard and proceed to sweep with Swords Dance. However, Kingler has pitiful Special Defense, leaving it at least 2HKOed by every Thunder user, Xatu, Hidden Power Electric variants of Octillery, and Magmar. Kingler also sits at a somewhat awkward Speed tier, being outsped by every common fast offensive threat, meaning taking several hits while attempting to break is nearly unavoidable. As a result, Kingler struggles significantly more against fast-paced Xatu Spikes teams. Kingler can also struggle heavily with breaking through Curse users like Wigglytuff and Porygon without setup prior to their entry.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Ground
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return / Body Slam
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Substitute / Protect
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Dance is Kingler's best option to make it as dangerous as possible and is necessary to make it a real threat. Return is an extremely consistent attacking option and reaches a 2HKO against most Pokemon at +2. Body Slam can be used instead to attempt to spread paralysis before committing to a Swords Dance, allowing it to potentially cripple Xatu and KO it without taking a hit, though it is even weaker than Return, potentially eliminating the ability to OHKO threats that are significantly chipped. Body Slam paralysis is also highly unreliable for a Pokemon that doesn't doesn't get many chances to gain entry without harm, making it even riskier. Hidden Power Ground perfectly complements compliments Kingler's choice of Normal-type attack, as after a Swords Dance, it 2HKOes Weezing, OHKOes Magnemite, and deals massive damage to Sudowoodo, Graveler, and Pupitar. +2 Hidden Power Ground also blasts Fire-types, OHKOing Magmar and Flareon, having odds to OHKO Rapidash, and being able to do upwards of 95% to Ninetales. Kingler's final moveslot goes towards a utility move, since Normal and Ground have perfect coverage. Substitute can take advantage of paralysis spread by teammates like Gloom and Porygon, lets Kingler fish for Thunder misses from Weezing, gives Kingler additional free turns when Sleep Talk calls Rest or a weak move that can't break Kingler's Substitute like Stantler's Earthquake, and prevents status from the likes of Porygon, Pineco, Persian, Gloom, and Shuckle. Protect, meanwhile, grants Kingler the ability to gain extra Leftovers recovery in one-on-one confrontations, often against Pokemon like Fearow and Stantler, letting it potentially fire off one additional boosted hit. Protect also allows Kingler to safely trade with Xatu, bringing it barely out of range for a 2HKO from Hidden Power Electric, though it still leaves Kingler at extremely low health. A primary benefit of both Substitute and Protect is that they can prevent Kingler from taking an Explosion or Self-Destruct with good prediction, which not only keeps Kingler alive and healthy but also means the opponent sacrificed a Pokemon for nothing. Additionally, Substitute blocks Giga Drain in Generation 2, making Kingler functionally immune to most common Pineco sets, as Hidden Power Grass is extremely rare.

Team Options

Weezing makes for a great pairing with Kingler, handling Primeape and being able to use Explosion on Xatu and other Weezing. Gloom similarly answers Primeape, and though it is generally walled by Xatu like Kingler is, it can paralyze Xatu with Stun Spore to set the stage for a Kingler sweep. Gloom can also paralyze various other targets like Stantler, Weezing, Fearow, and Pineco for Kingler. Pineco can set Spikes to chip down enemies for Kingler and then use Explosion to eliminate an enemy Pokemon, and it can punish Primeape and Stantler in the short-term. Graveler has Rapid Spin to remove Spikes and keep Kingler at full health, and it also has Explosion. Graveler standing in the way of Pineco can also prevent Pineco from safely trading itself to eliminate Kingler's Substitute later in the game when at high health. Porygon can switch into Xatu if healthy and paralyze opposing Pokemon, often Primeape and Pineco, with Thunder Wave. Primeape has great offensive synergy with Kingler, luring in and wearing down Weezing, Pineco, and Xatu (no comma) while also effectively handling potential threats like Porygon and Stantler. Ninetales and Rapidash are effective answers to Xatu, Weezing, and potentially Primeape, and they also prevent Magmar from revenge killing Primeape. Other answers to Xatu like Dewgong or even Houndour with its capability to Pursuit trap Xatu can pair well with Kingler, too. Wigglytuff, similarly to Porygon, can answer Xatu and spread paralysis, though it's much less consistent, since it lacks Recover and uses Body Slam for paralysis rather than Thunder Wave.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Rock
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return
move 3: Hidden Power Rock
move 4: Surf / Substitute
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Dance Danger (?) is essential to make Kingler a serious threat. Return is the best all-around neutral attacking option, 2HKOing most targets after a boost. Hidden Power Rock is Kingler's best option to turn the tables on Xatu, being favored to OHKO Xatu at +2 while leaving Kingler at over half health to fire off another attack, potentially allowing Kingler to win the game immediately. Hidden Power Rock additionally OHKOes Magmar and Flareon, is favored to OHKO Fearow, has a decent chance to OHKO Rapidash, and does massive damage to Pidgeot, Pineco, Ninetales, and Dewgong. Hidden Power Rock also allows Kingler to easily break through Shuckle even after it uses Defense Curl. Since Normal + Rock coverage leaves Kingler walled by Rock-types like Sudowoodo, Surf is the most common choice in the final slot. Kingler can outspeed and 2HKO Sudowoodo and OHKO Graveler and Pupitar with Surf, clearing the way for Kingler to use its Normal-type attack unimpeded. Substitute can be used instead to block status and Explosion, giving Kingler an essentially free win against stall, but it means Kingler cannot break through Rock-types itself and is reliant on team support.

Team Options

Hidden Power Rock Kingler makes for a great choice alongside Pokemon that may want Xatu removed from the game, as Kingler naturally baits in Xatu and can surprise it with an OHKO from +2 Hidden Power Rock. Gloom is a prime partner, and it also covers Primeape for Kingler and can spread paralysis with Stun Spore, even potentially paralyzing Xatu so that Kingler does not even have to take a hit before removing Xatu. Weezing similarly appreciates Xatu's absence, as even though it often runs Thunder to hit it, Xatu is still an annoyance. Weezing can check Primeape, trade against other Weezing for Kingler, and use Explosion to break holes and remove threats. Weezing can also take advantage of Kingler luring in and removing Xatu to instead run a potent set otherwise walled by it such as Curse + RestTalk. Pineco can lay down Spikes to push targets like opposing Pineco into OHKO range for Kingler or put keep a chipped Pokemon barely healthy enough to live a +2 Return or Body Slam into range (<-this looks like a typo?). Spikes also makes it more likely for Kingler to 2HKO Magnemite with +2 Return, which can turn the tides in Kingler's favor against an asleep Magnemite. Porygon can switch into Xatu and Dewgong when healthy before Kingler is ready to reveal itself and use Swords Dance. Porygon can then paralyze foes, notably Primeape, with Thunder Wave. Since Hidden Power Rock Kingler struggles more against Weezing without a safe option to 2HKO full health Weezing, Kingler appreciates partners that can wear down or wall Weezing. Primeape and Hitmonlee both easily bait in and force damage on Weezing, and they both appreciate Kingler's Xatu-removing capabilities. Ninetales and Rapidash are strong options to defensively handle Weezing long-term, with Ninetales providing more support and Rapidash providing more offense. Both can also handle Primeape to a degree.

Other Options

Surf can be used over Hidden Power Ground to let Kingler OHKO Graveler and Pupitar and 2HKO Sudowoodo without having to use Swords Dance prior, which is especially notable because +2 Hidden Power Ground never OHKOes Graveler even after Spikes. Forgoing Hidden Power Ground also increases Kingler's DVs, making it slightly bulkier and stronger and increasing the chances to beat Xatu when at full health. However, without Hidden Power Ground, Kingler is unable to 2HKO a full health (no hyphen) Weezing, and it can only 3HKO Magnemite. Amnesia can be used on Kingler to weaken Thunders Thunder and attacks from Xatu and Octillery to gain easier setup opportunities or make revenge killing Kingler more difficult. However, it costs a valuable coverage move or utility option like Protect, and it often still loses to threats like Xatu due to needing another turn to set up. Double-Edge can be used instead of or alongside Return or Body Slam to provide a more powerful hit, and while it doesn't take any 2HKOs that Return can't, it can be valuable for taking KOs from foes at higher health percentages, though it comes with recoil and costs a moveslot. RestTalk can be used with Swords Dance and Return, Double-Edge, or Body Slam to give Kingler surprise factor with the ability to heal when being pressured by Fearow and Stantler, and it makes Kingler a solid long-term check to Dewgong, Flareon, Rapidash, Dugtrio, and Ninetales if needed. However, it means Kingler has serious coverage issues, is still beaten easily by Xatu, and suffers from severe competition with other mono-Normal setup sweepers like Wigglytuff and Porygon. Hyper Beam can be used over Substitute or Protect on Hidden Power Ground Kingler to give it the option to OHKO neutral threats like Xatu and Stantler when Kingler is at +2 and paralyzed or at low health. However, the recharge turn means Kingler is committing to be sacrificed, Kingler can be defeated before it uses Hyper Beam, and Hyper Beam can miss.

Checks and Counters

**Xatu**: Xatu counters Hidden Power Ground Kingler if awake, outspeeding and 2HKOing with Psychic or Hidden Power Electric while avoiding an OHKO. However, if asleep, Xatu has a 1/3 chance to lose to Kingler by calling Rest from Sleep Talk, increased to 2/3 if it's using Hidden Power Ice instead of Hidden Power Electric. Additionally, Xatu is OHKOed by a +2 Hidden Power Rock.

**Primeape**: Primeape is faster than Kingler, can 2HKO with Thunder, and isn't OHKOed from full health by Return or Double-Edge. However, Thunder's (apostrophe+s) accuracy can allow Kingler to beat Primeape, and the matchup is made even worse if Kingler used Substitute or if Primeape is asleep.

**Persian**: Persian outspeeds Kingler and can put it to sleep with Hypnosis or, if running it, deal heavy damage with Thunder. Double-Edge can reliably break Kingler's Substitute without lowering Persian into KO range of +2 Return. However, Persian is often not at high health, since it usually functions as a highly aggressive lead, and Hypnosis and Thunder both have shaky accuracy.

**Pidgeot**: Pidgeot is faster than Kingler and can use Reflect to turn +2 Return from a 2HKO into a 4HKO, and then Pidgeot can 3HKO Kingler with Double-Edge. However, this is highly unreliable if Pidgeot is sleeping, and +2 Hidden Power Rock is still a 3HKO with Reflect up. Kingler can also predict Pidgeot using Reflect and use Swords Dance a second time, turning Hidden Power Rock into a 2HKO. Furthermore, Substitute takes greater advantage of a sleeping Pidgeot and burns Reflect turns.

**Weezing**: Weezing barely avoids a 2HKO from +2 Return at full health and does massive damage with Thunder. +2 Double-Edge can 2HKO Weezing, but the recoil will knock Kingler into KO range from Thunder. However, Weezing is slower than Kingler, Thunder has poor accuracy, and +2 Hidden Power Ground is an easy 2HKO. Substitute also allows Kingler to repeatedly fish for Thunder misses to easily win the matchup, and it blocks Weezing from safely using Explosion to trade with Kingler.

**Gloom**: Gloom can use Stun Spore or Sleep Powder to shut down Kingler. The threat of Razor Leaf or Hidden Power Grass also prevents Kingler from safely using Substitute to prevent status, as both moves 2HKO and repeated use of Substitute can lower Kingler into KO range. However, Gloom is still ultimately unfavored, as Gloom is slower, Stun Spore and Sleep Powder have unreliable accuracy, and the Gloom trainer has to guess right between using status or attacking if Kingler has Substitute. Some Glooms also don't use a Grass-type attack at all.

**Faster Attackers attackers**: Faster attackers like Stantler, Fearow, Magmar, Dugtrio, and Hitmonlee all pressure Kingler and can revenge kill it from lower health. Magmar and Stantler are especially notable, as Magmar can revenge kill Kingler with Thunder Punch or Hidden Power Grass if it takes a Thunder or an attack from Xatu prior, and Stantler isn't OHKOed by any of Kingler's moves unlike the other Pokemon mentioned. However, Kingler's solid physical bulk and incredible power after a Swords Dance make all of these poor checks individually, especially if they are asleep and have to use Sleep Talk.

**Magnemite**: Magnemite isn't 2HKOed by Surf or +2 Return and can OHKO Hidden Power Rock Kingler with Thunder. However, Magnemite is completely trashed by Hidden Power Ground Kingler.

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GP Team done

Kingler is an incredibly dangerous setup threat, being by far the best Pokemon that learns Swords Dance in the tier. Kingler uses its good physical bulk, solid Speed that lets it outrun the likes of Dewgong and Weezing, and strong Water typing to set up and become able to 2HKO or OHKO almost every Pokemon in the tier. Kingler's typing lets it easily set up on Rapidash, Flareon, Ninetales, Dewgong, and Ice Beam Octillery, while its bulk lets stomach hits from common threats like Dugtrio, Fearow, Stantler, Graveler, Hitmonlee, and more in a pinch. Kingler's power after a Swords Dance makes it one of the best Pokemon to punish slower, bulkier teams, as these teams often forgo threats like Xatu and opt to use more passive Pokemon like Dewgong. Kingler is also the single most brutal punish to stall, as it can take advantage of Dewgong and Shuckle to use Swords Dance and then Substitute to avoid Toxic or Hidden Power Rock to directly hit hard and proceed to sweep with Swords Dance. However, Kingler has pitiful Special Defense, leaving it at least 2HKOed by every Thunder user, Xatu, Hidden Power Electric variants of Octillery, and Magmar. Kingler also sits at a somewhat awkward Speed tier, being outsped by every common fast offensive threat, meaning taking several hits while attempting to break is nearly unavoidable. As a result, Kingler struggles significantly more against fast-paced Xatu Spikes teams. Kingler can also struggle heavily with breaking through Curse users like Wigglytuff and Porygon without setup prior to their entry.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Ground
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return / Body Slam
move 3: Hidden Power Ground
move 4: Substitute / Protect
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Dance is Kingler's best option to make it as dangerous as possible and is necessary to make it a real threat. Return is an extremely consistent attacking option and reaches a 2HKO against most Pokemon at +2. Body Slam can be used instead to attempt to spread paralysis before committing to a Swords Dance, allowing it to potentially cripple Xatu and KO it without taking a hit, though it is even weaker than Return, potentially eliminating the ability to OHKO threats that are significantly chipped. Body Slam paralysis is also highly unreliable for a Pokemon that doesn't doesn't get many chances to gain entry without harm, making it even riskier. Hidden Power Ground perfectly complements compliments Kingler's choice of Normal-type attack, as after a Swords Dance, it 2HKOes Weezing, OHKOes Magnemite, and deals massive damage to Sudowoodo, Graveler, and Pupitar. +2 Hidden Power Ground also blasts Fire-types, OHKOing Magmar and Flareon, having odds to OHKO Rapidash, and being able to do upwards of 95% to Ninetales. Kingler's final moveslot goes towards a utility move, since Normal and Ground have perfect coverage. Substitute can take advantage of paralysis spread by teammates like Gloom and Porygon, lets Kingler fish for Thunder misses from Weezing, gives Kingler additional free turns when Sleep Talk calls Rest or a weak move that can't break Kingler's Substitute like Stantler's Earthquake, and prevents status from the likes of Porygon, Pineco, Persian, Gloom, and Shuckle. Protect, meanwhile, grants Kingler the ability to gain extra Leftovers recovery in one-on-one confrontations, often against Pokemon like Fearow and Stantler, letting it potentially fire off one additional boosted hit. Protect also allows Kingler to safely trade with Xatu, bringing it barely out of range for a 2HKO from Hidden Power Electric, though it still leaves Kingler at extremely low health. A primary benefit of both Substitute and Protect is that they can prevent Kingler from taking an Explosion or Self-Destruct with good prediction, which not only keeps Kingler alive and healthy but also means the opponent sacrificed a Pokemon for nothing. Additionally, Substitute blocks Giga Drain in Generation 2, making Kingler functionally immune to most common Pineco sets, as Hidden Power Grass is extremely rare.

Team Options

Weezing makes for a great pairing with Kingler, handling Primeape and being able to use Explosion on Xatu and other Weezing. Gloom similarly answers Primeape, and though it is generally walled by Xatu like Kingler is, it can paralyze Xatu with Stun Spore to set the stage for a Kingler sweep. Gloom can also paralyze various other targets like Stantler, Weezing, Fearow, and Pineco for Kingler. Pineco can set Spikes to chip down enemies for Kingler and then use Explosion to eliminate an enemy Pokemon, and it can punish Primeape and Stantler in the short-term. Graveler has Rapid Spin to remove Spikes and keep Kingler at full health, and it also has Explosion. Graveler standing in the way of Pineco can also prevent Pineco from safely trading itself to eliminate Kingler's Substitute later in the game when at high health. Porygon can switch into Xatu if healthy and paralyze opposing Pokemon, often Primeape and Pineco, with Thunder Wave. Primeape has great offensive synergy with Kingler, luring in and wearing down Weezing, Pineco, and Xatu (no comma) while also effectively handling potential threats like Porygon and Stantler. Ninetales and Rapidash are effective answers to Xatu, Weezing, and potentially Primeape, and they also prevent Magmar from revenge killing Primeape. Other answers to Xatu like Dewgong or even Houndour with its capability to Pursuit trap Xatu can pair well with Kingler, too. Wigglytuff, similarly to Porygon, can answer Xatu and spread paralysis, though it's much less consistent, since it lacks Recover and uses Body Slam for paralysis rather than Thunder Wave.

name: Swords Dance + Hidden Power Rock
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Return
move 3: Hidden Power Rock
move 4: Surf / Substitute
item: Leftovers

Set Description

Swords Dance Danger (?) is essential to make Kingler a serious threat. Return is the best all-around neutral attacking option, 2HKOing most targets after a boost. Hidden Power Rock is Kingler's best option to turn the tables on Xatu, being favored to OHKO Xatu at +2 while leaving Kingler at over half health to fire off another attack, potentially allowing Kingler to win the game immediately. Hidden Power Rock additionally OHKOes Magmar and Flareon, is favored to OHKO Fearow, has a decent chance to OHKO Rapidash, and does massive damage to Pidgeot, Pineco, Ninetales, and Dewgong. Hidden Power Rock also allows Kingler to easily break through Shuckle even after it uses Defense Curl. Since Normal + Rock coverage leaves Kingler walled by Rock-types like Sudowoodo, Surf is the most common choice in the final slot. Kingler can outspeed and 2HKO Sudowoodo and OHKO Graveler and Pupitar with Surf, clearing the way for Kingler to use its Normal-type attack unimpeded. Substitute can be used instead to block status and Explosion, giving Kingler an essentially free win against stall, but it means Kingler cannot break through Rock-types itself and is reliant on team support.

Team Options

Hidden Power Rock Kingler makes for a great choice alongside Pokemon that may want Xatu removed from the game, as Kingler naturally baits in Xatu and can surprise it with an OHKO from +2 Hidden Power Rock. Gloom is a prime partner, and it also covers Primeape for Kingler and can spread paralysis with Stun Spore, even potentially paralyzing Xatu so that Kingler does not even have to take a hit before removing Xatu. Weezing similarly appreciates Xatu's absence, as even though it often runs Thunder to hit it, Xatu is still an annoyance. Weezing can check Primeape, trade against other Weezing for Kingler, and use Explosion to break holes and remove threats. Weezing can also take advantage of Kingler luring in and removing Xatu to instead run a potent set otherwise walled by it such as Curse + RestTalk. Pineco can lay down Spikes to push targets like opposing Pineco into OHKO range for Kingler or put keep a chipped Pokemon barely healthy enough to live a +2 Return or Body Slam into range (<-this looks like a typo?). Spikes also makes it more likely for Kingler to 2HKO Magnemite with +2 Return, which can turn the tides in Kingler's favor against an asleep Magnemite. Porygon can switch into Xatu and Dewgong when healthy before Kingler is ready to reveal itself and use Swords Dance. Porygon can then paralyze foes, notably Primeape, with Thunder Wave. Since Hidden Power Rock Kingler struggles more against Weezing without a safe option to 2HKO full health Weezing, Kingler appreciates partners that can wear down or wall Weezing. Primeape and Hitmonlee both easily bait in and force damage on Weezing, and they both appreciate Kingler's Xatu-removing capabilities. Ninetales and Rapidash are strong options to defensively handle Weezing long-term, with Ninetales providing more support and Rapidash providing more offense. Both can also handle Primeape to a degree.

Other Options

Surf can be used over Hidden Power Ground to let Kingler OHKO Graveler and Pupitar and 2HKO Sudowoodo without having to use Swords Dance prior, which is especially notable because +2 Hidden Power Ground never OHKOes Graveler even after Spikes. Forgoing Hidden Power Ground also increases Kingler's DVs, making it slightly bulkier and stronger and increasing the chances to beat Xatu when at full health. However, without Hidden Power Ground, Kingler is unable to 2HKO a full health (no hyphen) Weezing, and it can only 3HKO Magnemite. Amnesia can be used on Kingler to weaken Thunders Thunder and attacks from Xatu and Octillery to gain easier setup opportunities or make revenge killing Kingler more difficult. However, it costs a valuable coverage move or utility option like Protect, and it often still loses to threats like Xatu due to needing another turn to set up. Double-Edge can be used instead of or alongside Return or Body Slam to provide a more powerful hit, and while it doesn't take any 2HKOs that Return can't, it can be valuable for taking KOs from foes at higher health percentages, though it comes with recoil and costs a moveslot. RestTalk can be used with Swords Dance and Return, Double-Edge, or Body Slam to give Kingler surprise factor with the ability to heal when being pressured by Fearow and Stantler, and it makes Kingler a solid long-term check to Dewgong, Flareon, Rapidash, Dugtrio, and Ninetales if needed. However, it means Kingler has serious coverage issues, is still beaten easily by Xatu, and suffers from severe competition with other mono-Normal setup sweepers like Wigglytuff and Porygon. Hyper Beam can be used over Substitute or Protect on Hidden Power Ground Kingler to give it the option to OHKO neutral threats like Xatu and Stantler when Kingler is at +2 and paralyzed or at low health. However, the recharge turn means Kingler is committing to be sacrificed, Kingler can be defeated before it uses Hyper Beam, and Hyper Beam can miss.

Checks and Counters

**Xatu**: Xatu counters Hidden Power Ground Kingler if awake, outspeeding and 2HKOing with Psychic or Hidden Power Electric while avoiding an OHKO. However, if asleep, Xatu has a 1/3 chance to lose to Kingler by calling Rest from Sleep Talk, increased to 2/3 if it's using Hidden Power Ice instead of Hidden Power Electric. Additionally, Xatu is OHKOed by a +2 Hidden Power Rock.

**Primeape**: Primeape is faster than Kingler, can 2HKO with Thunder, and isn't OHKOed from full health by Return or Double-Edge. However, Thunder's (apostrophe+s) accuracy can allow Kingler to beat Primeape, and the matchup is made even worse if Kingler used Substitute or if Primeape is asleep.

**Persian**: Persian outspeeds Kingler and can put it to sleep with Hypnosis or, if running it, deal heavy damage with Thunder. Double-Edge can reliably break Kingler's Substitute without lowering Persian into KO range of +2 Return. However, Persian is often not at high health, since it usually functions as a highly aggressive lead, and Hypnosis and Thunder both have shaky accuracy.

**Pidgeot**: Pidgeot is faster than Kingler and can use Reflect to turn +2 Return from a 2HKO into a 4HKO, and then Pidgeot can 3HKO Kingler with Double-Edge. However, this is highly unreliable if Pidgeot is sleeping, and +2 Hidden Power Rock is still a 3HKO with Reflect up. Kingler can also predict Pidgeot using Reflect and use Swords Dance a second time, turning Hidden Power Rock into a 2HKO. Furthermore, Substitute takes greater advantage of a sleeping Pidgeot and burns Reflect turns.

**Weezing**: Weezing barely avoids a 2HKO from +2 Return at full health and does massive damage with Thunder. +2 Double-Edge can 2HKO Weezing, but the recoil will knock Kingler into KO range from Thunder. However, Weezing is slower than Kingler, Thunder has poor accuracy, and +2 Hidden Power Ground is an easy 2HKO. Substitute also allows Kingler to repeatedly fish for Thunder misses to easily win the matchup, and it blocks Weezing from safely using Explosion to trade with Kingler.

**Gloom**: Gloom can use Stun Spore or Sleep Powder to shut down Kingler. The threat of Razor Leaf or Hidden Power Grass also prevents Kingler from safely using Substitute to prevent status, as both moves 2HKO and repeated use of Substitute can lower Kingler into KO range. However, Gloom is still ultimately unfavored, as Gloom is slower, Stun Spore and Sleep Powder have unreliable accuracy, and the Gloom trainer has to guess right between using status or attacking if Kingler has Substitute. Some Glooms also don't use a Grass-type attack at all.

**Faster Attackers attackers**: Faster attackers like Stantler, Fearow, Magmar, Dugtrio, and Hitmonlee all pressure Kingler and can revenge kill it from lower health. Magmar and Stantler are especially notable, as Magmar can revenge kill Kingler with Thunder Punch or Hidden Power Grass if it takes a Thunder or an attack from Xatu prior, and Stantler isn't OHKOed by any of Kingler's moves unlike the other Pokemon mentioned. However, Kingler's solid physical bulk and incredible power after a Swords Dance make all of these poor checks individually, especially if they are asleep and have to use Sleep Talk.

**Magnemite**: Magnemite isn't 2HKOed by Surf or +2 Return and can OHKO Hidden Power Rock Kingler with Thunder. However, Magnemite is completely trashed by Hidden Power Ground Kingler.

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