OU Great Tusk


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Great Tusk @ Leftovers / Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Headlong Rush
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin

This ancient paradox Pokemon is charging into the OU metagame at full force! Great Tusk is a fantastic offensive Rapid Spin user thanks to its good matchup against Ting-Lu and Garganacl. Headlong Rush and Close Combat's high Base Power and great coverage makes it tough for defensive Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Toxapex to switch in safely. Knock Off and Rapid Spin have great synergy together since Knock Off prevents Great Tusk from being blocked by Air Balloon Gholdengo. Knock Off also removes Leftovers and Rocky Helmet from switch-ins such as Dondozo, Hatterene, and Corviknight. While Great Tusk prefers to run Leftovers for added longevity, it can make great use of Booster Energy for an Attack boost, giving Great Tusk sweeping potential after a Rapid Spin. Tera Fighting lets Great Tusk better check Chien-Pao and 2HKO Corviknight with Close Combat.
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This ancient paradox form of Donphan is charging into the OU metagame at full force!

Great Tusk @ Leftovers / Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Headlong Rush
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin

Donphan Great Tusk is one of the best Rapid Spin users thanks to it fantastic matchup against entry hazard setters such as Garganacl, Glimmora, and Ting-Lu. Reword this to something short and sweet about Great Tusk's role as an offensive spinner. Headlong Rush and Close Combat's high base power and great coverage makes it tough for defensive Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Toxapex to switch in safely. Knock Off and Rapid Spin have great synergy together since it prevents Great Tusk from being spinblocked by Air Balloon Gholdengo Talk here about valuable use of Knock Off removing items and Dragapult Dragapult doesn't want to switch in. While Great Tusk prefers to run Leftovers for added longevity, it can make great use of Booster Energy for a one time boost an attack boost, which can have sweeping potential after a Rapid Spin. Tera Fighting lets Great Tusk better check Chien-Pao and 2HKO Corviknight with Close Combat. Choice Scarf Gholdengo is a fantastic partner since its Speed and good defensive typing lets it take Iron Valiant and revege kill Dragapult. Great Tusk, in exchange, can take on Kingambit and Cinderace. This isn't an analysis, its a spotlight on Great Tusk.

Will give another look once implemented
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This ancient paradox form of Donphan is charging into the OU metagame at full force!

Great Tusk @ Leftovers / Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Headlong Rush
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin

Donphan Great Tusk is one of the best Rapid Spin users thanks to it fantastic matchup against entry hazard setters such as Garganacl, Glimmora, and Ting-Lu. Reword this to something short and sweet about Great Tusk's role as an offensive spinner. Headlong Rush and Close Combat's high base power and great coverage makes it tough for defensive Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Toxapex to switch in safely. Knock Off and Rapid Spin have great synergy together since it prevents Great Tusk from being spinblocked by Air Balloon Gholdengo Talk here about valuable use of Knock Off removing items and Dragapult Dragapult doesn't want to switch in. While Great Tusk prefers to run Leftovers for added longevity, it can make great use of Booster Energy for a one time boost an attack boost, which can have sweeping potential after a Rapid Spin. Tera Fighting lets Great Tusk better check Chien-Pao and 2HKO Corviknight with Close Combat. Choice Scarf Gholdengo is a fantastic partner since its Speed and good defensive typing lets it take Iron Valiant and revege kill Dragapult. Great Tusk, in exchange, can take on Kingambit and Cinderace. This isn't an analysis, its a spotlight on Great Tusk.

Will give another look once implemented
implemented. you can take another look
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This ancient paradox form of Donphan is charging into the OU metagame at full force!

Great Tusk @ Leftovers / Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Headlong Rush
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin

This ancient paradox Pokemon is charging into the OU metagame at full force! Great Tusk is a fantastic offensive Rapid Spin user thanks to it's good matchup against Ting-Lu and Garganacl. Headlong Rush and Close Combat's high base power and great coverage makes it tough for defensive Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Toxapex to switch in safely. Knock Off and Rapid Spin have great synergy together since it prevents Great Tusk from being blocked by Air Balloon Gholdengo. Knock Off also removes Leftovers and Rocky Helmet from switch-ins such as Dondozo, Hatterene, and Corviknight. While Great Tusk prefers to run Leftovers for added longevity, it can make great use of Booster Energy for an Attack boost, which can have sweeping potential after a Rapid Spin. Tera Fighting lets Great Tusk better check Chien-Pao and 2HKO Corviknight with Close Combat.

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Great Tusk @ Leftovers / Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Headlong Rush
- Close Combat
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin

This ancient paradox form of Donphan is charging into the OU metagame at full force! Great Tusk is a fantastic offensive Rapid Spin user thanks to its (removed apostrophe) good matchup against Ting-Lu and Garganacl. Headlong Rush and Close Combat's high Base Power base power and great coverage makes it tough for defensive Pokemon such as Rotom-W and Toxapex to switch in safely. Knock Off and Rapid Spin have great synergy together since Knock Off it prevents Great Tusk from being blocked by Air Balloon Gholdengo. Knock Off also removes Leftovers and Rocky Helmet from switch-ins such as Dondozo, Hatterene, and Corviknight. While Great Tusk prefers to run Leftovers for added longevity, it can make great use of Booster Energy for an Attack boost, giving Great Tusk which can have sweeping potential after a Rapid Spin. Tera Fighting lets Great Tusk better check Chien-Pao and 2HKO Corviknight with Close Combat.

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